Chapter 1173
After taking back Emperor Ziwei's "Treasure of the Way of Heaven", the Jade Emperor shouted again: "The god of justice, where is the lesson from the true monarch of the Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Silu?"

At this time, all the gods looked at Fang Jian. Fang Jian looked as usual, and flew out of the fairy class and fell into the hall with a jade wat in his hand.

The Jade Emperor said: "Fang Jian, hand over the Jade Emperor's Taoist Calendar."

Fang Jian raised his head to look at the Jade Emperor, and then worshiped: "Your Majesty, the Jade Emperor's calendar was given by the Great Heavenly Lord. His Majesty the Jade Emperor has no objection to taking back the minister. But I heard that since ancient times, rewards and punishments have been confiscated. There is a reason, His Majesty the Jade Emperor wants to take back the Jade Emperor's Taoist calendar, I would like to ask what is the reason?"

"Fang Jian!" Empress Bixiao, sitting high above the sky, yelled loudly: "The Jade Emperor's Dao Calendar was bestowed by the Jade Emperor, and the Jade Emperor wants to take back the Jade Emperor's Dao Calendar. Is there any reason?"

Fang Jiandao: "Miss Bixiao's words are wrong. The Jade Emperor is the Jade Emperor, and the Jade Emperor is the Jade Emperor, but now he is in charge of the Jade Emperor. If the Jade Emperor personally withdraws the Jade Emperor's Dao Calendar, I will naturally have nothing to do. Opinion. But now that the Jade Emperor wants to withdraw the Jade Emperor's Dao Li, it is of course necessary for me to ask why."

"Bold Fang Jian!" Yu Luan shouted at Fang Jian: "How dare you offend His Majesty the Jade Emperor, why don't you hurry up and apologize to His Majesty."

At this moment, Empress Qiongxiao reported to the Jade Emperor: "I want to report to your majesty, Fang Jian, the judicial god, has committed an offense against your majesty. Please issue an order to send Fang Jian to the platform of beheading immortals."

When the gods heard this, their faces immediately changed drastically, not to mention whether you can take the Xia Jian under the protection of the two innate treasures, you are causing trouble just by saying this.

Sure enough, Fang Jian, who had already suffocated his anger, directly scolded Empress Qiong Xiao: "Qiong Xiao, you lowly maidservant, I'm an idiot to your mother!"


Fang Jian's scolding directly shocked the entire Lingxiao Palace, and even the Jade Emperor didn't expect Fang Jian to swear directly.

San Xiao and those Daomen Da Luo were also shocked, and Empress Qiong Xiao was even more shocked, and then she looked at Fang Jian with disbelief, "Fang Jian, what did you say?!"

"I said I'm your mother, his mother will play tricks in Taoism, one by one will come down and challenge me one by one! What's so great about the Da Luo Jinxian? Watch me kill you all!" Fang Jian directly sacrificed Chaos With the bell on his head and the Great Sun Buddhist Pestle in his hand, he was ready for a fight.

Empress Qiongxiao came to her senses, and immediately bowed to the Jade Emperor with a flushed face: "His Majesty, Chen Qiongxiao impeached the judiciary god Fangjian for his disrespect in front of the hall, which is an insult to Tianwei."

Fang Jian was furious: "Qiong Xiao, you lowly servant girl, you only know how to make small reports and make dirty tricks, right? Well, if you dare not come down and challenge me one-on-one, then I'll come up and find you."

Then Fang Jian said to the Jade Emperor: "Your Majesty, please sit down for a while, and I will wait for your majesty to kill Qiongxiao's traitor, and then come to assist your majesty to stabilize the Three Realms."

After Fang Jian finished speaking, he actually shot up the golden light and flew towards the sky. At this moment, the emperors turned pale, and Emperor Ziwei hurriedly shouted: "Stop him!"

Afterwards, the Thunder Emperors of the Five Fangs, the Great Emperors of Yinsi, the Great Emperors of the Three Officials, and the Great Emperors of the Five Sacred Mountains all came to intercept Fang Jian, but Fang Jian only used the Great Sun Buddhist Pestle to knock on the Chaos Bell, only to hear the sound of a 'dong'. In an instant, the entire Lingxiao Palace was shaken.

The gods below Da Luo Jinxian and below were all pale, spitting blood, being shaken by the sound of the bell, and their eyes went dark.

