Chapter 726
"Let me go, I order you to let me go immediately." The general who caught and killed lay on the soft couch, and could not stop uttering soft whispers.

However, the five female fairies in front of him didn't care about his words at all, instead they kept teasing and joking with him.

"Catch and kill the general, you don't need to struggle." The banshee fairy said softly, "Just enjoy it obediently."

General Catch and Kill couldn't help being even angrier when he heard this, his eyes seemed to burst into flames, he looked at the five female demons in front of him and said, "Who the hell are you? Who gave you such courage?"

"Hee hee." A female demon fairy on the left said: "Who gave us such courage? Do we, Haitang Five Immortals, need others to give us courage?"

Begonia Five Immortals?When the general caught and killed heard these four words, he immediately had the impression that the Five Begonia Immortals were five demon immortals who lived in the Begonia forest in Shaluo Kingdom.

They are: Hu Miaoniang, Zuo Rou, Sha Ling'er, Su Mengxian, Luan Xiaoxing, and the Five Begonias have a great reputation in Hezhou, Xiniu, of course not a good reputation.

It is said that the Five Immortals of Begonia are very good at harvesting and nourishing skills, and they come from the same sect. The leader Hu Miaoniang is Taiyi Xuanxian Taoist, while the other four are Xuanxian Taoists.

"I know that people from Bukong Temple instructed you." The general who caught and killed said to Haitang Wuxian: "If you let me go now, there is still room for maneuver."

Hu Miaoniang, the head of the Five Begonia Immortals, leaned over to look at the general who killed him, then patted his face and said, "Good general, don't make wild guesses, if you fall into the hands of our five sisters, you won't be able to escape." .”

The four daughters Zuo Rou, Sha Linger, Su Mengxian, and Luan Xiaoxing also surrounded the general, and Zuo Rou said softly, "General, do you know? You have been here for two days and two nights, and the raw rice has already been cooked." meal."

Luan Xiaoxing also said: "Yes, besides, our sisters are reluctant to let you go, unless."

"Unless what?" General Catching and Killing heard that he had been here for two days and two nights, and there was less than one day left before the three-day deadline, so he hurriedly asked after hearing Luan Xiaoxing's words.

Hu Miaoniang stretched out her hand to press the left cheek of the general who was catching and killing, and then said softly: "Unless you can listen to us, if there is any news or action in Xitianfu, you must inform us as soon as possible in the future."

Sha Ling'er said: "We don't have any other intentions. We are simply curious about how the officials of the West Heaven Mansion handle their official duties."

Hearing this, General Catch and Kill couldn't be more clear. He looked at Haitang and the Five Immortals and said, "Don't hide it from me. Why are you demons interested in Xitianfu? People from Bukong Temple must have instructed you That's what you do, right?"

"Hahaha." Hearing the words of catching and killing the general, the Five Begonia Immortals immediately let out a coquettish smile.

In the end, Hu Miaoniang suppressed her smile and said to the general who caught and killed: "Sometimes it is not good to know too much. Besides, you are not at a loss now. Not everyone can touch our five sisters. As long as you are obedient and obedient in the future, we will I promise you eternal happiness."

"Bah, don't even think about it!" General Catch and Kill spat at Hu Miao Niang, and then resolutely refused.

Hu Miaoniang was not angry, but after a chuckle, she pointed to a shining mirror hanging on the wall not far away and said, "It's up to you, what do you think it is?"

General Catch and Kill turned his head to look in the direction of Hu Miaoniang's finger. When he saw the mirror, he couldn't help but tremble, and an earthquake occurred in his pupils instantly.

"Ling Zhaojing, catch and kill the general, you don't know this magic weapon?" Hu Miaoniang said with a smile: "It has recorded everything that happened in the past two days and two nights. What will be the consequences of rubbing a few copies and spreading them out?"

The general who caught and killed turned pale in an instant, and his whole body collapsed, and he yelled at the five girls: "I really have no shame."

"Shameless thing!"

"Yaoxie! You shameless monsters!"


Hearing the insults of the general who caught and killed, Hu Miaoniang covered her mouth and chuckled, then turned her body, and saw a flash of fairy light, behind Hu Miaoniang suddenly appeared six fluffy snow-white tails, fox tails, and on her head He also grew two snow-white fox ears, "I'm a vixen, what face does a vixen want?"

As Hu Miaoniang transformed into a vixen, the other four female fairies also transformed into their own demon bodies.

They are: Scarlet Snake, Purple Spider, Willow Tree and Thorn Rose. They swayed their monster bodies, and gave bursts of seductive laughter to the general, and said in unison: "Do you think we have any face?" ?”

Just when the general who caught and killed was trapped in the Begonia Forest, the Bukong Temple was already in chaos.

The general who captured and killed Xitianfu suddenly disappeared without a trace, and more importantly, this kind of thing still happened in Bukong Temple.

"Have you searched everywhere?" Sang Mojie asked a group of Buddhist monks in the Daxiong Palace.

The Dharma protectors responded: "Returning to the abbot, the disciples have already searched in all directions in Bukong Temple, but they have not found any trace of arresting and killing the general."

Sang Mojie frowned, then waved his hand and said, "Continue to search, continue to expand the scope of the search, and send out all the disciples who can still be sent out from the temple."

"Follow the decree of the law." All the guardian monks sang in unison, then turned and left the Daxiong Hall.

Seeing the backs of the Dharma protector monks leaving, not only did not frown at all, but the frown became tighter and tighter.

