Chapter 860
The departure of King Zhengfa Ming, the only Taiyi Golden Immortal, made the whole situation no suspense.

Tangyu showed great power and killed three Jinxian monks by himself, while the rest Taiyixuanxian monks were surrounded by [-] heavenly soldiers. After a desperate resistance, hundreds of monks were killed and wounded. After the heavenly soldiers, they were finally killed or captured by the heavenly soldiers, and none of them escaped.

The only ones still fighting on the field are Kongxiu and the other remaining Jinxian, who are besieging Tangyu.

"Would you like to help?" a heavenly soldier asked in a low voice.

The Heavenly Soldiers at the side said: "If you want to ask, they will be inspected."

Afterwards, the Heavenly Soldiers stepped forward one after another to inquire about whether they should go up to help Tangyu, but they said, "The general did not give an order to capture and kill."

Heavenly soldiers, you look at me and I look at you, but you don't know what to do.

Stand here and watch?But how can there be a reason for a superior to fight there and his subordinates to watch?
At this moment, Nadu's inspection also felt that it didn't make sense, so he put his hands on his mouth and shouted at Tangyu: "Catch and kill the general, wait a moment, and the subordinates will come to help immediately!"

Tangyu, who was fighting with Kongxiu, heard this, and immediately raised his hand and stabbed at Kongxiu's face with a sword. Kongxiu was startled, and hurriedly dodged.

And Tangyu also took the opportunity to retreat a few zhang, and said to the capital, "Hold on, I am enough for these bastards."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Kongxiu and another golden fairy immediately used their magical powers, and saw two bright Buddha lights flashing by, and Tang Yu's figure suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard.

After a loud 'boom', Tangyu spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then flew out like a short-lined kite.

"Catch and kill the general!"

The heavenly soldiers turned pale with fright, and in the next moment thousands of heavenly soldiers flew out in the form of fairy light, and caught Tangyu's body in mid-air.

"Oh, what a disgrace!" Tangyu said with a pale face and weak energy after being caught by the heavenly soldiers.

Kongxiu and another Jinxian still wanted to pursue the victory, but at this moment a divine light flashed in front of their eyes, followed by a burst of thunder, followed by a sword glow across their eyes.


After two soft bangs, the heads of Kongxiu and another Da Ri Zong Jinxian flew up instantly, and with the blood floating all over the sky, the spirits of the two also immediately jumped out of their bodies.

"Fang Jian!"

As the souls of the two jumped out of the physical body, they immediately saw clearly the person who killed them, especially Kongxiu, whose voice was full of hatred.

Fang Jian looked at the souls of the two, raised his hand and shot out two lightning bolts from the sky, only to hear a burst of thunder resounding through the sky, Kong Xiu and the primordial spirit of another golden fairy were killed by the thunder in an instant, and their souls were scattered .

And the relics of the two were also smashed into powder under the thunder of the sky and the sky, and all the foundations of Taoism disappeared in smoke.

Those Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the Buddhist sect were shocked at this time, they could smash the relics?What is the history of this divine thunder?
But those Buddhas and the Eight Great Bodhisattvas clearly saw the origin of Fang Jian's divine thunder, which was the five thunders in heaven.

Xitian Paradise, Lingshan Daleiyin Temple.

All the Buddhas sit high on the golden lotus platform, and all the Bodhisattvas are majestic.

"The Buddhist disciples here in Xiniu Hezhou can no longer fight against Xitianfu." Dashizhi Bodhisattva took the lead and said, "Unless the Taiyi Golden Immortal dies after proving the Tao, no matter how many Buddhist immortals descend to the realm, they will not be Nahongqing Daoist opponent."

Wu Wuyi Bodhisattva said: "What's more, Daoist Nahongqing is holding the Jade Emperor Dao Calendar, and there is a heaven behind him, occupying the righteous title of Tian Tiao, even if he proves the Taiyi Jinxian's lower realm, he will be very difficult to deal with."

"Only by Daluo Jinxian himself, can Daoist Hongqing have no room to resist." Manjusri Bodhisattva said slowly.

"But Da Luo Jinxian can't make a move in this world." Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said: "If my Buddhist Da Luo Jinxian makes a move against Daoist Hongqing, I will give the Heavenly Court and Taoist sect a chance. Come, at least one big Luo from my Buddhist sect will be suppressed."

So when Da Luo made a move, Buddhism would never give any consideration to such a matter of giving people a handle.

At this moment, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said: "If Xiniu Hezhou Buddhism continues to fight against Xitianfu, the Great Sun Sect will not be the first Buddhist sect to be destroyed. Fang Jian, this person's momentum has been achieved, unless our Buddhism does not hesitate at any price

Set off a calamity to kill him, otherwise, if he is in Xiniu Hezhou for a day, my Buddhist disciples will have no foothold on the land of Xiniu Hezhou. "

Hearing the words of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, the pharmacist Liuliguang Wangfo also nodded and said: "The venerable Avalokitesvara is right. Fang Jian is in charge of the West Tianfu. Or all the immortals and gods of my Buddhist sect have already lost a lot under the hands of this person, which is enough to show that it is unwise for the disciples of Xiniu Hezhou to fight against Xitianfu."

As the pharmacist Liuliguang Wangfo spoke, the whole scene opened up at once.

The Ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp and Maitreya Buddha also expressed their opinions, and without exception, they all meant that they could not continue to confront Xitianfu.

This is not to say that Buddhism cannot fight against Xitianfu. Compared with the entire Buddhism, Xitianfu is nothing at all.

