I'm an immortal in heaven

Chapter 1248 Weiling Universe

(The last chapter should be 'Chapter 21', wrongly written, this chapter is 'Chapter 22')
Compared with three months ago, Feng Tianjun's aura has dropped by [-]% now, and Feng Tianjun can't bear it anymore after being repeatedly used great power by the three big Luo Jinxians of the ancestors of Guanhuo.

What made Feng Tianjun even more cold was that he couldn't wake up Chan Tianjun no matter what, and Chan Tianjun didn't give him any response.

In this way, Feng Tianjun was fighting alone, resisting the mighty power of the three Da Luo Jinxians with all his strength. After confirming that he could not wake up Chan Tianjun, Feng Tianjun finally lost his last hope and energy. Another [-]% drop.

The three Fire Watching Patriarchs who discovered this were very happy, which meant that they were about to succeed.

Feng Tianjun and Chan Tianjun have been right with them for so many years, and now they have finally found a chance to suppress them and obtain their great power for their own use. Naturally, they don't want to waste this excellent opportunity.

In fact, at the beginning, the three great patriarchs also believed that Feng Tianjun and Chan Tianjun were the same Daluo Jinxian as them.

But later, in the repeated battles between Feng Tianjun and Chan Tianjun, they discovered that these two people were not living beings at all, but were transformed by some kind of treasure with the mighty power of Daluo Jinxian.

So from that time on, the three great patriarchs have kept the attention of Feng Tianjun and Chan Tianjun in the open and in the dark. If they can return Feng Tianjun and Chan Tianjun to their original forms and use them for themselves, it must be a long-term goal. The power of super acquired treasure.

The three great patriarchs immediately exerted all their strength to wear down Feng Tianjun's power. According to the current situation, it only takes more than ten days to completely wear down Feng Tianjun's power and make him return to his original form.

In the Hunwu Linyuan Formation, Feng Tianjun was no longer in the state of sitting, but was crying in the void, surrounded by the great Luo Weili of the three directions, heartbroken.

If someone didn't know, seeing this scene, they would think that three disrespectful old guys were bullying a little boy, but in fact, that little boy possessed the strength of Da Luo Jinxian.

The entire Hunwu Linyuan formation was filled with the pitiful cries of Feng Tianjun, but the three ancestors of Guanhuo remained unmoved at all, and still ruthlessly drained his strength.

In the emptiness and emptiness, a small boy was trapped by a large formation, and the boy was rolling and crying in the void, while he was surrounded by the three great powers of fire, metal, and earth.

Three immortals dressed in Taoist robes of fire, gold, and earth sat in Lingxu, surrounded by the immortal light of the Dao that they witnessed. .

I don't know how long it took, maybe three or four days, maybe five or six days, Feng Tianjun's strength and aura dropped by [-]% again, so far Feng Tianjun's power has dropped by [-]%, and only [-]% is left.

Seeing that the great achievement was about to be completed, the three ancestors of Guanhuo slowed down the consumption of Feng Tianjun's power at the same time. Although the great power of Dao was still continuously depleting Feng Tianjun's power, they could clearly feel the speed is slowing down.

At this point, Feng Tianjun was completely beaten back to his original form. Even if Chan Tianjun came at this time, it would not help.

Because it is impossible for him to break through the defenses of the Hunwu Linyuan Formation and the three Da Luo Jinxians in a short period of time, the three old ancestors are very confident in this after many fights in the past.

Therefore, Patriarch Guanhuo, Patriarch Xuanjin, and Patriarch Yuan Kun have already started their respective calculations.

There is only one Feng Tianjun, and there are three of them. After being beaten back to his original form, Feng Tianjun is just a treasure. How can the three be divided?
The silent calculation has already begun. The three ancestors have changed from the initial cooperation state to the current half-cooperation and half-calculation state.

At this most tense moment, in the Hunwu Linyuan Formation, Feng Tianjun, who was already extremely weak, suddenly stopped crying.

The slight change in this scene immediately attracted the attention of the highly nervous three patriarchs, and then the three patriarchs looked at Feng Tianjun together.

But seeing Feng Tianjun's pale face in the big formation, he stopped crying, and looked up towards the top of Hunyu with fear on his face.

Above Hunyu?Where is what?The three great patriarchs also looked up towards the top of Hunyu, but they only saw a piece of sky, which was the sky of the 'Northeast Heaven Realm'.

There was nothing above, Feng Tianjun was playing tricks again, the three patriarchs looked away again, and then cast their gazes on Feng Tianjun.

"??! No!" The three great patriarchs were shocked suddenly, because the great power of the three of them had undergone a huge change unconsciously.