At this moment, Sang Mojie of the Golden Eagle Fa Dynasty asked: "Brother Abbot, has the general who captured and killed gone back to Xitian Mansion?"

"Impossible." Sang Mojie shook his head and said, "The general who caught and killed was ordered to come. The decree of Daoist Hongqing clearly stated that the general who caught and killed must supervise us at Bukong Temple. Impossible to leave without saying goodbye."

The Golden Eagle Dharma King sighed, then comforted Sangmo and said: "Brother Abbot, maybe the capture and killing of the general is just a walk around, and he will come back when the three days are up."

Sang Mojie glanced at the Golden Eagle Dharma King and said: "It's going to be dark now, and Daoist Hongqing will visit Bukong Temple in the early morning of tomorrow, and the abbots of all the temples in Shaluo have already arrived. Come back within three hours, otherwise he must have missed the order."

At this point, Sang Mojie continued: "It's impossible for General Catch and Kill not to understand this, so he must have encountered something."

As soon as Sangmo's words fell, Kongxiu on the side snorted coldly and said, "It's better to die outside."

Saying this sentence, a chill came directly from the feet to the top of the head, Sang Mojie suddenly turned around to look at Kongxiu, and then asked with a serious face: "Junior Brother Kongxiu, is that you?"

"Hahaha!" Hearing Sang Mojie's question, Kongxiu laughed out loud, and then said flatly: "Yes, it was me, I have already killed the general who caught and killed him, and his body and body were completely destroyed, and his bones were blown to ashes." , if Brother Abbot can’t find the general to catch and kill, you might as well arrest me and send me to Daoist Hongqing to plead guilty!”

"You!" Sang Mojie stared, but quickly calmed down, and then his eyes narrowed slightly, and the suspicion of Kongxiu had been ruled out in his heart.

Sang Mojie glanced at Kong Ming, Kong Yan and Golden Eagle Dharma King, and then said in a deep voice: "Junior Brothers, this matter is related to the lives and deaths of hundreds of thousands of monks in Bukong Temple and Shaluo Kingdom, so it is not a joke! "

When the four elders heard this, you looked at me, and I looked at you. Finally, they put their palms together and recited: "Namo Amitabha."

Looking at the reactions of the four juniors, Sang Mojie couldn't help but feel tired and weak in his heart, "If General Catch and Kill disappears out of thin air in my Bukong Temple, no matter what, this will become a reason for Daoist Hongqing to attack."

"Does he have evidence?" Kong Ming said at this time: "What evidence does he have to prove that the general who was killed was killed by my Bukong Temple? What evidence does he have to prove that the general who was killed was not afraid of the harsh law of heaven and absconded?"

Kong Yan also nodded and said: "If he doesn't have conclusive evidence, he will challenge the teachings of Bukong Achievement Buddha in the world in the north. How would the monks of the Three Realms view the Heavenly Court? Western Tianfu? Other Fangjian?"

Sang Mojie shook his head and sighed, then sat back on his futon, closed his eyes slightly and did not say another word.

Time passed moment by moment, and soon it was the early morning of the third day.

All the guardian monks and monks of Bukong Temple who went out to look for them all returned to Bukong Temple, but the result was disappointing to Sang Mojie. The general who was captured and killed was not found, and no one was alive or dead.

Sang Mojie stood in front of the Daxiong Palace and saw a dark cloud slowly floating in the sky. His heart was also covered by the dark cloud and became extremely gloomy.

"A violent storm is coming soon." Sang Mojie said with a sad face.

After Sangmo's words fell, the dark cloud suddenly dissipated at an extremely fast speed, and then a vast glow cloud appeared above the sky, and quickly landed towards the Bukong Temple.

"Here we come." Sang Mojie's expression changed, and he immediately ordered his disciples to knock the Zen bell in the temple.

'Boom' 'Boom' 'Boom'

Three melodious bells sounded inside and outside the Bukong Temple, and in an instant, countless celestial lights flashed up and down the Bukong Temple. After only ten breaths, 110 and eight abbots from various Buddhist temples from all over the Shaluo Kingdom gathered in the hall outside the Daxiong Hall. above the square.

Immediately afterward, the four elders of Bukong Temple also appeared behind Sang Mojie, followed by the guardian monk of Bukong Temple and all the true disciples.

Sang Mojie shook off the distracting thoughts in his mind, and then said to the monks: "The Daoist Master Hongqing is coming, follow me to the gate of the mountain to welcome you."

When all the monks heard the words, they put their palms together and responded in unison: "I will obey the Master's decree."

Immediately, Sang Mojie led hundreds of monks, all of whom were above the real fairyland, to the outside of the mountain gate of Bukong Temple. superior.

When the clouds cleared, a young man dressed in Qingxia Jade Fighting Qilin Robe, with a stalwart figure and exuding a heavy divine power, led the generals of the West Tianfu's altar-cutting, temple-breaking generals, and [-] gods from the real fairyland to appear. In the eyes of Sang Mojie and the monks.

Apart from Fang Jian Sang Mojie, all the immortal officials in Xitian Mansion know each other, so they can know without asking at this moment that the young man in the lead is the famous Hongqing Daoist Fang Jian.

But before Sang Mojie led the crowd to meet him, he saw Fang Jian's right hand clinging to the divine green jadeite Ruyi and lightly patted the palm of his left hand twice, then his majestic and indifferent eyes swept around, and then he spoke Asked: "Where is the general who was caught and killed?"

(End of this chapter)

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