Chapter 935
Ao Xuan and Ao Jing buried the corpses of several Buddhist true immortals in front of them together, sat down cross-legged after doing all this, and then took out an elixir and put them in their mouths.

Since the arrival of the follow-up 300 million heavenly soldiers, the various strategic passes in the rear have been garrisoned by these Sanxian heavenly soldiers, and they, the dragon heavenly soldiers, have followed the army and started to move forward.

Ao Xuan, who had just experienced a fierce battle, took off the golden helmet on his head and hugged it in his arms, and his hair, which was originally tied with a square scarf, became a little messy.

"I remember you were hit on the head by a Buddhist monk just now." Ao Jing looked at Ao Xuan and said.

Ao Xuan nodded, picked up the golden helmet in his hand and looked left and right, then pointed to a place on the left side of the golden helmet that was engraved with runes, but had a deep groove and said: "Yes, it is here I was hit once, and my head hurt from the shock, if it wasn't for this golden helmet, I would have died on the spot."

"Is the seal broken?" Ao Jing's eyes fell on the groove on the golden helmet, "It looks like it's broken."

Ao Xuan took a closer look and said, "It's broken, no, I have to change it."

After finishing speaking, Ao Xuan stood up and walked towards the location where the supplies were stored. When she came to the temporary warehouse made of wood, she said to Qian Yuhou who was in charge of the warehouse: "My lord, the talisman on my golden helmet has been removed." broke."

That Qian Yuhou took the golden helmet and glanced at it, then said to the Heavenly Soldiers beside him, "Go get a new golden helmet and register the old one."

"Yes." The Heavenly Soldier replied, and soon after, he took out a brand new golden helmet from the storeroom and handed it to Ao Xuan.

At this time, Qian Yuhou said to Ao Xuan again: "Check again to see if the armor and magical weapons on your body are damaged. This battle is not over yet, and it is estimated that there will be another attack soon, so don't cause any problems."

When Ao Xuan heard this, she immediately said 'oh', and then said, "Then let me check."

Then she left with a new golden helmet, and soon Ao Xuan called Ao Xu, Ao Jing, and Ao Rong over, and said, "Everyone check the armor on each other, and if there is any damage, go to the armory." Redeem."

Then the four of them checked each other, and found that Ao Rong and Ao Xu's armors were obviously damaged in several places, so the two went to get another pair of armors.

Not long after the four of them checked their status, a celestial light flashed in the sky, and then flew down here.

Not long after, a horn sounded, and Ao Xuan and others who heard the sound of the horn immediately put on their golden helmets, put on their armor, and gathered at the location of their team headquarters.

Not long after, the ten thousand-man teams with a total of [-] heavenly soldiers were all assembled, and then the commanding general Mu Yan appeared in the eyes of Ao Xuan and others.

"Everyone takes the elixir on the spot, replenishes supplies, renews armor, restores mana, and continues to move forward after a stick of incense." Mu Yan ordered everyone.

Ten thousand heavenly soldiers heard the words and immediately responded with a loud voice: "Observe the order!"

This scene happened on the six fronts of the entire Nanzhan Buzhou. Now the six fronts are basically connected to each other. Millions of heavenly soldiers are like a monstrous tsunami, sweeping away from north to south with a devastating force.

"Quick!" Yin Jiao, one of the 36 Heavenly Generals, led his [-] Heavenly Soldiers to rush forward as fast as possible.

"Buddha and Xuan sects have collapsed across the board. If you don't run faster, you won't be able to get military exploits!" Yin Jiao shouted.

Hearing Yin Jiao's words, the heavenly soldiers behind him gritted their teeth and chased after him, not stingy at all with the rapidly consumed mana in Niwan Palace.

As Yin Jiao said, all the defenses of the Buddhist and Xuan sects in Nanzhan Buzhou have collapsed, and now the monks of the Buddhist and Xuan sects are evacuating quickly. The destination of the Buddhist monks is the Buddhist kingdom of Tianzhu, as long as they withdraw to the Buddhist kingdom of Tianzhu It's safe.

And Xuanjiao monks belonged to Gu Yuanzhou, as long as they retreated to Gu Yuanzhou, they would be safe.

But how could Erlang God allow them to escape so easily?So at Erlangshen's order, nearly six million heavenly soldiers all joined in the pursuit, and even the Conquest Commander's Mansion moved to the front line, and the Marshal of the Sixth Route Army personally followed the army in pursuit.

Nezha chased especially ferociously this way, even leading the other five armies by a head, stabbing out like a sharp awl.

"Headed Zhou Xing Yao Jinxiu, Diyin Xing Ning Sanyi, Diyi Xing Yuhe, Geographic Xing Tongzhen, and Di Jun Xing Yuan Dingxiang, tell them that after half an hour, they must seize Danniang and Xiayu Mountains, and then rely on these two mountains to establish Defensive line, we must intercept the retreat of Buddhist monks and monks." Nezha said to the two ultimatum envoys in front of him.

