I'm an immortal in heaven

Chapter 736 Chang Yi Visits

Chapter 736 Chang Yi Visits
Heavenly Court, Taishi Immortal Capital, within Taishi Immortal Palace.

Sitting on the nine-colored Qingyun, the Queen Mother of the West looked at the Nine-Heaven Xuannv sitting high on the first Qingyun.

Only Queen Mother Xi sighed quietly, and then said: "Sister is taller than me now."

Nine Heavens Xuannv could not help but smile when she heard this, and then said: "Sister, you are joking, I am already past the age of being tall."

What the Queen Mother of the West said was high in status. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl is now one of the five emperors in the Heavenly Court, and her status is only below the Jade Emperor, so she is naturally higher than the Queen Mother of the West.

But Jiutian Xuannv said that she was past the age of being tall, and brought the topic to height. It can be seen that Jiutian Xuannv is also a master of pretending to be confused.

The Queen Mother of the West caressed the cat in her bosom, and she just smiled when she heard the words, and then said to the Nine Heavens Xuannv: "When you were the chief envoy, you called me 'Niang Niang'. Now you are one of the 'Five Royals'." , but called my sister, is there any god in heaven who is smarter than you?"

Nine Heavens Profound Girl said with a smile: "There are a lot of talents in Heaven, and there are naturally many gods who are more capable than my sister."

The Queen Mother of the West said: "I'm talking about shrewdness, not ability. Forget it, I always talk like this when I talk to you. By the way, have you seen the spiritual light that has spread throughout Xiniu Hezhou and Tianting in the past few days?"

Nine Heavens Xuannv was stunned when she heard the words, and then asked: "Sister, what kind of spiritual light is she talking about? These days, my sister, I have been perfecting the laws and regulations of Taishi Xiandu, and I don't know much about the outside things."

The Queen Mother of the West couldn't help but smiled slightly when she heard the words, and said, "Do you want to see my sister?"

"?" Nine Heavens Xuannv looked at Queen Mother Xi's expression and always felt a little strange. She was about to answer, but she didn't say it out of her mouth. Instead, she counted her fingers first.

The Queen Mother of the West saw the Nine Heavens Xuannv pinching her fingers to figure out the secret, she shook her head and smiled slightly, and then waited quietly.

After a few breaths, Nine Heavens Xuannv put down her right hand again. At this time, she already knew exactly what Queen Mother Xi said.

The Queen Mother of the West said at this time: "Such a big event happened in the West Heaven Mansion, and that Daoist Hongqing is inseparable from it. After all, the Lord Youde of the West Heaven Mansion has already performed a retreat and handed over all the affairs to the Master Hongqing. Thinking that he has made such a big fuss just after he came to power, there is nowhere to put the face of Heavenly Court this time."

Nine Heavens Xuannv smiled lightly, and did not refute Queen Mother Xi's words.

The Queen Mother of the West was quite surprised when she saw this, she looked at Jiutian Xuannv and said, "Sister, don't you worry about him? He is the talent you single-handedly selected and the most valued."

Nine Heavens Profound Girl asked back: "What do you think I'm worried about?"

The Queen Mother of the West said: "He made such a big fuss, the Grand Envoy will definitely punish him, don't you worry?"

Nine Heavens Profound Girl said confidently after hearing the words: "Don't worry, I believe he can handle this matter well."

"That's why you trust him?" Queen Mother Xi said in surprise, "I've never seen you so confident in other people's abilities."

Nine Heavens Profound Girl said with a smile: "If my sister doesn't believe me, you can make a bet with me."

"Oh? What are you betting on?" Queen Mother Xi asked curiously.

Nine Heavens Xuannv said: "If Fang Jian can properly handle this matter this time, my sister will give me a basket of 9000-year flat peaches. If Fang Jian can't, then I will give the 'Huayan Jade Town' to my sister."

The Queen Mother of the West couldn't help but brighten her eyes when she heard the words, and asked: "But my sister won it from the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha back then. Where was the Huayan Jade Town engraved with the "Avatamsaka Sutra" with great wisdom?"

"Exactly." Nine Heavens Xuannv nodded and said.

The gods often bet among themselves, especially the gods above Da Luo, whose Taoism has transcended the Three Realms, so apart from preaching Purdue, there are very few things that interest them on weekdays.

And they can't easily fight with each other, so they like to bet. The bet is about mana, Taoism, and the ability to grasp and sort out the secrets of heaven.

Since there is a bet, it is a bet, but Nine Heavens Fairy Fang Huayan Yuzhen actually won it from Da Ri Tathagata by hard power.

That was 7 years ago, there was a conflict between the Heavenly Court and the Buddhist sect, and the Dari Tathagata Buddha announced that he would "compare" the Taoism with the Siyu Dadijun.

Then the two made a bet. If the Nine Heavens Xuannv loses, the Heavenly Court will give in. If the Nine Heavens Xuannv wins, the Huayan Jade Town of the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha will be ordered.

Why Huayan Jade Town?Because that Huayan Jade Town is the treasure of the "Huayan Sect" Lizong to suppress luck.

Needless to say the later results, the Nine Heavens Xuannv and the Great Sun Tathagata fought in the chaos, and finally the Nine Heavens Xuannv stabilized the Great Sun Tathagata and won the victory.

"Then let's talk about it like this." Queen Mother Xi said, "Sister, please don't break your promise."

Nine Heavens Profound Girl nodded and said with a smile: "Sister, don't worry, my little sister is a person who lives on her own words."

West Tianfu, Hongde Hall.

Hu Miaoniang's five daughters lay on the ground extremely weakly, their faces were pale, they were dripping with cold sweat, and there was a deep pain in their eyes.