And because of the sudden incident, all the big Luos were directly blown away from their thrones by surprise, and only the five imperial emperors were not harmed.

As for Wufang Leidi, Yinsi Great Emperor, Sanguan Great Emperor, and Wuyue Great Emperor, they were the first to bear the brunt of the shock. They were directly shaken to the point of spitting out blood, looking sluggish, and fell back on their thrones in an instant.

At this time, Emperor Ziwei raised his hand and pointed, and a mysterious light spread out in an instant, blocking Fang Jian.

Fang Jian hit the chaotic clock twice and failed to break away. After all, it was Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian, and his mana was powerful.

"Fang Jian, don't be foolish!" Emperor Ziwei said helplessly.

At this time, Yuluan personally flew up from the throne, and then flew to Fang Jian's side, but was blocked by the mighty power of the Chaos Clock and could not approach.

Seeing this, Fang Jian immediately covered Yuluan in with the mighty power of the chaotic clock, and then Yuluan flew in front of Fang Jian, stretched out a pair of jade hands and grabbed Fang Jian's hand and said, "Fang Jian, this is Lingxiao Palace. Don't mess around, she won't be happy if the emperor knows about it."

Fang Jian saw Yu Luan who was close at hand, and his heart softened. Yu Luan took this opportunity and immediately took Fang Jian's hand and pulled him down.

At this moment, the shocked and nervous gods were relieved to see Fang Jian being persuaded by Yuluan. At this time, led by Daomen Daluo, all the Taoist gods immediately came out to initiate the impeachment of Fangjian.

Yuluan stood side by side with Fang Jian, with his right hand tightly grasping Fang Jian's left hand, and then facing the continuous sound of impeachment around him, he played loudly: "Your Majesty, Fang Jian is indeed dishonored in front of the palace, which insults the power of heaven, but This is also because Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao of the Daoist sect provoked first. If you want to discuss crimes, you should first discuss the crimes of Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao. In addition, Fang Jian is a courtier who is valued by Da Tianzun. Thinking of putting Fang to death, I really don't know what they are thinking."

As soon as Yuluan's words came out, the sound of impeachment around him suddenly stopped. Yuluan's words seemed to help Fang Jian to shirk his responsibility, but in fact, he was secretly reminding the Jade Emperor that Fang Jian was a minister valued by the Great Heavenly Lord, and no one would try to put him down. How about it.

What Yu Luan said was very heart-warming, that is to say, the Jade Emperor, you are just an incarnation, if you dare to persecute the important minister of the Lord, how will you see the Great Heavenly Lord in the future?

These words would undoubtedly offend the Jade Emperor, but Yuluan said it without fear.

Although Yuluan is only the incarnation of Nine Heavens Xuannv, but as one of the five emperors, she came down to speak for Fang Jian in person, and behaved so closely, which surprised all the gods present.

At this time, the Jade Emperor said: "You don't have to be like this, I didn't say what to do with Fang Jian."

After finishing speaking, the Jade Emperor said to Fang Jian: "Fang Jian, I take back your Jade Emperor's Dao Calendar in the name of the Jade Emperor, just like I just took back the "Treasure of the Heavenly Way", there is no other reason."

Hearing this, Fang Jian bowed to the Jade Emperor: "Since this is the case, the minister has nothing to say, and the minister should obey orders."

After finishing speaking, Fang Jian took out the Jade Emperor's Dao Calendar and held it in his hand. The Jade Emperor raised his hand, and the Jade Emperor's Dao Calendar turned into a golden light and flew back into the Jade Emperor's sleeve.

At this time, the Jade Emperor said to Yuluan: "Friend Taoist, as one of the five emperors, how can you come down to the palace and stand there, please return to your seat."

When Yuluan heard the words, he immediately bowed his head and said, "I would like to obey your majesty's decree."

Then Yuluan turned into a cloud and flew to the top of the sky and sat down. After Yuluan sat down, the Jade Emperor said to Fang Jian again: "Fang Jian, can you take back your chaotic clock now?"

Fang Jian heard the words and immediately bowed: "Please forgive me, Your Majesty, I am afraid that I will be harmed by thieves, so I can't put the Chaos Clock away."

"True Monarch Hongqing, how can there be a thief here?" Emperor Wenchang asked.

