I'm an immortal in heaven

Chapter 1158 Empress, let's single out

Chapter 1158 Empress, let's single out
Department of Thunder, Division of Taiyi Thunder.

The chief minister of Taiyi Lei Ting, Jian He, stood at the bottom of the hall. On the top of the hall were the Wufang Leidi who sat high on the Qingyun, and the Daoist Daoist Luo Bixiao who also sat high on the Qingyun.

At this time, the Thunder Emperor of the Five Fangs was under a lot of pressure, Niang Niang was a Daoist Daluo, and the Heavenly Court was also granted the title of Emperor, and she was on the same level as the Five Elders.

So Leidi Wufang could only delay for a while under the pressure of Empress Bixiao, and hurriedly asked Lei Zhenzi to call Fang Jian back to the heavenly court. Anyway, he is not afraid of anything, and he is a judicial god, so he should be allowed to handle this matter. thing.

Therefore, the moment Fang Jian entered the Taiyi Thunder Division, the Thunder Emperors of the Five Fangs felt relieved, and only heard the Emperor Huang Tianbenglie of the Central Committee directly say to Fang Jian who was about to salute: "Fang Jian, you don't need to be too polite, you are the god of justice. , I'll leave it to you to deal with Yu Lingfang's matter."

Yu Lingfang is the full name of the fairy Lingfang, and at the same time the Thunder Emperor of the North said: "Fang Jian, you don't know that Yu Lingfang is the eldest disciple of Empress Bixiao."

When Fang Jian heard this, he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, "Go back to the Northern Thunder Emperor, I know now."

Then Fang Jian looked towards Mistress Bixiao, only to see Mistress Bixiao:
Sitting high on Qingyun, Jiuxia Yuzhen.The mysterious light covers the sky, and the celestial beauty is infinite.

Yuan Guang follows the righteous law, and Bi Xiao shines on Xi Yi.On the misty lotus platform, Tianshou is eternal.

"Your Majesty." Fang Jian bowed his hands and said, "I heard that Your Majesty is going to take away the criminal Yu Lingfang?"

"Rumors." Empress Bixiao was dressed in a Taoist gown of Yuxia Zhenpei and a crown of purple gold lotus flowers on her head, she said in a clear voice with clear eyes and eager eyebrows.

Immediately afterwards, she looked at Fang Jian and lightly opened her lips and said, "Fang Jian, Yu Lingfang is Pindao's great disciple, and Pindao is willing to use his merits to atone for her sins today."

Daluo Jinxian has some privileges, one of which can redeem others, but doing so requires karma, and the consequences of karma are unpredictable.

Fang Jian looked directly at Mistress Bixiao, cupped his hands and said, "Mistress, Yu Lingfang is suspected of multiple crimes, which crime do you want to atone for her?"

"Full redemption." Empress Bixiao said softly.

Fang Jian said: "No, Madam, you can only atone for her."

Niang Niang looked at Fang Jian and said, "Atonement with merit is the law prescribed by the Great Heavenly Lord, and there is no rule that only one sin can be redeemed. Why, are you going to violate the law of the Great Heavenly Lord?"

"The Great Heavenly Venerable does not stipulate that only one sin can be redeemed, but the Great Tianzun appointed me as the judicial god, so the specific number of sins to be redeemed should be determined by me, the judicial god." Fang Jian said.

Empress Bixiao frowned slightly, but she already knew that Fang Jian would be difficult to deal with, so she was already prepared, and said, "Then tell me, how many crimes does Yu Lingfang have?"

Fang Jiandao: "The first crime is that Yu Lingfang imitated the Huaguang treasure gun, which is strictly prohibited by the heavenly court, and sold it to others without authorization."

Niang Niang said: "The Heavenly Court banned the Huaguangbao, not the imitation of the Huaguangbao. Lingfang, what is the name of the magic weapon you imitated?"

Yu Lingfang heard the words, and immediately said: "Return to Master, it's called 'Lingfang Baobao'."

Niang Niang nodded, and then said to Fang Jian: "Look, the magic weapon she imitated is called Lingfangbao, not Huaguangbao, and the Huaguangbao will not be destroyed after being cast once, right? Lingfangbao It will be destroyed after being used once, which is enough to show that the Lingfang treasure gun is not the Huaguang treasure gun, so this crime is not established."

Fang Jiandao: "Your Majesty, don't try to quibble. What I'm talking about is the act of imitating the Huaguangbao blunderbuss, not whether the magic weapon behind the imitation Huaguangbao blunderbuss is the Huaguangbao blunderbuss. It's just that she imitated the Huaguangbao blunderbuss. An act is a crime."

Western Thunder Emperor saw that Fang Jian was speaking so impolitely, and was afraid that he might offend Mistress Bixiao, so he said, "Fang Jian, don't be rude to Mistress."

