I'm an immortal in heaven

Chapter 793 Praise to the Great and Loving Father

Chapter 793 Praise to the Great and Loving Father
Huo Xunyan was imprisoned in the dungeon of a temple outside Hualing City. It is strange to say, but it is normal for the people of Hualing City and even Huo Xunyan. The temple of Dayizong has a dungeon.

And the dungeon of the Dainichi Sect Temple is a place for 'suppressing evil spirits and exterminating evil spirits', so it is very reasonable.

But for Huo Xunyan at this moment, everything is meaningless. He knows that anyone who enters the dungeon of the temple is a 'demon and evil spirit'.

When he thought of the scene where Anya left with King Zhengshanming in the Shaman forest, and his hard work and dedication these days, his heart felt unparalleled pain.

The parents' money was spent, but the daughter-in-law didn't get it back, and instead wanted to become someone else's concubine.
Thinking of this, Huo Xunyan thought of his parents again in pain, wondering what happened to them now?Will you be implicated by yourself?
Just as Huo Xunyan was thinking, there was a sudden sound of drums outside the cage. The sound of the drums was very clear and ethereal, but Huo Xunyan heard bursts of mournful crying from inside. The sound was ethereal and very familiar. A bit like.
"Mother's voice?" Huo Xunyan looked in the direction of the sound of the drum.

The sound of the drum continued, accompanied by the sound of some monks speaking:

"The appearance is very good, very suitable for making drums."

"Well, send it back to the temple for sacrifice."

"it is good."

Then, the sound got closer and closer, and soon Huo Xunyan saw two monks coming out from the depths of the dungeon. Under the dim light, Huo Xunyan saw the head monk holding a pair of leather drums in his hands.

Huo Xunyan knew the leather drum, it was a kind of magic weapon of the masters of the Dayi School, and when it was beaten, it could make a melodious and ethereal drum sound that pierced the soul.

It's just that Huo Xunyan is very strange at this moment. He is surprised that the upper and lower drum heads of the leather drum have been finished, but there are traces of water constantly oozing from the edges of the leather drum.

Is it water?Huo Xunyan squinted his eyes, and gradually saw through the dim light that it wasn't water, it was red blood!

Leather drums are naturally made of leather. The leather drums made by the masters of the Dainichi School are all monster skins, but where are there monsters in this dungeon?
'Boom' 'Boom' 'Boom'

As the two monks walked slowly through Huo Xunyan's cage, the skin drum suddenly rang automatically.

Huo Xunyan heard the familiar voice again, just like the gentle murmur of his mother when he was coaxing him to sleep when he was a child.

Hearing the sound of the drum, Huo Xunyan's eyes suddenly burst into tears for some reason, "Mother" at this moment, his heart was very depressed, painful, and inexplicably uncomfortable.

He felt the presence of his mother, as if she was by his side, or as if she was going away. It wasn't until the two monks left the dungeon and the sound of the drum disappeared that Huo Xunyan's inner feelings slowly dissipated.

"Why do you feel that way?" Huo Xunyan looked blankly at the direction the two monks were leaving and murmured.

At this moment, there was a sound from the gate of the dungeon, and not long after, four or five monks came outside the cage where Huo Xunyan was. The head monk looked at Huo Xunyan and said, "Huo Xunyan, you stole the Buddha's treasure." , blasphemed the concubine Ming, but the Puyuan god and monk benevolent
Sadness, I will give you a chance to redeem your sins. I will cut your intestines out and cut your bones into a tool. You will live forever and convert to my Dari Buddhism, do your best for Buddhism, and fulfill your responsibilities for all sentient beings. "

Huo Xunyan was stunned when he heard this. He had seen the masters of the Great Sun Sect before. Some spells required several bundles of 'wet intestines', but everyone thought it was the intestines of monsters, but Now it seems that they used human intestines.

As soon as the monk's words fell, the door of Huo Xunyan's prison was opened, and then the monks walked in immediately, took Huo Xunyan up, and took him out of the cage, into the deep and dark dungeon.

