Chapter 1321
"It seems that more people have become immortals recently." The disciples of Shaoyin Palace were all discussing this matter.

As the ruler of the Three Realms, Heavenly Court has its own transcendence, which is specifically manifested in the issue of monks becoming immortals in the Three Realms.

Cultivators of the Three Realms, no matter where they are, as long as they meet the requirements, the Ministry of Thunder will cast down a thunder calamity on them.

But correspondingly, the difficulty of Thunder Tribulation has also been increased. Thunder Tribulation is a liquidation. The heavier the power of evil karma on your body, the stronger Thunder Tribulation will be.

If you can make it through on your own, you can become a fairy, if you can't, then die and die, reincarnate and rebuild.

So now, even though Heaven is no longer stuck in the Celestial Thunder Tribulation, it still only gives you one chance, either to survive the Thunder Tribulation and become a fairy, or to be beaten into a reincarnation by the Thunder Tribulation.And the more kind people are, the easier it is to overcome the catastrophe, and the more evil people are, the harder it is to overcome the catastrophe.

This is Sun Wukong's recent reform in the Shenleiyu Mansion, and it is also to deal with the evil god of chaos. The purpose of the evil god of chaos is to return the three realms to chaos. This idea is a bit 'too extreme' even in the eyes of the demon sect .

Therefore, the more immortals there are in the Three Realms, the more enemies the Chaos Evil God will have. Heaven is the ruler of the Three Realms, so it is natural to follow the trend.

But this move is undoubtedly a great virtue for all monks in the three realms.

However, all the monks in the Three Realms will experience a special scene after they have passed through the thunder calamity of becoming immortals, that is, the "Emperor Qi Tian" will appear and teach the law.

That is to say, there is a divine sense of Sun Wukong in all the immortal thunder disasters descended by the Thunder Department. As long as the practitioners pass through the thunder disasters and pick the true immortal fruit, this divine mind will manifest and teach the Dharma in the thunder disasters. Then it will dissipate along with the thunder tribulation.

This is to tell you clearly, who allowed you to become an immortal, and don't worship the wrong god in the future. The Qitian Emperor of the Heavenly Court will teach you to become an immortal, so you should not worship the evil god.

There are two advantages to doing this. The first is to clearly tell you who is the one who will allow you to become a fairy, it is the Heavenly Court, and it is the Emperor Qitian.The second is to enhance the understanding and knowledge of the monks of the Three Realms to the Heavenly Court, and let them know that the Heavenly Court is the master of the Three Realms.

That's why Sun Wukong made this bold decision. It's better to avoid it than to block it. He is always stuck in preventing others from becoming immortals. From the perspective of heaven, what he damages is the interests of the three worlds in this world.

Li Zhaoqing had just survived the thunder tribulation half a month ago, picked the true immortal fruit, and was promoted to be a true disciple of Shaoyin Palace.

But she also encountered troubles. She had just been promoted to a true disciple of Shaoyin Palace, but she encountered a senior brother who made things difficult for her.

And the reason why this senior brother made things difficult for her was because she had a bad relationship with a junior sister in the outer sect, and this senior sister was exactly this senior brother's younger sister.

In fact, Li Zhaoqing was also very wronged, because she once stood with this junior sister, and then a few mean-spirited male disciples passed by, and casually praised Li Zhaoqing as more beautiful than that junior sister, so Li Zhaoqing was hated.

Over the years, that junior sister has often relied on her elder brother's power as a true disciple, and has made troubles for Li Zhaoqing from all directions and without dead ends.

If it weren't for Li Zhaoqing's senior brother who has a good relationship with her often taking care of her, I'm afraid she wouldn't survive today.

And this senior brother is Qing Xuan who is sitting in front of her.

Sitting on a bamboo chair, Li Zhaoqing picked up the spiritual tea that Qingxuan handed over. Looking at the heat rising from the teacup, Li Zhaoqing looked up at Qingxuan and said, "Thank you brother Qingxuan for taking care of me in the outer gate these years, otherwise my sister would never have seen it." Today's achievement?"