Fang Jian pointed at all the big Luos and gods in the aisle and said: "These people are all thieves. They rebelled against the sky and hijacked the supreme being."

In the end, Fang Jian bowed loudly: "His Majesty the Jade Emperor, everyone knows the heart of the Daoist sect. I ask your Majesty to issue an order to order the ministers to eradicate the traitors of the Daoist sect and eliminate harm for the Three Realms!"

"Fang Jian, don't go too far." Doumu Yuanjun said to Fang Jian.

Fang Jian said bluntly: "Sanqingtian has a decree for a long time. All Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian must all move out of the world, go to the chaos to open a dojo, and must not interfere with the affairs of the world. Now Nuwa Empress, Taishang Laojun, Ran Deng Shanggu The Buddha and God have already gone to Chaos, may I ask Lord Doumu Yuan, why don't you go?"

Doumu Yuanjun said indifferently: "There are still some things that have not been done in the poor way. After finishing, we should go to Chaos to open up a dojo, and stop interfering in the affairs of the world."

"Then please do it quickly." Fang Jian waved his hand with a look of boredom: "Leave as soon as you finish."

"." In Lingxiao Palace, everyone was stunned and shocked. Fang Jian dared to speak to a Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian like this. Did he really live enough?
At this time, Emperor Tongxuan, one of the Nine Emperors of Shenxiao, couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately shouted: "Fang Jian! This is the Palace of Lingxiao, not a vegetable market where shrews scold the streets. Do you think that the heaven really can't deal with you? "

Hearing this, Fang Jian directly sacrificed the divine green jadeite Ruyi from his sleeve, raised his hand and threw it at Emperor Tongxuan.

Emperor Tongxuan hurriedly dodged, but the great power of the Dao of Law was attached to the Shenqingcai Jade Ruyi, and it was difficult for Tongxuan Emperor to dodge after all, and was knocked over the throne by Shenqingcai Jade Ruyi on the spot.

The Emperor Nanhua and Emperor Chongxu on the side immediately stepped forward to help Emperor Tongxuan, and Emperor Qinghua of Dongji couldn't bear it at this time, and shouted at Fang Jian with a trembling voice: "Fang Jian! Don't go too far! Even the emperor dares to fight, What do you want to do?"

"Where is the Heavenly General in front of the palace?" Emperor Dongji Qinghua immediately ordered after drinking: "Lock up Fang Jian!"

Those heavenly generals were waiting to step forward, but at this time Yuluan also shouted loudly: "Who dares?!"

The heavenly generals stopped in place immediately, at a loss as to what to do. At this time, Yuluan said, "Is what Fang Jian said wrong? Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian moved away from the world. This is the decree of the Sanqingtian. Could it be that Fang Jian Is it wrong?"

After finishing speaking, Yuluan said to the Jade Emperor again: "Your Majesty, if you want the ministers in the heavenly court to fall apart and the officials to fall apart, you can follow the orders of the Taoist sect."

What he said was quite shameless, it was not much different from pointing at the Jade Emperor's face and saying 'you are a Taoist puppet'.

As soon as these words came out, all the immortals and gods changed their colors, and Emperor Dongji Qinghua and the Taoist gods immediately became quiet, looking at each other without saying a word.

The Jade Emperor put his hand on his forehead, and then said helplessly: "Don't be so excited, all the immortals, and sit down." Then he raised his hand again, and said to the generals: "Everyone, step down."

The heavenly generals retreated, but Yuluan did not sit down, but looked straight at the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor had no choice but to look at Doumu Yuanjun again, and asked, "What do the emperor think?"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lord Doumu Yuan didn't dare to verify Yuluan's words for everyone, so he could only say: "Your Majesty Fu Wei's order."

The Jade Emperor nodded, then turned around and said: "Declaration of my will, Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao's behavior is not good enough to provoke the immortals, reprimand and spread the word to the world. You two should also encourage yourself, and don't do it again. "

When Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao heard the words, they immediately bowed and said: "I will abide by Your Majesty's decree."

Then the Jade Emperor said again: "Fang Jian, you have a reckless and violent personality. You disturb the Lingxiao Palace and damage the power of the sky. You are not suitable to be an official in the heavenly court. Now you will withdraw the Jade Emperor's Taoist calendar, deprive you of all privileges, and deprive you of your position as a judicial god. Rescind." The honorary title of Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Silu' has been changed to 'Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Hongqing Zhenjun', and he is still the first minister in the heavenly court, and he will grant you the Xihua Prefecture of Luzhou, Beiju. You are ordered to leave the fiefdom of Xihua Prefecture, but Without a decree from the Heavenly Court, you can't go out of Xihua Prefecture."

