Yanfu Great World, looking south to Buzhou, and Xiangjiang Water Palace.

The Xiangjiang River is a big river, and the water god of the Xiangjiang River is naturally not an ordinary sixth-rank water god, but a third-rank water god of the Yuan Dynasty.But when it comes to the water god of the Xiangjiang River, one person must be mentioned here, that is, the current Jiangdu Guangyuan King 'Qu Yuan'.

When Qu Yuan was in the world, he met an immortal by chance. This immortal was "Jun Xiang".

Mr. Xiang has a lover, that is, "Mrs. Xiang". Of course, Mrs. Xiang was just a young monk at that time, and she was not called "Mrs. Xiang".

Mr. Xiang and Mrs. Xiang are very affectionate, but later, during the calamity in Yankang, Jun Xiang went out to help a close friend who was an official in the heaven and was involved in the calamity.

Before leaving, Mr. Xiang made an agreement with Mrs. Xiang that he would return when the bamboo leaves on the side of the Xiangjiang River turned green, and they would meet each other at the agreed place.

So Mrs. Xiang took a boat to wait for him at the place where she first dated Mr. Xiang every day, but she didn't see Mr. Xiang coming, so she played the pan flute sadly in disappointment.Later, Mrs. Xiang waited for the King of Xiang not to arrive for a long time, so she sailed north to Dongting Lake to look for him, but there was still no sign of King Xiang.

Mrs. Xiang has not returned for a long time, Mrs. Xiang is extremely disappointed, and her resentment is full of Xiangjiang River, but Mrs. Xiang is still floating in the lake and Hengjiang River, looking for and waiting for Mr. Xiang from morning to night, but the last one who comes is Mrs. Xiang who fell in the calamity information.

Mrs. Xiang was in grief after hearing the news. She hugged the bamboo and wept, shedding tears and blood, and died when the blood was exhausted. Her soul drifted on the Xiangjiang River every day.

Later, the Heavenly Court commended King Xiang for helping the Heavenly Court, and felt Mrs. Xiang's deep affection, so she was granted the title of Xiangjiang Water God.

Later, Qu Yuan wrote an article "Nine Songs Xiangjun" to praise their love.

This is the origin of the water god of the Xiangjiang River, and Mrs. Xiang was named "Mrs. Xiang" because of the king of Xiang, and became the water god worshiped by the people on both sides of the Xiangjiang River.

At this time, Mrs. Xiang was in the water mansion of the Xiangjiang River, counting her magic treasures, "700 million robbery jades." Mrs. Xiang had a smile on her face, "When he comes back, these robbery jades are enough for him to practice The realm of the heavenly fairy."

The "he" in Mrs. Xiang's population refers to the reincarnation of Mr. Xiang.

Because Mrs. Xiang is the water god of the Xiangjiang River, she cannot leave her jurisdiction without authorization, so she has been unable to go out to find Lord Xiang's reincarnation for so many years.

But she can't resign from the position of water god, because she needs these salaries, so that in the future, Jun Xiang will have the resources to re-enter the fairyland in his reincarnation.

Originally, Mrs. Xiang, as the water god of the Xiangjiang River, just needs to slowly accumulate resources little by little. When she has enough, she will resign from the priesthood and go to find Lord Xiang.But as the catastrophes followed one after another, Mrs. Xiang remembered the catastrophe that led to the downfall of King Xiang. She was afraid that the catastrophe would come again, and she would not be able to survive it.

So she couldn't wait like this anymore. After communicating with some loose immortals, she was keenly aware of some "markets" that couldn't be put on the table, so she took a slant and founded Xiangxiang Pavilion.

However, she left this kind of thing to her subordinates. She didn't ask or participate in it herself, she just sat and collected the robbery jade.

But she didn't expect the calamity to come as soon as it was said. Fortunately, she survived the calamity. Now that the Three Realms are stable, it seems that there is no need to worry.

"There are already so many robbery jades." Mrs. Xiang thought in her heart, "Shouldn't it be time to close the Xiangxiang Pavilion?"

But this idea just popped up for a moment, and she threw it out of her mind, "No, since Xiangxiang Pavilion can earn so much robbery jade, let's continue to open it, and try to save him enough resources to cultivate to the Golden Immortal .”

You must know that Mrs. Xiang herself is only in the realm of a fairy. It can only be said that her feelings for Mr. Xiang have become an obsession in her heart.

