Chapter 883
When 30 heavenly soldiers entered the Asura Realm, Fang Jian sacrificed the Innate Thunder Spirit Tree, and used the roots of the Thunder Spirit Treasure Tree to break through the heaven and earth barriers of the Asura Realm, and built a bridge across the sea of ​​blood.

But when the 30 heavenly soldiers left the Asura Realm, they lined up on the blood bridge and came out in order. Send them off before closing.

The 30 heavenly soldiers returned to Xiniu Hezhou from the blood bridge, and Fang Jian put away the innate thunder and spirit treasure tree, and saw a golden-purple thunder flashed across the innate thunder and spirit treasure tree, and then flew back directly and reintegrated Fang Jian's body.

With the retraction of the innate thunder spirit treasure tree, the roots of the vines of the thunder spirit treasure tree on the blood bridge also turned into divine thunders and were taken back by Fang Jian.

But sacrificing the Innate Thunder Spirit Treasure Tree was not without cost. The price was that the immortal energy and aura accumulated by the Innate Thunder Spirit Treasure Tree over the years were all consumed, so that the Innate Thunder Spirit Treasure Tree returned to Fang Jian's body seemed a little weak.

However, fortunately, as long as Fang Jian returns to the 36th Chongtian Daluotianzhong, he can quickly replenish it.

This time, Fang Jianbing subdued the Raksha clan without bloodshed, and arrested the sons and daughters of King Ashura back to Xitianfu for punishment, so that no one in Xiniu Hezhou dared to disobey the majesty of Xitianfu.

As for the punishment of Heilouluo, Ajinna, Sulumo, Lieliuer, and Yekuotai, they were quickly sent to the Raksha clan by a talisman.

When the fearful Po Yazhi saw this talisman, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, the fate of her five children was saved.

Fang Jian's punishment for Heilouluo, Ajinna, Sulumo, Lieliuer, and Yekuotai was as follows: hundreds of punishments with fire and whips, 1000 years in heaven, and at the same time every five months Hundreds of people were punished with fire and whips until the end of the sentence.

Although these five people finally held on to their lives, but with the suppression of the Great Formation of Absolute Power in the Heavenly Prison of Xitianfu, under the condition that all the magic powers of Taoism have been invalidated, hundreds of fire whips are enough to make their lives worse than death in the past 1000 years.

And being imprisoned in heaven means that you have spent 1000 years in vain, because your Taoism and mana will not increase in the slightest.

However, Po Yazhi was not happy for long that her five children had saved their lives, and her troubles soon came.

That is, Luo Qiantuo and Vimazhitara wanted to separate powers. In order to let Luo Qiantuo speak for her, Po Yazhi compromised with Luo Qiantuo to give up some power.

But Luo Qiantuo was afraid that he could not defeat Po Yazhi alone, so he brought Vimazhitara with him when negotiating terms with Po Yazhi, so that Luo Qiantuo and Vimazhitara formed an alliance.

However, Fang Jian didn't want to care about the struggle for power within the Raksha clan. What he wanted was a Raksha clan with conflicts, not a whole and united Raksha clan.

Suppressing the Bull Demon King and subduing the Rakshasa clan, this time Xiniu Hezhou is really no big deal.

After sending Yan Jingdao's 30 heavenly soldiers back to Beiju Luzhou, Fang Jian handed over all the authority of West Heaven Mansion to Tang Yu and a group of heavenly generals, and then returned to Dongshentang to continue his cultivation career.

Time is like water, calm without waves.

Time passed slowly in the tranquility, and ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

Ten years, it seems that a lot has changed, but nothing seems to have changed.

To the gods, ten years is nothing more than a cloud moving a short distance to the north.But for mortals, it is a long time of ups and downs and ups and downs.

36 Chongtian, Daluotian, east of the Sanbian Gate of Zhongshan Xuanguan, Dongshen Hall and Hanzhen Hall.

Today is the day when a large number of counselors 'graduate', of course, Fang Jian is also included.

There is a circle around the outside of the Hanzhen Hall, full of heavenly generals from the four major colonels, and all of them are heavenly generals, not a single heavenly soldier.

Because the Lord Envoy Dongji Qinghua Emperor will personally participate in the closing ceremony of the Dongshen Hall here today, after each closing ceremony of the Dongshen Hall, there will be several new super-level immortal officials in the heavenly court.

This time, there were 11 people who graduated from Dongshentang, including Fang Jian and Ren Hua.

"Fang Jian's assessment results this time were at the bottom, and he was almost unable to graduate." On the apse, Taoist Xuandu stood in front of Taishang Laojun and Dongji Qinghua Emperor, and said with a smile while holding the graduation list .

