Chapter 191 Am I Contaminated... (Two updates!)
Daily Dungeon: Creepy Earth
The scorched earth was covered with condensed sand and gravel.

Under the cold north wind, everything is shrouded in a thin sheet of frost.

Occasionally, some raised and hideous traces can be glimpsed.

Yi Xia turned into a witch body and stood on the ground.

He could hear in the distance the incredible instinctive screams of intelligent beings who had spotted him.

After the screeching that stopped abruptly, there were suppressed whispers full of fear.

Yi Xia ignored it.

The environment here is quite open, and it is a good place for refining witchcraft.

Then, he had a thought.

The little cauldron that was originally stored in the item backpack suddenly appeared.

Then, bigger and bigger.

Not long after, it turned into a suspended mountain peak.

If it is used to hit people, it is not bad after all.

It's not afraid of wear and tear—like the Wu Banner, the Wu Ding is a weapon inherited from the Wu Ji.

And according to Wu Ji's style, it is naturally rough-skinned and thick-skinned.

However, because Wu Ding corresponds to the concept of kingship.

Therefore, it does not have a material form that can be truly eternal like Wu Banner.

Yi Xia estimated that if it was really damaged.

You have to wait for the annual festival: Kyushu can be reshaped.

Of course, the witch weapon is not so easy to be destroyed.

Yi Xia ground the ground with his feet.

Immediately, with some kind of violent splashing of sparks and the spread force cracked the ground.

Under Yi Xia's feet, a solid, roughly brown layer of rock leaked out.

And at this moment:

The surrounding ground trembled, and a giant worm monster with ferocious mouthparts came out angrily.

It looks a bit like an enlarged version of some kind of worm.

Yi Xia didn't know much about it - his recipe didn't consider it, although it could have included that part.

Therefore, knowledge seems to be somewhat lacking.

This giant worm has no eyes, but it roughly perceives Yi Xia who is not far away.

Before that, it thought it was some humanoid creature casting magic on it.

The solid rock layer attenuated its perception range to a certain extent.

And now...

Perceived Yi Xia who was like a mountain and released a terrifying breath of life.

The giant worm was stunned for a moment, and then it burrowed into the ground with a more swift posture than when it came.

Yi Xia thought about it, and felt that although these things were not threatening.

But when refining witch medicine, it is also a disturbance.

Then he roughly perceived the life forms around him.

Then, sparks flashed at the tip of the nose.

In the next instant, a sea of ​​flames rose above the scorched land!

Yi Xia stood in the sea of ​​flames, like a terrifying demon king who destroyed the world.

Not long after, the flames devoured all life and matter in the surrounding area.

The land that was originally scorched yellow has now completely turned into a withered white color.

Clearing is complete...

Yi Xia nodded, and then put Wu Ding on the ground.

Afterwards, countless magical flesh and blood were thrown into the Wu Cauldron by him...



Centaur Jemma Gerver is running wild.

Relying on the unique body structure of the centaur, it can turn its head and look back when it is running violently.

In its gaze:

The original scorched horizon has been replaced by some kind of scarlet and bright color.

And in the surrounding ground, there are a lot of creeping traces.

That is the underground devil insect called Zguimsai by the horse people.

They are the most terrifying predators on this plain.

Each one is enough to destroy the passing business group.

Gemma Geffer never thought that there would be so many underground monsters in this plain.

But now, each of them is running wildly.

In addition to this, there are a large number of other beings, large and small.

Some of them are mutual prey.

But now, there is no thought of hunting.

Every creature is trying to escape from that area full of destruction.

Great God, is this the fourth disaster coming early?

Looking at the doomsday-like scene around him, he recalled the terrifying giant humanoid life that he glimpsed before.

Gemma Gerver couldn't help thinking.

Fortunately, soon, Gemma Gerver found that the flame stopped expanding.

They seem to have life, and the unity stops at a certain boundary.

Gemma Gerver gradually slowed down, and it saw some misfortune fall to the ground from a distance.

But at this moment, he was staring at the flames at his feet with a dumbfounded expression.

The scorching heat curled this guy's hair.

But it doesn't seem to smell.

Gemma Gerver felt the guy was going to be a true believer.

Probably, it should now feel that the gods are looking after it...

Although, Gemma Gerver has some of those thoughts too.

And as the flames stagnated like life, the horse people running around in the wilderness gradually stopped.

Only those ignorant beasts and monsters are still running wildly.

This is the instinct of survival, the spur given.

So, what exactly happened?
Some doubts surfaced in the minds of many horsemen who were still in shock.

Some daring horsemen wanted to go and have a look.

As an existence that has seen the terrifying truth inside.

Gemma Gerver, of course, will not join those reckless guys.

under its distant gaze.

The flame receded like a tide, revealing the ground that had been scorched white inside.

All the living creatures that hadn't escaped were reduced to ashes in the hideous flames.

Then, on the wasteland that can be seen at a glance.

A tall, terrifying figure like a mountain peak appeared on the horizon.

All the centaurs who watched all this let out some kind of terrified screams.

They turned around again and began to flee frantically.

Gemma Gerver did not.

It suppressed the fear in its heart and observed the behavior of the giant.

It is the whip of the gods, for the gods to gaze upon these great and deep evils.

What is he going to do?
Gemma Gerver looked at the giant on the horizon from a distance, and it could see him take out a weird and huge construction device.

Then, put it on the ground.

He wants to extract the vitality of the earth?
Or, do you want to release some kind of vicious forbidden spell that is more powerful than the flame just now?

Countless dark and terrifying thoughts kept flickering in Gemma Gerver's consciousness.

Especially, after the other party poured countless fresh and various forms of flesh and blood into the construction utensil.

These dark conjectures gradually began to have a clear outline.

I have to find a way to warn the gods!
Gemma Gerver thought with her body trembling.

And all this, after the other party poured a lot of things like water.

The style of painting seems to have undergone some subtle changes...

The fire was rising, and the wind was blowing from north to south.

Gemma Gerver, who was downwind, couldn't help shrinking her nose.

Even after such a long distance, it smelled an extremely strong meaty aroma.

Not at all, he is cooking...

Some kind of absurd idea emerged in Jemma Gerver's mind.

This made him feel in a trance, feeling that his mind was polluted...

(End of this chapter)

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