The two ultimatum envoys immediately took the order and left. Nezha looked at Nanzhan Buzhoukun Yutu. If those monks and soldiers escaped Danniang and the rest of the line, they could escape all the way back to Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom.

At the same time, the two armies of Tota Heavenly King and Ma Lingyao were also planning to besiege the road into Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom, trying to intercept those fleeing monks and soldiers.

At this time, the front line is completely fighting for speed. The Buddhist monks are desperately fleeing, and the heavenly soldiers are desperately chasing. Legs run.

Therefore, it is obviously a fight between gods and gods, and in the end they have to fight on land. I have to say that Xuanjiao's great calamity of the end of Dharma is well done and wonderful.

An hour later, the three armies of King Tota, Nezha, and Ma Lingyao took the lead in occupying the defense line to the north of Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom, and all the troops were ready, waiting for the more than 20 exhausted monks and soldiers who were being chased to hit them head-on.

However, at this moment, Dou Zhanfo, who was sitting in the Buddhist kingdom of Tianzhu, made a move. Dou Zhanfo directly used his magical powers, pulled out a monkey hair and turned into a million monkey soldiers, and directly broke the plan arranged by the heavenly army with a crushing force. defense.

The Heavenly King Tota and Ma Lingyao, who were aware of Dou Zhanfo's attack, both acted in person at the first time, using their magical powers to protect the heavenly soldiers from retreating.

And after Nezha cursed 'dead monkey', he personally took action to protect the heavenly soldiers who had set up an ambush and withdrew them back.

In this way, the remaining 20 true fairyland monks of Buddhism fled back to Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom under the cover of fighting against Buddha, and the following heavenly soldiers also stopped their intense pursuit and began to move forward without haste.

Soon after, Erlang's decree was issued again, ordering the three armies of Tota Heavenly King, Nezha, and Ma Lingyao, a total of 300 million heavenly soldiers, to advance to Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom and completely surround Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom in the west and north directions.

Why not surround the south and east?Because the easternmost part of Nanzhanbuzhou is the East China Sea, and the southernmost part is the South China Sea, so there is no need for siege.

In addition, he also ordered Zhao Gongming and Wen Qiong's two armies, a total of 200 million heavenly soldiers, to advance steadily towards Guyuanzhou and advance to the hinterland of Guyuanzhou, completely besieging the Xuanjiao General Altar from four directions.

Guan Yu, on the other hand, led 100 million heavenly soldiers to clean up the Buddhist and Xuanjiao disciples in the remaining areas of Nanzhan Buzhou except Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom and Guyuanzhou, as well as the hidden demons in various places. Let's sweep away all the demons that have caused disasters in the world.

As Erlang Shen adjusted his deployment, the situation in Nanzhan Buzhou began to enter the final finishing stage.

However, the war did not end, because as the army of Heavenly Court invaded Tianzhu Buddha Kingdom and Guyuan Prefecture, a new round of offensive and defensive battles started again, and this time it was even more tragic.

He Shouyan and Yun Wuai were among the heavenly soldiers attacking Gu Yuanzhou. At this moment, they were wearing the heavenly standard golden helmet and god armor, holding the Meridian Cave Thunder Spear, and looking straight ahead.

In front of less than three hundred miles away from them, a Xuanjiao formation stood there, the light of the formation reflected the sky, and the aura was dark and fierce.

However, outside the big formation, more than a dozen Heavenly Court Golden Immortals and Heavenly Generals are jointly breaking the formation, and the Golden Immortal monks of Xuanjiao also rush out of the big formation from time to time to interfere with the breaking formation.

Breaking the formation in Tianting is not breaking the formation with brute force. Tiangongyuan has countless magic weapons for breaking the formation, even the formation of breaking the formation.

In this regard, whether it is Buddhism or Xuanjiao, they have already experienced it deeply during the battle during this period of time, so the Xuanjiao Jinxian will continue to intervene in the formation, otherwise, once all the magic weapons and formations that break the formation in the heaven are completed, the people behind him His big formation is just another stroke in the heavenly court's credit book.

Seeing the Xuanjiao Jinxian monks constantly interfering, Wen Qiong, who had already been to the front line, immediately dispatched another thirty Taiyi Xuanxian generals, and these Taiyi Xuanxian heavenly generals were responsible for breaking the formation. The heavenly general will cover and break the formation on the spot.

After an incense stick of time, with a loud noise coming from the front, the formation was shattered, thunder and drums roared for a moment, banners were fluttering, and the heavenly generals ordered hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers to start attacking.

