I'm an immortal in heaven

Chapter 1533 How to improve

Chapter 1533 How to improve
Shangshutai, garrison office, Minghuatang.

When Fang Jian sent Shi Wanchen's general message to the garrison magistrate Yin Sanxu, Shangqing Sanxu smiled as brightly as Maitreya Buddha.

"Night patrol captain, what are you doing?" Sanxu Shangqing looked at the general situation of Shiwanchen in front of him and asked Fang Jian with a smile.

Fang Jian said: "Your Majesty, this is the 'transfer fee' sent to my night patrol officer's house by the Lieutenant Commander."

"Oh? Transfer fee? This sounds very new. What is it called?" Sanxu Shangqing asked as he took a sip of the fairy tea.

Fang Jian said: "The so-called transfer fee is compensation for my night patrol of the captain's office to enforce the law, as well as repentance and atonement for the criminal's crime."

Sanxu Shangqing nodded and said: "So that's the case, then I can collect the transfer fee, but why do you want to send so much to me?"

Fang Jian said: "Because Sir, you are the garrison magistrate and the superior of my night patrol school captain's house. You have great help and instructions for the affairs of my night patrol school captain's house. Therefore, this Shiwanchenchen situation will naturally require Part of it turned over to the garrison office.”

Hearing this, Lord Sanxu couldn't help but secretly thought that Fang Jian was too good at doing things. His role in the Lie Heng case was obviously counterproductive, but he didn't expect that he was willing to use Shiwanchen's power to give himself. This person's future It’s limitless.

Thinking of this, Shangqing Sanxu suddenly asked: "I just don't know how much transfer fee Shangqing Lieyi gave to the Night Patrol School Lieutenant's Mansion?"

Fang Jian did not answer directly, but asked instead: "Didn't your Majesty hear the news? When the minister raises the transfer fees, there should be news, right?"

Sanxu Shangqing took a deep look at Fang Jian and once again improved Fang Jian's evaluation. This boy dared to fight and charge, and he was flawless. The key was that he could also pretend to be stupid.

Would your Majesty Lie Yi publicize such a shameful thing everywhere?These trends call it a 'transfer fee' in a nice way, but actually a 'ransom' in the worst way, to redeem Lie Heng from the Night Patrol Captain's Mansion to the Imperial Law Department.

So Fang Jian didn't want to tell him how much news he had received, but he asked himself if he had received any news.

Afterwards, Sanxu Shangqing waved his hand and collected the hundred thousand dust energy into his soul, then shook his head and said: "How could Shangqing Li reveal such a thing?"

After saying that, Sanxu Shangqing smiled and said to Fang Jian: "No matter how much we charge, the transfer fee to the Night Patrol School Captain's Mansion is a good precedent. The Night Patrol School Lieutenant's Mansion is the residence of my Shangshutai garrison. He If the Court wants to get someone from here, there should be a transfer fee."

"It's just that all the captains before, whether they were day patrol or night patrol captains, never thought of such a transfer fee. Well done, Captain Fang, you did a good job." Sanxu Shangqing praised it without hesitation.

Fang Jian immediately raised his hands and bowed modestly, and then said: "Thank you for the compliment, Ling Yin. Ling Yin, there are still some matters waiting for me to deal with in the night patrol captain's house, so I will leave first."

Lord Sanxu nodded and said, "Okay, Lieutenant Colonel Fang, please help yourself."

Fang Jian bowed his head, then turned and left Minghua Hall. After Fang Jian left, Sanxu Shangqing said to a minister next to him: "This Fang Jian is not simple. He can actually come up with the transfer fee." To 'blackmail' a minister under such a pretext, he is not only strong, but also courageous, and will be formidable in the future."

The minister said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, if you accept the trend he sent, I'm afraid he will often ask for your help in the future."

Sanxu Shangqing smiled faintly and said: "Let him beg. I will help him if I can help him, but if he can't help him, it's useless for him to beg me."

The minister said: "But what if he uses the general trend given to you today as an excuse?"

Sanxu Shangqing smiled confidently and said: "Let him say it. This general trend was presented to me by himself, and it is not what I want. Even if what he said is known to everyone in the Great Court, what does it matter? ?”

The minister nodded after hearing this. Indeed, there is no such thing as bribery in the Great Court, because the Great Court is not a system like the Heavenly Court.

Heaven is an immortal official system, and everyone is an official of Heaven. All living beings are equal, and the purpose is to serve everyone in the three realms.

But the Great Court is different. The Great Court is a 'title hierarchy'. The higher-level titles themselves rule the lower-level titles. This means that when a minister gives a gift to a young minister, it is not called bribery at all. It is called 'devotion'. Completely reasonable and legal.

Therefore, Fang Jian, who holds the title of 'National Scholar' and is the captain of the Night Patrol Palace, is within the jurisdiction of Shangqing Sanxu. His sending a signal to Shangxu is also a tribute.

As for Fang Jian's collection of "transfer fees" from Lieutenants, as long as this name is not too outrageous, it is legal.

Because in Daoting, these palaces are nominally the palaces of Daoting, but in fact they are the one-third of an acre of the land of the person who holds the authority of this palace.

In other words, as Fang Jian is the Night Patrol Captain, he is the local emperor of the Night Patrol Captain's Mansion. He implements the system within the scope of his authority in the Night Patrol Captain's Mansion, and Shangqing Sanxu cannot interfere.

Where does the legitimacy of this system come from?The answer is obvious, from the 'Five Regents'.

There are "five platforms" in the Daoting, which represent the five highest authorities in the center of the Daoting, namely: Taoist Platform, Shangshu Platform, Honglu Platform, Central Platform, and Yufu Platform.