This is obviously biased. For Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao, he only issued an edict to reprimand him, while Fang Jian directly dismissed him from the post of judicial god and changed his honorary title. There is no real power at all.

"Do you have any objections?" The Jade Emperor asked all the emperors after announcing the disposal of Qiong Xiao, Bi Xiao and Fang Jian.

Naturally, the great Luos of the Taoist sect have no opinion. This has long been decided. Fang Jian will be removed from the position of the judicial god, and then sent back to the fief for restraint.

As for Fang Jian to the end or really arrested and imprisoned, then they really have no reason. Besides, Fang Jian's strength is placed there, and the two innate spiritual treasures will make it difficult for anyone to make a major incident.

Of course, there is another problem, that is what Yuluan said just now, Fang Jian is a courtier valued by the Great Tianzun, if they really do something to Fang Jian, when the Great Tianzun comes back, they will not spare them lightly.

Even if Fang Jian is really going to be dragged to the end or arrested, there must be enough crimes and evidence. As for the disturbance in Lingxiao Temple just now, don't look at Fang Jian's recklessness, in fact he is "following the trend" For', if you want to use this to pursue him, then you must first investigate those who provoked him.

However, neither Emperor Ziwei nor Yuluan objected to the revocation of Fang Jian's position as a judicial deity and his repatriation to the fiefdom of Duanjie Mountain.

Seeing that no one objected, especially Yuluan, the Jade Emperor immediately said: "That's it, Fang Jian, you will go to the lower realm after the court meeting is over, so that you can protect the creatures of the fief from now on, but you are not allowed to step out without an edict from the heavenly court." Xihua State one step, otherwise it will be dealt with by the law of heaven."

Hearing this, Fang Jian bowed expressionlessly and said, "Fang Jian, I respectfully abide by His Majesty the Jade Emperor's decree."

Seeing this scene, the gods present couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Even Hongqing Zhenjun, the judicial god in charge of Tiantiao, will be under the control of Tianfa at this time.

As Fang Jian returned to the fairy class, the Jade Emperor finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Everyone, the calamity has come, and the three realms are about to be in chaos, but there is one thing that needs to be finalized today, and that is to name this calamity. "

As soon as the Jade Emperor finished speaking, Doumu Yuanjun said: "I would like to report to His Majesty the Jade Emperor, I believe that this calamity should be called 'Tai Chu'."

In the beginning, it is the second of the five congenitals, representing the intangible and insubstantial, only the congenital Qi, which is more primitive than chaos.

After Doumu Yuanjun proposed this name, all Daluos of the Taoist sect first agreed, and then all the immortals of the Taoist sect agreed. The five imperial emperors did not want to argue about this kind of matter, so they had no opinion.

But the Jade Emperor saw that everyone agreed and was about to nod his head to confirm, when a voice suddenly sounded: "I object!"

The Jade Emperor sighed, turned his head to look down, and as expected, it was Fang Jian.

"Fang Jian, why do you object?" The Jade Emperor asked Fang Jian.

Fang Jian said: "Your Majesty, the beginning of the beginning is the second stage of the congenital Wutai, which represents the intangible and non-substantial. There is only one congenital qi, which is more primitive than chaos. But now it has been so many years since the creation of the world, and all living beings in the three realms are full of vitality. There is a legal order. I named this calamity as Taichu. I suspect that the Taoist sect has deep ambitions. They want to destroy the world and return everything to the original chaos! Your Majesty, the Taoist sect wants to destroy the world! Everyone knows the heart of the Taoist sect! Please His Majesty is aware!"

Hearing Fang Jian's words, even Doumu Yuanjun couldn't help but turn dark. She wanted to destroy the world, but she had to have that ability and courage.

If she really wants to destroy the world, let alone the Great Heavenly Lord and the others, the Taishang Laojun and Nuwa Empress will join forces to suppress her first.

But after Fang Jian made such a fuss, everyone also felt that the name Taichu was a bit bad, and it really didn't fit the current situation.