Originally, the Great Dao Power of the Three Great Patriarchs belonged to each town, and the well water did not interfere with the river water, but I don’t know when, the great power of the Huo Xing Dao of the Patriarch Guanhuo came into contact with the mighty power of the Jin Xing Dao of the Xuanjin Patriarch.

"Not good!" Patriarch Guanhuo and Patriarch Xuanjin exclaimed in unison, and then the mighty power of the two rushed quickly. Patriarch hurriedly withdrew his mighty force, but Huoxing Dao's mighty power arrived in an instant, rushing straight at Patriarch Xuanjin.

Patriarch Xuanjin flicked his fingers, and in an instant his mighty power of Jin Xing Dao gave out surging divine water, and immediately blocked the mighty power of Huo Xing Dao of Patriarch Guanhuo back.

It was just now that the fire-walking avenue of the ancestor of Guanhu broke the gold-walking avenue of the ancestor of Xuanjin, which is "fire overcomes gold".

Afterwards, the golden avenue of Xuanjin Patriarch gave birth to surging divine water, which blocked the fire avenue of Patriarch Guanhuo, this is 'Jin Shengshui'.

The mystery of the mutual generation and restraint of the five elements is vividly reflected in the confrontation between the two great Luo Jinxians at this moment.

"Take it!" At this time, Patriarch Yuan Kun had withdrawn his mighty power, and then shouted at Patriarch Guanhuo and Patriarch Xuanjin.

Afterwards, Patriarch Guanhuo and Patriarch Xuanjin retracted their Daowei power at the same time, and then they retreated at the same time.

Patriarch Xuanjin said in surprise: "There is someone."

The Patriarch Guanhuo said: "There are great powers other than the three of us mixed in. Is it Chan Tianjun?"

"No!" It was not Xuanjin Patriarch and Yuan Kun Patriarch who answered Guanhuo Patriarch, but Feng Tianjun in Hunwu Linyuan Formation.

Feng Tianjun burst into tears, lying in the void and shouting to the three ancestors of Guanhuo: "Protect me, you must protect me, otherwise none of you will get me!"

As soon as Feng Tianjun finished speaking, the heaven above suddenly burst into celestial light, and then a myriad of zhangs of mysterious light fell from above the northeast heaven, immediately illuminating the hundreds of millions of miles above the Changtian Great Thousand Realm.

"He's in the heaven!" Patriarch Guanhuo exclaimed in surprise, "He's from the heaven!"

Patriarch Xuanjin and Patriarch Yuankun's expressions suddenly changed, and the three of them immediately recalled their acquired treasures from the Hunwulinyuan formation, and then exerted their great powers to protect the whole body and gaze at the heaven above.

The next moment, the northeastern heaven above and the Hunyu below shook together, and then a gigantic divine clock appeared in the eyes of the three great ancestors and Feng Tianjun.

The divine clock contained extremely terrifying power, even if the three great patriarchs were Da Luo Jinxians, looking at this divine clock at this moment would make their heart tremble.

"Be careful, this is not an acquired treasure!" Patriarch Yuan Kun shouted loudly.

Afterwards, the three great patriarchs showed their mighty power, and at the same time sacrificed the acquired treasure in their hands, turning it into three beams of mysterious light that illuminated the heavens and struck the falling divine bell.

The Xuanjin Ding, Huolie Zhang, and Local Map, the three acquired treasures, rushed straight up with unparalleled mighty power, and slammed into the huge divine clock that fell down from the town.

'Boom' 'Boom' 'Boom'

As the three Houtian treasures collided with the divine clock, the Hunyu shuddered endlessly for an instant, and an extremely gorgeous picture appeared in the empty Hunyu at this moment, with millions of divine lights blooming in all directions.

A series of terrifying forces spread like ripples, and these forces are constantly impacting the Great World of Changing Heaven. Although the Great World is now extremely strong with the protection of the rules of Heaven, under the impact of such terrifying forces, there are still monsters in the Great World of Changing Heaven. All kinds of horrific visions appeared, shaking the sky and shaking the earth, and the ten directions trembled.

Afterwards, under the power of the divine bell, the three acquired treasures, the Xuanjindingding, Huoliezhang, and Local Map, lasted for less than a stick of incense, and then its power shattered, and the divine light on its body dimmed. up and down.

The three great patriarchs were all horrified, they hastily raised their hands to recall their acquired treasures, and stored them in the primordial spirit.

At this time, the divine clock was not hindered at all, and continued to be suppressed. Although the three great ancestors were shocked, they still rolled up the boundless mighty power and swept towards the suppressed divine clock.


