Chapter 228 Wind Spider (One more update!)

"Comprehensive Network Reminder: The confrontation plot has started, and hostile comprehensive network players have entered the world of this instance!"

"Integrated Network Reminder: You have killed the hostile integrated network player, and you have obtained a chance to draw a rare confrontation reward."

"Comprehensive network reminder: the follow-up related confrontation plot is closed..."

Looking at the reminder message refreshed on the retina, Yi Xia was quite uncommonly stunned.

Is this an online player?
Yi Xia moved the witch banner away, then stared at the deep pit below and fell into deep thought.

At first he thought it was some invisible monster.

After all, most of the comprehensive online players he came into contact with didn't have such... um, normal style of painting.

cos aboriginal assassin?
However, an assassin player matched him.


Maybe some bad luck recently...

Yi Xia carefully sensed the pothole below, but did not perceive the opponent's body.

It seems that after being killed in the dungeon, the comprehensive network player will disappear immediately?
Yi Xia pondered for a while, then continued to search for a certain smell that was getting stronger and stronger in the air.

While those were truly rare life-limiters, he didn't taste much of them.

As for the broad categories, he still ate a little bit here and there.

The multiverse is vast and boundless, and the lives distributed on all planes are also endless.

Good luck this time.

It is quite close to the smell of a certain spider material that Yi Xia once ate.

Therefore, Yi Xia could roughly sense the other party's breath.

This made Yi Xia hesitate a bit.

Wu Ban or Stomach?

Forget it, just some ordinary dim sum...

Yi Xia directly soared into the clouds.

Why walk if you can fly.

In the dungeon world of extraordinary civilizations of non-Oriental pedigree, there is no need to worry too much.

As a result, the brown land intertwined with hills like ridges retreated rapidly.

Not long after, Yi Xia saw through the thick clouds, a verdant forest sea gradually unfolding below.

Also, the cobwebs intertwined in it.

Under Yi Xia's gaze, the entire forest was wrapped in some kind of silky spider web.

Countless spider cubs the size of a human head moved around in groups like an ant colony.

And those huge and ferocious spiders are hidden in deeper areas.

They should be omnivorous - this may be forced by the environment.

Huge size will also bring sufficient consumption.

More giant spiders that tend to fight in positions, when prey is scarce.

Compared with its smaller counterparts, it is more likely to fall into the crisis of survival.

Judging from Yi Xia's shallow relevant knowledge, he felt that the development of these giant spiders had reached a certain limit.


Yi Xia's huge size was finally perceived by the giant spiders below.

In theory, they shouldn't have such a long line-of-sight.

However, considering that I am standing above the lair that they have been operating for an unknown number of years.

Yi Xia felt that it was normal.

The appearance of Yi Xia caused a lot of commotion.

Those spider cubs quickly sank into the lower area covered by spider webs.

Originally, only a few sporadic giant spiders were seen.

In a short while, it densely filled every corner of the forest.

They seem to be condensing something silently.

Countless single eyes, under some invisible guidance, locked on Yi Xia one after another.

Looks very energetic...

Yi Xia smiled.

In the next moment, he roared away!


Caught off guard, the ground was trampled by Yi Xia to create a huge pothole!
The cobwebs and trees were violently blasted aside by that powerful force!
The earth, which has been covered by spider webs for an unknown number of years, finally sees the sun.

Yi Xia stood on the ground and looked to the side:

Under the torn spider web, countless skeletons of various types were exposed.

Among them were the animal bones that Yi Xia was familiar with.

There are also more humanoid skeletons, large and small...

Yi Xia narrowed his eyes slightly, and suppressed the breath that was about to move from the tip of his nose.

Immediately take out the witching Gu vessel.

With a thought, a thick spell book appeared behind him.

Afterwards, the pages of the book automatically moved without wind.

The fluorescence of mana burst out!

Gu method: Cohesion!
In the next moment, some kind of light that mortals cannot look at directly spreads out!
It carries a certain ancient inspiration and calling.

In the blink of an eye, the entire forest was covered, and even spread out a lot.

Afterwards, Lin Hai, who was covered in spider webs, "came alive"!
Yi Xia, who was taller than all the trees, could see clearly.

Countless spiders of different sizes and colors quickly crawled out of the web.

For a moment, the surroundings were filled with the rustling sounds of densely packed appendages.

It was an eerie and magnificent sight.


A fat spider with colorful patterns, which is much bigger than other giant spiders, crawled out from the central area of ​​the forest.

It let out some kind of angry growl.

Obviously, the power of the third-level Gu method is not enough to shake its mind.

But in the same way, it can't make its tribe get rid of the effect of the Gu technique.

After discovering that the order was useless, this guy who seemed to be the leader of the spider king locked his eyes on Yi Xia.

It knows.

Now, there is only one possibility...

Without hesitation, the leader of the Spider King quickly crawled towards Yi Xia.

It forcefully knocked away all other spiders blocking its path.

Like a heavy chariot, it rushed towards...a huge aircraft carrier without hesitation...



The Wu Banner fell like a mountain, crushing it directly on the ground.

It already has enough pure and cruel mind, so it is no longer suitable for refining Gu.

For this aspect, witchcraft has a strict screening procedure that is very different from other loose and idealistic aspects.

Without the obstruction of the leader of the Spider King, the spiders quickly gathered in the open space in front of Yi Xia.

Yi Xia directly injected mana into the witching Gu vessel.

Thus, a cruel and bloody gladiatorial fight began.

A large number of giant spiders of different sizes are fighting in the empty space.

Fractured appendages, broken bodies...

Death and killing are vividly unfolded at this moment!

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have completed a refining Gu, you have obtained the wind spider (green quality Gu worm), and your proficiency in refining Wu Gu has increased."

Green quality?

Yi Xia looked at the densely packed giant spiders that didn't seem to be shrinking in any way.

It seems that this time, a lot of Gu worm materials can be accumulated...

Just in time, the clouds covered the daylight.

The earth fell into a cloudy sky.

Yi Xia's huge body enveloped the forest like a deep darkness.

Time passed little by little.

Finally, with the last batch of giant spiders and the strange Gu worm materials that broke out from the outer area all the way, they disappeared.

Lin Hai returned to silence.

A spark flashed at the tip of Yi Xia's nose.


The already sticky spider web suddenly rose into a monstrous flame!

It was like throwing a piece of spark into gasoline, and soon, the entire forest was enveloped in a monstrous sea of ​​flames!
Thick smoke billowed, everything scorched.

And the filth and evil of the past also burned and dissipated.

There is only a pale and lonely land left, silently telling...

(End of this chapter)

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