Chapter 757

In Banjie Mountain, the moon is dark and the wind is high, and the cold wind is miserable.

Groups of bonfires shone brightly in the Banjie Mountains, and the bonfires all over the mountains were like stars shining brightly in the dark Banjie Mountains.

It was pitch black around the awning where the ten demon kings were, which meant that the ten demon kings had all entered meditation, so the little demons put out the bonfire.

Only those little demons who were in charge of patrolling and guarding were still sitting by the campfire, or patrolling around with torches in their hands.

After all, mana is very precious now, and it cannot be used indiscriminately. Save as much as you can.

On one of the outermost peaks of the Banjie Mountains, a group of more than a dozen little demons were sitting cross-legged in front of the bonfire.

Their highest is only in the Void Refining Realm, and there are many caves scattered around the mountain peak, and the monsters who lead these little monsters live in those caves.

At this moment, in front of this pile of bonfires, more than a dozen little demons were staring straight at the shelf above the bonfire, because there was a black pig strung up on that shelf.

This black pig was not big, about a hundred catties, and the hair on its body hadn't been plucked. It was just roughly tidied up and put on the rack for roasting.

One of the little demons in the Void Refining Realm had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and the other little demons around him were also wounded.

While they were intoxicated smelling the smell of roasted pig meat, they heard the bruised-nosed and swollen little demon of the Void Refining Realm say: "It's really unlucky, but it happened to us to encounter the catastrophe of Lao Shizi's end. If we go to the world to steal a pig, we will be severely beaten." .”

It turned out that the wounds on their faces and bodies were all beaten up by those mortals when they were stealing pigs in the mortal village.

"Now mana is useless, and the replenished mana can only go from Banjie Mountain to the human world, and then return from the world to Banjie Mountain. We can only bear the beatings of those mortals." Another little demon also complained.

The little demon with a bruised nose and a swollen face said: "There is a mortal who is so strong that I can't even beat him."

"I was hit by a hoe. If I hadn't shown my original shape and frightened them, I might have been beaten to death." Another little demon said with a sad face.

At this time, a little demon looked towards a cave not far away, and saw that the fire was brightly lit in the cave, and there were bursts of wine and meat aroma from time to time.

"I'm really envious of the great kings. Their mana is strong, their martial arts are also strong, and they can eat anything they want." A little demon said with a longing face.

'啪' Suddenly, a light sound came into the ears of all the little monsters, and the talking little monsters turned their heads to look.

It turned out that a little demon in the realm of refining gods was slapped, and his mouth was still glistening under the light of the fire.

"What are you in a hurry for? You haven't gotten used to it yet?" the Void Refining Realm demon who beat up the God Refining Realm demon scolded.

The little demon in the refining realm covered his face, lowered his head and said, "I'm a little hungry, I just want to take a bite."

"Eat it when it's cooked! It's not that you don't have a share, you can steal it and don't give it to you later." The little demon of the Void Refining Realm with a bruised nose said to the little demon of the God Refining Realm.

The little demon in the refining god realm panicked when he heard this, and quickly said: "I won't steal it, and I won't steal it again."

After a while, the black pig was half-cooked, the skin was shiny with oil, and the aroma of the meat became stronger and stronger.

The little demons around stared at him with straight eyes, and everyone swallowed their saliva non-stop.

Although a little demon in the Void Refining Realm kept swallowing his saliva, he still reminded: "Don't be in a hurry, eat it after it's cooked, everyone will have a share."

"Yeah." The little monsters around nodded repeatedly.

"Is there any salt? Sprinkle some salt on it." A little demon said.

Hearing this, the other little demon quickly took out a small paper bag from his pocket and said, "Yes, I stole some salt that day."

After finishing speaking, the little demon carefully sprinkled the salt on the black pig, and as the salt entered the meat, the smell of the meat suddenly became more intense.

"I'll be ready soon, I'll be ready soon." The little demons muttered silently in their hearts.

But at this moment, a sharp whistling sound suddenly sounded in the sky outside Banjie Mountain. If it was a demon cultivator who often dealt with Tianting, he would immediately know that it was the sound of Tianting's 'Ming Di'.

