Chapter 745 Banquet of the Hanesri (a new update!)

In the endless brilliance, the earth trembled like waves...

Under the influence of the rules of purgatory, the mountains that had already shown a certain black-red color were completely cracked and shattered.

The rocks and soils that danced like waves above the sky were completely purified in the ray of light.

In the situation where the power of purgatory cannot directly act and interfere, this direct and rough purification method can instead change this area more quickly.

Of course, the loss and permanent changes of some original geographical features are also quite normal things...

And when Yi Xia was carrying out small and medium-sized renovation projects in the corrupted area as scheduled, he suddenly received a message from the Hanesri camp itself in his sea of ​​consciousness surrounded by endless flames:

"Comprehensive Network Reminder: You have a new faction emergency message, do you want to check it?"

Yi Xia could not help but stop waving Wu Ban's arm.

Afterwards, Yi Xia used his consciousness to look up the message that was highlighted with urgency.

Not long after, Yi Xia shook his head slightly, while slowly raising the Wu Banner.

The content of the message is very simple. After excluding those euphemistic concepts that probably gathered enough words related to the Hanesri people, the central meaning is to ask Yi Xia to suspend the purification project in the area.

In fact, judging from Yi Xia's experience, the degree of integration in this area can only be said to be barely.

He has the method of moving mountains, and when it comes to the veins related to the axis of the material world similar to the veins of the earth, he can mobilize more gently than before.

Although in the face of overall fluctuations, it will inevitably be affected by some shocks.

But just like the preface - judging from Yi Xia's rich experience in this area, this shock is really nothing.

However, the people of Hanesri, who have not experienced these, obviously don't think so.

Yi Xia can also understand this.

Faced with a situation that exceeds the limit of the knowledge field but is related to his own survival - Cao Cao's handling of Hua Tuo is the most common way to open it...

Yi Xia glanced regretfully at the land below that had not yet returned to calm.

Under the radiance that was already full of burning pain, the flood that originally gushed over the shattered earth turned into continuous clouds.

It no longer has the power of disaster and the breath of purgatory mixed in it, but has been endowed with more or less positive energy.

And due to the turbulent airflow from above the earth, these clouds are engulfed and headed to more distant areas.

It may bring more abundant rainfall in those areas.

And because the overall surface material rules of this purgatory corruption area have been seriously violated.

Now, even though Yi Xia had canceled the effect of the legendary refining of Sanyang decoction, it was not dominated by darkness again.

It can be regarded as barely cured of some "marks"...

Yi Xia looked away while thinking.

For this kind of situation, Yi Xia is not very keen on the "long-term consideration" approach.

Of course, this is the hometown of the Hanesri after all, and some factors such as the plot of the homeland also exist objectively.

Life of flesh and blood will not always tend to the so-called optimal cold rationality...



Somewhere in Hannesri's First War Zone

"Your Excellency Yi Xia, this is our Hannesi's traditional delicacy..."

The general named Lei Lacha enthusiastically introduced a table full of rich food to Yi Xia.

The food style of the Hanesri people, just like their usual temperament, has a strong rough and violent style.

They are not keen on food combinations that are too complex in taste, but focus on single foods with large pieces and distinctive flavors.

What Leila introduced to Yi Xia just now is a kind of meat-like jerky food that is simply smoked and processed.

Generally speaking, after finishing hunting, Yi Xia would not stay in the relevant plane for longer.

But this world undoubtedly gave Yi Xia a lot of novel experiences.

Therefore, after he was about to leave but received a banquet invitation from the Hanesri camp, Yi Xia pondered for a while, and then prepared to go and have a look.

It is probably because the food is mostly chunks of meat and other dry crop products, and vegetables and fruits are basically not processed too deeply.

Therefore, the Hanesri do not have a uniform style of tableware.

In other words, for them themselves, getting started directly is a more daily way of eating.

On the other hand, at relatively more "delicate" banquets, there are mixed "dining knives" that are powerful enough to cut off the leg bones of beasts and pierce dried meat.

Do as the locals do.

Yi Xia inserted a piece of the food the other party said from the table knife and tasted a piece of it.

Really unique flavor...

There is no fishy taste of dried meat that Yi Xia expected, but under the full and layered taste of high-quality meat food, it is a kind of spice flavor that Yi Xia is unfamiliar with.

In this regard, Yi Xia did not insist on expressing his requirements for such subtle aspects as kitchen utensils.

For a foreign civilization that showed enough kindness to him, Yi Xia would naturally respect their traditional civilization.

In addition to the military chief of Hanesri's first war zone, other government officials who rushed over temporarily attended the banquet.

Some of them are of pure Hannesry human bloodline, but there are also alien races that look like orcs.

Of course, judging from the behavior of everyone at the banquet, the crisis brought about by purgatory allowed these bloodlines and even races with different civilizations to temporarily complete a certain degree of unity and integration.

"Your body is the most stalwart I have ever seen—the ancient gods recorded in our legends probably look like this."

"I can't help being a little curious, and I want to ask you a question that might make you laugh: How much food do you need to eat to be full?"

While drinking and drinking, someone picked up the wine glass, looked at Yi Xia and asked.

The banquet of the Hanesri people was very lively, even with Yi Xia, an extraordinary guest, everyone was talking freely.

However, when they saw someone asking Yi Xia a question, everyone still lowered their discussion voices in unison.

"Have you eaten?"

Yi Xia took a sip, and it looked like a piece of meat the size of a human head that had been grilled.

Then he put down the wide bone with clear tooth marks, pondered for a while, and Yi Xia shook his head:
"I seldom eat that kind of food now, and generally the staple food can only be soup."

"Drink soup?"

Yi Xia's answer obviously made people somewhat puzzled.

Probably due to habit, the other party didn't have too much restraint, but drank the wine in the glass towards Yi Xia, and said with a light smile:

"Is it a soup made from a monster like a dragon?"

Yi Xia nodded, and then added:

"The taste of the dragon is also good."

This probably attracted the attention of many Hanesri people. Obviously, their preferences for giant dragons overlap greatly with Yi Xia's.

Probably this kind of unruly and powerful life is the top prey that Hanesri people are keen on.

Therefore, from this point of view, the number of giant dragons in this world should be quite limited.

So, after a heated discussion, someone continued to extend the previous topic:

"Your Excellency Yi Xia, have you hunted many dragons?"

Yi Xia thought for a while:
"Actually, it's not too much. It's just enough to survive one or two pots of soup."

At this time, it seems that someone finally heard something wrong:

"How many ingredients do you need to cook a pot of soup?"

"I haven't thought about it - find a land with a lot of dragons, catch all the evil dragons there, and you can almost cook a pot of soup..."

Yi Xia said so.

(End of this chapter)

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