Chapter 3 Visiting

After dinner, it was almost midnight, and there was no way to go back to school. Chen Jue called two taxis, plus his own three cars, and planned to send a few people to the reserved hotel.

The four couples shared a room, Zuo Zishan was afraid of sleeping alone, Chen Zhu stayed with her, and Chen Jue, of course, went back home.

Looking at Chen Jue's car, everyone was a little surprised. Although it wasn't a top luxury car, it could be considered a luxury car beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Two couples shared a car, and Chen Jue only took Chen Zhu and Zuo Zishan in the end.

"Brother Chen, how much is this car?"

Sitting in the back seat, Zuo Zishan, who turned into a curious baby, asked.

"It's not expensive, around a hundred."

Chen Jue, who instantly turned into Versailles, said casually.

"Wow, boss, do you still lack leg hair?"

"Zi Shan!"

"Slightly! Just kidding, hee hee."

Hearing Chen Zhu's dissatisfied protest, Zuo Zishan made a grimace.

When passing through an intersection, Chen Jue was keenly aware of the abnormality.

It is a supernatural fluctuation.

Looking at the abnormal signal lights in the distance, Chen Jue frowned.

Now the road where Chen Jue is located is the main road. Although the fluctuations coming from him are two blocks away, it is not too remote.

The effects of Death Cross are getting worse.

But these should be a headache for Mr. Wen Hua.

Seeing the traffic police who quickly appeared to divert the traffic, Chen Jue felt relieved. It seemed that the situation had not gotten out of control yet.

After Chen Zhu and the others settled down, Chen Jue drove back to the intersection where the anomaly occurred, only to find that the anomaly that had just appeared had disappeared, and he wondered if it had moved to other places.

According to the archives, the Death Cross Road appeared for a very short time each time, at the beginning it was only 5 minutes. Once someone entered it by mistake, they would die, because there were no survivors, and no one knew what happened there.

Such a dangerous situation, even Mr. Wen Hua dare not step into it easily, after all, she does not have a ghost realm, once she is in a dangerous situation, she is likely to die in it.

Today, the time for the Crossroads to appear has been extended to 10 minutes, and the scope of its influence has also expanded a lot.

According to the comparison and analysis of the monitoring, it was found that whenever someone died inside, the Crossroad would be obviously recovered. Compared with the two, its own recovery speed was insignificant.

In general, barring any accidents, it will take at least a year for Death Cross Road to lead to widespread panic and crisis.

According to Feng Quan is still in Dachang City, Chen Jue has roughly determined the timeline, now is the initial stage of the mysterious recovery, supernatural events in various places have just emerged, the level of danger and terror is very low, and the headquarters has just been established not long ago. Ghosts are also rare.

The older generation of ghost masters left during the Republic of China, their power and influence are still strong, and the various arrangements have not completely failed, and they are still operating normally. The incident with the ghost temple, if you are careful, you can completely control the scene.

After all, at this stage, there are very few ghost masters who own the ghost domain.

Seeing that the intersection had returned to normal and the abnormality just happened, Chen Jue drove away.

There will always be.

The next day, Chen Zhu returned to school smoothly and continued her peaceful campus life.

And Chen Jue came to Zhongjiang Hospital with fruits.

Chen Jue came here to visit the only injured person in the Eye-seeker incident, the hapless Dan Shixun.

Perhaps because of his carelessness, Shi Xun lost his eyes, and Chen Jue felt a little guilty.

It is worth mentioning that because Chen Jue's ghost lamp is fighting against the eye-seeker, it becomes the most vulnerable moment for the eye-seeker when attacking Shi Xun. Mistakenly stole part of the eye-seeker's supernatural power.

Today's Shi Xun can observe the fluctuations of spiritual power from his own perspective, and discover the secrets hidden in the deep layer that ordinary people cannot see, and even use these lines to outline the essence of materials to achieve the purpose of erasing and destroying the target.

This can be regarded as a moderate auxiliary system ability.

Blessed by trouble?

Not to mention, how could one be considered lucky to be a precarious ghost master.

"Thank you for visiting me again."

Looking at Chen Jue who opened the door and came in, Shi Xun, who still had gauze on his eyes, spoke.

Although he lost his eyes, Shi Xun has his own unique perspective, and he can still see the outside world, but the world he sees from now on is completely different.

"how are things?"

Putting the fruit on the table, Chen Jue pulled out a chair and asked casually.

Chen Jue has been here a few times, and now the two are considered friends. After all, Chen Jue is Shi Xun's savior, and after these few days of self-cultivation, Shi Xun also understands his current situation.

In short, the future is bleak and the days are numbered.

Different from Chen Jue's choice, Shi Xun chose to join the headquarters and follow Mr. Wenhua for the time being. When his condition stabilizes, he will undergo a test and rating, and go to the headquarters for further study. As for whether he can become the person in charge, think about the chaos everywhere , Only one person can break it in half and use the headquarters to understand.

For ghost masters, the headquarters has always been thirsty for talents, and widely distributed recruitment stickers.

"It's not bad. The doctor said that he can be discharged after two days of observation."

As a ghost master who has decided to join the headquarters, he still has privileges such as private wards.

Therefore, the two were not afraid of being eavesdropped on the conversation, and relaxed a little.

"That's good, by the way, how are your eyes doing now?"

"I can feel that thing, um, it is constantly recovering, and my eye sockets are getting more and more empty. I can feel that the holes are eroding me along the eye sockets in my head."

The calm tone, coupled with some disordered word order, constituted a strange state, and the ghost had already begun to affect Shi Xun.

"You accepted it quite quickly."

Although affected, Shi Xun still had the upper hand at this time.

"So what if I don't accept it? I've figured it out in the past two days. Since I can't change the facts, I should cherish the few time I have. Besides, I have some abilities now. I think I can do something meaningful." matter."

Listening to Shi Xun's words, Chen Jue smiled, gave Shi Xun a thumbs up, and gave him a thumbs up.

Chen Jue has always respected those who can do things they can't do.

"What's your plan next?"

"I want to receive the assessment and training as soon as possible, and then apply to go back to my hometown and make some contributions to my hometown. Even if I just deal with one thing, it can be regarded as doing something for my elders."

Chen Jue knew that Shi Xun's hometown was in Zhongyan City next to Zhongjiang City.

"If you have any difficulties, send me a message, and I will try my best to help."

The two chatted for a while, and Chen Jue planned to get up and leave.

Chen Jue was full of goodwill towards this young man with a very upright view of the three, not to mention that he had fallen into the current situation, and he himself had an inescapable responsibility, so it was a promise of compensation.

"Thank you so much. If there are difficulties, I will not be polite."

"Then I'll go first, bye."


(End of this chapter)

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