But in the middle of the night, even if he didn't know that it was a whistling sound, he was still taken aback by the sharp whistling sound.

The little demons who were waiting for the roast pork to be cooked were startled, and then quickly turned their heads to look outside the mountain where the sound came from.

The next moment, a bright white light suddenly lit up outside the mountain, and it shone into Banjie Mountain in an instant, illuminating the entire Banjie mountain range as if it were daytime.

"Follow the decree of Daoist Hongqing, Minister of the Western Tianfu, to destroy the Banjie Mountain demon rebellion, kill!"

A majestic and majestic voice sounded from outside the Banjie Mountain in an instant, and it spread throughout the inside and outside of the Banjie Mountain in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of deafening shouts of killing, and nearly a thousand huge generals appeared in the white light that shone into Banjie Mountain.

Nearly 1000 gods performed the 'zhangqian method' and turned into more than [-] giants with a height of [-] zhang. At this moment, they entered Banjie Mountain under orders.

After a short period of sluggishness, all the monsters in the mountains inside and outside the Banjie Mountain all reacted.

All the little demons in charge of patrolling and on duty beat the big drums and shouted loudly: "The god will come to the mountain, the god will come to the mountain!"

In an instant, Banjie Mountain was filled with demon lights, and millions of demon cultivators boiled up instantly. Those monsters who were drinking and eating meat in the cave also rushed out with magic weapons, calling their respective monsters to fight.

But their way of fighting is very special. These demon cultivators did not directly lay down a heavy formation in front of them, but spread out to both sides under the charge of the gods, as if they made a way for those gods to enter the board. Boundary Mountain.

Soon the thousand god generals rushed into Banjie Mountain under the leadership of Fang Jian. However, at this moment, the million demon cultivators who had been scattered in all directions suddenly surrounded Fang Jian and Fang Jian who had rushed into the hinterland of Banjie Mountain. God surrounded them heavily.

At this moment, Fang Jian is still leading a thousand god generals to kill from left to right, killing countless monster cultivators on their backs, but if you observe carefully, you will find that those monster cultivators who rushed up to fight are all monsters below the Yang God Realm. There are no fairyland demon cultivators.

"Back!" At this moment, a loud shout came from the main peak of Banjie Mountain.

Then those little monsters who were constantly driven up like ants to besiege Fang Jian and the generals receded like a tide, and then formed a formation with the surrounding demon cultivators to besiege Fang Jian and the generals heavily.

Immediately afterwards, the Demon Cultivators of the True Immortal Realm, the Demon Cultivators of the Xuan Immortal Realm, the Demon Cultivators of the Taiyi Xuan Realm and even the Demon Cultivators of the Golden Immortal Realm all flew out of the mountain caves and fell into the formations, completely completing the encirclement.

"Hahahaha!" A burst of laughter came down from the main peak of Banjie Mountain, and then ten demon kings flying out of the main peak covered in golden light.

"Fang Jian, you have fallen for it!" Fang Jian of the Yutamarrow Dynasty shouted loudly: "We have already figured out that you will sneak attack on Banjie Mountain tonight, so we have laid a siege here, please enter the urn."

King Shaking the Sky also said proudly: "Fang Jian is a thief, despicable and shameless, you will not escape today!"

But Fang Jian stood in the air, only looked at the ten demon kings expressionlessly, and said nothing.

The top ten demon kings were slightly surprised, but soon the Jiao Demon King waved his hand and said: "Boys, come on! Those who kill a god general will be rewarded with eight hundred robbery jades. Those who capture Fang Jian alive will be rewarded with ten thousand robbery jades!"

Hearing the order from the Jiao Demon King, millions of demon cultivators all boiled up at once. They roared and cheered, and then, driven by the reward, they moved towards Fang Jian and the thousand generals from up, down, and down. Siege up in six directions: left, right, front, and back.

The one who rushed to the front was a golden fairy demon cultivator. He had a clear goal, and he was holding a gilt phoenix-winged spear and went straight to kill Fang Jian.

And Fang Jian also reacted immediately, but it was neither defensive nor offensive, but extended his middle finger towards the top ten demon kings not far away.

"." The ten demon kings were taken aback, "What does he mean?" Peng Demon King asked puzzled.