When Huo Xunyan was brought to the stone room deep in the dungeon, he felt a gust of wind blowing head-on, and Huo Xunyan shivered suddenly.

At the same time, accompanied by the dark wind, there was also a strong and disgusting smell of blood.

There is a huge stone platform in the center of the stone room, and there are still bloodstains on the stone platform. At this time, two monks are cleaning the stone room.

When Huo Xunyan saw what the two monks cleaned up, he was horrified, because it was two corpses.

The corpse on the left is a male. His skull, leg bones, and hand bones have all been dug out, leaving only the skin bag loosely piled up there.

And the one on the right seems to be a woman, why do you say that?Because the skin of the corpse has been completely peeled off, and one of the monks is cleaning up the broken skin that fell on the ground.

Huo Xunyan's eyes showed shock, but when he reacted and saw the bloody clothes piled up next to the two corpses, Huo Xunyan let out a scream of fear, horror and grief.

"Father! Mother!"

Isn't that pile of clothes exactly what his father Huo Xun'an and his mother Mihe wore when they attended the banquet that day?
At this moment, Huo Xunyan thought of the leather drum in the hands of the monk in front. Could it be that it was made of her mother's skin?

At this moment, Huo Xunyan struggled frantically, but the monk who was holding him had magic power, no matter how hard he struggled, it would be of no avail.

On the contrary, the monk at the side smiled at Huo Xunyan and said, "Your mother's skin has been made into a spirit drum, and your father's bones have been made into a magic weapon. Accumulate virtue, how many people can't ask for it."

When Huo Xunyan heard this, he collapsed instantly, and saw him struggling like crazy and shouting: "Monk! Monk! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

But the monk was unmoved, just waved his hand, and several other monks suppressed Huo Xunyan to the stone platform.

Huo Xunyan was suppressed on the stone platform in despair. He saw the head monk raised his right hand, and then a flash of inspiration flashed in his hand, and a slender and sharp knife appeared in the monk's hand instantly.

But just as the monk was about to move the knife, suddenly the whole stone chamber trembled violently, and the monks present couldn't help frowning.

"Earthquake?" A monk asked suspiciously.

"Impossible." Another monk said: "There is a formation around this dungeon, and no amount of earthquake will affect it."


While speaking, the entire stone room trembled again, and there was only a 'click' sound, and obvious cracks even appeared on the floor of the stone room.

"Not good." The head monk reacted, "There are monsters attacking the dungeon circle."

As soon as the head monk finished speaking, the ground of the stone room suddenly bulged violently, and then a black monster light broke through the ground with a bang, and flew into the stone room instantly.

As the demon light flew into the stone room, it instantly turned into a strong man in black with a hulking back.

The strong man was completely black, not only his clothes were black, but his skin was also black. At the same time, his eyes were fierce, and his hands were as thick as bear paws.

"Where did the evildoer come from, how dare to trespass on the holy place of Buddhism." The monks shouted sharply when they saw this strong man.

However, a red light came out of the eyes of the strong man who heard the stern shout, and then he let out a violent roar, and then turned into a black shadow and rushed towards the monks present.

The monks hurriedly unleashed magic weapons to fight, but the strong man's hands turned into thick bear paws. Huo Xunyan, who was lying on the stone platform, only heard the sound of 'tearing' and a few screams, and then The entire stone room fell into a complete silence.

The strong man tore apart several monks present, and then came to the place where he appeared before, where there is now a big hole.

"Quick!" The strong man leaned over and shouted into the cave.

Soon dozens of monster lights flew out of the cave, and soon filled the entire stone chamber to the brim.

"Hurry up and save people, don't delay, if those bald donkeys from Changlin Temple come to help, it will be troublesome." The strong man said to the rest of the demon cultivators.

"There's someone else here." A younger demon cultivator said while looking at Huo Xunyan on the stone platform.