Soon, Mrs. Xiang woke up from her fantasy about the future, and then called the master book of her Xiangjiang Water Mansion, took out 200 million kalpa jade and put it in a storage bag and handed it to the master book: "There are 200 million kalpas in it." Yu, you go and send it to all the demon cultivators in the Xiangjiang River who have contributed to the water mansion during the calamity, and those little demons."

The master took the storage bag, bowed and sang: "Yes, the god."

After the Master Book left, Mrs. Xiang put away the Sumeru Magic Treasure that contained the remaining 500 million kalpas of jade. Those female cultivators who participated in the "spiritual shadow shooting" were all carried out in the Xiangxiang Pavilion. And they also get generous Jieyu rewards every time they shoot a spirit image, so she doesn't have to worry about it.

But at this moment, the master who had just left suddenly came back in a hurry, and then bowed to Mrs. Xiang and said, "I would like to report to the god, that one day I will come to the water mansion, saying that there is an edict to be announced to the god."

Mrs. Xiang was slightly surprised when she heard the words, and then said: "Please."

The master took the order and left, and Mrs. Xiang said to the female nun who was standing beside her, "Get some tea."

Soon, a tall, celestial general in golden armor and a divine robe entered the main hall. That day, he set his sights on Mrs. Xiang, and then raised the amulet in his hand and said: "Xuanwei fights against the holy Buddha of Qitian!" The emperor's decree, the water god of the Xiangjiang River obeys the decree."

Mrs. Xiang's complexion was slightly condensed when she heard the words, she immediately stood up, bowed and said: "I am listening to the order of the water god of the Xiangjiang River."

The Heavenly General proclaimed: "According to Taisu Daozhen Zhongtian Doushu Xuantian Puhua Emperor's decree, I ordered the Xiangjiang Water God to go to heaven immediately to have an audience."

Mrs. Xiang's complexion changed, the Emperor Hongqing's decree!At this moment, Mrs. Xiang's thoughts changed. She didn't know why the Emperor Hongqing ordered her to go to heaven to see her. Could it be that she violated the rules of heaven by opening the Xiangxiang Pavilion?But that's not right, if that's the case, just send Lei Bing Lei to arrest me, why bother to declare yourself to the sky?

Thinking of this, Mrs. Xiang was slightly certain, and then said: "Heaven will wait a moment, let Xiaoshen prepare for a while."

But the heavenly general said: "The decree will go to heaven immediately, and the water god of Xiangjiang River will not delay."

Mrs. Xiang froze for a moment, then bowed and said, "Yes, the water god of the Xiangjiang River has received the decree."

Then Mrs. Xiang gave instructions to the master book, and then flew out of the Xiangjiang Shuifu with the general, and went all the way to the sky.

Mrs. Xiang and the Heavenly General entered the Heavenly Court from the Nantian Gate. The Heavenly General on duty let them enter the Nantian Gate after inspecting the Fu Zhao and the Taixuan Provincial Fu Order. Afterwards, the two went all the way to the Mingzhi Hall of the Taishang Yuling Palace. .

After the notification from the Heavenly General, Mrs. Xiang was announced into the Mingzhi Hall, and when Mrs. Xiang entered the Mingzhi Hall, she immediately saw Li Hong and Ling Yu standing respectfully and shivering, Mrs. Xiang looked over.

Mrs. Xiang felt a 'thump' in her heart, secretly thinking that something was wrong, and it really was something wrong with the Xiangxiang Pavilion.

Mrs. Xiang walked quickly to the center of the hall, then raised her head, and saw the four emperors of Ling Xiao sitting cross-legged on the throne, with a solemn treasure looking at her dignifiedly.

Mrs. Xiang's heart trembled, and she immediately bowed and said: "I am the water god of the Xiangjiang River, and I pay my respects to the four emperors of Lingxiao." After speaking, she bowed and bowed down.

"Pingshen." Fang Jian's indifferent and majestic voice came down, making Mrs. Xiang's heart shudder, and hurriedly thanked her and got up.

At this time, Erlang God said: "Xiangjiang Water God, as a third-rank immortal official in the Heavenly Court, why did you open Xiangxiang Pavilion and sell such morally corrupt things?"

