I'm an immortal in heaven

Chapter 781 Praise to the Great and Loving Father

Chapter 781 Praise to the Great and Loving Father
Listening to Tangyu's words, Master Xianzheng and all the monks present were deeply shocked.

"Is this what a heavenly official said?!" A startled and angry voice sounded from behind, and then Elder Xianming quickly flew behind Master Xianzheng.

The sage elder pointed at Tang Yu and said, "As a Celestial Official, you are so cruel and ruthless. You have dealt with such a virtuous and eminent Buddhist monk. Xitian Mansion must give me an explanation from Shuangjian Temple!"

As soon as Elder Xianming said these words, he suddenly felt that they seemed a little familiar.

And Tangyu said with a sneer at the moment: "Do you think these words are familiar? That's right, a few days ago, Banjie Mountain rebelled against the group of demons, and the West Tianfu had to give them an explanation."

"The confession is here." Tang Yu flicked the blade with his left hand, and said: "The monks in Shuangjian Temple have no law, deceive the immortal officials, and try their best to delay and perfunctory the decree of Xitianfu. Tianfu captured and killed the general, and today he will implement the law of heaven, this is my account to you."

As soon as the voice of 'Yin' fell, Tao Rui's Shuangqing sword flashed two bright sword lights immediately, and then Tangyu's body exploded, and she went straight to kill Master Xianzheng.

Master Xianzheng shrank his pupils, and immediately held the vajra pestle and struck at the Tao Rui Shuangqing sword, only to hear a "ding", and the flames splashed all over the place in an instant.

Then Tang Yu's twin swords were like shadows, attacking Master Xianzheng alternately, but Master Xianzheng took over all the moves.

At the same time, the wise elder also sacrificed his magic weapon, which was a golden Zen staff more than eight feet long.

I saw the sage elder held a golden Zen staff, shouted and killed Tang Yu.

Seeing this, the monks of the surrounding Shuangjian Temple also recovered from their horror. Afterwards, all the monks above the real fairyland sacrificed their magic weapons and soared into the sky, surrounding Tangyu.

Tangyu first pushed away the golden Zen staff of the wise elder with a sword in his left hand, and then stabbed the master Xianming with a sword in his right hand, forcing him to defend. Then Tangyu stepped back, looked around and all the monks of Shuangjian Temple below and said: " Well done."

After finishing speaking, I saw Tangyu chanting the incantation lightly, and then a clear light shot directly from between Tangyu's eyebrows.

Once this clear light appeared, it carried an incomparably terrifying power. Wherever the clear light passed, everything was reduced to powder.

Seeing this scene, Master Xianzheng was horrified, and quickly shouted to all the monks: "Be careful, hide!"

But it was a pity that the clear light between Tang Yu's brows suddenly rose sharply, covering the inside and outside of Shuangjian Temple in an instant.

Only Master Xianzheng was covered with golden light, forcibly blocked the power of the clear light with the golden immortal way.

But the rest of the monks are not so strong. At this moment, the bodies of all the monks including the wise elders began to dissipate rapidly. It took only [-] breaths from head to toe to completely disappear, leaving only dozens of relics of different colors The seeds fell from the sky like raindrops.

In only thirty breaths, Tangyu wiped out thousands of monks and disciples in Shuangjian Temple, leaving only Master Xianzheng alive.

Master Xianzheng looked sadly and angrily at the inside and outside of Shuangjian Temple, which was turned into ruins by the clear light, and at the dozens of relics on the ground, and then let out a long cry, and the golden light around him instantly burst out.

Tangyu's eyes froze, and she immediately shone the clear light between her brows directly on Master Xianzheng, and Master Xianzheng formed the Dharma seal with his hands at this moment, and shouted loudly at Tangyu: "The seal of ignorance, illness!"

The blue light between Tangyu's eyebrows is a supernatural power, and the divine seal that Master Xianzheng is displaying at this moment is also a supernatural power.

At the moment when the 'Seal of Wuming' was cast, Tang Yu felt her eyes go dark, and then it was as if she had received a slap between her eyebrows, and her whole body was plunged into darkness.

At the same time, the clear light between Tang Yu's brows disappeared quickly, and he stood there in total darkness.

The seal of ignorance, as the name suggests, if it is in this seal, it will fall into darkness and not see the light.

Tangyu understood that he was under the supernatural power of Master Xianzheng. At this moment, he couldn't observe everything around him, even he couldn't grasp his own situation, but he didn't panic. Jian stood there quietly.

Suddenly, Master Xianzheng's vajra directly hit Tang Yu's left chest, and instantly pierced through the left chest and hit the heart.

Between lightning and flint, a starlight surged in the tendons of Tangyu's body, which instantly blurred the inside of Tangyu's body and trapped the vajra in it.

Sensing the situation of the vajra piercing Tangyu's body, Master Xianzheng was slightly startled, and then immediately recalled the vajra pestle.

What Tangyu wanted was that he recalled the vajra, only to hear a 'hoo', and the vajra flew out of Tangyu's left chest wound in an instant, but Master Xianzheng keenly noticed that there was a starburst following that The vajra flew out together.