The five major regents are in charge of the five major Tai Pavilions. Everything in the Tai Pavilion is decided by themselves, and the Dao Lord has no right to interfere. This is also the basis for the five major regents to take over the Dao Lord.

Since the five great regents have taken the power of the five great pavilions as their own, and have made their own decisions among them, they must also give the same rights to the ministries and government agencies below them.

Otherwise, you want your subordinate ministries and government agencies to obey your orders, but you do not obey the orders of Dao Lord. This will cause internal contradictions and conflicts.

Therefore, only by giving the same authority, rights and legitimacy to the following can you gain legitimacy yourself.

But it's no wonder that the five great regents have been implementing this 'hierarchical enfeoffment' system since the founding of Daoting. This can be regarded as the first Daotong to shoot himself in the foot.If the first Dao Lord had been alive, this situation might have been avoided, but unfortunately, after he established the Daoting, he only sat on the throne of Dao Lord for more than 1000 years before he was killed by Taoist Taisu.

Since then, starting from the second Dao Lord, the core authority of the entire Dao Court has been scattered to the five regents, especially after Taisu Dao Zun was annihilated.

To put it simply, in the Great Court, all the nobles have their own one-third of an acre of land, and all the nobles in their respective one-third of an acre of land are earth emperors.

After Fang Jian left the garrison office, he went straight back to the night patrol school captain's house.

On the way back, he also collected all the remaining trends into the Hongmeng Editor. Then he took a look at the number of "Hongmeng Dao Qi" in the Hongmeng Editor. It had increased to 510 million Hongmeng Dao Qi.

Fang Jian took out [-] Dao and placed it in Yuanshen for ready use, and then exited the Hongmeng Editor. At this moment, he had returned to Changyou Hall.

In Changyou Hall, Jiang E has not left yet and is sitting in the hall drinking tea with Yu Chunshuang.

Seeing Fang Jian coming back, Yu Chunshuang hurriedly greeted him, and Jiang E also put down the tea cup and stood up to look at Fang Jian.

Fang Jian nodded towards Jiang E, and then said to Yu Chun: "Master Yuqing, please take this fellow Taoist Jiang E to the side hall to drink tea. I need to deal with some matters now."

Yu Chunshuang immediately nodded in agreement, while Jiang E on the side quickly waved her hand and said: "No, no, if you have anything to do, captain, just go ahead and do it. Don't worry about me. I'll just go around the night patrol house and then leave." .”

When Fang Jian heard this, he immediately raised his hands to Jiang E and said, "Okay, in that case, please forgive me for being with you."

Jiang E smiled and shook her head, then bowed her hands to Fang Jian, then turned and left Changyou Hall.

Afterwards, Fang Jian said to Yu Chengshuang: "Call all the ministers to see me at Changyou Hall."

Yu Chun bowed and responded: "Yes."

Soon after, the eleven ministers came to the Changyou Hall. Fang Jian sat cross-legged on top of the palace. After the eleven ministers saluted, he immediately raised his hand and said: "Everyone, please sit down."

"Thank you, Colonel." The eleven ministers thanked him, and then sat down cross-legged on the futons at the side of the hall.

As everyone sat down, Fang Jian said: "Are there many people who have been patrolling the school captain's house at night to report crimes in the past two days?"

"There are many." Su Kuang said: "But most of them are common people. Among those with titles, the most are 'officials'. There are very few ministers, and even less those above ministers."

Fang Jian nodded and said: "This is natural. Most of the people who are bullied are common people or national officials. Those above the level of ministers are considered high-ranking officials and they will not be bullied so easily."

Having said this, Fang Jian asked again: "Have you handled all these cases?"

Su Kuang and others immediately looked at each other after hearing this, and then heard Fazhen say: "Most of them have been dealt with, but only a few. Some things took too long to deal with, and some are just trivial matters."

Fang Jian said: "As long as it happens within the scope of my night patrol, no matter how small it is, I have to take care of it. What are the main things?"

"Oh." Fazhen said: "Come back to the school, these things include 'lost immortal pet', 'lost mount', 'conflicts between Taoist couples', 'drinking, drinking tea and defaulting on debts', etc."

Fang Jian smiled when he heard this and said: "Although these things are small things, we should do what can be done. When you go down, record all these small things on a jade slip, then print them out and distribute them to all the sergeants who patrol the captain's house at night. Just ask them to pay more attention when patrolling in the future."

"Yes." All the ministers bowed.

At this time, Fang Jian said again: "Of course, the most important duty must not be neglected, and that is patrolling. Our night patrol officer's office is responsible for maintaining order in Yujing City at night, so strict patrols and impartial law enforcement are the most important."

Speaking of this, Fang Jian asked everyone: "So, in order to cope with the more and stronger duty demands that the school captain's office will face in the future, I want to strengthen the strength of our night patrol sergeants. Do you have any suggestions? ?Mainly improving from magic weapons and other things that are closely related to strength."

Hearing this, the eleven ministers were startled at first, and then looked at each other, speechless for a long time.

After an unknown amount of time, Qing Shi Yuexi said: "Colonel, if you exclude the improvement of moral character, there are only three ways to improve the strength of my Night Patrol Sergeant."

Fang Jian said: "But it doesn't hurt to talk."

Yue Xi said: "First, give each of them an innate spiritual treasure."

"Second, let each of them learn one more 'Tao Technique'."

"Third, let them learn a stronger 'battle formation'."

After speaking, Yue Xi concluded: "Apart from these three directions, there is no other way to enhance the strength of the sergeants."

(There is another chapter that will come later, so don’t wait)
(End of this chapter)

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