Chapter 1246 Shi Wu's Chaotic Dreamland (Two Updates!)
Meanwhile, somewhere on Earth

Shi Wu, who finally finished his day's work, sat leisurely in the dormitory.

I was lucky today, and I got out of the unit before seven o'clock.

At this time, the sun outside was still high.

The bright sun gave Shi Wu an inexplicable sense of security.

Although to be honest, the amount of time he could finally control before he went to bed was no different from usual.

But this illusion as if he had left work in broad daylight still gave Shi Wu an indescribable sense of comfort.

So what if he is the monkey who is "turning around and turning around"?
Shi Wu stretched lazily.

The cold air released by the air conditioner blocks the heat outside from the windows.

Through the window that was slightly damp due to the excessive temperature difference, Shi Wu could see the busy city below.

At this time in the past, the street lights have basically been lit.

Coupled with countless shuttle traffic, it gives people an eagerness to go home.

After several years of working in this strange city, Shi Wu has gradually gotten used to this pace of life.

Close the curtains, the hustle and bustle of the world seems to be isolated outside...

Of course, if you can turn your phone into flight mode, it will be the most perfect state.

Unfortunately, due to work requirements, Shi Wu couldn't even set it to mute.

To put it bluntly, you have to be forced to hold back when addressing your personal physical needs.

Sometimes, Shi Wu felt that their work phones should be waterproofed.

In this way, the last shortcoming - taking a bath can also be made up...

Humming a tune that he couldn't really hear, Shi Wu took a bottle of Coke from his small refrigerator.

The mother's exhortation made the Coke that was just iced with a little more ice scum a little bit more sinful.

However, Shi Wu at this time urgently needs a piece of sweetness from material components to make up for the lack of spirituality.

So, Shi Wu, who was going to drink it up in one gulp, just took a sip and put it down.

It is a kind of compromise self-salvation...

The work group on a social software on the mobile phone is currently hanging on the computer.

Shi Wu glanced at the densely packed work group, and felt more at ease immediately after he didn't find any disturbing red reminders.

For him who has been working for several years, it seems that he has gradually become suitable for finding a chance for self-breathing in the dense busyness like a spider web.

Sometimes, Shi Wu will also reflect on himself:

He obviously didn't do a few serious things, but he seemed to have exhausted his whole being.

Fortunately, he is still young after all, after a few mouthfuls of Coke with ice slag in his stomach, he seems to have returned to the energetic state when he was younger.

Shi Wu minimized a certain social software, lit a cigarette, and opened a certain game icon on the desktop...

Joy may come with a negative state of speeding up time.

When Shi Wu stretched his body and looked at the lower right corner of the computer, he found that it was almost time to sleep.


Shi Wu clicked his tongue in displeasure.

But I still chose to save the game honestly.

The lives of males who have not yet entered the mate selection period do not have so many complicated self-packaging processes.

Shi Wu simply washed up, and then directly lay down on the bed.

Although the mind is still in the dark age of strife and chaos, at least the body is still enough to follow the physiological laws of a non-standard office worker.

After a while, Shi Wu fell into a deep sleep.

And in a trance, he seemed to hear something...



The roar of artillery fire seemed to overwhelm all the chaotic sounds.

The earth is turbulent and shaking!
The creatures charging on it seemed to be fighting on a piece of stone sponge.

The tall figure seemed to isolate all darkness and shadows behind him.

The particles present complex and intense changes, while blood and cruelty are displayed in a sufficiently realistic form.

Death, Roar, Kill!
In the blur, Shi Wu felt that he was constantly falling...

Everything in front of him turned into overlapping shadows.

He saw warships filled with the beauty of cold war machines, and he witnessed mechs that condensed the crystallization of individuality and technology...

The gene seems to be in a spiral, and has been promoted to a more perfect and transcendent level.

And the sacred screw shines on the skull...

Dazzling brilliance, deep darkness...

Those flesh-and-blood marvels, those corrupt and twisted masterpieces...

Invisibly, it seemed that a pair of big hands suddenly tore everything aside!
Those complicated and chaotic scenes were swept aside!
In a daze, Shi Wu felt the gaze.

He should look up...

But was restrained by multiple forces...

It was as if at the same moment, different invisible existences tightly held his skull.

Perhaps, the appearance of dreams is the most naked manifestation of the will of the living beings.

Shi Wu still stubbornly tried to raise his head.

But it was like the heavy eyelids that seemed to stick together in the drowsy dream of the past...

He saw the afterglow in the muddle, it was a complex of deep colors...

And maybe his gaze disturbed the brief peace.

Those deep colors disappeared in an instant, as if they were just illogical illusions of his dreams.

The originally clear and chaotic memory became chaotic again.

In the last corner of the eye, Shi Wu glanced at an indescribably shining golden color...



"Jingle Bell……"

Shi Wu suddenly woke up from his sleep.

When he turned on the phone and saw that there were still 10 minutes left before the work time, he put it down gently.

Woke up early today, and even had breakfast...

Now that he woke up and didn't stay up late yesterday, Shi Wu quickly got up.

It may be that yesterday he finally had a good time playing the game without being interrupted in the middle, and he feels that he is in a good state of mind today.

After filling a few steamed buns in the breakfast shop downstairs and scanning the QR code to pay, Shi Wu walked towards the unit with the buns in his mouth.

Living in a dormitory has its benefits.

Even if it's a bit crude, the extra 1-hour commuting relief every morning is enough to offset everything...

And just after Shi Wu ate a steamed stuffed bun, his pace towards the check-in point in the office suddenly slowed down.

Shi Wu pulled away his collar in some doubts, and looked inside, but only saw a piece of smooth and healthy skin.

It's just whether it's him trying to reach out, or in his own feeling.

Perhaps it was some kind of trigger from eating, Shi Wu could feel very clearly at this moment——something strange was added to his body...

It is wriggling, it is stretching, but it seems to release infinite vitality...

Shi Wu fell into short contemplation, Shi Wu lit a cigarette...

It's broken, it won't grow tumors...

Shi Wu thought with some melancholy.

(End of this chapter)

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