So Di Jun, one of the Nine Emperors of Shenxiao, said at this time: "My Majesty, I also think that it is inappropriate to use the name of Taichu to measure the calamity."

Then Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva also said: "My Majesty, the poor monk also thinks that the name of Taichu is not very auspicious."

The Jade Emperor looked at Doumu Yuanjun, Doumu Yuanjun slightly shook his head and sighed, the Jade Emperor was also very helpless, and said: "Let's discuss it again."

At this time, Daoist Zhenyuan came out and said: "Your Majesty, since the real master Hongqing said that it was not suitable in the early days, the minister thought that "Tai Chi" could be used. And "one life is two, two is three, three is all things", so all things are born, and the three realms are prosperous, I thought that Taiji can be used to measure kalpas."

The Jade Emperor couldn't help but nodded when he heard Zhenyuan Daojun's words, and Zhenyuan Daojun's popularity has always been very good. Even Guanshiyin Bodhisattva nodded in agreement this time, and all the gods nodded again and again, saying that this name is very good.

"I object."

Fang Jian’s voice of opposition came as expected, and the gods immediately put their hands on their foreheads, showing helplessness on their faces. Daoist Zhenyuan looked at Fang Jian with a smile and said, "True Lord Hongqing, according to what you just said, the name of Tai Chi is not Is it better?"

Fang Jian said: "The extreme is the ultimate, and the extreme is the limit. When they are connected together, they mean 'to the limit, there is no match'. You use Taiji to name the amount of robbery. This is obviously bad intentions. You want to use the amount of robbery to destroy the heaven. Take the Great Heavenly Venerable and replace it, the Taoist sect is going to rebel, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, everyone in the Taoist sect knows the intention of rebellion, please be aware of it!" Fang Jian bowed to the Jade Emperor again.

Daoist Zhenyuan shook his head helplessly, and said: "Arguing with words, no matter what you say, it is justified and meaningless."

But having said that, Fang Jian's actions really made the Daoist sect up and down at once, which is very disgusting, as if they are committing unforgivable sins in everything they do.

But as soon as they saw the chaotic clock above Fang Jian's head, everyone gave up the idea of ​​cleaning him up, so no matter whether it is heaven or earth, their own strength is the real power.

At this time, the Holy Mother of Jinling said: "Fang Jian, don't keep talking about the heart of Taoism. Since you are against this and that, then what do you think the name of Liangjie should be?"

This is a trick for Fang Jian. If Fang Jian says his name, no matter how reasonable he is, he will object.

But Fang Jian did not intend to do this, but directly said to the Jade Emperor: "This is something that His Majesty should decide. How can we, the courtiers, rule on behalf of His Majesty?"

After finishing speaking, Fang Jian bowed to the Jade Emperor: "I respectfully ask His Majesty the Jade Emperor to give you a name for Quan Jie."

At this time, a group of immortal officials headed by Erlang God, Nezha, and Sun Wukong also immediately bowed to him when they saw this, "Your Majesty the Jade Emperor respectfully asks the Jade Emperor to give you a name for the calamity."

Afterwards, the five royal emperors and the Buddhist gods also asked the Jade Emperor to give their names. Seeing this, the Taoists had no choice but to follow along.

The Jade Emperor didn't want to get entangled in this matter, so he said directly: "Since all the immortals are so begging, then I will give the name of Liang Jie."

After finishing speaking, the Jade Emperor pondered for a moment, and said: "I will pass on my will, and this time the calamity will be officially named 'Jade Emperor'."

"This..." In the Lingxiao Palace, all the gods were stunned. The Jade Emperor directly named Liangjie after his own name. Is this a bit strange?
At this moment, a weak voice sounded: "Your Majesty, I feel that something is wrong"

The Jade Emperor frowned, turned his head and looked down, but saw Li Bing, the god of the year, came out, and said: "Your Majesty, I think that your Majesty named Quan Jie after his own name, which is really inappropriate."

But before Li Bing finished speaking, the Jade Emperor raised his hand and pointed at him: "Heavenly generals in front of the palace, immediately take down Li Bing, the god of the year, and take him to the Ministry of Thunder to punish him with hundreds of thunder whips. There must be no mistakes. "

"Yes." Two heavenly generals from the Golden Immortal Realm stepped forward immediately, and directly dragged the stunned God of the Year Li Bing out of the fairy class, and then led them directly out of the Lingxiao Palace.

