I'm an immortal in heaven

Chapter 920 Recruiting 4 Sea Dragons

Chapter 920 Recruiting the Dragons of the World
"What?" When Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, heard that Master Chu Hua had finished reading Fang Jian's decree, he stood up in shock.

"There are more than 50 real dragons in the real fairyland?" Ao Guang's voice was trembling, "My East China Sea Dragon Clan has a total of more than 2000 million real dragons."

Master Chu Hua handed the decree to Ao Guang, and said, "You can see for yourself, this is the decree with the mysterious seal of the Jade Emperor's Taoist calendar and the seal of the immortal official seal of Hongqing real man."

Ao Guang stretched out his hand to receive the decree sent by Master Chuhua's mana, and then spread it out in front of him for a look, and then felt dizzy for a while.

There are only about 2000 million real dragons in his Donghai Dragon Clan. Excluding the more than 1000 million real dragons below the real fairyland, there are only a few million real dragons above the real fairyland.

And the few million people who worked in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, who went to land and land to serve as water gods, and those real dragons who held various positions in the East China Sea Dragon Clan, there were less than 100 million left.

What's more, these less than 100 million real dragons are all elites among the elites of the East China Sea Dragon Clan, and they are all the reserve forces cultivated by the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

However, looking at the decree of Daoist Hongqing in his hand, Ao Guang really didn't dare to resist the decree, even if he was given a hundred courage.

Ao Guang weakly sat back on his golden couch inlaid with jade sea pearls, holding the decree in his hand, his face full of entanglement and embarrassment.

Master Chuhua saw this scene, took a sip of spiritual tea and said: "If the Dragon King finds it difficult, I can go back and report to Master Hongqing."

"Ah?!" Ao Guang woke up suddenly, and then quickly said: "No need, I don't feel embarrassed at all. Isn't it just 50 real dragons? This king will follow the decree of Daoist Hongqing."

After finishing speaking, Ao Guang immediately said to Prime Minister Gui beside him: "Pass down my decree that all true dragons above the real fairyland in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea shall not leave the East China Sea without authorization, and wait for the heavenly court to call."

When Prime Minister Gui heard the words, he immediately took orders in a respectful voice: "I will abide by the law."

At the same time, Immortal Mingling, the restraining envoy of Taixuandu Province, went to the Dragon Palace of West Sea, Immortal Gong Yuhong, the supervisor of Taixuandu Province, went to Dragon Palace of South China Sea, and Immortal Yonghe, a direct official of Taixuandu Province, went to Dragon Palace of Beihai.

As a result, the recruitment of heavenly soldiers covering the dragon races of the four seas slowly kicked off.

Although the dragons of the four seas have the same origin, they are not all the descendants of the dragon king of the four seas. They are all the blood of the ancestor dragon and the acquired golden dragon.

Ao Xu is a true fairyland real dragon of the West Sea Dragon Clan. His parents are ordinary generals who belong to the West Sea Dragon Palace. scarcity.

There are many dragons in the Three Realms, but only the "true dragon" is the most noble, because the real dragon is the direct bloodline of the ancestor dragon and the golden dragon of the day after tomorrow.

Among the true dragons in the Three Realms, the Dragons of the Four Seas in the Great World of Yamafuta are the most noble, because the blood of the Dragons of the Four Seas is the purest.

Although Ao Xu's family is not prominent in the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas, his status as a true dragon from the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas is still very honorable.

Therefore, it took only 500 years for Ao Xu to pick the True Immortal Dao Fruit from his birth to the present, and he has become an elite cultivated by the West Sea Dragon Clan.

But a peaceful life cannot be without waves forever. When Ao Xu and a group of dragon friends returned home, he saw his parents sitting in the hall waiting for him, and their faces were very solemn, and there was even a trace of worry.

Ao Xu's heart skipped a beat. In his impression, only when he made a mistake would his parents look so dignified. So after seeing this scene, Ao Xu immediately began to reflect on whether he had made any mistakes recently.

However, before Ao Xu could come up with a reason, a general in the robe of a fifth-rank immortal official stood up and said to Ao Xu on the right side of the hall, "Ao Xu, you have been recruited."

