Chapter 534 Pablo Sheen Opens the Browser (Two Updates!)

This time, Yi Xia unexpectedly did not receive a call from Cang Zhong.

In fact, he had already asked Dou Bing to fetch the phone and put it beside him.

Yi Xia glanced at the phone on the other side, feeling as if he had been pigeonholed, or not?

Shaking his head, Yi Xia focused on absorbing the gathering calamity.

In a sense, the power that Fei holds can make him an all-round auspicious sign in all aspects.

If it can be urged, it can naturally be resolved.

Of course, if his nature was like this, Fei probably wouldn't have developed such a concept.

Disasters to it, perhaps more than the joy of all things.

As for the weeping and struggling of all things in disaster?
Fei doesn't care...

It should have been such a beast.

Just like Yi Xia, he doesn't care about those evil beings howling under the witch fire.

On some levels, the ferocity and ferocity corresponding to the protoss have been vividly demonstrated.

Only, the difference from the beast is:

It has its limits...

The gathered water vegetative energy was much larger than Yi Xia's original expectation.

It is scattered all over the country, thick and light.

Intertwined here at this moment, there is also a majestic atmosphere.

Vaguely, Yi Xia probably had some understanding.

He seemed to understand that in Fei's relevant advanced information, some explanations about how disasters would end after Fei's protoss power reached level 5.

big flood?
Yi Xia looked at the endless fire-filled eyes, intertwined with such a dark and calamity sky.

Non-comprehensive network reminder: +1 for today's Mieshi little knowledge.

When the time comes, Fei will break through level 5, find a plane of the evil camp to try...

Yi Xia thought so.

In this way, Yi Xia didn't stop until the sun set to the west.

It is impossible to devour it cleanly.

It's like pumping a pond that leads directly to groundwater. Even if it is temporarily drained, new growth will soon appear.

Human activities will inevitably bring about changes.

In the midst of changes, disasters are inevitable.

It is a part of the world's operation, and it is not determined by the likes and dislikes of living beings.

Yi Xia only devoured the general and intense part of it.

Overall, it doesn't have too much meaning.

But individually, it's different...

At the same time, in a certain research institute near Liucheng,

"Cangju, the observation stations from all over the country sent a message: Code: ZE-2 The phenomenon of disaster relief has declined..."

Cang Zhong, who was drinking strong tea and flipping through the documents, nodded when he heard the relevant information brought by his assistant.

The astronomical change before this was due to the fact that no relevant and complete observation institutions had been established at that time.

And in this regard, there is also a big gap in official related talents.

Judging from the current research situation: There is still a huge technical deficiency in establishing an observation organization that can ban relevant personnel.

In the short to medium term, it is even difficult to complete theoretical modeling.

Cangzhong was not surprised by this.

What they are facing now is an unfamiliar field that deviates greatly from the current technological system.

Or maybe not so strange?
Among the huge and complicated words, there should be some wisdom left over from ancient times.

But there are also difficulties:
Probably for the sake of conservation, there is a lot of useless or even wrong information in it.

Compared with the difficulty of starting research from scratch, there is a higher relevant professional threshold to screen and identify the truly valuable information.

However, due to the commercial operation mode of some religions, there is a serious loss of professional talents in this area.

Fortunately, this time they have enough time and confidence...

On the other side, Akira Yuzang, who was eating bread in the highway rest area, looked at the sky that suddenly became clear, his eyes were full of bewilderment.

What about the "ribbon" in the sky?



Naturally, the great witch cannot understand the doubts of all things.

After devouring the calamity of the whole country, Yi Xia went down and explained some trivial matters to Pablo Sheen.

There is no doubt that this exotic feathered soul is loyal to his duty.

Although Yi Xia doesn't have too many demands on him.

He admired the other party's will to be purified despite the distortion, so he gave the other party a test to follow.

But this does not mean that Yi Xia will let him fight with him or treat him as a servant.

It passed through the transformation of the civilization lineage and drank the purest witchcraft.

After it has the ability to adapt to the current civilization, if it wants to leave, Yi Xia will naturally agree.

Pablo Sheehan gladly accepted the order.

Then it expressed to Yi Xia its concerns about the current loose protection and weak strength in the guarded area, but after getting Yi Xia's reply of "don't care".

Pablo Sheen was lost in thought.

Recalling Yi Xia's explanation just now, it probably has a little understanding.

Maybe the trouble Yi Xia mentioned lies in the people who came to visit?

Presumably, with Yi Xia's existence, the people who came to visit were all experts in the same field.

How to handle their visits is obviously a more difficult issue.

Afterwards, Pablo Sheen looked at the square "magic creation" in his hand.

Yi Xia told him: This is called a mobile phone, and it is a tool used in this world to communicate and understand the outside world.

Pablo-Sheen marveled at such exquisite craftsmanship, and there was no such thing in the country it lived in.

However, I heard that mages have a very convenient channel for communication.

At this time, Yi Xia had already left.

He said he went to other worlds to hunt some ingredients.

Pablo Sheen probably knew what Yi Xia was going to do. The existence he was following had a method of expelling evil that exploded far beyond all existences he came into contact with.

Perhaps only such scorching light can dispel the stubborn darkness.

Benevolence lacking fortitude cannot accomplish such a thorough purification.

Pablo Sheen, who had gone through a long and painful experience like hell, thought so.

After adapting for a period of time, it has become accustomed to the calm surroundings.

No more sudden alertness caused by passing cars or pedestrians.

After thinking about it, Pablo Sheen turned on the phone clumsily according to the method Yi Xia showed him.

The state of the spirit body does not impair its actions, but it is afraid of damaging this seemingly fragile thing.

Delicate things are always fragile...

This point, Pablo Sheen had quite a deep feeling.

This may also have something to do with it being a rather strong fighter in the Yuren civilization where it is located.

Of course, it didn't mention this in front of Yi Xia...

In front of that majestic life, mentioning one's own strength seems to have become some kind of pale bragging.

Then under the operation of Pablo Sheen, the screen of the mobile phone brightened directly as Yi Xia showed before.

Pablo Sheen moved closer.

It thought for a while, opened the browser...

The great witch said that most of the known information in this world can be searched on it...

(End of this chapter)

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