At this moment, the entire Lingxiao Palace was in awe. Yes, the Jade Emperor is the Jade Emperor. If you want to object, you have to see if you are strong enough.

"Fang Jian, do you still object?" The Jade Emperor wanted to end this issue directly, he really didn't want to be tortured by Fang Jian.

Fang Jian watched Li Bing being taken away with his own eyes, but he was not afraid in his heart. Hearing this, he said: "Your Majesty personally bestowed the name, do you have any objection?"

"Okay." The Jade Emperor said with joy, "That's it."

After finishing speaking, the Jade Emperor said directly: "Do you have anything else to report?"

All the gods looked at me and I looked at you, and finally bowed to each other: "I have nothing to report."

Hearing the words, the Jade Emperor said immediately: "In this case, the Grand Court Meeting of the Shangyuan Festival can be over, and a small court meeting will be held three days later. Except for the immortal officials from the lower realms, all those who are above the super grade in the Heavenly Court and those who have the status of the Fruit in the Heavenly Court must participate. We will discuss in detail the aftermath of the Jambu Great World after the 35th heaven is broken, and how to deal with the Calamity."

The main purpose of this court meeting was to welcome the Jade Emperor to the throne, and then to name Liang Jie, so the Daoists wished that this court meeting would end early, and then there would be no Fang Jian at the next court meeting, ah, just think about it happy.

So the immortals and gods of the Taoist sect worshiped at the first time: "Please obey the decree of the law."

Afterwards, the Buddhist gods and heavenly officials also came out to pay homage: "Please abide by the decree of the law."

Immediately, Taibai Jinxing stood up with a whisk in his hand and sang: "His Majesty the Jade Emperor has decreed that the court will be over, and all the immortals will exit the Lingxiao Palace in order. The officials of Taixuan and the generals of Luotian will immediately prepare the jade chariot to welcome His Majesty the Jade Emperor to move to the Supreme Palace." Jade Spirit Palace is like a law."

The Datianzun's dojo in the heavenly court is the Taiwei Yuqing Palace, and all the female officials and fairies in it are dedicated to serving the Datianzun.

Therefore, the Jade Emperor must not live in the Taiwei Yuqing Palace, so he can only live in the Taishang Yuling Palace, and all the female officials and fairies who should serve must be allocated separately. Of course, this is the matter of Taoism and Shenxiao Yufu.

After leaving the Lingxiao Palace, Fang Jian said goodbye to Erlang God, Monkey King, and Nezha, and then prepared to go to the lower realm. There were still many gods who came to see them off.

Lord Zhou Tianxing and all the military officials in the Heavenly Court came to Beitianmen to see Fang Jian off, and the scene was very grand.

"Everyone, please go back." Fang Jian said to everyone who came to see him off: "Fang Jian will come back sooner or later."

"Stop bragging." Si Lu Xingjun Han Chen said: "I'm afraid you will have to wait for the return of the Great Heavenly Venerable when you come back."

Fang Jiandao: "Believe it or not, anyway, I'm talking here, how can the group of insects in the Taoist sect manage the heaven well?!"

The gods are no strangers to this kind of words, Fang Jian dared to attack the Taoist sect, it is because he has the strength, they can't, they can only pretend that they didn't hear it.

In the end, the gods bid farewell to Fang Jian again, and then the gods went back separately. At this time, a small figure stood beside the pillar of the North Heaven Gate. .

Fang Jian smiled slightly, waved at her and said, "Little fellow, since you're here, why don't you come and have a word with me?"

Yi Huan heard the words, and finally ran forward happily, looked at Fang Jian with a pair of bright eyes and said, "They didn't want me to see you off."

"You really shouldn't come. If the group of insects from the Daomen knew that you and I were fellow villagers, they wouldn't persecute you crazily," Fang Jian said.

Yi Huan covered her mouth and said, "Ah? Then what should I do?"

Fang Jian smiled and said, "It's okay, if they really dare to persecute you, I won't let them go."

"That's good." Yi Huan immediately turned from worry to joy and smiled.

At this moment, thousands of rays of light suddenly descended from the sky above Beitianmen, and then a loud singing sounded: "The Great Emperor Juntian has arrived."

