Chapter 283 Brilliant War Achievement Exchange (One more update!)

It snowed a lot.

Through the thick concrete wall, Yi Xia could see a vast expanse of whiteness outside.

Vaguely, Yi Xia could hear laughter and laughter coming from various houses.

This is a happy event in the world.

Yi Xia also chuckled silently, and by the way sucked away the aura of disaster around him.

From the end of the year to the end of the year, and every auspicious snow, it is always necessary to be safe.

At this time, Yi Xia's blood power has improved a lot compared to before.

This is naturally the result of the positive contributions made by many strange beasts.

With the strengthening of blood power, Fei's range of action has become larger.

Although it has not yet reached the "provincial" concept.

But covering the entire Liucheng is no longer a problem.

Countless auras of calamity flew towards the area where Yi Xia was located in the realm where it was difficult for ordinary things to gaze.

If you can observe it from the perspective overlooking the entire city.

You can see the aura of disaster that interweaves vertically and horizontally and forms a continuous stream.

In a mighty way, passing through the streets and alleys of Liucheng.

Following the wind and snow all over the sky, they finally meet at the same origin.

Here, everything is silent.

Of course, there are occasional rustling sounds from being shivered by the cold, which is also what it should be.

It's better than a red dragon crossing the mountain, and half of your life savings will be paid for...

Afterwards, Yi Xia was going to take a look at the exchange store with brilliant military exploits.

He fumbled in the item backpack again, preparing to take a bottle of peppermint witch medicine.

But after thinking about the weather again, it seemed a little inappropriate to drink mint witchcraft.

Chew some Unstable Flame Concentrate?

The daily production is limited, and it is enough to fool Fudou's protoss power, and there is no stock at all.

Boil witch medicine: Fortunately, the ingredients of the soup are still a little short.

Yi Xia casually boiled some flesh and blood, and turned the Wu Ding into a small cup.

Although it is not good for liver and intestines, it can also be used as a special drink in winter.


Yi Xia took a sip of the boiling soup in Wu Ding.

The fiery breath turned into a white dragon in the cramped living room.

As it rises and spreads, it turns into mist.

Feeling the hot soup intertwined with the flesh and blood of alien beasts dipping into his stomach and intestines, Yi Xia squinted his eyes comfortably.

The eyes that were surrounded by endless flames also seemed to stretch a lot.


Afterwards, Yi Xia immersed his mind in the integrated network panel.

The redemption store for brilliant military achievements is in the limited-time redemption of the reward redemption list of the battlefield template.

Under normal circumstances, it is not open to ordinary online players.

Because of its corresponding information.

Even if it is just a simple comprehensive network description, some have enough value.

It may correspond to the special advancement of certain occupations or the limited use of certain items.

And with Yi Xia's conscious gaze.

Immediately, a large number of exchange lists were refreshed in Yi Xia's retina:


1. Plane Blessing - Emre Maldo:

Type: Plane Blessing

Limited redemption: 1 time (each comprehensive network player is limited to 1 redemption)
Required exchange: 10 legendary exploits (need to participate in at least 1 event related to brilliant exploits, and obtain 1 legendary exploit in this event) or 1 brilliant exploit

Effect: Permanently strengthen the subject's human and orc-related bloodline effects, permanently increase the character's luck, the maximum lucky limit, and the initial friendship reputation related to Emre Maldo
Please note: After redemption, the relevant fate line of the character will be linked with Emre Maldo
2. Orc Robe of the Undead:

Type: Plane Lost Artifact (an artifact that has lost the concept of eternity, but still has the relevant basic attributes of the past)
Limited stock: 1 (no player exchange yet)
Required exchange: 1 brilliant military exploit

Equipment attributes: transform the armor of the wearer into an additional attack bonus, but suffer additional negative penalties when being attacked (for specific attributes, please click this link to open it with awareness...)
3. Wings of the perishing Mantid:

Type: Greater Magic Material

Limited stock: 52
Redemption required: 1 Brilliant Combat Merit (relevant high-level flying magic device production manual is attached, master-level flying magic prop deflection production technology or relevant master-level or above magic craft production level is required)
Item Attributes: One of the top production materials for high-level flying magic equipment, and it is also the main reason for the demise of the Emremaldo mantis

ps: dear, you always ask me in detail: what is the source of motivation for us to explore the endless plane, I think today, I can give you a different answer - in order to prevent these lost treasures from being killed indiscriminately Find them...——Legendary Plane Adventurer - Best Friend of a Thousand Clans - Eric Rio


68. The challenge of the ancient gate (Emre Maldor node):
Type: Featured Challenge Unlocked

Limited redemption: 1 (Each comprehensive network player redemption only takes effect once, repeated redemption is invalid)

Required exchange: 1 brilliant military exploit

Exchange attribute: After exchange, the character will open the limited challenge of the ancient gate, and can consume items with relevant characteristics and comprehensive network disaster coins to open the limited challenge leading to the ancient gate.

In the challenge scene, the character will face the leader related to the consumed ticket item. After the challenge is successful, the character can randomly drop 1~5 pieces from the relevant comprehensive network copy of the unit (must drop 1 piece of epic quality thing)
Please note: The more relevant characteristic items consumed in a single time, the higher the probability of refreshing the leader of the targeted challenge. After a single challenge of the relevant leader, you need to wait for 30 natural days before you can repeat the challenge
ps: It seems to have a guarantee, but it is actually a deep pit, but it is quite useful for collecting some rare materials... ——Foam of Enchanting-Advanced Abyss Prospector-Tucker-Fan Kry


Yi Xia tasted the soup in Wu Dingzhong.

The items that can be exchanged for Brilliant War Achievements are indeed of sufficient value.

Among them, there are even items with the specification of artifacts.

Of course, it is a lost artifact.

A true artifact is an inseparable part of a certain plane.

Like a god, it belongs to the materialization of the relevant rules of the plane.

It is not a big problem to supply all things on this plane, or to take them to foreign lands for conquest.

Although the latter will lead to the continuous reduction of the power of the artifact.

After all, the corresponding rules are still in the plane.

And if it is exchanged to the players of the comprehensive network through the relevant witnesses of the comprehensive network.

It means a permanent division of some part of the rules.

For the plane, it is an unbearable and expensive price.

This is another concept from the comprehensive network player picking up the unowned artifact.

The witness of Zongwang is the real power transfer.

Users and owners are not equal in terms of planes.

Yi Xia's eyes lingered on the lost artifact for a while.

If this thing is sacrificed, it should still have some value.

Thinking about it, it must be much stronger than the fragments of that artifact component.

However, Yi Xia's power to cultivate snakes is still cooling down.

He also has not yet mastered the standard of sacrificial sacrificial ability of normal sacrificial artifacts.

Thinking about it, this time I will exchange it for something else.

Artifacts are no more than other things, and throwing them in the item backpack may cause trouble.

Yi Xia is not so afraid of trouble, but he cares about everything.

Before finding enough suitable battlefields on Earth, Yi Xia didn't intend to attract too many eyes from the multiverse.

Besides the artifact, Yi Xia thought about the challenge of the ancient gate.

Although the rarest one should be the blessing of that plane.

But as far as Yi Xia was concerned, he obviously had no intention of changing his home base.

The fate of witches is not related to other worlds...

And the challenge of the ancient gate can be regarded as a fixed ancient life refreshment to some extent?
Although some materials need to be consumed, Ke Yixia does not lack these things.

He suddenly realized that the "bait" he had thrown in his backpack to press the warehouse before.

Maybe there is a place for it...

(End of this chapter)

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