The other nine demon kings were also puzzled, only the macaque king reluctantly explained: "He gave us the middle finger, the middle finger is the longest and tallest among the five fingers, he should be convincing us and praising us for our superior skills .”

"Humph." Hearing this, King Yu Tamarin immediately sneered and said, "I'm submissive now? It's too late!"

While speaking, the gold-plated phoenix-winged spear of the golden fairy and demon cultivator had already stabbed Fang Jian's body, but it was this stab that made everyone's faces change.

Because the gilded phoenix-winged spear of the Jinxian Yaoxiu passed through Fang Jian's body directly, as if it had stabbed a shadow of nothingness.

"This..." Jinxian Yaoxiu was terrified. He raised his head and looked at Fang Jian, only to see that Fang Jian in front of him, like a shadow, completely disappeared after a tremor.

The Jinxian Yaoxiu hurriedly searched in all directions, but found that the thousand generals, like Fang Jian, all became like shadows under the attack of the surrounding Yaoxiu, and all disappeared after a while.

"What's going on?" The Ten Demon Kings were stunned, and the King Shaking the Sky even exclaimed: "Where did the dog thief Fang Jian go?"

But King Tongtian said at this moment: "It's an illusion! They are all illusions!"

"Impossible." King Shaking the Sky said, "If it's an illusion, it's impossible for us not to discover it. If it's an illusion, how could they still kill our little monsters?"

King Tongtian hesitated when he heard the words, and he couldn't explain this.

But the macaque king at the side said, "It's light."

"What?" The nine demon kings looked at the macaque king one after another, and the macaque king pointed directly at the white light shining into the Banjie mountain outside the Banjie mountain and said: "It is the light that solidifies the illusion and gives the illusion the same power as its real self." Dao Xingqi mechanism, so we can't tell the difference."

"." Hearing these words, the top ten demon kings were all silent for a moment, and the monsters who had been beaten like chicken blood before were all standing in place at the moment, looking around in a daze.

Now they finally understand what it means to "draw the sword and look around in a daze". I sacrificed the magic weapon, and I was ready to go all out, but my enemy disappeared?For a while, Banjie Mountain fell into an embarrassing situation beyond words.


A burst of clear laughter resounded through the sky from outside Banjie Mountain, and then the white light shining into Banjie Mountain went out. Above the sky, Fang Jian, who is covered with a golden light god, is majestic.

"If you can count, can't this god not count?" Fang Jian held the hilt of the Taiyi golden lightsaber at his waist with his left hand, looked at the ten demon kings and said, "I know there are some masters behind you to help you." , so I came here tonight to have a look. Sure enough, I expected

Ah, you bastards, it's not your fault that you are simple-minded, but it's really embarrassing to learn to use such a bad trick. "

After finishing speaking, Fang Jian turned to the heavenly generals, divine generals, and the eight great saints behind him: "This generation is so stupid, there is nothing to worry about. Follow me back to Master Fanqing Peak. You can have a good sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow morning." In one fell swoop, this Banjie Mountain Demon Ni was wiped out!"

"Yes." More than 1000 gods and generals responded loudly, and their voices spread for hundreds of miles, making the faces of the ten demon kings and those demon cultivators extremely ugly.

Then Fang Jian led the generals and generals to fly back to Fanqing Peak. Along the way, the generals laughed mercilessly at Banjie Mountain.

"Damn it, Fang Jian is a dog thief!" Shaking Heaven King cursed angrily, and said angrily, "Dear fellows, why don't we go to Fanqing Peak tonight!"

"Impossible." Jiao Demon King immediately said: "If you can't bear it, you will mess up and make big plans. It seems that Fang Jian also has an expert behind him. Going up to Fanqing Peak at this moment may learn the tricks of the dog thief in China. Don't act rashly."

"Hi!" King Shaking Heaven let out a deep lament, and said, "I'm so fucking aggrieved!"

And after this incident, the morale of millions of demon cultivators in Banjie Mountain has been greatly affected. At this moment, everyone's face is either angry, helpless, or depressed, and some of them are directly facing Fanqing. Feng Xiang yelled.
(End of this chapter)

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