I'm an immortal in heaven

Chapter 1503 The rain is coming

In the Demon Realm, the Scarlet Sky Demon Palace, the atmosphere in the hall was extremely silent.

"Why was the Chaos Evil God wiped out by the Heavenly Court so quickly?" The Great Faro Demon collapsed, "They have six Chaos Ferocious Beasts, which is equivalent to six Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian!"

No one can answer this question, and Chaos Yuan Demon himself can't think clearly, but he has three guesses.

"First, when God Haotian took that step, he left an innate treasure in heaven."

"Second, when Taiyuan Daozu took that step, he also left an innate treasure or something that could deal with Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian to Fang Jian."

"Third, it was either Taishang Daozu or Sakyamuni. Before they took that step, they left behind an innate treasure or something that could defeat the Hunyuan Wujiluo Jinxian."

Hearing the Chaos Yuan Demon's speculation, the Styx Ancestor and the Great Faro Demon frowned. This is the benefit of having a deep foundation. You will always have a trump card in your hand that others cannot see clearly.

At this time, Ancestor Minghe asked: "Demon Lord, when Ancestor Demon took that step, did he leave any winning treasure for our Demon Sect?"

After hearing the words of Ancestor Styx, both the Great Faro Demon and the Red Sky Demon Lord cast their hopeful eyes towards the Chaos Yuan Demon, but they were destined to be disappointed.

Chaos Yuan Demon said: "Do you know why our demon sect is a demon sect?"

Ancestor Minghe was startled when he heard this, and then sighed, why is the Demon Sect called the Demon Sect?Needless to say?Anything that is contrary to the righteous path is a demonic path.

There is no such thing as respecting the old and cherishing the young, or endless inheritance. Letting the demon sect enter the world and gain a foothold in the world. For the infinite ancestor demon, he has done what he should do most. Taking that step to enter the highest heaven, he has also done so. Need more power in your hands.

Therefore, how could the Infinite Ancestral Demon leave any winning treasure to the Demon Sect?
Thinking of this, Ancestor Minghe couldn't help but feel despair. Originally, he thought that his Shura clan would not be able to make it in the world of Jambu, so he took advantage of the Demonic Sect's entry into the world and saw that the Demonic Sect had great powers and had a background other than Taoism or Buddhism. They were under two families, so they wanted to join the Demon Cult so that the Shura Clan could have a place in the Three Realms.

But I didn't expect that this would push the Shura clan into a place of eternal disaster.

"So, the only option is to fight to the death with Heaven." said the Great Faro Demon.

When Ancestor Minghe heard this, his eyes lit up and he said, "No, Heavenly Court must be bluffing."

Hearing what Ancestor Styx said, all the demons present looked at Ancestor Styx, and the Chaos Yuan Demon even asked: "Why did you say this?"

Ancestor Minghe said: "Heaven governs the three realms and has always taken the task of stabilizing all living beings. If it starts a war with us, wouldn't it be afraid that the lives in the three realms would be devastated?"

"So, Tianting must be bluffing, they will never easily start a Hunyuan Wujiluo Jinxian level battle." Ancestor Minghe said.

But Demon Lord Chixiao said: "Then how do you explain the Chaos Evil God? Heaven has destroyed Chaos Heaven, and all six chaotic beasts were killed. How do you explain this?"

Ancestor Styx said: "As the leader said just now, it must be those powerful masters who left the winning treasure when they left, so they can silently destroy the evil god of chaos. But since we know this, It’s easy to deal with.”

Chaos Yuan Demon's eyes flashed and he said: "You mean, using the creatures of the three realms to threaten the heaven?"

"Yes." Ancestor Minghe said: "If we can tie all the sentient beings in the three realms, not all the sentient beings in the vast world, to the fate of my demon sect, even the heavens will definitely not dare to fight with me."

Chaos Yuan Demon said: "This is a wonderful move."

After saying that, the Chaos Yuan Demon immediately said to the Scarlet Sky Demon Lord: "You sacrifice the world calamity furnace."

Demon Lord Chixiao nodded slightly, and then sacrificed the world's calamity furnace that suppressed the fate of the demon sect. Once the world's calamity furnace appeared, the great pressure of the innate spiritual treasure instantly enveloped the entire palace.

The Chaos Yuan Demon raised his hand and pointed towards the World Calamity Furnace, and saw a ray of mysterious light falling on the World Calamity Hong Furnace instantly.

The next moment, on top of the great furnace of calamity, he suddenly had a million feet of golden luck, soaring straight into the sky, breaking the sky and opening up the universe.

Chaos Yuan Demon said: "The Northwest Youtian is the closest to us. It will spread a hundred thousand feet of luck to the Northwest Youtian, which is enough to bind the hundreds of millions of souls in the Northwest Youtian to our demon sect."

After saying that, the Chaos Yuan Demon raised his hand and shot out a beam of mysterious light again, which fell on the world calamity furnace, instantly ringing the world calamity furnace.

Accompanied by a thunderous roar from the Great Calamity Furnace, the millions of golden auras instantly released a hundred thousand golden auras, and then fell straight towards the northwest sky.

Doing this is equivalent to weakening the luck of the Demon Sect, but it can bind the creatures in Northwest Youtian to the Demon Sect, so the choice depends on the current situation.

When the one hundred thousand golden luck flew out of the Demon Sect and fell into the world of Youtian, it immediately dispersed into countless red luck, and then the red luck dispersed into more cyan luck.