When Mrs. Xiang heard this question, she immediately realized that if she didn't answer well, she might have to explain here. She changed her mind quickly, and quickly replied: "I want to report to Emperor Rensheng, I also do this for the sake of the people on both sides of the Xiangjiang River." Creature."

Erlang God frowned, he hated others to find such high-sounding reasons for his wrong things, so he asked lightly: "Oh, then tell me in detail how you use Xiangxiang Pavilion to benefit the people on both sides of the Xiangjiang River?"

Hearing the displeasure in Erlang Shen's tone, Mrs. Xiang's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly said, "The Xiangjiang Water Palace recruited most of the demon cultivators inside and outside the Xiangjiang River, and asked them to work for the Xiangjiang Water Palace and assist the minister in protecting the living beings on both sides of the Xiangjiang River. Naturally, this required robbery." jade, so in order to earn robbery jade, the minister had to make a bad move."

Immediately Erlang God summoned a heavenly general and said to him, "Have you heard what Xiangjiang Water God said?"

The general immediately replied: "Go back to the emperor, I heard it."

Erlang said: "Immediately go down to the Xiangjiang Water Mansion and find out whether what the Xiangjiang Water God said is true."

"Follow the decree of the law." The Heavenly General respectfully accepted the order, then turned around and exited the Mingzhi Hall.

"Xiangjiang water god, what you say is the truth." Nezha smiled and said to Mrs. Xiang.

Mrs. Xiang was very calm, part of the robbery jade she earned was indeed used to support those demon cultivators who recruited security, so she didn't panic at all.

Sun Wukong said: "If it is to support the demon cultivator of Zhao'an, so that it can be used by the water palace to protect the living beings, it is understandable."

Speaking of this, Monkey King waved his hand and said, "Xiangjiang Water God, you step aside and wait for the results of the investigation by the general."

"Yes." Mrs. Xiang bowed and stepped aside.

At this time, Sun Wukong asked Jianhe, the chief minister of Taiyi Leiting, "Cen Biqing made a big fuss about Xiangxiang Pavilion, did you get any results from the trial?"

Mrs. Xiang frowned when she heard this, first glanced at Li Hong and Ling Yu, and then at Jian He.

Jian He immediately came out, bowed and said: "Reporting to the Holy Buddha Emperor, the result has already been reached. It is true that Cen Biqing rioted in the Xiangxiang Pavilion and injured the Sanxian. After provoking Cen Biqing, Cen Biqing acted out of rage."

After finishing speaking, Jian He immediately said to Cen Biqing, "Master Lingxia Xuanjing, please come forward."

Hearing the words, Cen Biqing stepped out and came to Jian He's side, and then Jian He said to the dozen or so trembling scattered immortals: "Fellow Taoists, please come forward too."

Hearing the words, those scattered immortals immediately stepped forward, bowed their heads respectfully and stood behind Jian He.

Then Jian He asked: "Realist Lingxia Xuanjing, is what the god said just now true?"

Cen Biqing nodded and said: "It's true, I beat the people, and it's true that they spoke rudely."

Jian He turned to the dozen or so scattered immortals and said, "Fellow Taoists, is what I said just now true?"

The dozen or so scattered immortals hurriedly bowed: "It's true, it's true, it's true that we were rude and offended Reverend Lingxia Xuanjing by speaking first, Reverend Lingxia Xuanjing fought well! We should be beaten the most!"


Nezha laughed outright when he heard this, but he quickly restrained his smile and became solemn and solemn again.

Jian He turned around and bowed to Sun Wukong: "I would like to report to the Holy Buddha Emperor that the case of Cen Biqing's shooting and wounding in Yaochi Tianjie has been cleared. Please judge the verdict."

Sun Wukong said: "Sentence according to the old law."

Jian He bowed and said, "Follow the law."

Then Jian He turned around and said to Cen Biqing: "Realist Lingxia Xuanjing, Yunhe and other Sanxians spoke disrespectfully to you, causing you to hurt others, but there is a law in Tianhefang, the four major sky streets prohibit hurting people, you I know."

Cen Biqing nodded and said, "I know."

Jian He said: "According to the old law, you, as a real person in the heavenly court, know the law and break the law. Although there is a reason for the attack on Yaochi Tianjie, you should be punished with a small punishment. The god now sentenced you to be punished with a thunderbolt for more than [-] times. Do you have any objections?"

When Cen Biqing heard the words, he immediately said: "Poverty Dao has no objections, and is willing to accept the punishment."