Fang Jian said: "Reporting to the Western Thunder Emperor, I only have 'reasonable and impolite' here."

Western Thunder Emperor hesitated when he heard the words, then shook his head helplessly and smiled, then Fang Jian turned to Mistress Bixiao and said, "Miss, is what I said right?"

Niang Niang was silent for a moment, and then said: "Fang Jian, you are worthy of being the god of justice. You are right. But I would like to ask you, how big a crime is it to imitate the Huaguangbao blunderbuss? As a god of justice, you have always You are famous in the three worlds for impartiality in law enforcement, so you have to answer truthfully."

This is Fang Jian's army again, but Fang Jian didn't feel embarrassed, but said directly: "Copying a magic weapon that is expressly prohibited by the heavenly court is a misdemeanor, and it should be punished with a thunder whip of ten to thirty."

"But." Fang Jian changed the subject and said, "Yu Lingfang's crime cannot be treated as a misdemeanor, which involves her second crime: imitating a magic weapon banned by the heavens and selling it to others, which eventually caused The serious consequences of being assassinated to death by the immortal officials of the Heavenly Court, this is a felony."

Niang Niang said: "You're talking about the assassination of Taixuan's Master Youguang?"

"That's right." Fang Jian nodded and said, "Immortal Master Youguang was stabbed to death by the murderer with a magic weapon imitated by Yu Lingfang."

Niang Niang said: "This is not bad, but you need to know that Yuan Kequ was originally planning to assassinate his father Yuan Fengtai, at least he thought so when he bought the magic weapon of the treasure gun, and he also asked about Lingfang's magic weapon. Is it possible to assassinate Jinxian? The assassination of Immortal Master Youguang was completely impulsive, and Lingfang was completely unaware of it beforehand, so at most she only bears secondary responsibility, not the main responsibility, and she is not even considered an accomplice."

Speaking of this, Niang Niang said again: "Even if this matter is mentioned in the Lingxiao Palace, the truth is the same. As a judicial god, you should be more clear about this matter."

Da Luo Jinxian is indeed difficult to deal with. They will straighten out all causes and effects in their actions, and they themselves have the strength to surpass the sky, so it is difficult for Fang Jian to refute these words of Empress Bixiao.

Even if he took out the Jade Emperor's Dao Calendar, cause and effect are cause and effect, and reason is reason. You can't ignore these just because you have the Jade Emperor Dao Calendar, right?

"Fang Jian, am I right?" At this moment, Empress Bi Xiao asked Fang Jian again.

Fang Jian pondered for a moment, and then said, "Your Majesty is right."

"Then if these two crimes are added together, what kind of punishment will Lingfang receive?" Bi Xiao asked.

Fang Jian said: "According to the law of heaven, the two crimes should be punished together. Yu Lingfang should be punished with thunder whips for more than 5000 times, and sent to Lei Ze Prison to serve [-] years in prison."

Empress Bi Xiao nodded and said, "Then what about her third crime?"

"This is the point." Fang Jian said: "Yu Lingfang resisted the law of heaven, and attacked the god of justice, taking hostages and threatening the god of justice. This is a felony."

Empress Bixiao didn't explain at all this time, and said, "Then how should I be sentenced?"

Fang Jian said directly: "The three crimes will be punished together. The crime of destroying the body with thunder and fire should be punished. The soul will be sent to the eighteenth hell and sentenced to 1000 years."

Empress Bixiao said, "Is there a fourth crime?"

Fang Jian shook his head and said, "Go back to your mother, there is no more."

Niang Niang nodded and said: "Very well, Pindao will use his merits to atone for Yu Lingfang's third crime, and the first and second crimes should be punished by Master Hongqing according to the law."

When Fang Jian heard this, he fell silent immediately, and when Niang Bixiao saw the silent Fang Jian, a smug smile appeared on her face, but it was fleeting.

The Five Thunder Emperors looked at each other, and then shook their heads. It was obvious that Fang Jian, the judicial god, was still too tender compared with these big Luo Jinxians.

The chief minister of Taiyi Lei Ting, Jian, and the surrounding Lei General Lei Bing were also a little surprised. They didn't expect to see Fang Jian deflated for the first time here.

After a while, Niang Bixiao said again: "Fang Jian, you said this before, and you can only atone for one sin. Now you can't live up to your words, can you?"

Fang Jian sighed slightly, bowed and said: "Your Majesty is right. Naturally, Fang Jian will not go back on her words. Your Majesty can atone for Yu Lingfang's third crime, and I will only punish Yu Lingfang's hostility and second crime according to the law. crime."

Hearing this, Yu Lingfang also had a look of surprise and joy. She immediately looked at her master, Mistress Bixiao, who also blinked quickly at her eldest disciple.