"What?" Ao Xu asked the Dragon Palace God General in confusion, "Conscript? What conscript?"

At this moment, Ao Xu's father said, "Son, you have been conscripted by the heavenly court to become a heavenly soldier."

"Heavenly Soldiers?!" Ao Xu was full of astonishment. Why did the Heavenly Soldiers come to the West Sea Dragon Clan to recruit directly?Shouldn't they be selected as heavenly soldiers after death from those who were virtuous during their lifetime?
Ao Xu's mother's eyes were slightly red, "I was recruited as a heavenly soldier, and then I will go to Nanzhan Buzhou to conquer Buddhism and Xuanjiao."

Ao Xu was stunned suddenly, what the hell, I'm only five hundred years old, let me go to Nanzhan Buzhou to fight with Buddhism and Xuanjiao?And it's the lowest level of Heavenly Soldiers?I don't want to die yet.

Ao Xu's first reaction was to run, but when he turned his head, he found two figures standing behind him, "Second Uncle, Third Uncle?" Ao Xu called out.

That's right, his second uncle and third uncle, they are also the gods of the West Sea Dragon Palace, but they are not married, so they have no descendants.

But Ao Xu came to his senses, the second and third uncles stood behind him because they were afraid that he would run away.

"Son, don't blame me and your mother. If we resist the decree, our whole family will be punished by the law." Ao Xu's father said in a very sad tone.

But Ao Xu's mother stood up, went to Ao Xu and hugged him and started to cry.

Ao Xu was hugged tightly by his mother, at first he was just shocked, but as his mother's cries came into his ears clearly, Ao Xu gradually realized that he was about to leave soon, and went to fight with the gods of Buddhism and Xuanjiao , may never come back, but he can't resist.

Ao Xu hugged his mother slowly, and his eyes began to become moist.

This scene of Ao Xu's family is now being staged throughout the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas. Since the Dragon Clan surrendered to the Heavenly Court, the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas has not only had official positions under the protection of the Heavenly Court, but also there have been no catastrophe wars in dozens of yuanhuis.

The Dragons of the Four Seas have been in peace for a long time, and now they suddenly heard that they were going to Nanzhan Buzhou to fight against Buddhism and Xuanjiao, which really made many true dragons of the four seas who were recruited feel panic.

Therefore, what Ao Xu's parents did has also become a common phenomenon among the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas. Family members and relatives must go if they are recruited. If you dare to escape, you are resisting the destiny and will harm the whole family.

Fang Jian's prestige over the years is not for nothing, it was forcibly piled up with countless gods, monks, and monsters' rebellious corpses.

Faced with Fang Jian's decree, the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas dare not say 'no', let alone them?
For a time, the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas was full of various scenes of "life and death" and "reluctance to part", but the pace of recruiting in the heavens would not stop because of this. Wars do not require extra mercy.

If Erlang God fails due to lack of troops, or fails to achieve the expected arrangement of the Heavenly Court at the beginning, then there will be endless fighting and killing, and will the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas be able to avoid it by then?
Only by accomplishing all their merits in one battle and completely defeating Buddhism and Xuanjiao in this war can we truly usher in long-term stability and peace.

Therefore, after those real dragons were recruited, they were directly escorted by the Four Seas Dragon Palace to the Heavenly Court, and then they were assigned to the Four Heavenly Gates Smite Devil School Captains for training via the Tianshu Capital Provincial Immortal Officials.

Ao Xuan is the daughter of Beihai Dragon Palace Captain Ao Ping. Dragon Palace Captain is the highest-ranking military officer in the Dragon Palace. He is a second-rank immortal official. His status is only lower than the Dragon Prince and the Dragon Palace Prime Minister.

So even if it is the daughter of such a high-ranking dragon clan fairy official, as long as Taixuan saves a decree, she must respond to the call.

Not only the children of the senior officials of the Four Seas Dragon Palace, but also most of the children of the Dragon King of the Four Seas were recruited, and they were recruited by Fang Jian's direct decree.