Qingxuan waved his hand and said, "Drink more idle tea and less gossip."

Li Zhaoqing pursed her lips into a smile, and immediately asked, "I wonder when senior brother will be able to pick the True Immortal Dao Fruit?"

"Is it that important to pick the True Immortal Dao Fruit or not?" Qing Xuan smiled lightly.

Li Zhaoqing nodded and said: "Of course it's important. If you pick the true fairy fruit, you can become a fairy, you can live forever, you can become a true disciple, and the monthly robbery will increase a lot. It's time to learn."

Qingxuan said indifferently: "Let's go with fate, it's quite leisurely to stay outside."

"Brother, you must practice diligently and never be lazy." Li Zhaoqing looked at Qingxuan righteously and said: "Brother, you are just too lazy, or you would have become a fairy long ago."

"Hahaha." Qing Xuanlang said with a smile: "As the saying goes, 'steal half a day's leisure', besides, you cultivate your immortality, I cultivate my way, and each practice has different paths to the same goal."

Li Zhaoqing said: "Senior brother, you are talking about your own fallacies again. Aren't cultivating immortals and Taoism the same?"

Qingxuan shook his head and smiled: "Cultivating immortals is cultivating immortals, cultivating Tao is cultivating Tao, they should not be confused."

"I don't understand." Li Zhaoqing said.

Qingxuan waved his hand and said: "If you don't understand, you don't understand. You don't have to understand the things in this world."

Li Zhaoqing took a sip of spiritual tea, and then said to Qingxuan a little embarrassedly: "Brother, can you help me again?"

Qingxuan looked at Li Zhaoqing in surprise and said, "What? Did you run into trouble again just after you became a true disciple?"

Li Zhaoqing said with some embarrassment: "Senior Brother Du from Zhenqitang asked me to go to Mingyuan Cave to retrieve the 'Xuanjin Yuantu' that was thrown in by the disciples of the inner sect's trial three months ago. The time limit is ten days."

Qingxuan said: "Brother Du? Could it be Du Yuqi?"

Li Zhaoqing nodded and said: "It's Du Yuqi's elder brother Du Yuhong, he is now the deacon of the Hall of Real Artifacts."

Qingxuan nodded, and said with a smile: "Then Du Yuqi seems to hate you so much."

Li Zhaoqing also said in great annoyance: "Isn't it just someone else's words? She has hated me for so long, and she has to force me to death to be reconciled. There is an evil god in the deep cave. The disciple of the inner sect trial three months ago is The true disciple led the team, took over three true disciples and more than 20 inner disciples, all fell inside, and let me, a person who just picked the true immortal fruit, go, wouldn't it be a dead end?"

Qingxuan said with a smile: "Don't underestimate people's jealousy, a word can make you a friend, and a word can make you hate."

Li Zhaoqing's eyes were full of desire to survive, she looked at Qingxuan and said, "Senior Brother, can you help me? I dare not go to Mingyuan Cave, I just picked the True Immortal Dao Fruit, and I don't want to die yet."

Qingxuan pondered for a moment, then asked: "How do you want me to help you?"

Li Zhaoqing said: "I know that senior brother has a wide network of contacts, no matter the inner sect, the outer sect, or the true disciples. I don't know how senior should help me, but I know that senior brother can definitely help me."

After hearing this, Qingxuan said after a while: "Actually, there is a solution to this enmity. You can go to Du Yuqi to apologize, admit defeat and admit your mistakes. Be sincere and flattering. It should be able to ease it a little bit."

"But I'm not wrong!" Li Zhaoqing said, "Why should I beg her in a low voice?"

Qingxuan glanced at Li Zhaoqing, and said immediately: "Sometimes people need to hide their strengths and bide their time, humiliation under the crotch, and recklessness, these are all necessary means."

"I understand the truth, but I just don't want to humble myself to someone like Du Yuqi!" Li Zhaoqing said with a cold face.

Qingxuan sighed, then got up and went to the reclining chair beside him and lay down, with his hands resting on the armrest, his eyes slightly closed.

