Chapter 428 The Redemption of the Fox Man (Two Updates!)
"Comprehensive network reminder: the blood gu has absorbed enough nutrients, and you have obtained a new pale gold worm: blood gu."

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have dealt a devastating blow to the Zahna troll, your reputation in the Zahna troll camp is locked as: deadly enemy, you will be added to the relevant races of the Zahna troll that have racial enemies Inheritance mark."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Warning! Your relationship with the Zahna troll god has deteriorated to the extreme, and you have been included in the god's hostile list. You will be permanently hunted down by all relevant forces including its allies' pantheon! "

"Comprehensive Web Tip (Scarlet Color): Based on your Charisma-related deflection, your killing behavior gives you an additional 3 points of Charisma bonus!"

"Comprehensive network reminder: Your charm-related deflection effect, gain an additional +3 fear effect (slaughter)."

Yi Xia looked at the reminder message that appeared on the retina.

At this moment, he was standing on top of a burning ruin.

The blazing flames illuminated the dark night sky red.

There was an indescribably weird smell in the air.

The number of trolls in this plane somewhat exceeded Yi Xia's expectations.

In particular, their average grades are quite high.

This may be the reason why they can also occupy most of this land with such a primitive social structure and development level.

From the perspective of evil gods, this is indeed an extremely high-quality belief population.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Yi Xia to understand the anger of a certain evil god.

This plane is not too big.

Even if it occupies more than 80% of the effective land in the main material world, it only took Yi Xia a few hours of flying time to determine the area of ​​the comprehensive network battlefield.

It also included the time when Yi Xia harvested the trolls.

Taking efficiency into consideration, Yi Xia didn't clean it up very carefully.

He just carried out a round of bombardment on all the troll gathering places, threw a ball of fire at random, and released blood gu to devour them.

It was a good night.

Yi Xia seemed to have found a little bit of the happiness of harvesting murlocs on a certain island.

Under the premise of the characteristics of the blood Gu and the strategic role of the Wisdom Gu in Yi Xia, Yi Xia's killing income has reached an unprecedented height.

It's a pity that the main troll gathering place has been almost cleaned up.

Yi Xia didn't have much interest in those trolls who were not scattered too closely.

Just like what the voodoo-Gong Yeyin remnant soul said, the blood worm is indeed the worm that best suits Yi Xia's current needs.

Although it is a pale gold quality Gu, its lethality is more suitable for slaughtering weak units.

But its ability to devour the derivatives of living beings has really raised it to a new level.

Just slaughtered a troll from one plane, and condensed a total of 8 pale gold Gu worms.

This efficiency is much faster than going to other dungeons to try their luck.

Of course, this also has something to do with the rich resources of this plane.

Need more firewood...

Yi Xia felt the number of pale gold Gu worms in the Wu Banner and thought so.

However, there is still one thing to do in this plane.

Yi Xia glanced at the burning ruins.

With the fluctuation of his thoughts, the endless flames meandered upwards like a snake, entering his nostrils.

Afterwards, Yi Xia randomly pushed aside a ruin covered by a thick layer of scorched black, like a child digging up an ant's nest.

Under the ruins that still exude a high-temperature atmosphere, there is a cold and rotten prison.

This prison was unexpectedly strong, it withstood the aftermath of Yi Xia's bombardment.

Of course, this is also the reason why Yi Xia took special care of her.

There is not much material under the legend that can resist the bombardment of the Wu Banner mixed with the power of chaos.

Yi Xia looked into the depths of the prison with his eyes filled with endless fire.

Those prisoners who were lucky enough to survive suppressed their fear and curled up at the bottom of the wall, looking at Yi Xia who was looking at them with horrified eyes.

Yi Xia was not interested in the other prisoners.

He pulled back a little and tore open the bottom layer of the cage.

Afterwards, under the divine item of the mission, the human-shaped light spot showing a strong green light was exposed in the air.

It was a young vulpe.

It can be seen that its blood is not ordinary.

Yi Xia felt some divine power from it.

Yi Xia thought for a while, spread out his palms, and placed them in front of the other party.

The surrounding prisoners stared at this scene with complicated emotions.

They dare not show any strong emotions.

The indescribable breath of death around him has already proved what the other party has done.

It's not a benign giant...

The young foxman stared blankly at the "Xiaoshan" that appeared in front of him.

It gritted its teeth and suddenly burst out the strength it had accumulated for a long time.

Suddenly, the vicious spikes that had penetrated deeply into the tailbone burst suddenly.

But the destructive force that burst forth with it was contained by some invisible force.

it's free...

For this, it lost its tail forever.

It's just a way for the trolls to have fun.

They don't care about the vixen's life or death, but they are keen to watch each other struggle to give up their precious tails for freedom and survival.

Enduring the severe pain behind him and the sorrow of losing his tail, the young fox climbed up the "hill" with difficulty.

No one can understand its complicated mood at this moment.

Under the pain of the broken tail, there is a sudden burst of high spirits.

It's out of trouble!
"Hold on, little one."

Just as the fox was struggling to climb up the hill, it suddenly felt light under its feet.

The surroundings were spinning, and with the sound of the violent wind, it saw a huge flame eye that was as bright as a star not far away.

Then, there was a loud noise like thunder.

It crossed the dead and silent ruins, adding a powerful background music to this oppressive night.

The young fox turned his head and looked down.

From the miniature outlined by the continuous ruins, one can vaguely see the shadow of the city of miracles.

Now, it is covered in countless troll corpses and ashes.

In those days deep in the prison, it experienced the suffering brought about by weakness.

That shouldn't be the fate of fox people!
"Your god is an amazing guy..."

Above the sky, the vixen who was being blown dizzy by the strong wind from the clouds heard such a voice.

It couldn't help but froze.


It turns out that God has not abandoned them...

So, is this giant an ally the goddess has found?
The young foxman thought so.

I just don't know what price the goddess paid for this.

The young fox man thought so.

At this time, the long night is over, and the morning light suddenly appears.

Amidst the golden light, the world suddenly became clear.

Through the clouds, the young vulpera was able to look at the land in the distance.

It used to be a place where foxes thrived and was later ruled by trolls.

Now, the countless hideous potholes and cracks are silently telling some horrors.

On the once lush land, there is only devastation left...

However, it is a peaceful destruction...

(End of this chapter)

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