I'm an immortal in heaven

Chapter 835 Mysterious Immortal Assessment Begins

Chapter 835 Mysterious Immortal Assessment Begins

When Caijing Daoist returned to Yanfu Great World, the first thing he saw was Cen Biqing who was smiling all over his face.

"Sister Caijing, congratulations!" Cen Biqing stepped forward and grabbed her hands as soon as Caijing came out of the sacred tomb, and said to Caijing.

Master Caijing came back to his senses, then looked at Cen Biqing and said with a smile, "Xiaoqing, it's all thanks to your magic weapon."

As he spoke, Caijing took out the Green Bamboo Sword and Jiuhua Tianbao Emei Thorn and handed them back to Cen Biqing, saying, "Next is your test."

Cen Biqing took the two magic weapons back into his soul, and then looked at the real Caijing and said, "I really didn't expect that, in fact, even I thought it would be the disciples of the Taoist sect who would win."

Master Caijing smiled lightly, and said: "I'm also lucky. I just discovered the emperor's spirit of the remnant world that can cover up the catastrophe of the end of the law. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't beat anyone, and I will be out of the game long ago."

Upon hearing this, Cen Biqing immediately asked, "Is the imperial spirit still effective now?"

Master Caijing felt it for a while, then shook his head and said: "It has no effect, and I will still be restricted by the doomsday catastrophe."

At this time, a voice came from the side saying: "That only works in the Remnant Realm."

Reverend Caijing and Cen Biqing turned their heads and saw that it was the four Taoist disciples. They came forward and bowed to Reverend Caijing, "Congratulations, Fellow Daoist."

Daoist Caijing hurriedly returned the gift, and then said: "I would also like to thank the four fellow Taoists for their fulfillment."

At this moment, Fang Jian's voice came from above the platform: "Daoist Caijing, please come to the stage."

When Master Caijing heard the words, he immediately nodded to Cen Biqing, then stepped on his feet, and flew onto the platform.

I saw Fang Jian announced in public: "The first round of real fairyland monk assessment, the winner is Dongsheng Shenzhou Sanxian Caijing real person."

After Fang Jian's introduction, Caijing Daoist immediately bowed his hands to the monks around the platform, and some of the surrounding monks returned the salute to Caijing Daoist, some responded flatly, some were full of disdain, and some jealous
"Fellow Taoist Caijing, please sit down on the round platform. After the assessment of each realm is over, I will send you fellow Taoists into the Sun Chasing Tomb together." Fang Jian said.

Master Caijing nodded and said: "I would like to abide by the decree of Master Hongqing."

Afterwards, Master Caijing retreated back, and sat down on his own seat on the platform, which happened to be next to Cen Biqing's seat.

"Hmph, what's the big deal, if I killed those people directly, I wouldn't have to worry so much." Hei Haier said with disdain when he saw that the winning real Caijing was sitting there and attracted the attention of all the monks present.

Fairy Yumian beside her frowned, turned her head and said, "Don't talk nonsense."

Hei Haier quickly shut his mouth, but still felt disdainful in his heart.

At this time, Fang Jian stood on the round platform and said: "Now, all my friends from the Xuanxian Taoism are invited to line up under the round platform and accept the screening by the heavenly court first."

As soon as Fang Jian's words came out, dozens of figures around him came straight to the platform, and these were the Xuanxian monks who were about to participate in the assessment.

Still the same as before, as soon as these Xuanxian monks lined up, Wu De Xingjun came up to sell things.

But this time Fang Jian arranged for some heavenly soldiers to disguise themselves and go with Wu De Xingjun, otherwise it would be too conspicuous.

"Fellow daoists, we are about to enter the assessment, buy some elixir, maybe it will be useful."

"Fellow Daoist, let's see how this magic weapon is. It will definitely be useful in the assessment."

"And my True Fire Talisman, which is extremely powerful."

The Bull Demon King sitting on the round platform noticed the Five Dexterous Lord, and he couldn't help saying to Hei Haier: "Aren't those five people the demon cultivators in your cave?"

Hei Haier covered his face and said, "It's really embarrassing."

The Bull Demon King didn't care, but looked at Wu De Xingjun with some doubts, and he must be familiar, "Why do I always feel that these five people are a little familiar?"

"What? Impossible." Hei Hai'er asked suspiciously, "How could the father be familiar with the five of them?"

The Bull Demon King frowned, shook his head and said, "No, this feeling is definitely not groundless, there must be something wrong with these five people."

"What's the problem?" Hei Haier asked.

The Bull Demon King said directly: "The five of them are very likely to have hidden their original identities."

"Huh?" No matter what, Hei Hai'er is still very convinced of his father's ability. Hearing this, he immediately said: "Father wait a moment, wait for the boy to announce the five of them to the father. Let the father and king make a good identification."

The Bull Demon King immediately waved his hands and said, "Don't worry, take a look first."

"Look at it?" Hei Haier asked suspiciously, "What does the father want to see?"

"Just to see." Bull Demon King said.

"." Hei Hai'er still didn't understand, but he didn't ask any more, because at this moment, a soldier from heaven had already stepped onto the stage and handed a list to Fang Jian.

At this time, the Bull Demon King looked down again, and found that Wu De Xingjun had disappeared.
The Bull Demon King looked at the list in Fang Jian's hand again, and seemed to understand something for a moment.