Master Xianzheng immediately realized that something was wrong, but it was too late. At the moment when the vajra flew back into his hands, a starburst spread out directly in front of him, and then the sword light of Taorui Shuangqing Sword flashed in an instant .


Taorui's Shuangqing Sword flew out from the starburst one from the left and the other from the right, and cut off Master Xianzheng's head like a pair of long scissors.

In an instant, blood was sprayed, and the head flew up. Master Xianzheng, the abbot of Shuangjian Temple, was beheaded by Tangyu.

Three breaths after Master Xianzheng was beheaded, the divine power of the Wuming Seal dissipated instantly, and Tang Yu finally regained his light.

He didn't go to see the dead Master Xianzheng, but directly retracted the Taorui Shuangqing Sword, and then looked at his left chest.

I saw a blood hole the size of a fist on his left chest, and blood was flowing out of the hole. Tangyu quickly took out the elixir and put it in his mouth, then sat down cross-legged in the air and turned his mana to heal the wound.

While Tangyu was healing her wounds, the relics on the ground, including the relics in Master Xianzheng's body, all flew up with a faint light of Buddha at this moment, and then quickly flew into the sky, where they went.

Tangyu watched those relics being taken away by others, but he didn't care about them, and he couldn't control them either. Only Buddhists can accept the relics of Buddhist gods.

Even if the gods of the heavenly court and the Taoist sect took it, the Buddhist sect only needed a mantra and a handprint to take it back immediately.

After a stick of incense, Tangyu's chest wounds gradually healed, but only initially, but at least she was able to move freely.

At this time, ten divine lights fell in the sky, Tangyu looked up, and saw ten generals flying down in front of Tangyu, and bowed to Tangyu: "Catch and kill the general, Master Shangshu ordered me to come and meet you Go back to Xitianfu."

Tangyu nodded, pointed at the ruined walls of Shuangjian Temple below and said, "No rush, let's erect a monument here."

"The monks in Shuangjian Temple obeyed the law of Yin and violated Yang, disrespected the law of heaven, and tried to resist the decree of Daoist Hongqing. They arrested and killed General Tang Yu, followed the decree of Daoist Hongqing, enforced the law of heaven, and destroyed the rebellious monks. This monument was erected as a warning. .”

This is the inscription on the stele that Tangyu erected in front of the mountain gate of Shuangjian Temple. After erecting the stele, Tangyu and the ten generals rode the clouds and returned to Xitianfu.

And in the territory of Amo, on a high mountain cliff named "Maliu Cliff", the Ghost King Bodhisattva's dharma form "Bone Skull Grim" sits in the center of Maliu Cliff.

He looked at the dozens of relics floating in the air in front of him, which were the relics of the monks in Shuangjian Temple.

Originally, at the moment Master Xianzheng fought Tangyu, the Ghost King Bodhisattva was ready to secretly help Master Xianzheng kill Tangyu.

But when Tang Yu used his first clear light supernatural power, Ghost King Bodhisattva immediately dismissed this idea.

Because at that moment, the Ghost King Bodhisattva recognized Tang Yu's origin, "Nirvana Divine Light, Neiyuan Xingdou, turned out to be a person from Qingxiao Treasure Realm." Ghost King Bodhisattva said in a deep voice.

Moreover, the person who knows the two supernatural powers of Nirvana Divine Light and Neiyuan Xingdou is definitely not an ordinary person, but a person of extremely noble birth in the Qingxiao Treasure Realm.

"Could it be the demon emperor, the demon queen, or the son of the demon master Kunpeng?" Ghost King Bodhisattva's eyes were gloomy, "Interesting, I never imagined that the four gods of the Qingxiao Treasure Realm are so generous that they can put their own The blood was sent to Fang Jian to serve as an official."

As the Ghost King Bodhisattva said, he already had an idea in his mind. If this person's identity was as he had guessed, it would be a pity not to take advantage of it.

The destruction of Shuangjian Temple only took a few days to spread to the ears of all Buddhist disciples in Xiniu Hezhou.

Coupled with the fact that Xitian Mansion kept passing down the following edicts to the immortal officials and shrines, as well as the Buddhist temples, so when the news that Shuangjian Temple was suppressed by Xitian Mansion reached the ears of these Buddhist disciples, everyone was extremely shocked. the shock.

When the Guangfa Temple was destroyed, it was only the temple that was destroyed. Not many monks died, and most of them were imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison of Xitianfu.

But this time the Shuangjian Temple was different, this time it was directly exterminated, from the abbot to the lowest level disciples, all survived.

And this news was also confirmed by the eight Bodhisattvas. In fact, the eight Bodhisattvas passed down the decree to confirm the news at the beginning because they wanted to declare the cruelty of the Western Heaven Mansion to Buddhist disciples and all living beings in Hezhou, Xiniu.

But what the Eight Great Bodhisattvas did not expect, after their decree confirmed the news that Shuangjian Temple was suppressed by Xitianfu, all the Buddhist disciples in the entire Xiniu Hezhou stopped and did not take any action.