Emperor Dongji Qinghua looked slightly surprised, and said, "Bring it to me."

Taoist Xuandu immediately handed the roster in his hand to Emperor Dongji Qinghua, and Emperor Dongji Qinghua opened the roster for a look. It recorded the assessment results and questions of each graduate.

Sure enough, on this roster, Fang Jian's grades were at the bottom. Emperor Dongji Qinghua carefully checked each topic, and finally confirmed one thing: "Talking about scriptures and Taoism is Fang Jian's shortcoming."

"That's right." The Taishang Laojun stroked his beard and smiled: "This child is talented, has extraordinary perseverance, and also has a constant Dao heart and good fortune. It's just that talking about scriptures and Taoism, but studying scriptures and revising classics is not his strong point."

Emperor Dongji Qinghua smiled slightly, and said: "Fang Jian is the pillar of my heavenly court. In the future, I don't need to talk about the scriptures, study the scriptures and revise the scriptures."

Taishang Laojun nodded and said: "It is enough to assist the Great Tianzun to rule the Three Realms."

At this time, Lord Lu Yadao said, "I would like to report to Laojun, the chief envoy, the time is coming soon."

Taishang Laojun nodded, Dongji Qinghua Emperor stood up first, and said to Taishang Laojun, "Lao Jun, let's go to Hanzhen Palace to grant amulets."

"Good." Taishang Laojun nodded slightly, then stood up, walked in front of Dongji Qinghua Emperor, and led everyone to Hanzhen Hall.

When Taishang Laojun, Dongji Qinghua Emperor, Xuandu Taoist, Yun Zhongzi Taoist, Lu Ya Taoist and others entered the Hanzhen Hall, the immortal masters of the Dongshen Hall and Fang Jian were waiting in the Hanzhen Hall. Senator Lang immediately bowed and stood up.

"Greetings to the old gentleman, the great lord envoy, and the three Taoist lords." All the people saluted in unison.

Taishang Laojun waved the whisk in his hand and said slowly: "You don't need to be too polite."

"Thank you, old gentleman." Everyone thanked again, and then stood up straight.

The next step is the amulet granting ceremony, which is the most important thing, which is equivalent to the 'graduation certificate' issued to you by Dongshentang.

With the graduation certificate issued by Dongshentang, you have to be a super-grade fairy official at the beginning of the heavenly court, and you have to be a true monarch-level title fruit at the lowest level in the Taoist sect.

Then, Xuandu Taoist held the roster in his hand, and every time a person's name was called, that person would go forward, first to salute the Taishang Laojun, then to the three Taoist lords, and finally to the surrounding immortal masters salute.

After saluting, he stood still in front of Taishang Laojun, and Taishang Laojun took a jade talisman of the cave god from the jade plate in the hand of Taoist Yun Zhongzi and gave it to him.

After receiving the jade talisman of the cave god, the recipient saluted the Taishang Laojun and the others again, and then retreated to the side and waited.

Time passed slowly, and Fang Jian was the last one to receive the talisman. After receiving the jade talisman of the Dongshen, he saluted as a student to the Taishang Laojun and the immortal masters of the Dongshen Hall, and then stepped aside. .

Then the Taishang Laojun spoke: "You are not the first batch of immortal officials to graduate from the Dongshen Hall, nor will you be the last batch. The poor Taoist has nothing to say, but I just told you to leave the Dongshen Hall , All affairs are based on the common people, and all deeds must abide by the righteousness and reject the evil. If you fall into evil spirits in the future and do not abide by the righteous way, the sky will surely repay you with evil, I hope you will remember it.”

If these words were spoken by an ordinary god, the deterrent effect would be the same, but when said from the mouth of the Taishang Laojun, the effect would be different.

The eleven graduated immortal officials who were present at the scene froze for a moment, bowed down and said: "We will definitely remember Laojun's teachings."

Taishang Laojun nodded, then glanced at Dongji Qinghua Emperor, Dongji Qinghua Emperor bowed his hands to Laojun, and then walked forward, he looked at the eleven graduated officials and said: "Congratulations, everyone! Colleagues, make further progress. After graduating from the Dongshen Hall, you will be the real pillars of heaven. I will not say anything extra. Three days later, at the time of the calendar, you will all wait outside the Lingxiao Palace Edict, I will have an audience with the Jade Emperor, and I will appoint you and others to be appointed priests!"

Hearing the words of Emperor Dongji Qinghua, all the people present were in high spirits, and immediately bowed and said: "I will obey the edict of the Great Lord!"

"End of this volume"

(End of this chapter)

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