He Shouyan and Yun Wuai kept their formation and moved forward while looking in all directions, always paying attention to the surrounding situation.

For Sanxians like them, although the battle scene in front of them is grand, they have long been used to it after having experienced several fierce battles before. There is no fear in the heart during the war.

But no fear is no fear, no one would joke about their own morality and life, so the performance of these Sanxians after three months of training and entering the battlefield was beyond everyone's expectations.

In addition to fulfilling their missions as much as possible, these Sanxians are all extremely careful. They are not only fierce in fighting, but also deeply use the essence of 'gou'.

In short, these Sanxians used their Sanxian's "skills" to the extreme during the battle, not only protecting themselves, but also killing the enemy.

Therefore, in the eyes of those monks of Buddhism and Xuanjiao, these later heavenly soldiers are not the same kind of people as the previous heavenly soldiers. Fighting, he has anticipated almost all possible ways of getting injured, and has prepared the means to deal with it, and the experience in one-on-one combat is extremely rich, allowing you to charge forward with enthusiasm, and in the end it can only be like a punch On cotton, he was also aggrieved by various calculations.

However, in the battle to break through the mountain in front of you, He Shouyan and Yun Wuai were both seriously injured. No matter how many situations you take into consideration, you cannot be safe after all.

He Shouyan was seriously injured. He was pierced through the chest by a Xuanjiao monk with a sword, while Yun Wuai was chopped into half of the neck with a knife. The heads have already fallen to the ground.

Fortunately, they are heavenly soldiers now, and they were rescued by the heavenly soldiers in charge of rescue at the first time they were injured.

When He Shouyan and Yun Wuai woke up at the healing place in the rear, the first news they heard was that 200 million celestial troops had arrived outside the Huangling Mountain where the Xuanjiao General Altar was located.

Huangling Mountain, the largest mountain range in ancient Yuanzhou, has a radius of [-] li, and the Xuanjiao General Altar is located in the center of Huangling Mountain.

But at this moment, the Xuanjiao formation covering the entire Huangling Mountain has been activated, and the radiant myriad rays of light can be clearly seen above Chongtian, like a glazed bowl emitting ten thousand rays of light Buckle upside down on Huangling Mountain.

"The Xiantian Wanxia formation." Zhao Gongming and Wen Qiong stood on the clouds, looking at the huge formation in front of them that protected the entire Huangling Mountain, and said slowly.

Wen Qiong frowned slightly, looked at Zhao Gongming and said, "How is this formation?"

Zhao Gongming said: "This formation appeared in ancient prehistoric times, and it is a large formation based on innate rays of light. Don't talk about this formation, even if Zhenjun Erlang comes, it may not be able to break it."

Speaking of this, Zhao Gongming focused his eyes and said: "It should be the formation formed by the Xuanjiao Juntian Daoist 'Hongjun Taoist'."

When Wen Qiong heard this, she immediately said solemnly: "The Juntian Daoist is a Daluo Jinxian Daoist, so it's troublesome."

As with Zhao Gongming and Zhao Gongming, the Heavenly Soldiers from the Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom had also advanced beyond the Jialan Mountain in the Tianzhu Kingdom.

The "Zhen Guobao Temple", the center of the Buddhist Kingdom of Tianzhu, is located in Jialan Mountain, and at this moment, Jialan Mountain is also protected by a large formation that exudes infinite Buddha light. King Tota just glanced at it and told the origin of this formation:
"Phaseless Bodhi Formation!"

The marshals of the two armies reported the situation they encountered to Erlangshen. After a little thought, Erlangshen moved the headquarters of the Conquest Command to the outside of Huangling Mountain in Guyuanzhou.

The reason why Erlang Shenfajia came here in person is because the Buddhist side of Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom is generally controllable, while the Xuanjiao side is uncontrollable, so he has to come and sit in person.

As for the Buddhist kingdom of Tianzhu, God Erlang ordered Tota Heavenly King, Nezha, and Ma Lingyao to encircle Jialan Mountain with a large army, then set up defenses, and wait for the attack decree at all times. Taiyi Jinxian was sent to Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom to assist the three Marshals of Tota Heavenly King.

Just when Erlang God had just adjusted his deployment and was observing Xuanjiao's "Congenital Wanxia Formation", the decree of Emperor Qinghua of Dongji arrived, and it was delivered by Taibai Jinxing himself.

Immediately, Erlang God led the crowd to welcome the decree. After Taibai Jinxing finished reading the decree, Erlang God understood that the war was about to end.

Because this decree is not only issued in the name of the head of Taixuandu Province, but also the decree of Emperor Gouchen is also above the decree. The main content of this decree is to let Erlang God stop attacking and only attack Jialan Mountain. Zhen Guobao Temple and Huangling Mountain in Guyuanzhou were besieged.

(End of this chapter)

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