"Sir Shangshu, all their memories have been retrieved using the soul-searching method." General Fa Tan reported to Fang Jian.

Fang Jian asked the general who broke the temple again: "Is the video of the spirit light ready?"

General Pomiao nodded and said, "It's all been recorded."

Fang Jian said, "Let it out and have a look."

So the general who broke the temple released the aura of light in the Hongde Hall. In the shadow of the aura, the five daughters of Hu Miaoniang described in detail how Kongxiu ordered them to kidnap and kill the general, and then forcibly had a relationship with the general. , and finally how was Kongxiu instructed to release that spiritual light.

Then, how Kongxiu and those monks killed people and silenced them, and how they were captured by the wise and powerful Daoist Hongqing, etc., all explained clearly. In the end, the five girls confessed and repented under the light of the spirit, and then The flashlight is over.

"Sort out their memories, then print them out, and attach them to each aura." Fang Jian said to General Fatan: "Then send these auras and their memory rubbings to all the teachers in Hezhou, Xiniu. In the Temple of the City God, the Temple of the Mountain God, and the Temple of the Earth, if you see a demon, you will give it, if you see a monk, you will give it away, don't be stingy."

General Fa Tan bowed and said: "Follow the law."

After General Fatan left, Fang Jian looked at Hu Miaoniang and the five daughters and said, "I am faithful in my word, and now I sentence you to a fractal punishment. After you die, your soul will return to the underworld for reincarnation."

Hearing this, Hu Miaoniang and the five daughters struggled to get up and bowed to Fang Jian, even though they were in great pain because of the soul-searching method, "Thank you, Daoist Hongqing."

Compared with those Buddhist disciples who want to kill and silence, Fang Jian at this moment is definitely the embodiment of justice in the eyes of the five women!Keep your word and keep your word.

In the end, Fang Jian formally ordered the sentencing document, and said to the ultimatum: "Send the sentencing document together with the light and shadow of the spirit to the four directions."

"Follow the law." The transfer envoy sang loudly.

Then the verdicts for the five girls were formally handed down, and the five girls Hu Miaoniang, Zuo Rou, Su Mengxian, Sha Ling'er, and Luan Xiaoxing hugged each other and wept bitterly.

"I really regret it." Sha Ling'er hugged Hu Miaoniang and cried, "Sister, I really regret it."

Hu Miaoniang also burst into tears, but couldn't say anything, but it's not just Sha Ling'er?Each of them regretted deeply in their hearts.

What they did for Kongxiu was just to find a legitimate background in Buddhism, but this background not only failed, but also caused their own death and daoxiao.

Even if the soul can be reincarnated, who knows what it will turn into?How many events and catastrophes will it take to re-enter the Tao?

not worth it!It's really not worth it!
Especially Hu Miaoniang, she has already cultivated to Taiyi Xuanxian, and has cultivated Liuwei, but now everything is gone, everything will no longer exist.

Even though she still has five tails left, the punishment from the Heavenly Court will not give you a chance to use your tail to kill your life.

Looking at the five girls who were crying with their heads in their arms, Fang Jian was expressionless, and waved his sleeves: "Put it down, put it in heaven, and execute it in three days!"

"Follow the decree of the law." Ten god generals came forward and sang, and then took the five girls down.

But not long after the ten gods took the five girls down, a god who was in charge of guarding the gate of the Baituo Heavenly Palace quickly came to the Hongde Hall and said: "Master Shangshu, Dongling Zhenqing Holy Mother Yuanjun drive to."

"Huh?" Fang Jian immediately stood up when he heard the words, "Dongling Zhenqing Holy Mother Yuanjun?"

Isn't that Dijun's wife Chang Yi, one of the six northern sages and true monarchs, who is titled 'Hunyuan Zhengdao Qingxiao Shenwu Great Emperor'?
"What is she doing in Xitianfu?" Fang Jian asked with a narrow gaze.

However, after all, Chang Yi is one of Dijun's two demon queens, and she is also the "Dongling Zhenqing Holy Mother Yuanjun" conferred by the Heavenly Court. Her status in the Heavenly Court is at the same level as Emperor Zhenwu and other great emperors. disregard.

So Fang Jian walked down the steps of the palace, and said to the General Who Captured and Killed, the General Who Broke the Temple, and the Heavenly General who guarded the palace: "Follow me quickly to the outside of the Baituo Heavenly Palace, and greet Yuanjun, the Holy Mother of Dongling Zhenqing."

"Yes." The three of them saluted immediately, and the general who caught and killed was full of embarrassment and embarrassment, but Fang Jian's order, he could only obey.

Then Fang Jian led three people and hundreds of generals to welcome them out of Baituo Heavenly Palace.

As soon as he walked out of the gate of Baituo Tiangong, Fang Jian saw the forest of banners and flags in front of him, the sea of ​​celestial servants, the majestic guard of honor, the rays of the sun like the tide, and the majestic atmosphere.

Four huge spirit white cranes landed on Xuantai Pingyu Tian Yunxiao, with a jade chariot on their backs, and the veils fluttered on the jade chariot, and the green clouds rolled up.As one of the demon empresses, Chang Yi was wearing a snow-white Qiong shirt, wearing a peimin Luo body, wearing a ring ornament on her head, sitting cross-legged in the jade chariot in a magnificent manner.

Fang Jian immediately led the crowd to meet him, came to the bottom of the jade chariot, bowed and said: "Fang Jian, Minister of the West Heavenly Mansion, welcomes Yuanjun, the Holy Mother of Dongling Zhenqing."

The three heavenly generals and the gods behind Fang Jian also saluted in unison, with a great momentum.

(End of this chapter)

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