Meanwhile, somewhere in the multiverse
Outside the transparent glass curtain wall, there is bright sunshine and a bustling city.

The floor is mostly decorated with white tiles, which makes the whole office look extraordinarily clean and tidy.

On the neat rows of desks, neat and smooth wooden boards divide one after another into open and bright spaces.

The employees are busy in an orderly manner at their respective workstations.

Armandley's unique black crystal desk with dark luster is facing the backs of the employees.

He looked around the world that belonged to him with eyes full of oppression.

Nobody, here, can show laziness or procrastination.

Efficiency full of cold order is the only rule here.

No one would question that - Armand Ray paid him handsomely...

This even made him come under fire from the relevant guilds of the city.

Of course, Armand Ray naturally wouldn't care.

Even this company, which is huge and full of interests in the eyes of others, is not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Because, he is the leader of a void sect named "Eye of Balance".

Under normal circumstances, no one would look for the so-called Void Sect in this city full of steel and electronics.

Because under normal circumstances, such a technological civilization is not so suitable for the activities of the Void Sect.

It's not because of certain stereotypes at the level of spells given to the creatures of the multiverse by technological civilization.

And simply because:

Due to the precipitation of knowledge and the establishment of related social order, the cost of carrying out activities of the Void Sect has virtually increased a lot of difficulty.

Of course, just like the infinite possibilities shown by the chaotic void to a certain extent.

Of course, the crazy believers who follow it do not have such unique representative characteristics.

Armandray believed that the world undoubtedly had some prejudice against them.

Are the Void Cults all crazy and tyrannical extremists?

Do not……

Armandley picked up the wine glass on the desk, and he stared at the employees who were busy for him.

The scene full of busyness seems chaotic, but there is a kind of invisible order running through it.

Void, why not?

Armand Ray's deep eyes passed through the bright window sill.

Just like this thriving city, how can it not have its chaotic and cruel side?
It's just that it is presented in another way in the field of order.

"Boss, your file."

The secretary swayed her graceful figure and brought a document to Armandley.

She looked at the man in front of her adoringly.

This young boss who was said to have studied for a Ph.D. in a foreign land and made a huge fortune in this city alone.

He was exactly what she expected from a future partner:

Rich, handsome, motivated, knowledgeable, restrained...

It is hard to imagine that all these excellent qualities are gathered in a young man.

It's just sad that:

The other party seemed to have no idea about her, or the outstanding women in this building.

This makes the woman who has been looking forward to the "hidden rules of the workplace" for a long time feel a little disappointed.

Sometimes, she can't help thinking:
What would someone as outstanding as Armand Ray like?

According to the information she collected with great difficulty, the other party showed interest in astronomy when he was studying for a Ph.D.

But judging from the secretary's personal contact with the other party, he didn't find such a clue.

Even among the books listed on the side bookshelf, there are few astronomy.

Mysterious man...

The secretary thought so.

And at this moment, a strange voice suddenly sounded beside her:


"They say you'll know what I want."

The secretary suppressed some anger in his heart, and turned to look at this unknown guy.

It seemed that the other party was not an employee of the company.

Not wearing badges nor company uniform.

A face that is unfamiliar but seems to be full of strange affinity.

The clothes on her body and the ring on her hand don't look like well-known brands...

The palms are delicate and callous-free, probably not workers.

The waist and chest are flat, it doesn't look like it's hiding a weapon...

Came to see the boss?
But why didn't she get an appointment?

What about security?
The discovery of some details made the secretary vigilant.

If someone from outside wants to see the boss, normally they have to make an appointment through her.

And if it's really a special enough guest, it's not in this way.

What's more, the tone of the other party's words made the secretary frowned subconsciously.

That's not such a polite tone...

And at this moment, the secretary suddenly noticed a sudden change in the boss's eyes.

It was a look she had never seen before.

Without even asking her to pull up the soundproof convenience wall, Armand Ray stood up directly:

"I would like to tell you everything."

"And as a small plea for this cooperation: please allow me to leave one last record for this world."

Armand Ray said with a sufficiently sincere, even humble attitude.

Armandley's words made the secretary froze in place.

She has experienced enough professional training.

It's just that even that kind of training doesn't include everything she is facing now.

She was a little bewildered.

The other employees in the office seemed to have noticed the subtlety of the atmosphere, and they stopped their work and looked over curiously.

Hearing this, the visitor pondered for a moment, then shook his head:

"Things like you, die cleanly."

"I didn't expect to get answers from the living Void believers..."

Armand Ray smiled wryly upon hearing this:
"Like the world, you seem to have a big misunderstanding of us."

Armand Ray wanted to continue his speech, but the other party seemed unwilling to have more exchanges.

Facing the increasingly blazing gaze, Armand Ray knew that there was not much time left for him.

He sighed, knowing the source of the other party's current attitude.

Of course he had heard of this burning legend that was feared by the Void Sect.

I also know the blood debt I committed in order to gain a foothold in this city with its chaotic rules, and I will finally liquidate everything in another way...

If he was just an ordinary human being, that blood debt would not be enough to attract the other party's attention.

But he is the leader of a void sect, then everything is completely different...

To be honest, Armand Ray has always had a strong enough interest in the other party.

A miracle of flesh and blood walking in the void of chaos...

Unfortunately, it seems that the other party is not willing to communicate with him more.

"You want to know how to pull the void into the physical world, right?"

The gloomy light in Armand Ray's eyes gradually became stronger.

"Allow me to show you..."

The next moment, a deep darkness like a cloud enveloped the entire city...

I coded a chapter with the efficacy of the medicine, but I still feel that the state is not right.

First update today~
——from the bald head

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