"Master!" Xu Hongyuan, who was standing below, rushed out immediately, then came to Cen Biqing and knelt down and said, "Report to Jian and Shangxiang, and to the Holy Buddha Emperor, all of this is my fault. I made Master angry. , causing the master to make a big noise in Yaochi Tianjie. I am willing to be punished on behalf of the master, and ask the holy Buddha emperor, Jian and the prime minister to be fulfilled."

"This..." Jian He looked at Sun Wukong immediately, and Sun Wukong was also a little embarrassed, so he could only ask Jian He: "In the old law, is there any precedent for a disciple to take the place of a teacher?"

"Yes." Jian He replied affirmatively: "In the old law, the kindness between master and apprentice is extremely heavy, so there are many precedents for apprentices to be punished on behalf of teachers."

Xu Hongyuan's face brightened, but Cen Biqing scolded in a cold voice: "Bastard, who told you to come up? Back off!"

But Xu Hongyuan straightened up and said: "No, master, everything is the disciple's fault, let the disciple be punished for you!"

Cen Biqing's expression changed when he heard the words, and he raised his hand to hit Xu Hongyuan, but Xu Hongyuan stuck his neck and said, "If you hit me, I will also be punished for you!"

Cen Biqing's face changed several times, but in the end he still didn't fight, and at this moment Li Hong and Ling Yu suddenly stood up and bowed down and said, "I would like to report to the Holy Buddha Emperor, and to Jian and Shangxiang. Tianjie, but we are also at fault, please come down to the Holy Buddha Emperor, and we are willing to bear half of the punishment of Master Lingxia Xuanjing."

At this moment, Yunhe and other Sanxians also bowed down and said: "I would like to report to the Holy Buddha Emperor, Jian and the Prime Minister. It was we who spoke rudely first, which caused Lingxia Xuanjing to break the law and be punished. The other half of Master Xuan Jing will be punished, please forgive the Holy Buddha Emperor, Jian and the Prime Minister."

Seeing this scene, not only Cen Biqing frowned, but Jian He and Monkey King were also stunned.

After a long while, Jian He saw a look of embarrassment on Sun Wukong's face, knowing that he had just become the chief emperor of the Shenleiyu Mansion, and he was not familiar with the handling procedures for many things, so he immediately reported: "I have reported to the Holy Buddha Emperor, I think I can let you Master Lingxia Xuanjing's disciple shall bear the punishment of his master."

Sun Wukong nodded immediately when he heard the words, and was about to say yes, but he heard Cen Biqing say: "Sacred Buddha Emperor, please slow down."

Monkey King looked at Cen Biqing in surprise, and asked, "Little Green Snake, what are you going to say?"

Cen Biqing didn't say anything, but looked at Fang Jian who had been silent all this time. Cen Biqing's eyes were clear and firm. At this moment, everything she wanted to say was contained in her eyes.

Sure enough, Sun Wukong, who saw Cen Biqing's gaze, was slightly taken aback, then seemed to understand something, and looked at Fang Jian as well.

After an unknown amount of time, Fang Jian finally spoke, "Cen Biqing disturbed the law of Tianhefang. Although there was a reason, it was not enough. Where is the Prime Minister of Taiyi Leiting?"

Jian He immediately bowed and said, "The minister is here."

Fang Jian raised his hand and ordered a talisman, saying: "Cen Biqing is sentenced to more than [-] punishments of thunder whips. She will be punished in person, and no one else can replace her. As a punishment, she will be punished immediately and will not be tolerated."

Jian He was stunned, this sentence was ten lashes heavier than his own sentence, but Fang Jian said it himself, which meant that there was no room for negotiation, so he bowed and said: "I would like to abide by the decree of Emperor Hongqing."

Cen Biqing finally breathed a sigh of relief. She smiled at Fang Jian, and Jian He led the two generals out of the Mingzhi Hall to the Ministry of Lei for punishment.

When Xu Hongyuan heard Fang Jian's sentence and Cen Biqing who was taken away, he was stunned. After a while, he realized and said to Fang Jian: "Master Hongqing, how can you judge like this? It's not fair."

Fang Jian's expression was indifferent, and he said: "Show the law of heaven, if you have meritorious service, you will be rewarded, if you have done something wrong, you will be punished, and if you are guilty, you will be punished. This is fairness."