Seeing Qingxuan like this, Li Zhaoqing opened his mouth to speak, but hesitated for a while and still didn't say it, but put down the teacup and looked at Qingxuan quietly.

After a while, Qingxuan opened his eyes again, and asked Li Zhaoqing, "Are you really unwilling to give in temporarily?"

"I don't want to." Li Zhaoqing shook his head and said.

Qingxuan sighed again, then stood up, went to the courtyard, picked up a stone, and threw it directly into the courtyard next to the right.

"?" Li Zhaoqing was a little puzzled seeing this scene, and didn't understand why Qingxuan threw stones at the disciple house next door.

But she soon understood, as the stone made a soft 'click' in the courtyard next door, a white figure jumped over the high wall and landed in Qingxuan's courtyard.

When the white figure landed on the ground and walked over, Li Zhaoqing was stunned. Although he was wearing the green cloth Taoist robe of an outer disciple, he had sword eyebrows and star eyes, and an extraordinary temperament. Even many true disciples were far inferior. he.

But Li Zhaoqing's spiritual sense detected this person's cultivation level, but it was in the realm of refining gods?Isn't it right?Can the God Refining Realm have such an extraordinary temperament?

"Senior brother Qingxuan, what advice do you have for throwing stones into the court?" Fang Jian walked directly opposite Li Zhaoqing, sat down on the bamboo chair where Qingxuan was originally sitting, and asked himself a cup of spirit tea.

Qingxuan said: "Fellow Daoist, I have a small matter here, and I need your help."

Fang Jian called Qingxuan his brother because he respected his identity as the "Taiyi saves the suffering Tianzun", and Qingxuan called Fang Jian a fellow Taoist because he was on an equal footing.

Fang Jian took a sip of spiritual tea and said, "Brother Qingxuan, it's okay to say."

Qingxuan pointed at Li Zhaoqing and said, "It's her, Junior Sister Li, this generous fellow Taoist can help you with your affairs."

"Ah?" Li Zhaoqing was taken aback when he heard this, and then looked at Fang Jian with a pair of beautiful eyes, "This"

Qingxuan smiled and said: "Junior Sister Li, don't think he is in the realm of refining gods, but he is the only one who can help you, so you can tell this generous fellow Taoist about your affairs."

Hearing this, Li Zhaoqing stared at Fang Jian and thought to herself, "Could it be that this person also has a background among the true disciples?" '

Thinking of this, the more Li Zhaoqing thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. Although this is an outer door, there are many people hiding dragons and crouching tigers.

Therefore, Li Zhaoqing put away his contempt and told Fang Jian what happened to him.

Fang Jian didn't express anything after listening, but said to Li Zhaoqing: "I see, since Senior Brother Qingxuan entrusted you, don't worry about this matter."

After finishing speaking, Fang Jian stood up and cupped his hands towards Qingxuan and said, "Senior Brother Qingxuan, take your leave."

"Okay." Qingxuan got up immediately to see him off, and Li Zhaoqing saw Fang Jian leaving, and asked Qingxuan tentatively: "Senior Brother, can he retrieve the Xuanjinyuan fetus from Mingyuan Cave?"

Qingxuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's just a piece of cake."

Li Zhaoqing asked again: "Brother, what is the background of this generous fellow Taoist?"

When Qingxuan heard this, he laughed and said nothing, and did not answer, but lay there quietly with his eyes closed and rested.

Shaoyin Palace, Hall of True Artifacts.

Liu Yifeng, the master of the Hall of Real Artifacts, is a cultivator in the Heavenly Wonderland. He was sitting in the back hall at this time, and received a jade box from Du Yuhong in his hand.

Liu Yifeng opened the jade box, only to see a bright celestial light instantly illuminating the hall, but he saw a piece of snow-white jade lying quietly in the jade box.

The jade exudes an extremely majestic and pure air, which makes it extraordinary at a glance.

"Is this the Xuanjinyuan fetus?" Liu Yifeng said with a happy face.

