Chapter 547 Blood of the Demon God - Da Huan (One more update!)

As far as spirits are concerned, their positioning in the extraordinary civilization of the oriental lineage is quite delicate.

In many literary works, there are many figures of this kind of life.

And in many cases, they are often given the name of harmlessness and innocence.

But as far as the formulas of various mysterious pills and elixir are concerned, the existence of this kind of life is also inevitable, but no emphasis has been placed on them.

From a certain point of view, it can refer to the related derivation of deer in mortal literature to a certain extent.

Not too many people will abandon the steaming pot of venison in front of them because of the related image created by literature, as if the two are separated.

But sometimes people are also divided and contradictory.

Especially for individuals other than yourself, the requirements often need to become much more stringent.

Dahuan stood on the rock and scratched his head anxiously.

Of course he doesn't understand these things.

If someone else told him about it, he would probably only get a "messy" comment.

How can a creature born in the mountains care about these things?

He does not cultivate the true spirit, but only relies on his blood to act.

All the way so far, sometimes I secretly get lucky.

Some people hate him for searching for mountain spirits, thinking that he is greedy but not satisfied.

Dahuan didn't care.

He was born to do it.

For example, a wolf hunts in the mountains and fields, but only for food.

He also does not seek the afterlife or eternity, but only for the sake of his brothers to be whole now.

His brothers were also born in the mountains, and their appearance was different from ordinary people, so they were feared by outsiders.

All of them had their stomachs upturned, and their stomachs would be rumbling within a short time after eating an ordinary meal.

People in the mountains say that maybe the demon god died in the mountains back then.

Although there is no successor soul, it has continued.

Creatures like them are influenced by that vein.

It's a pity that things are changing at any time now, and the situation is not as good as before.

Creatures like him are rarely reused.

Maybe if you give up your face, you can go to the fairy palace or temple to ask for an errand to be summoned.

But Dahuan's knees are straight and he can't eat like this.

Fortunately, luckily, he walked through the mountains and fields until today.

Just when Dahuan was anxious, his spiritual voice suddenly appeared, and he brought a jade note.

Da Huan opened the jade paper, only to see some kind of obscure magic power inside.

Da Huan didn't hesitate, and directly inspired the mana in it.

In the next moment, he felt that the time around him was reversed and everything was upside down.

Before his eyes recovered, Da Huan saw a person standing in front of him, presumably he was the buyer that the brother mentioned.

The other party doesn't look tall, but it makes people feel like a towering mountain in a trance.

Vaguely, Da Huan even smelled a ferocious blood that was so strong that he had never experienced it before.

Da Huan's eyes suddenly sank.

There seems to be something wrong with this buyer...



Yi Xia was quite surprised to see the tall and tall existence in front of him, who seemed to have some giant blood.

Yi Xia originally thought that the existence of hunting spirits like this should be a more restrained existence, as mysterious as a wanderer.

But this seems to be "hate the ground without a handle, hate the sky without a ring", it seems that the style of painting is quite subtle.

After all, based on Yi Xia's own personal experience.

Someone like him, if it wasn't for the other party's stupidity, would be hard to find.

After all, it is "one's own territory", so it is not good to act presumptuously.

The other party is the seller of the hunting spirits that Asulon said.

Gu Fu specially found a hidden place to facilitate the transaction between the two parties.

Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless flames froze slightly, and then nodded towards the other party.

Although the temperament is somewhat inconsistent with Yi Xia's expectations for the seller.

But obviously, the other party must have its means.

Yi Xia didn't pay much attention to this.

It was difficult to find mountain spirits, and hunting by himself was too inefficient, and he didn't have the energy and time to go hunting.

If the gap is too big, you can consider to see if you can play the title effect of the best friend of Xialong Palace...

"Dare to ask, but Yi Xia in person?"

After the two sides looked at each other for a while, the other party looked at Yi Xia and asked cautiously.

Yi Xia nodded.

"I'm Dahuan, it's polite here."

Da Huan cupped his hands towards Yi Xia.

This is a common etiquette practiced by people outside the mountains, and he also learned this kind of etiquette.

As for whether the occasion is suitable or not, there is no need to worry about it, as long as it can be used.

The two exchanged for a while, and the atmosphere relaxed a little.

Although Yi Xia's overly strong "smell of blood" made him a little hairy.

Fortunately, his spiritual sense has not fluctuated too violently so far.

This proves that at least for the time being, the other party has not developed any malice towards him.

From Da Huan's point of view, it is really hard to say whether such an existence with such an aura will have any malicious thoughts about him.

Speaking of which, an existence like Alonso also recognizes such a character...

For a moment, Da Huan felt a little dazed about the image of Alonso in his memory.

Fortunately, the next transaction did not cause any disturbances.

Da Huan Luo listed his current inventory.

As for the demand for transactions, Da Huan said that he would not accept local spiritual power crystal currency.

If there is a currency that is used by the relevant super-large forces in the surrounding area, it can be considered, but if there are a large number of spirits and monsters, there can be a discount in terms of exchange.

Da Huan's words made Yi Xia understand immediately.

It seems that this person is not a comprehensive online player.

This is Yi Xia's first contact, trading with this kind of exotic native life.

Yi Xia also probably knew something about the cross-plane trading model.

Of course, judging from the other party's current aura, there is a high probability that this guy's trading mode is not the one used by those real cross-plane businessmen.

Non-integrated network units naturally cannot use integrated network disaster coins as conveniently as integrated network players.

In a sense, comprehensive network disaster coins can be regarded as some kind of advantage of comprehensive network players.

Otherwise, it would be rather troublesome to trade between different planes.

Of course, Yi Xia couldn't help but look at the other party a few more times due to the other party's related transaction needs.

A large number of sprites, demon flesh and blood?
Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless flames suddenly became a little brighter.

Through the crystal barrier of the material, imperceptibly, the ferocious phantom of the roe owl sized up Dahuan with great interest.

But soon, he continued to lie down lazily.

As for the existence of non-food, the phantom of the protoss that corresponds to Yi Xia's appetite and greed, he didn't have much interest in it.

Yi Xia grinned, showing sharp white teeth, and smiled at Da Huan:
"Just use flesh and blood, I have a lot of that stuff in reserve."

Yi Xia's sudden smile made Da Huan feel a little nervous.

He held back some strong emotions mixed with fear in his heart, and added with difficulty:
"...I don't want people."

"Of course, if you eat people, our communication will not be like this."

Yi Xia's words calmed down Dahuan's mood.

But soon, he thought of a new question:

What is the other party doing with so much flesh and blood...

(End of this chapter)

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