What is said here is that the foundation of Buddhism, those Buddhist disciples on the land of Xiniu Hezhou, they can no longer fight against Xitianfu.

If the confrontation continues like this, Fang Jian is absolutely capable of eradicating all the Buddhism and Taoism on the land of Xiniu Hezhou.

At that time, the luck of the Buddhist sect will be unstoppably damaged. If you want to reverse this situation at that time, unless, as Avalokitesvara said, the Buddhist sect will send out the Daluo Jinxian at all costs, and set off a calamity Kill Fang Jian.

But is it worth it?Just for a prescription?
Therefore, if the situation does not continue to deteriorate, the current Buddhism must point out the way to the Buddhist disciples in the land and mortal world of Xiniu Hezhou.

But now, what the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are discussing is to point out a way forward for the disciples in the mortal world of Hezhou, Xiniu.

Finally, the eyes of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas turned to Amitabha Buddha, Dainichi Tathagata Buddha, Vajra Immortal Buddha, Vairouchi Buddha and the Northern Bukong Achievement Buddha.

Obviously, these Buddhas are all staunch anti-Tiantiao sects, so the current situation requires them to make a statement.

These Buddhas looked at each other, and then Amitabha said: "The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are right. At present, it is really not appropriate for the Buddhist disciples in the mortal world of Xiniu Hezhou to fight against the West Heaven Mansion."

Da Ri Tathagata did not speak, but sat cross-legged on the lotus platform with his eyes slightly closed, but his silence was already the best statement.

Then there is Vajra Immortal Buddha. Vajra Immortal Buddha glanced at all the Buddhas first, and then said: "Here is a question, if Heavenly Court and Taoist sect join forces to attack my Buddhist sect in Nanzhan Buzhou, what should we do?"

"Then we also need to make sure that the West Heaven Mansion does not make any mistakes." Maitreya Buddha said: "The West Heaven Mansion is directly in charge of Xiniu Hezhou, and Xiniu Hezhou is the foundation of my Buddhism. No matter how the situation changes in the future, if one day the Heavenly Court helps the Taoist sect, it will be the same. In Nanzhan Buzhou, it doesn't matter if you lose some Buddhist lands, but Xiniu Hezhou must not lose."

Vajra Indestructible Buddha asked Maitreya Buddha: "Then how will the World Honored One ensure that Xiniu Hezhou or Xitianfu will not make mistakes?"

Maitreya Buddha smiled and said: "The King Kong is not bad, maybe he forgot that Fang Jian once proposed to form a Buddhist meeting with my Buddhist sect."

When Vajra Indestructible Buddha heard this, he immediately understood, so he nodded and stopped talking.

Finally, Vairouchi Buddha said: "Since Maitreya World Honored One has made a plan, we will follow the decree of the law."

With the release of Vairocin Buddha, the highest Buddhist meeting finally came to an end, and the matter of Xitianfu and Xiniu Hezhou finally came to a conclusion.

Immediately afterwards, all the Buddhas reported this proposal to the Tathagata Buddha, and the Tathagata Buddha opened his eyes and said: "Since you and others have discussed it properly, let's handle it accordingly."

"It's just." Burning Lamp Buddha said: "Who should we send to discuss with Daoist Hongqing?"

The Tathagata Buddha smiled while holding the flowers, turned his head and said to Guanyin Bodhisattva, "Would the Venerable Guanyin go to the West Heavenly Palace?"

When Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva heard the words, he immediately bowed down and said, "Disciple, please obey my Buddhist instructions."

Having wiped out the last remnants of the Great Rizong, Fang Jian immediately accepted Tianwei and returned to Baituo Heavenly Palace in West Tianfu.

And he had just returned to the Hongde Hall of the Baituo Heavenly Palace when he saw the heavenly soldiers report that Guanshiyin Bodhisattva of the South China Sea had left the Heavenly Palace.

Fang Jian was very surprised by the arrival of Guanyin Bodhisattva, but his friendship with Guanyin Bodhisattva was not bad, so Dang even greeted him personally.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is still in the same attire, wearing a moon-white glazed cassock, wearing a golden lotus crown with three treasures on his head, holding a mutton fat jade bottle in the palm of his left hand, pinching the flower fingers in his right hand, the treasure looks solemn, and the spirit is pure.

Fang Jian stepped forward and said: "Fang Jian pays his respects to Master Guanyin."

After saluting, Fang Jian said to Guanyin with a smile: "Master Guanyin is not watching sharks in the South China Sea, so why come to my West Heaven Mansion when you have time?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was stunned for a moment, then looked at Fang Jian and said, "Fang Jian, you can say anything, why? In your mind, is the poor monk just watching sharks in the South China Sea every day?"

"Do you still watch whales?" Fang Jian asked curiously.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva narrowed her eyes and said, "You're talking nonsense."

Fang Jian smiled "hehe", then cupped his hands and said, "Master Avalokitesvara's visit to the West Heaven Mansion really makes this Baituo Heavenly Palace flourish. Avalokitesvara, please."

Avalokitesvara then landed on the ground, nodded to Fangjian and said, "Heavenly Lord please."

Fang Jian couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this title, and then saw the teasing smile on Avalokitesvara's face.

Fang Jian first invited Guanyin Bodhisattva to take his seat, and then ordered the heavenly soldiers to offer spiritual tea.

After drinking a cup of spiritual tea, Fang Jian asked Avalokitesvara, "Maestro Avalokitesvara has come to West Heaven Mansion, what advice do you have?"

"I can't talk about teaching." Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva put down the teacup and said with a smile, "It's just that the poor monk has ordered me to discuss a very important matter with you."

(End of this chapter)

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