Du Yuhong nodded, with a flattering smile on her face: "That's right, Senior Brother Liu, this is the Xuanjin Yuan embryo."

Liu Yifeng looked at Du Yuhong and said, "At the time when the evil god appeared in Mingyuan Cave, the inner disciples who entered the trial and the true disciples who led the team all fell in it, and it is said that the Xuanjin yuan embryo taken from the cave was also left behind. , I didn’t expect it to be in your hands.”

Du Yuhong smiled "hehe", how this Xuanjin Yuantu got into his hands, that cannot be said.

But Liu Yifeng couldn't ask in detail, but looked at Du Yuhong and said: "You boy also asked Li Zhaoqing to go to Mingyuan Cave to find this Xuanjinyuan fetus, it is obviously out of good intentions."

Du Yuhong said: "Don't you have to rely on you, Senior Brother Liu? If Li Zhaoqing didn't go to Mingyuan Cave, how could this Xuanjinyuan embryo get into Senior Brother Liu's hands?"

"Okay, okay." Liu Yifeng looked at Du Yuhong and said, "I don't know what kind of deep hatred you have with that Li Zhaoqing, it's worth the price of Xuanjinyuan, but taking people's money to eliminate disasters for others, I will help with this matter You do it, and the official edict will come down tomorrow."

Du Yuhong hurriedly bowed after hearing the words: "Thank you, Senior Brother Liu."

A Li Zhaoqing is naturally not worth a Xuanjinyuan fetus, but if he can take this opportunity to make friends with Daoist Liu Yifeng, then it will be worth it. You must know that Liu Yifeng is the direct disciple of the Great Elder 'Yuanhui'.

"Then I'll leave everything to Senior Brother Liu." Du Yuhong bowed and said, "Senior Brother, rest early, and Senior Brother will leave."

After speaking, Du Yuhong turned around and walked out of the hall, but when he opened the door of the hall, a wooden stick was placed on his head.

"." Du Yuhong looked at the figure and the wooden stick in front of him, and was stunned for a moment. After a while, he took a step back and asked, "Who are you?"

Fang Jian walked into the hall with a big sun Buddhist pestle in his hand, the door behind him was automatically closed instantly, and then a mighty force fell, completely sealing the hall.

Liu Yifeng stood up from the sandalwood chair in an instant, and Du Yuhong also reacted at this moment, and immediately shouted at Fang Jian: "You are an outer disciple? Who asked you to come here?"

"Wrong, I am Dafang Tathagata Buddha, and I am here to save you two bad species." Fang Jian said, and walked straight towards Du Yuhong.

Du Yuhong circulated her mana, and the protective celestial light instantly appeared outside her body. At the same time, the celestial light flashed in her hand, and a high-grade Lingbao celestial sword immediately appeared in her hand.

However, all of this was useless, Fang Jian only took a step forward, and the protective fairy light on Du Yuhong's body was directly shattered, Du Yuhong turned pale with fright, and hurriedly slashed at Fang Jian with his sword.

Fang Jian raised his left hand, grabbed the fairy sword in Du Yuhong's hand, and then squeezed it lightly, and Du Yuhong's fairy sword shattered to the ground, "My top-grade spiritual treasure!" Du Yuhong exclaimed.

But Fang Jian raised the Great Sun Buddha Pestle with his right hand, and said to Du Yuhong, "The Dharma is immeasurable, it can save all sentient beings, it is a blow!"

'Pfft' As the big day Buddha pestle hit, Du Yuhong's head shattered immediately, just like a watermelon smashed by a hammer.

"Huh? Are you obsessed with obsession?" Fang Jian looked at Du Yuhong, who had his head smashed and the primordial spirit, and shook his head in disappointment.

Du Yuhong's spirit and form were all destroyed, only her soul flew into Qianyang Xianguang and disappeared.

But Liu Yifeng, who saw Du Yuhong's death, couldn't help saying in shock: "You dare to kill my Shaoyin Palace deacon?"