Although these Buddhist disciples are faithful to the teachings of the Eight Great Bodhisattvas, facing such pressure from Xitianfu, the abbots and abbots of each Buddhist temple must be responsible to their disciples.

Whether it is to exterminate evil spirits or spread Buddhism, in the final analysis, what is needed is "people", or outstanding disciples in the sect.

If, in order to follow the Bodhisattva's decree, he insisted on exterminating evil spirits, and finally involved everyone in his entire Buddhist temple, it would be a huge loss, and the gain would not be worth the loss.

You are exterminated as a demon, but has the Buddhadharma flourished?No, on the contrary, it will cause huge losses and the decline of Buddhism because of disobedience to Xitianfu.

Therefore, the abbots and abbots of the major Buddhist temples, after learning that Shuangjian Temple was destroyed, immediately received the edict from the general who came to announce the edict, and stopped the demon extermination.

The Eight Great Bodhisattvas also understood this situation very clearly, so they did not forcefully order the Buddhist disciples to exterminate evil spirits, but issued a decree to order all Buddhist disciples to avoid confronting the West Heaven Mansion as much as possible.

Under the Dao of Heaven, all the struggles in the Three Realms are nothing more than battles of ideas and beliefs.

This is true of Buddhism, Taoism, and heaven.

The heavenly court will fight for the law of heaven, the Taoist school will fight for the Taoist law, and the Buddhist school will fight for the Buddhist law.

But the premise of all battles is people. If there are no people, what is the use of winning the battle?
As shocked as all the Buddhist monks in Hezhou, Xiniu, there were Bao Yun and his wife who took refuge in the Earth Temple in Shiqiu.

The husband and wife learned the news of Shuangjian Temple's destruction from Zhang Qingyi's mouth. At that time, the two of them stood there dumbfounded, speechless in shock.

After waiting for a long time, the husband and wife came back to their senses, and then they couldn't believe it: "Shuangjian Temple has been destroyed?"

Zhang Qingyi shook his head and smiled, and then replied again: "That's right, it was captured and killed by the general of the West Heaven Mansion and suppressed. If the two fellow Taoists are interested, you can go to Shuangjian Temple to see it for yourself."

Hearing this, Bao Yun and Bao Xin shook their heads quickly, joking, even if Shuangjian Temple is destroyed, it will still be a Buddhist temple in a short time, how dare they two demon cultivators of the Yang God Realm go there?
"I really didn't expect that." Bao Xin said in an inconceivable tone, "A Buddhist temple as big as Shuangjian Temple was destroyed like this?"

"That's right." Bao Yun looked shocked at the sky in the direction of Shuangjian Temple and said, "The abbot of Shuangjian Temple, Master Xianzheng, is also a golden immortal."

Bao Yun and Bao Xin were both shocked and terrified. What shocked them was that the Shuangjian Temple, where they used to have the whole demon cave, was destroyed just like that.

What is frightening is that Xitian Mansion is so thunderous, ruthless and decisive in doing things, as long as it catches a little crime of yours, it will directly beat you to death.

Moreover, the Buddhist sects in Xiniu Hezhou did not dare to openly resist. At this moment, Bao Yun and Bao Xin finally understood that the "Hongqing Daoist" who used to exist only in legends for them was the real magic needle of tranquility for all living beings in Xiniu Hezhou .

As long as he is here in Xiniu Hezhou, no matter who dares to disturb the order of all living beings under his nose, they will be ruthlessly wiped out.

"Sincerely praise the Shangshu of Xitianfu, the loving father of all living beings in Hezhou, Xiniu, and the merciful and compassionate Daoist Hongqing."

At this moment, Bao Yun and Bao Xin stood side by side, and bowed respectfully towards the sky, and this scene was happening to every inch of land in Xiniu Hezhou, and every demon cultivator who had escaped from the sky.

Bao Yun and the others learned the title of loving father from Zhang Qing.

As for Zhang Qingyi and the other land immortal officials, they received Tangyu's amulet order, asking them to spread the name of Fang Jian's loving father among the demon cultivators in Hezhou, Xiniu.

If the sentient beings in Xiniu Hezhou have faith, it must be Tiantiao.If there is a belief, it must be Fang Jian, the loving father of Xiniu Hezhou.

After this incident of exterminating demons in Buddhism, and the fact that the immortal officials of Xiniu Hezhou were ordered to protect the demon cultivators, Fang Jian's name of "great and loving father" has spread rapidly among the demon clan of Xiniu Hezhou.

And all of this was written by Tang Yu, and Fang Jian himself may not know that he gained hundreds of thousands of demon sons and grandchildren overnight.

However, Fang Jian will know soon, because all the demon cultivators in Hezhou, Xiniu, who are eager to find a new asylum, quickly changed their beliefs in the fastest way, even if it was a bit extreme.

What kind of backing can compare to Xitianfu?What kind of protector can bring us a sense of security than the great loving father Hongqing?


Therefore, convert to the law of heaven, uphold the law of heaven, raise the banner, praise loudly, and sing to the west the compassion and faith of the great father Hongqing!

(End of this chapter)

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