Afterwards, Yuluan's Nine Heavens Xuannv Luan ride slowly landed in the majestic glow, and the front and rear were all solemn and solemn generals on duty.

The Heavenly General who was guarding the North Heaven Gate immediately came forward to pay a visit, while the Qing Yan boy standing outside the Luanjia said: "Juntian Emperor has a decree, Xuanhong Qingzheng will come to Luanyu to have an audience."

Hearing this, Fang Jian glanced at Yi Huan immediately, Yi Huan bowed down at this moment, Fang Jian had no choice but to obey, and then stepped into the Luanyu surrounded by fragrant gauze curtains.

"Fang Jian pays homage to Empress Yuluan." After Fang Jian entered Luanyu, he immediately bowed to Yuluan.

When Yuluan saw Fang Jian, she immediately stood up, and beckoned lightly with her bare hands, "Fang Jian, come here."

Hearing this, Fang Jian immediately stepped forward and came in front of Yu Luan. Yu Luan smiled, then approached Fang Jian, stuck her head out and put it next to Fang Jian's right ear, and then said something quietly with her mouth open , Fang Jian felt the wet and greasy fragrance in his ears, his heart was beating very fast, and when he heard what Yu Luan said, his cheeks flushed instantly, only to see him take a step back quickly, and said hesitantly: "Your Majesty. It's absurd." This is Fang Jian's embarrassment that has never appeared before.

Yuluan's face was as red as clouds, her eyes were like stars, she bit her jade lips lightly with her white teeth, looked at Fang Jian in a daze, then put her right hand on Fang Jian's cheek and said, "Fang Jian, after you get down, take care of yourself."

Fortunately, this Luanyu is surrounded by the formation barriers set up by the Nine Heavens Profound Girls as a barrier, otherwise if this scene is spread, it will cause big waves in the heavenly court.

Fang Jian hurriedly lowered his head and said, "Yes, take care of yourselves, too. Fang Jian bids farewell."

But speaking of it, Jiutian Xuannv's retreat this time is really just right. She will encounter the calamity later, and it will be impossible to retreat after the calamity starts, because the calamity needs to be settled. People with cause and effect cannot be well protected during the calamity.

And Nine Heavens Xuannv's retreat in advance is equivalent to directly avoiding this calamity, and if a Da Luo Jinxian retreats to death, her dojo will disappear in this world and enter chaos. Even Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian is difficult to find, so except Apart from the Promise Luo Jinxian, the safest thing now is the Nine Heavens Xuannv herself.

Then Fang Jian bid farewell to Yuluan again, and then hurriedly left Luanyu as if fleeing. Seeing Fang Jian's "running away" back, Yuluan smiled instantly.

After Fang Jian left Luanyu and walked out of Beitianmen, he calmed down and came to Yihuan and said, "Little fellow, I'll go first, and you should do your best in the Heavenly Court. Don't worry, if anyone dares to take anger at you because of me, I will never let them go."

"Some people don't think that I can sit back and relax after leaving the Heavenly Court. Even if I, Fang Jian, are in the Lower Realm, I will never let the schemes of those rebels succeed!"

Naturally, these words were not addressed to Yi Huan, but to those Taoists.

So in Yi Huan's puzzled and confused eyes, Fang Jian nodded at her, and then flew straight down to Da Luo Tianxia Realm.

After Fang Jian left, Empress Yuluan also returned to normal, and sat back on the jade couch in Luanyu, and then she spoke to the boy of Qing Dynasty: "Tonger, pass on my decree, and pass on the edict of Taixuandu Province." Let Yi Huan be transferred to the Taishi Immortal Capital to take up the post, and the rank of the position remains the same, and he is still the fifth-rank envoy of the Taishi Immortal Capital."

Hearing the words, the Qing Yan boy immediately understood that the empress was seeing that Yi Huan and Fang Jian had a good relationship, and wanted to call her to protect her, so he bowed down and said, "Please abide by the decree of the law."

With Yuluan's decree, Yi Huan was transferred from Taixuandu Province to Taishi Xiandu on the same day, and continued to serve as an envoy in Taishi Xiandu, but in fact, Taishi Xiandu didn't have any edicts to pass on. A safe and leisurely job.

(My head is very dizzy, I will temporarily update a chapter tonight, I will rest first, I am sorry everyone, kowtow: "Boom, boom, boom!")
(End of this chapter)

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