Then Niang Niang said: "Okay, Fang Jian, then please call the Taishi Immortal Capital to release the redemption envoy, and please 'according to the law' sentence Yu Lingfang for the first and second crimes."

Fang Jian cupped his hands and said, "Yes."

Afterwards, Fang Jian passed on a talisman and summoned Master Mengling, the emissary of the Taishi Immortal Capital, and after Master Mengling's planning, he gave a verdict of [-] million merits and virtues for atonement.

Empress Bixiao was slightly taken aback when she heard this number, but quickly realized that she signed the book handed over by Master Mengling, and then directly deducted the number of Empress Bixiao from the "Treasure of Heavenly Dao" in the hands of Emperor Ziwei. [-] million merits.

Then Fang Jian announced the punishment for Yu Lingfang, sentenced her to more than 5000 punishments of thunder whip for the first and second crimes, and sent her to Lei Ze Prison to serve [-] years in prison.

Empress Bixiao is very satisfied with this result. Compared with the Taoism and life of the eldest disciple, 5000 years is like a dust, and 5000 years is just a blink of an eye for a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Yu Lingfang was also very satisfied, after all, she was the greatest luck to have saved Daoxing's life from the notorious Master Hongqing.

It didn't matter to the Thunder Emperor of Wufang, Yu Lingfang was punished, Empress Bixiao also used her merits to atone for her sins, the rules of heaven were enforced, and she didn't completely offend a Da Luo Jinxian. This is already the most satisfactory ending.

So, just when everyone thought that this matter had ended satisfactorily, when Niang Niang bid farewell to Wufang Leidi and was about to return to the dojo, Fang Jian bowed at this moment: "My lady, please stay."

At this time, the atmosphere in the Taiyi Leiting Division's main hall suddenly fell silent, and then everyone, including Empress Bixiao, looked at Fang Jian at the same time.

Niang Niang smiled and said, "God of Justice, do you have anything to say?"

Immediately, I heard Fang Jian say: "Ma'am, Yu Lingfang's sins that should be redeemed have been redeemed, and the crimes that should be punished have also been sentenced. Now it's time to talk about your sins, Madam."

At this moment, the whole hall was completely silent, extremely quiet, and even Master Meng Ling, who was about to leave, looked at Fang Jian in astonishment.

Jian He Shangxiang and Lei Jiang Lei Bing were dumbfounded, Wufang Leidi's expression was dull, Yu Lingfang's eyes showed horror, and Niang Bixiao was even more stunned.

After a while, Empress Bi Xiao realized, and asked, "Fang Jian, what's my crime?"

Fang Jiandao: "Your Majesty, you use the authority of Daluo Jinxian and the emperor of heaven to interfere and intervene in the execution of the laws of heaven by the judicial gods and the trial of criminals. , Immortals interfere with the immortal officials who are impartially implementing the laws of heaven with their own dignity and power, especially the judicial gods who interfere with the impartial execution of the laws of heaven. The edict is promulgated in the Three Realms."


Everyone was silent. It turned out that Fang Jian sentenced Yu Lingfang so easily because he wanted to send his strength to Empress Bixiao.

Niang Niang was also dumbfounded, and she said after a long time: "Fang Jian, you are wrong, this is indeed the case in No. 17 of the Law of Immortal Officials, but it clearly says 'Interfering with the immortal officials who are enforcing the laws of heaven fairly, especially It is the judicial god who is interfering with the fair execution of the laws of heaven', the focus of which is the fairy officials and judicial gods who are 'just enforcing the law', I just straighten out all the crimes of Yu Lingfang with you, and guide you to judge fairly, so it is not Did not violate the rules of heaven."

Fang Jian shook his head and smiled, "Your Majesty, do you mean that without your guidance, I would have made an unfair judgment?"

Empress Bixiao's expression tightened, she was caught, and was calculated by this plague god. At this moment, Empress Bixiao was thinking about it, trying to find a breakthrough, but Fang Jian urged at this time: "My lady, you can't answer the question of the minister. ?"

Niang Niang said: "Fang Jian, as we all know, no matter who violates the rules of heaven, the punishment in your hands will exceed the punishment stipulated by the rules of heaven, and the punishment will be doubled, so Pindao is worried about this, so he came to guide you .”

Fang Jian Xiaodao: "Your Majesty, you seem to have forgotten something. Yuling Fangchen has just brought her back, and she hasn't been judged yet? How can you imagine and fabricate facts? How do you know that I don't know about things that haven't happened yet?" How do you know that I will punish Yu Lingfang more severely than the punishment stipulated in the Heavenly Rules?"

"This..." Empress Bixiao was finally at a loss for words. She knew that she had fallen into Fang Jian's calculations. How do you know that he won't judge justly in strict accordance with the rules of heaven?How can you directly assert something that has not yet happened based on previous experience?