For gods like the Dragon Clan, as long as they become immortals, their lifespan is almost endless.

Therefore, the Dragon Kings have many concubines and many sons and daughters. Under such circumstances, the later the dragon sons and daughters are, the more they are favored and favored by the Dragon King and Dragon Concubine.

However, most of these little dragon sons and daughters who were born later were Taoists of the True Immortal Realm, and a few of them were Taoists of the Xuanxian, and they were all recruited.

Aoqin, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, was deeply troubled and anxious, because his three youngest sons and two youngest daughters were all on the recruitment list.

"This is really twelve volumes of military books, and each volume has a name." Sitting on the dragon couch, Ao Qin sighed while looking at the five children in front of him.

And these five dragon sons and dragon daughters, who are still over three hundred years old, are still full of panic and bewilderment. Nan Zhan Buzhou, even the Dragon Palace hasn't been out much.

Let them fight with the Buddhist gods, "How can this happen." One of Aoqin's concubines cried pear blossoms with rain, and several other concubines also stepped forward to hold their children and cry loudly.

"Dragon King." A weeping concubine with red and swollen eyes looked at Ao Qin and said, "Can't you beg for mercy with Daoist Hongqing? Just let the low-level dragons go to this kind of fighting, they are all you The prince and princess should not go to battle."

The inferior dragons mentioned by Concubine Long refer to the real dragons of the South Sea Dragons who are not the South Sea Dragon King.

Hearing this, Ao Qin glared, and shouted: "If you say the word 'inferior' again, this king will drive you out of the Dragon Palace! How many times have I told you that everyone is There is no distinction between superior and inferior bloodlines of the ancestral dragon!"

But this Dragon Concubine was not afraid of Ao Qin at all, instead she retorted: "No? Do you know it yourself!"

"Idiot!" Ao Qin cursed, even if you think so in your heart, even if you really divide the dragon clan of the South China Sea into upper and lower classes in your heart, then you shouldn't shout out so openly.

At this moment, Daoist Gong Yuhong, the governor of Taixuandu Province, walked in from outside the hall. He turned a blind eye to the chaos in the hall, but cupped his hands at Ao Qin and said, "Dare to ask the Dragon King, the three Dragon Princes?" Are you and the two princesses ready to go?"

Hearing what Daoist Mourning Hong said, those dragon concubines immediately got up and came to Daoist Mourning Hong to intercede, and all kinds of good words and rich promises rushed to Daoist Mourning Hong.

Daoist Mourning Hong frowned, and looked at Ao Qin with displeasure.

Ao Qin frowned when he saw this scene, especially when he heard that his concubine had promised benefits to Daoist Mourning Hong, he was even more frightened to death.

He immediately snarled, silenced these concubines, and then directly ordered them to go back to the harem. He was really afraid that these stupid women would bribe Daoist Mourning Hong face to face.

But these dragon concubines were spoiled by Ao Qin, and after Ao Qin gave a sharp shout and was shocked for a short time, they started to rebound, crying and making noise on the spot, throwing and rolling, and tried every means to prevent the real Mourning Hong from killing people. take away.

At the same time, he kept shouting and complaining to Ao Qin, playing a trick of crying, making trouble and hanging himself.

Ao Qin felt like his head was about to explode, especially when he saw Daoist Mourning Hong snort coldly and turn to leave the palace, his complexion changed instantly, realizing that something was wrong.

Just as Ao Qin thought, after Daoist Mourning Hong walked out of the Dragon Palace, he directly sent a memorial to the Heavenly Court, and then was directly presented to Fang Jian's table by the immortal official of the 'Tongcheng Yuan' who received the memorial.

Fang Jian picked up the report and glanced at it, then called Hei Hai'er without changing his face, and said, "You take three hundred Leibing soldiers to the South Sea Dragon Palace to find Daoist Mourning Hong, and he will tell you what to do."

Hei Hai'er heard the words, immediately bowed and sang, "Yes, master."

Then Hei Hai'er left the Hall of Martial Heroes with the three giant axes on his shoulders, ordered [-] thunder soldiers, and headed straight to the South China Sea Dragon Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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