After finishing speaking, Fang Jian called out: "Lu Fengxian."

Lu Fengxian immediately stepped forward and said: "The minister is here."

Fang Jian pointed to Xu Hongyuan and said, "Take Xu Hongyuan to the Ministry of Lei, and let him watch his master be tortured."

Lu Fengxian immediately took the order, and then stepped forward to hug Xu Hongyuan, and immediately hugged him, but Xu Hongyuan struggled while begging Fang Jian, but unfortunately he was not Lu Fengxian's opponent, so he was forcibly dragged to the gate of the palace soon.

At this time, Xu Hongyuan stopped pleading, blushed and pointed at Fang Jian, opened his mouth and said, "Wow, woof, woof!" Then he was dragged out by Lu Fengxian.

"." Hearing Xu Hongyuan's dog barking, the hall fell into an indescribable silence and embarrassment.

I don't know how long it took before Sun Wukong, with a suppressed smile on his face, said to Fang Jian: "He is scolding you." Of course monkeys can understand the language of dogs.

Fang Jian said lightly, "I know."

"Huh?" Sun Wukong was a little curious and asked, "Can you also understand dogs barking?"

"No." Fang Jian looked indifferent, and said slowly: "He has scolded others like this before."

Monkey King: "."

Leibu, the Northern Emperor Leiting Division, is in charge of the execution platform.

Cen Biqing stood on the stage, and Huo Yi, the chief minister of Beidi Leiting, stood on the execution stage. After receiving Fang Jianfu's edict from Jian He, he immediately ordered the execution.

Then a thunder general walked up to the execution platform with a thunder whip in his hand, came behind Cen Biqing and asked, "My lord, the young general is about to start his execution. If the Taoist robe on your body is a defensive robe, please remove the defensive power on it." .”

Cen Biqing nodded, removed the defensive power of the low-grade immortal treasure Taoist robe on his body, and then said lightly: "Okay, I'll be in trouble."

At this time Xu Hongyuan and Lu Fengxian also came to the execution platform, Xu Hongyuan was about to rush to the execution platform when he saw this, but was stopped by the guard on duty: "The execution platform is a heavy place, outsiders are not allowed to enter."

Xu Hongyuan was stunned, then tears welled up in his eyes, and he knelt down towards Cen Biqing who was on the execution platform.

Then General Lei beat Cen Biqing's back mercilessly with a thunder whip in his hand, only to hear a thunderclap, and the whip hit Cen Biqing's back with the power of thunder, and a ferocious bloodstain immediately appeared on Cen Biqing's back. Touched Cen Biqing's delicate back.

The Taoist robe on Cen Biqing's back was immediately soaked red with blood. Although the Taoist robe had been stripped of its defensive power, it was a low-grade fairy treasure after all. With its own strength, it would naturally not be easily broken.

And Xu Hongyuan knocked down directly, smashing the sapphire tiles on the ground with a bang.

Then, every time Cen Biqing received a thunder whip, Xu Hongyuan kowtowed with tears on his face until the execution of thirty lightning whips was over.

When General Lei told Cen Biqing that the execution was over, Cen Biqing's back was bloody and bloody, and her body was shaking. On the scaffold.

Lei Jiang, who was already used to it, did not go to help Cen Biqing, but turned around and left the execution platform with the thunder whip, and returned to Huo Yi.

And after General Lei left, General Lei who was on duty at the execution platform also withdrew immediately, kowtowed thirty times, and Xu Hongyuan, who knocked blood on the center of his brow, rushed up to the execution platform and helped Cen Biqing from the ground.

At this moment, Cen Biqing's face was already pale, her eyes were slightly closed, her breath was like gossamer, her forehead and face were covered with cold sweat due to severe pain, and her back was constantly oozing blood, even her breath was already weak. extreme.

Xu Hongyuan hastily took out his healing elixir and fed it to Cen Biqing, but the elixir had no effect at all.

"This is a wound from thunder, and ordinary healing elixir is useless. Quickly, send the god to Baicaoyuan!" Lu Fengxian hurriedly said to Xu Hongyuan.

Hearing this, Xu Hongyuan immediately grabbed Cen Biqing's hands, slowly placed her on his back, and then quickly rushed out of the execution platform with Cen Biqing on his back, out of the Leibu, and ran straight to the Baicao Court of Taixuan Division.

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