Chapter 788 Evil Spirits From Another World (One more update!)

In a deep place beyond the reach of all things, the evil spirit Freed inhabits the coffin to which it is attached.

Here is a dead place like the Underplane, where maddening and deadly death stirs.

Here, apart from evil spirits like Freed, there are all kinds of evil and weirdness that are difficult to see in the material world.

From a macro perspective, it is the boundary where darkness and filth settle in this world.

Freed's evil consciousness could no longer remember how long it had not tasted fresh flesh and blood.

Evil spirits do not need to ingest material and nutrients like living creatures in order to survive.

Their desire for flesh and blood is more to make up for and fill the bloodthirsty thirst that will never be satisfied in the surging mad evil soul.

This is a common characteristic of life in the lower planes, and is also regarded by mortals as a curse of rebellion and rejection of death.

Not all evil spirits have a relatively clear consciousness.

In this dead and dark place, it is difficult for any sane creature to maintain reason for a long time.

What's more, it's these crazy things that have already been spurned by life.

Freed also couldn't remember how many years after he became an evil spirit, he gradually became spiritual.

Or not wise:
It luckily devoured the remains of some intelligent life.

From those broken and fragmented souls, Freed gradually gave birth to the current dark soul.

The shattered memories of the bright world that is so far away from this dark world seem to have no connection or function with it at the moment.

And the truth is:
With such a shattered mind, Freed quickly became the most powerful evil spirit in this dark area.

It devours and banishes other evil spirits in the area, and enjoys alone the unforeseen lost wreckage that has fallen from the material world.

After becoming stronger and stronger, some new desires began to be born in Freed's evil consciousness:
It began to yearn for the world full of light in the broken memory.

It is more in line with the cold desire of evil spirits...

So, it began to trace and search continuously.

Hundreds of years ago, Freed resolutely chose to leave his territory.

In the process, Freed unexpectedly discovered that this cold and dead place is not as "barren" as it once thought.

In the distant land outside the territory, Freed encountered some unexpected situations.

It begins to understand the true workings of the world, the vastness and diversity that can be called infinity.

The splendor and brilliance contained in it made Fried feel flinched instead.

So, it returned to its own territory.

until today……

In deep sleep, Freed suddenly opened his eyes.

The life-like movement of flesh and blood is the influence of those broken memories on it.

A call from another world?

In Fried's icy eyes, some lively doubts emerged.

It also received occasional calls in the long years before that.

But Fred never refused.

It is not those evil spirits who have never seen the world, knowing that the bright world is not a fairy tale world of evil spirits full of pastries.

But this world...

Freed silently sensed the message from that call.

A weak world gradually waking up from a long slumber?
What he had seen and heard surged through Friede's dark consciousness.

A great temptation, an irresistible desire, stirred in its icy soul.

Just like a mortal who has kept restraint in front of the gambling situation multiple times, he is once again faced with a bigger gambling situation.

The winning rate of the cards is even greater, and the benefits of winning can be called huge benefits that can change fate...

Sensing the call that gradually became weaker with the passage of time, some urgency gradually emerged in Freed's dark consciousness.

It decided to take a gamble...

And in the remains of the mortal things that were once swallowed, the gray memories surged:

"...Life is a gamble..."



"Appear! A cruel evil spirit from another world!"

Aliobi's frantic call seemed so abrupt in this silent field.

At this time, Aliobi forgot all his worries about the invisible light curtain in front of him and the border guards on the opposite side.

He has never felt the icy cold power that is ready to burst out like he is now!
It seemed to indicate another very different life, and it also corresponded to the power he had been thinking about all along!

And under Alyobi's roar, the blood that was supposed to be dried began to squirm like a living thing.

A feeling of horror like the cold scales of a cold-blooded animal rubbing against the body surface appeared in Aliobi's heart.

Under the instinctive trembling and extreme excitement, Aliobi's body couldn't help shaking.

He has even begun to think about how to obtain more "suitable" materials for sacrifices after that.

In this world, not all places are in a sufficiently peaceful state.

In the land dominated by disasters brought about by human desires, everything has a price...

And the squirming blood gradually gathered together on the ground, and it actually formed a ferocious face exuding an indescribably ferocious aura!
"I succeeded! Hahahaha..."

Seeing this, Aliobi couldn't help laughing wildly.

He is not in the habit of talking to himself.

But this sudden ecstasy always needs some external expression to vent.

Because it often corresponds to more difficult or bitter memories that individuals consider themselves.

Perhaps it is not so precise: after a long period of "difficulty" and finally succeeded, the first time it came to his mind, perhaps more of those memories that he had summoned up courage and could not bear to look back...

And at this moment, Aliobi suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

He lowered his head subconsciously, and then saw the vivid human face on his chest.

In the next moment, Aliobi felt his consciousness gradually blurred.

Just before he lost consciousness, Aliobi vaguely saw a strange oriental man running out of nowhere.

He looked at himself, as if to say something.

Aliobi couldn't hear the truth, but thinking about it, it probably wasn't a good word...

"Idiot! You recruit evil spirits, you only learn how to recruit but not how to control them? Extraordinary self-destruct soldiers?"

Holding the newly-purchased long knife that had been "consecrated" after some effort, Tong Bing jumped up from the bushes!

He threw himself at Alyobi who was twitching non-stop, and cursed together with the kid.

Under the hot and humid light in the border jungle, there was no fear or panic in Tong Bing's eyes.

Isn't it just for this kind of moment that he practiced his knife hard?
That kind of searching all over the world without ghosts is no more decadent than the feeling of underappreciated talents who have been single for decades and have not yet found the person they love.


Tong Bing yelled violently, and then slashed at Alyobi, who was probably not even a human being in front of him!

On the other side, the big witch returned to Liucheng...

(End of this chapter)

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