"It's the supernatural power!" Fang Jian said with a smile, then raised his hand and threw the Great Sun Buddha Pestle, Liu Yifeng immediately sacrificed his magic weapon and hit the Great Sun Buddha Pestle.

However, under the mighty power of the Great Sun Buddha Pestle, his low-grade immortal treasure was crushed before he got close to him. Liu Yifeng was terrified, and immediately used the divine way: "The golden cicada escapes its shell."

When I was young, I saw a golden light flashing across Liu Yifeng's body, and the golden light flew straight to the outside of the hall, but when he touched the beam of the main hall, he heard a "dong" bell, as if he had hit something extremely solid, and then Liu Yifeng didn't even have time to let out a scream, and he was knocked apart, his soul was also scattered by the ringing of the bell, only his soul flew out of his body, but was quickly taken away by Qianyang Xianguang.

And there was only a clone left at the place where Liu Yifeng was originally, but that clone was instantly crushed to powder under the mighty power of the Great Sun Buddha Pestle.

After killing Liu Yifeng and Du Yuhong in the blink of an eye, Fang Jian stepped forward, came to Liu Yifeng's table, and picked up the jade slips on the table.

After careful inspection, Fang Jian found that there was only one jade slip with the name 'Li Zhaoqing' on it, so he destroyed the jade slip.

However, just as Fang Jian was about to leave, he heard a divine will from Yuanshen: "Master, there is something in the jade box on the table!"

"Oh?" This was the editor's voice. Hearing this, Fang Jian immediately turned around and picked up the jade box. When he opened the jade box, he immediately saw the Xuanjin Yuantu.

"This is the original fetus!" said the editor.

Fang Jian heard the words: "What's the use?"

The editor said: "It's so useful, the first step in the birth of an acquired treasure is to condense the primordial embryo."

Fang Jian was startled when he heard this, and said, "You mean this thing is the prototype of an acquired treasure?"

"It can be said that, however, the Yuan tire may not be able to become the acquired treasure, but the Yuan tire can strengthen the acquired treasure and the excellent material for refining the best magic weapon." The editor said.

When Fang Jian heard this, he immediately asked: "I just want to ask, can this Yuan fetus be converted into Dao Qi?"

"Yes." The editor said: "Now that the evil god of chaos is born, you will need Dao Qi very much, and merits and virtues are not guaranteed, but judging from the conversation between the two just now, this primordial birth is very important in this world. Common."

Hearing the editor's words, Fang Jian's expression suddenly turned cold, and he said, "Xiao Hong, do you know something about the Chaos God?"

The editor was silent for a moment, and then said, "Master, be prepared."

Fang Jian was keenly aware of what the editor was hiding. This was the first time this happened. Thinking of this, Fang Jian immediately asked: "Xiaohong, if there is something important, I hope you don't hide it from me. "

The editor said: "Master, it's not that I don't tell you, but if I tell you, all sources of the avenue will be destroyed."

"The source of everything on the Dao?" Fang Jian couldn't help being surprised when he heard this description for the first time.

The editor said: "Whether it is the nothingness represented by chaos, or the existence represented by the three worlds in this world, starting with the way of heaven and the source of the great way, there is a source, and if the source is destroyed, everything will be destroyed. Dao and Buddha, regardless of being or nothing.”

Fang Jian was a little shocked. After pondering for a long time, he realized that this must have something to do with the editor's origin, so he said, "Okay, I won't ask about it now."

"Thank you, sir, for your understanding," said the editor.

Then Fang Jian raised his hand and put the Xuanjinyuan tire into the sleeve of Yunwen Qingfeng, and when he was about to turn around and leave again, he suddenly had a whim.

So Fang Jian turned around and used his magic power to gather the blood flowing from Liu Yifeng and Du Yuhong on the ground of the hall, and then made it form four lines of extremely conspicuous blood characters:
"Put Jiying first, and then destroy Shaoyin. Only me, the evil god, is rampant in the Three Realms."

In the end, Fang Jian wiped away all traces in the hall with Hongqing Xuanguang, then disappeared, took the Chaos Clock, and left the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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