At the moment when the divine bell collided with the three great powers of the Golden Avenue, the Fire Avenue, and the Earth Avenue, the gold coins flickered in the Chaotic Domain, the flames came and went, and the rustic atmosphere surged, but it was soon suppressed by an even stronger mighty force .

"That's an innate spirit treasure! That divine clock is an innate spirit treasure!" Xuan Jin Patriarch shouted with horror on his face.

Patriarch Yuan Kun and Patriarch Guanhuo also discovered this, and at this time the divine clock continued to fall, and the three of them were already dripping with cold sweat. However, it still continued to be suppressed inch by inch under the obstruction of the mighty power of the three great avenues.

Every time the divine clock drops by one point, the bodies of the three ancestors of Guanhuo sink by one point.

At this time, Patriarch Yuan Kun said: "Two fellow Taoists, this is not the way to go. We should communicate with each other and generate the mighty power of the five elements, so that we can withstand the mighty power of this innate spirit treasure."

Patriarch Guanhuo and Patriarch Xuanjin agreed immediately without the slightest hesitation, and then the three of them immediately used the power of the Dao to communicate with each other.

Firstly, the mighty power of Yuan Kun's Dao Xing Dao and Xuan Jin Lao Zu's Jin Xing Dao combined, 'earth begets gold', the combination of earth and gold, its momentum soared, and soon Xuan Jin Lao Zu's Jin Xing Dao was in Yuan Kun Lao. With the help of the ancestor's Tu Xing Dao, the rotation of "Golden Water" was completed, and the "Water Xing Dao" was biochemically formed immediately.

But this didn't end, the ancestor Xuanjin connected his mighty power of the Golden Avenue with the temporary 'Water Avenue', and continuously supplied his great power of the Golden Avenue to the Water Avenue.

And the blessed Water Avenue also quickly completed the rotation of "Shuishengmu" at this moment, transforming into "Wood Avenue".

Although the power of the water-line avenue and wood-line avenue created temporarily is not strong, it is enough to merge with the 'five elements avenue'.

Subsequently, the Water Avenue and the Wood Avenue are instantly connected with the Gold Avenue, the Earth Avenue, and the Fire Avenue in the rotation grid of "five elements inter-growth", forming the "gold generates water, water generates wood, wood generates fire, fire generates earth, The general trend of the rotation of the five elements such as native metal'.

At this moment, the great power of the Five Elements and Great Dao is 'biochemical' with each other, continuously and endlessly.

"Give me back!" Patriarch Guanhuo, Patriarch Xuanjin, and Patriarch Yuankun shouted in unison, and then the majestic power of the Five Elements Dao burst out, and actually pushed the divine clock back.

The divine clock was quickly pushed back by the mighty power of the Five Elements Dao, and it was about to sink into the sky again soon. However, at this moment, the great power of the Dao that had never been noticed by the three great ancestors suddenly appeared, and then instantly covered it. down.

Law Road!

As the mighty power of Law Road descended, the three Patriarchs of Guanhuo were enveloped in an instant, and then Law Road started to run rapidly, and the faces of the three ancestors all changed at this moment.

"Qingmeng Avenue!" The voice of the three great ancestors was full of horror and disbelief.

With the downfall of the Dao of Law, the outcome has been decided. The mutual generation of the five elements is the law, but the mutual restraint of the five elements is also the law.

When the avenue of law is running, the original pattern of five elements intergrowth is instantly reversed, and it becomes five elements that restrain each other, that is: fire restrains metal, metal restrains wood, wood restrains earth, earth restrains water, and water restrains fire.

The five elements are reversed, mutual restraint and offense, the first thing to collapse and annihilate is the temporary water avenue and wooden avenue.

Immediately afterwards came the ancestors of Guanhuo, Yuankun, and Xuanjin. They were injured by the five elements restraining each other and the great power of the great way at the same time. The air machine directly dropped by [-]%.

The three great patriarchs were terrified, and the Xuanjin patriarch raised his head to the vast and chaotic realm with a look of bewilderment, and asked in the towering sky: "The innate spirit treasure, the Qingmeng Dao, dare to ask who is you?"

Soon, a clear, indifferent, majestic divine voice came down along the boundless power of the Avenue of Law: "Heavenly Supreme, Ruler of the Three Realms, conferred by the Jade Emperor"

"Tai Su Dao Zhen Zhong Tian Dou Shu Xuan Tian Pu Hua Emperor."

"Fang Jian!"