As mentioned before, luck is also divided into levels, from top to bottom: black, white, yellow (gold), red, and green.

If the demon sect wants to bind the living beings in the world of Youtian, it naturally needs to dissipate the superior luck into cyan luck.

Soon, countless rays of blue luck covered the world of Youtian, and as long as these luck fell on those mortal creatures, they could be bound.However, at the next moment, the densely packed luck was hanging in the air and could no longer fall.

Chaos Yuan Demon frowned. When he saw the situation clearly, he couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "Miscalculation!"

Ancestor Styx saw the expression of Chaos Yuan Demon and immediately asked: "Leader, what happened?"

The Chaos Yuan Demon was silent for a moment, and then said: "If the destiny cannot be lost, it cannot be bound to the creatures in the Youtian world."

"Why?" Ancestor Minghe raised his eyebrows and asked hurriedly, regardless of his dignity.

Chaos Yuan Demon said: "The True Sword of Destiny! There are too many True Swords of Destiny, and the fate cannot be lost."

Ancestor Styx and the Demons: "."

I originally thought that the sudden change in the way of heaven and the release of so many true swords of destiny was a good thing, because this would inevitably cause chaos in the three realms and the decline of heaven.

But now it seems that it has also placed great restrictions on them. If they want to let their luck fall to the mortal world, they must first take away all the real swords of destiny in the mortal world, but the Demon Sect no longer has this time.

And at this moment, a vague and awe-inspiring divine voice spread throughout the three realms: "I am Nuwa, all living beings in the three realms, listen carefully, there will be a great disaster in the three realms of the present world, which will affect all living beings in the three realms of the present world." The Tao will open up a glimmer of hope for all mortal beings in the three worlds of this world, and no matter good or evil, beautiful or ugly, they can all obtain this glimmer of hope."

The voice of Nuwa Empress rang continuously in the three worlds of the world, echoing endlessly, and even those mortals or intelligent creatures could hear it clearly.

The mortals in the three realms were stunned for a long time and did not react. However, the monks reacted quickly. As soon as they heard about the great disaster that would affect the three realms of the world, they all began to pray on the spot, silently chanting the name of Empress Nuwa in their hearts.

But Empress Nuwa did not respond to these immortal monks. Instead, she began to lead all the mortal spirits in the Three Realms to the Nine Directions Heaven Realm for protection.

There are only two conditions for the creatures that Nuwa protects. First, they are mortals.Second, be wise.

Mortals are mortal beings who do not have any Taoist magic power. Mortals are the most consistent with this.

The second is wisdom. As long as you are a human race, you will still have wisdom even if you don't have Taoist magic power, so this point is prepared for those creatures other than the human race.

As long as an intelligent creature is born, it can be sheltered. To use the most basic analogy, if a dog knows how to please humans and what to do to make humans happy, then it is a creature with the most basic intelligence. Accept asylum.

But 'instinct' does not work. For example, if an animal is afraid of humans, this is not intelligence, but instinct, and it is not protected.

All in all, as long as you have a little wisdom, even the lowest level of wisdom, you will be protected.

The first time Nuwa's decree was announced by Nuwa herself, and then the announcement was made by the heaven, which lasted for one day.

Starting from the next day, Empress Nuwa directly led all the wise mortals in the three realms of the world to the Jiufang Heaven Realm. At the same time, Fang Jian issued an edict that the Heavenly Emperors of the Jiufang Heaven Realm must return to the Heaven Realm, and they would personally preside over the placement of these people. Creatures escaping disaster.

The rebellion in the Nine Directions World will be annihilated by the Heavenly Court.

Empress Nuwa has long been in tune with the way of heaven, and now she says that there will be great catastrophes in the Three Realms, it is certainly true.

However, Empress Nuwa only provided a glimmer of hope for those mortal beings, which immediately made those immortal monks extremely dissatisfied. They believed that Heaven had abandoned them.

Just at this time, the Heavenly Court announced that it would select immortal monks with meritorious deeds in the three realms to enter the Nine Directions Heaven Realm to avoid disaster, which gave these immortal monks a glimmer of hope.

However, a series of actions by Empress Nuwa and Heavenly Court directly gave the Chaos Yuan Demon a huge sense of crisis.

"This is by no means an ordinary catastrophe." Chaos Yuanmo said: "Nuwa, the empress, is in line with the way of heaven. Even if the calamity comes, she may not intervene. But now she has personally manifested herself as a saint and protected all mortals in the three worlds of the world. Spirit, is it possible?”

The Chaos Yuan Demon pondered for a moment, and suddenly his scalp became numb, and he said: "If Empress Nuwa protects these mortal spirits in the three worlds, the heaven will be free to start a war in the three worlds."

"But if this happens, won't the Three Realms be plunged into a catastrophe?" said the Great Faro Demon.

Demon Lord Chixiao said: "So what about the catastrophe? Those mortal spirits have been protected by the Nuwa Empress."

The Chaos Yuan Demon frowned and said with a solemn gaze: "Although I don't know what Heavenly Court has in mind, I know that Heavenly Court has made up its mind to fight against my demon even if it doesn't hesitate to let Jiufang Tianye and all the heavens and worlds fall into catastrophe. Teach me the determination to go to war!"

At this moment, when the three Demon Lords in the hall heard Chaos Yuan Demon's words, they suddenly felt a little chilly, as if a cool breeze blew from their head to the soles of their feet.

The dark clouds are heavy and it feels like rain is about to come.

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