"To sum up." Fang Jian said: "Miss Bixiao, as the judicial god, I now announce that you have violated the rules of heaven. Please step down from Qingyun and come up to the hall to accept the judgment of heaven."

Empress Bixiao finally panicked. If she was really judged by Fang Jian, then she would be the first Da Luo Jinxian in the Three Realms to be punished by Tiantiao. This would be a big loss of face.

Yu Lingfang didn't have the slightest complacency at the moment, she looked at her master who was a little at a loss in panic, her heart was sinking infinitely.

At this time, Fang Jian said again: "I must remind my empress that you have already forgiven Yu Lingfang once. According to the regulations of Taishi Xiandu, you will not be able to make meritorious atonement for the next seven days."

After hearing this, Empress Bi Xiao suddenly heard a voice in her mind, it was the voice of her sister, Empress Qiong Xiao.

Then Empress Bi Xiao regained her spirits suddenly, she calmed down, and then said to Fang Jian: "Fang Jian, our Da Luo has Da Luo's way of doing things, and it is not completely controlled by the rules of heaven. If you want to convict me, you must first prove that You have this qualification and ability, if you win me, you can talk about everything, if you can't beat me, don't mention anything!"

The purpose of Niangniang Bixiao's words is obvious. We Daluo have our own method, that is, you fight first and win me first, and no matter how bad the result is, she can take this opportunity to delay for seven days. Then you can use your merits to atone for your sins.

Fang Jian was puzzled and said: "Does Da Luo have this rule? Why don't I know? I'm not Da Luo, Ma'am, don't lie to me."

Niang Niang said: "How can the poor lie to you? You can ask the five emperors."

As soon as Empress Bixiao finished speaking, Taibai Jinxing flew into the main hall and said, "Emperor Juntian's decree has arrived."

Hearing this, Niang Niang and Wufang Leidi immediately stood up, and Fang Jian and the surrounding Leibu gods immediately bowed and said: "Welcome to Juntian Great Emperor's decree."

Taibai Jinxing unfolded the dharma decree and said: "The Holy Mother of the Nine Heavens Xuanyang Primordial Lady The decree of Juntian Great Emperor: Daluo Jinxian Yuanshen entrusts the way of heaven, follows the fate of cause and effect, and does not engage in evil karma. There is an excuse, and the judiciary can be exempted from the crime according to the circumstances, just like a law."

This edict is equivalent to an indirect acknowledgment that there is a rule between Daluo Jinxian, which is not completely controlled by the rules of heaven, and the edict issued by Nine Heavens Xuannv is also in the name of Wuyu, so that Fang Jian should not continue to pursue it Well, offending a big Luo Jinxian won't do him much good.

"Thank you, Great Emperor Juntian." Empress Bi Xiao bowed her head immediately.

But Fang Jian lost his temper, and suddenly got up and said, "This edict is against the law of heaven, and I refuse to obey it!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Jian ignored the horrified gazes of Taibai Jinxing and everyone else, but turned his head to Mistress Bixiao and said, "Mistress Bixiao, after three days in the Earth calendar, I will wait for you in chaos. I did a battle in the chaos. If you win, I will follow Da Luo's rules and will not mention your violation of the rules of heaven. If you lose, you must be judged by the rules of heaven."

After finishing speaking, Fang Jian smiled slightly, and said loudly, "Mother, if you dare not answer, please come down now to accept the trial."

Hearing this, Empress Bixiao finally lost the composure and composure of Da Luo Jinxian just now, her original violent temper immediately rose, and she pointed at Fang Jian and said, "Why don't you dare? Fang Jian, after three days See you in the chaos, I hope you don't be afraid when the time comes, and don't invite someone to fight against me instead of you."

Empress Bixiao was afraid that Da Luo from the Heavenly Court would stand up for Fang Jian and replace Fang Jian to fight her, such as Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

Hearing this, Fang Jian immediately said loudly: "Madam, please don't worry, Fang Jian will come to fight in person, if I don't go to Chaos in three days to fight Madam single-handedly... er... fight! I will not mention the matter of violating the rules of heaven. "

"Okay, it's a deal."

Empress Bixiao took a deep look at Fang Jian, and then drove Qingyun Baojia, which turned into a ray of mysterious light and disappeared in the main hall of Taiyi Leiting Division.

And Taibai Jinxing also looked at Fang Jian and shook his head and sighed, then put away the decree of the Nine Heavens Xuannv, turned around and left the main hall of the Taiyi Thunder Division, and returned to the Lingxiao Palace to return to his life.

Wufang Leidi only felt that this matter was tricky, and after taking a look at Fang Jian, he went directly to Lingxiao Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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