Fang Jian looked at the information on the talisman in his hand, and then said with a smile: "Let me see, which unlucky Xuanjiao monks are going to be killed again?"

After speaking, Fang Jian raised his hand and tapped seven times in the crowd below.

The faces of the seven people who were targeted changed instantly, and at the same time, they immediately realized that they were about to make a big fuss after sacrificing the magic weapon.

But it is a pity that more than 100 heavenly soldiers rushed forward in an instant, and the people outside only saw a splash of blood.

After the heavenly soldiers dispersed, the monks around discovered that the seven cultivators from the Mysterious Wonderland of Xuanjiao had been chopped into meat paste by the heavenly soldiers.

"Tsk tsk." Fang Jian shook his head and said, "If it weren't for the catastrophe of the Dharma, the seven of you would still be able to cause a little trouble. But now your Xuanjiao leader has brought about the catastrophe of the Dharma. In the era when the physical body is king, I What the Heavenly Court fights is the strength of the flesh and the strength of the number of people!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Jian waved his hand and said, "Shovel it away and scatter it under those peach trees for nutrition."

So brutal!

The monks around looked at the heavenly soldiers who shoveled away the monks of the Xuanjiao who turned the ground into meat paste, and then looked at Fang Jian on the platform, not only thinking in their hearts.

"Okay." Fang Jian said: "The assessment of Xuanxian Realm has officially begun."

After Fang Jian's voice fell, a divine bridge extended from the Sun Chasing Tomb and slowly fell in front of everyone.

"Everyone, please enter the sacred tomb and accept the assessment," Fang Jian said.

"I'll go first." Cen Biqing stood in the Xuanxian queue, and said to Caijing Daoist on the stage.

Real Caijing also said via voice transmission: "Take care, I wish you success."

Thus, the monks of Heavenly Court, Taoist Gate, Buddhist Gate, and Sanxian Sifang Xuanxian began to walk up the Shenqiao in turn and entered the Sun Chasing Tomb.

Like the previous cultivators of the True Wonderland, the cultivators of the Mysterious Wonderland still came to a vast white space after entering the Sun Chasing Tomb.

But the group of monks in Xuanxian Realm quickly reacted, and they were not too surprised. They stood there quietly waiting for Fang Jian to appear.

After a while, Fang Jian finally appeared in front of everyone.

"I have seen the real Hongqing." The monks saw Fang Jian and bowed quickly.

Fang Jian nodded, and then said to everyone: "Just like the previous trial of the real fairyland, you also went to a remnant world called 'Baro Realm' for the assessment, but the assessment method was slightly different."

Speaking of this, Fang Jian continued: "The remnant world that you are going to has a complete set of gods and spirits, and it is different from the gods and spirits of the Yanfu Great World and the heavens and worlds. The purpose of everyone going to the assessment this time There is only one, and that is to enforce the heavenly rules on behalf of the heavenly court."

"Execute the rules of heaven?"

All the monks were stunned at this moment, what is this saying?
"Yes." Fang Jian nodded and said, "Look for the gods who violate the laws of heaven, and punish them with the laws of heaven."

After finishing speaking, Fang Jian looked at the monks in front of him and said: "In the name of the Western Tianfu Tianjun, I have given you the authority to implement the 'Treasure of Heaven' in the Remnant Realm, so that you can enforce all the gods in the Remnant Realm. 'Heavenly Punishment'. This assessment is to assess the number of natural punishments. The time period lasts for one month. Whoever can execute the most number of natural punishments in this month will win. Of course, it must be a deserved punishment. Use heavenly punishment on innocent people for unwarranted crimes, otherwise you will be out of the game. Another thing to note is that if one person executes the heavenly punishment, it is one person's merit, and two people work together to implement the heavenly punishment, it is the joint merit of both, and so on. .”

Hearing Fang Jian's words, all the monks present understood that the assessment this time was not a "battle" between monks, but a battle with the gods in the remnant world.

"Of course, those gods in the remnant world are not affected by the apocalypse." Fang Jian looked at the crowd and said.

All the monks looked at me and I looked at you. At this time, a Sanxian stood up and asked, "May I ask Master Hongqing, if we lose in the battle with the gods inside, can we withdraw from the assessment?"

Fang Jiandao: "Of course, as long as you shout 'admit defeat', you can be led out, but there are still dangers. The West Heaven Mansion still has the same words, at least you must ensure that your spirits are not damaged."

"Understood, thank you Master Hongqing." Sanxian bowed his hands and said.

Fang Jian nodded, then looked at the crowd and asked, "Do you all understand the rules? Is there anything else you don't understand?"

All the monks shook their heads when they heard this.

Fang Jian nodded and said: "Since that's the case, the assessment will officially begin. I will personally monitor and record the number of times you execute the punishment of heaven, so you can do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Fang Jian waved his hand, and all the monks felt the white light in front of them disperse, and a sense of dizziness and weightlessness flooded their bodies instantly.

When they woke up again, they found that they were already in a completely strange world.

Cen Biqing found herself in a vast and endless grassland. She looked around and saw that the grass was green and the sky was blue, but the air was filled with bloody evil spirit and icy cold.

"This is the Barrow Realm." Cen Biqing first summoned the Green Bamboo Sword and held it in his hand, then looked at the surrounding sky blue grass scene and said.

(End of this chapter)

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