This divine sound vibrates in the boundless and chaotic domain, and the world of Changtian also begins to tremble violently. In the world of Changtian, starting from Taiyi Jinxian and below, all immortals, monks, and creatures are at this moment, in this boundless sky. All of you, bow your head and bow your head in worship!
And as Fang Jian's voice fell, the Chaos Clock, which was no longer hindered, also descended with a bang, and only three "dong" bells sounded throughout the Hunyu and Changtian Daqianjie, and the three great ancestors vomited blood, The body was instantly smashed into the Big World by the Chaos Clock.

At this moment, all the living beings in the Big Changing World raised their heads, and saw the image of the three Great Patriarchs being dropped into the Tianyu of the Big Changing World.

The invincible Daluo Jinxian, like a delicate baby at this moment, was knocked down by that powerful force and fell back into the big world of Changtian.

At this moment, whether it is the Yuhuo Sect, Shentu Sect, Zhenjin Sect, Donghuo Sect, Zaiji Sect, Shaoshen Sect, or other sects, Yaozu immortal monks, all of them are terrified and pale!

The three great ancestors fell back into the Great World of Changing Heaven, and flew back to their respective dojos immediately, activated the defensive formation and all defensive forces, and began to shrink back in the dojos, recuperating from injuries.

And Fang Jian withdrew his mighty power from the Changtian Daqian Realm, and then raised the Chaos Clock again, and slammed it down towards the Chaos Wulinyuan Formation.

I saw that the light of ten thousand dao celestial beings illuminated the Tianyu of the Changtian Great World, and then the Changtian Great Thousand Realm began to shake violently again.

But within the Hunyu Territory, the Hunwu Linyuan Formation instantly collapsed under the mighty power of the Chaos Clock. The desperate Feng Tianjun wanted to escape, but Fang Jian only turned the Chaos Clock over, and then went to the next town, and directly Suppress Feng Tianjun in the Chaos Clock.

Afterwards, the Chaos Bell turned into a ray of mysterious light and flew back to the northeast heaven, and Fang Jian also directly withdrew the mighty power of Law Dao, absorbing all the power back.

It was still extremely lively at first, but the Hunyu where Wanguang Feishe was shot immediately became extremely silent again, as if the huge battle before had never happened.

Or to put it another way, it seems that nothing has happened, and the Chaotic Territory is still so empty and nothingness.

Only the living beings in Biantian Great World clearly know that a fierce battle took place in the Hunyu just now, a man named 'Fang Jian' who called himself 'Taisu Daozhen Zhongtian Doushu Xuantian Puhua Emperor' He defeated the three big Luo Jinxians, Patriarch Guanhuo, Patriarch Xuanjin, and Patriarch Yuankun.

And they were severely injured, and they hid directly in the dojo and did not dare to come out.

Cangqiu Daze, the royal city of Cangqiu monster clan.

Tang Yu proudly said to Fu Qinggang and the others who were stupefied and stupefied, "The 'Tai Su Dao Zhen Zhong Tian Dou Shu Xuan Tian Pu Hua Emperor' just now is the Hong Qing Emperor I told you about! "


Fu Qinggang knelt directly on the ground, followed by the two elders of Jinxian and many Yaozu Yaoxians.

Then Fu Qinggang raised his hands high, and then kowtowed towards the sky, "Cangqiu monster clan Fu Qinggang, kowtow to Emperor Hongqing!"

"From today onwards, my Cangqiu Monster Clan is willing to submit to the Heavenly Court and the Qingxiao Treasure Realm sincerely and sincerely!"

No matter how beautiful and shocking the language is, it is still pale in the face of absolute power.

Tangyu's talk for so long only dispelled most of Fu Qinggang's doubts, but after Fang Jian showed his might, Fu Qinggang had nothing but surrender in his mind.

May I ask, can the Cangqiu Monster Clan be able to resist the mighty ability to defeat the three Da Luo Jinxians by himself?

In particular, it is such a great honor for this powerful person to send someone to persuade the Cangqiu monster clan to surrender!If he still has doubts, is he still a human being? No, is he still a fairy? !
Surrender, you must surrender, to find a backer, you must find the most powerful, my Cangqiu Monster Clan, from now on I will look for the Heavenly Court.

Emperor Hongqing, from now on will be the only true god of our Cangqiu Monster Clan!
"Praise the Emperor Hongqing!" Fu Qinggang sang directly: "Praise the great and merciful Emperor Hongqing. The Cangqiu Monster Clan will always submit to the Heavenly Court devoutly, loyal, and have no other ambitions."

Speaking of this, Fu Qinggang pointed his sword at the sky and said: "With Yu's words, the sky will kill the earth, and the family will be killed!"


After Fu Qinggang's words fell, a golden-purple divine thunder thundered down on the sky of Changing World, instantly illuminating half of Changing World.

This seems to be the way of heaven responding, responding to Qinggang's oath!

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