Chapter 170

"Wow! It's so fierce!" Beiju Luzhou Tianjun Mansion, General Fang Zhen who captured and killed lay on Yuntou Tianyan, looking at Xiazhou Lu exclaimed.

General Fa Tan not far away asked curiously when he heard it: "What's so fierce?"

The general who caught and killed immediately waved to him: "Come and see, come and see."

General Fa Tan was a little puzzled when he saw his excited look, but he was more curious, "Is there a big monster fighting again?"

"What's a big monster, come and see." General Catch and Kill said hastily.

General Fa Tan has already flown to the edge of the Sky Eye, which is a blue glass mirror the size of a washbasin, looking from a distance, it looks like a pool of clear blue spring water.

But this treasure was refined by Tiangong Academy, and it is specially used to observe the things in the lower realm state, and has no other function.

General Liu Yuhong also lay down on the eye of the sky and looked down, and exclaimed suddenly: "Ah! It's really fierce."

This exclamation attracted the ultimatum envoy, who hurried over and asked, "What happened?"

General Fa Tan and General Catch and Kill hurriedly waved to him: "Come and see, come and see, don't miss it."

The ultimatum envoy also fell down gratefully upon hearing the words, and said in surprise after a while: "Isn't this too violent?"

So the three of them lay on the eye of the sky, exclaiming "so fierce" in their mouths.

In the end, they even recruited Venerable Jinyu, who was temporarily in charge of the affairs of Beitianjun Mansion, and saw Venerable Jinyu standing on the jade steps of the main hall, and shouted at the three of them, "What are you doing there? What are you doing so fiercely?" Huh?"

The three looked up and turned around, and then hurriedly said to Jinyu: "Shangshu, come and see, there is a real fairy and fierce girl who is chasing and killing Quanyi real Zhang Sanfeng and Qiyong real Li Chunfeng."

Master Jinyu couldn't help being shocked when he heard the words, "What? Is there such a thing?"

Venerable Jinyu knew the reputation of these two, although he was the same as him in the Taoism of Xuanxian Taiyi, but when it comes to the strength and reputation of fighting skills, Zhang Sanfeng is much better than him.

Apart from Zhang Sanfeng, Li Chunfeng was well-known for his arithmetic skills, even many golden immortal monks couldn't match his arithmetic skills.

So Master Jinyu quickly flew down the jade steps, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the eye of the sky, and the other three quickly gave way to Master Jinyu.

Master Jinyu put his hands on the edge of the sky eye and looked down, his expression couldn't help changing, because he felt that the Nuzhen fairy was so familiar.

"Isn't it very fierce? A true immortal chasing two Taiyi Xuanxians to slash, what a role model for my generation!" General Catch and Kill exclaimed.

Master Jinyu frowned and stared at that figure carefully for a long time. After a long while, he was suddenly startled. He finally knew who this female cultivator was.

"Fuck that, that's Empress Wu Lin!" Venerable Jin Yu sternly yelled at the three of them, "Don't look, hurry up and beat the drum, and bring someone down to help."

"What? Is that Empress Wu Lin?"

"Ah! It's really Empress Wu Lin. That sword is the 'Qianqiu Sword', which was the sword worn by the ambassador back then."

"It's really the Qianqiu Sword, the legendary Qianqiu Sword that breaks ten thousand spells with one sword, and the sword's aura is fixed for thousands of years."

Case solved!It's no wonder that a true immortal can chase down two Taiyi Xuanxians, if they are also given a Qianqiu sword, then I can do it myself!

When the crowd didn't dare lie down here to watch the excitement, they hurriedly rang the drum, and then Master Jinyu personally led the team, leading more than 1000 guards from the Celestial Master's Mansion, and flew towards Beiju Luzhou under the heavy sky.

Above the clouds, Zhang Sanfeng and Li Chunfeng really tried their best to escape.

The Taoist robes and clothes on the two of them had sword marks and holes everywhere, and they were even stained with traces of blood.

And no matter how fast the two of them flew, the sword light behind them would be chasing after them, as long as they dared to stop for a little bit, they would immediately greet them.

There is absolutely no way for the two of them to attack the Qianqiu sword, except that Zhang Sanfeng's real martial arts sword can block it for a while, any supernatural powers and immortals are ineffective against the Wulin empress who is holding the Qianqiu sword.

"I will never bet again!!!" Zhang Sanfeng shouted regretfully while fleeing desperately, with disheveled hair and tattered robes.

Li Chunfeng's situation was even worse than Zhang Sanfeng's. He was already injured, and now he was exhausted from being chased by Empress Wu Lin.

But he still didn't give up, and the push-back map in his hand was almost pressed to his face, and after a long while, he said with surprise on his face: "I found a way out."

Zhang Sanfeng was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly asked: "Where?!"

Li Chunfeng said: "Heavenly Court! Surrender yourself!"

Zhang Sanfeng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, "Is this the only way?"

"There is only this one way, the other way is to be hanged at Beitianmen by Empress Wu Lin and beaten!" Li Chunfeng said with a mournful face.

Zhang Sanfeng's face turned green, and it was because of this that he kept running away, even if Empress Wu Lin said she would kill them, he would not run away, but it was too difficult for him, an old master, to be hanged and beaten at Beitianmen.

"Okay!" Zhang Sanfeng gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go to Heaven."

After saying that, the two immediately changed direction and flew all the way towards Beitianmen.

But the two of them were flying and suddenly heard a drum beating above their heads, Zhang Sanfeng immediately said: "Beitianjun's mansion must have discovered it, come down and intercept me, don't stay, go quickly."

So the two speeded up again, and then Venerable Jinyu flew down to the sky with the four generals, only to hear Venerable Jinyu shout: "Mrs. Help out."

Empress Wu Lin said: "Stop them."

Master Jinyu immediately took the order, pointed at the command flag in his hand and said, "Stop them."

So, Empress Wu Lin, the Shangshu of Beitianjun's Mansion, and the four heavenly generals led a group of Tianjun's personal guards to pursue Zhang Sanfeng and the two of them, and the eyes of the gods in Luzhou in Beiju were attracted.

When Empress Wu Lin and the others finally blocked Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Sanfeng in front of the Beitian Gate, Zhutian Xingjun and all the gods cast their gazes over.

Holding the real martial arts sword, Zhang Sanfeng and Li Chunfeng stepped back and leaned on the sky pillar, making a 'fear' gesture, and said: "Don't come here, Li Daoyou and I have not violated the rules of heaven."

Empress Wu Lin sneered and said, "Fairy Yulan made an affair with others to conceive secretly, and she left the evil species in the world without authorization. Fellow Daoist Wen Lin went to capture them under the order of the High Master, and you two dared to stop them halfway. And you said you didn't violate the rules of heaven?"

"What? There's another fairy thinking about the world?" When Empress Wu Lin's voice fell, all the gods in the heavens were shocked.

Then the atmosphere of the entire heaven changed suddenly, and there was a fairy thinking of Fan?After listening to Empress Wu Lin's words, she gave birth to a child?Why is it such a moth again?For thousands of years without changing the soup, the plot has not changed?
Zhang Sanfeng and Li Chunfeng smiled wryly, this time they really gave Yuan Tiangang 'through fire and water'.

But just as the atmosphere in Beitianmen was tense, a loud voice suddenly rang out from the heavenly court: "Dongshentang Talisman Order! All the immortals of Beitianmen accept the order!"

When hearing these three words, Empress Wu Lin's complexion suddenly sank.

(End of this chapter)

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