"It looks like it was captured by those bald donkeys." Another demon cultivator said.

"Do you want to save him?" a demon cultivator asked.

"He is a human, and we are demons, why save him?" said a female demon cultivator.

Suddenly, a familiar face appeared above Huo Xunyan, Huo Xunyan couldn't help being shocked when he saw this old face, and said, "It's you?"

"You guys know each other?" the brawny man asked the old demon.

The old demon said: "He bought my 'Hundred Flowers Mixiang' for 1 taels of silver."

It turned out that this old demon was the one who bought Mixiang for Huo Xunyan, Huo Xunyan looked at the old demon and asked, "Are you a monster?"

The old demon nodded and said: "Yes, a monster who kills without blinking an eye, eats people without spit out bones."

Huo Xunyan asked, "You killed the monk?"

The old monster said: "I didn't dare to kill before, but now I don't have the ability to kill."

"Save me!" Huo Xunyan said, "I want to kill with you."

The old monster turned around and glanced at the demon cultivators around him. The demon cultivators also looked at each other in blank dismay. At this moment, the strong man said, "Help! The monk's enemy is our friend."

Hearing this, the old monster immediately raised his hand and used his mana to break the seal on Huo Xunyan's body. Huo Xunyan immediately jumped up from the stone platform, and then he saw the corpses of monks on the ground that had been torn to pieces by strong men.

Immediately after, Huo Xunyan rushed to his parents' corpses, hugged his parents' corpses tightly in his arms, and then burst into tears.

"Father, mother, I was wrong, my child was wrong!" Huo Xunyan wailed loudly.

At this moment, the demon cultivators also realized that the two corpses were his parents. For a while, the demon cultivators were full of sympathy for Huo Xunyan.

But sympathy belongs to sympathy, now is not the time to be sad.

"Little brother, let's go, the big revenge will be reported later, the first thing to do now is to save your life." The strong man stepped forward and patted Huo Xunyan on the shoulder and said.

Huo Xunyan sobbed violently, then forced himself to suppress his grief and stood up, he turned to look at the strong man and said, "Brother, can I trouble you to do me a favor, I don't want my parents' corpses to be harmed by the demon monk again."

"Simple." The brawny man nodded, raised his hand and shot a real fire that landed on Huo Xunyan's parents' corpses, only to see the coaxing flash of fire, and Huo Xunyan's parents' corpses instantly turned into ashes.

Huo Xunyan pushed his parents' ashes into the cave, then turned around and wiped away his tears and said, "Brother, let's go."

The strong man nodded, and then said to the old demon, "You take care of him."

The old demon responded, and immediately shot out a ray of spiritual light into Huo Xunyan's body with his hands, and said: "Just follow me later."

Huo Xunyan felt the spiritual light entering his body, and his body instantly became extremely light and agile, so he nodded towards the old demon.

At this time, the strong man said to the monsters again: "Friends, the purpose of our trip is to rescue the fellow monsters who are imprisoned here. We must act quickly and not delay too long. We only have time for a cup of tea. Leave anyway after tea time."

"Okay." All the demon cultivators said one after another.

Then the burly man raised his right hand to form a sword finger, pointed the sword finger up and said reverently: "Praise the great and loving father Hongqing, and bless us for a smooth and worry-free trip."

All the demon cultivators also pointed their swords upwards, and said with an extremely pious light on their faces: "Praise the great and loving father Hongqing, and bless us for a smooth and worry-free trip."

Huo Xunyan looked at the actions of the demons suspiciously. He didn't know who the "great and loving father Hongqing real person" was, but when he heard the words "Hongqing real person", he suddenly felt a great light shine on him. Light up all the darkness, expel all the haze and evil.

Afterwards, the strong man gave an order, and dozens of demon cultivators turned into demon lights and rushed out of the stone room in an instant, while Huo Xunyan stepped forward, and under the blessing of the spiritual light in his body, he floated up and followed the old demon rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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