I'm an immortal in heaven

Chapter 1085 An Unsolved Case

Chapter 1085 An Unsolved Case
Fang Jian, who returned to the Zhengfa Hall of the Taichu Palace, saw the God of Thunder, Feng Ying, who was sitting there drinking tea at this time. Seeing Fang Jian walking into the hall, he immediately put down his teacup and stood up to salute.

Fang Jian bowed his hand to return the salute, but he didn't go to the head of his hall to take a seat, but sat down on the sandalwood chair on the right side of Fengyu.

"You are a busy person, but you rarely come to Taishi Xiandu." Fang Jian leaned on the sandalwood chair and looked at Feng Ying with a smile.

Feng Yu said: "I'm ashamed, I'm not as busy as Hongqing Zhenjun, Hongqing Zhenjun is the real one who manages every day."

Fang Jian waved his hand and said, "I don't need to say nice words. Is there something important about Thunder God's visit to me this time?"

Feng Yu shook his head and said: "It's not a big deal, but it's enough to stump our Leibu."

"Oh?" Fang Jian smiled faintly and asked, "What's the matter?"

Feng Yu said: "That's right, we recently discovered a magic vortex in the North Sea."

Fang Jian heard the words: "The magic vortex? That is the passage of the Eighteen Demon Heavens, but this magic vortex can be easily destroyed as long as it is dealt with properly."

Feng Yu nodded and said: "Yes, the Heavenly Court ordered the monster clan Qingxiao Treasure Realm to deal with this magic whirlpool, and Qingxiao Treasure Realm also sent the demon god Jiuying to destroy the magic whirlpool, and the magic whirlpool was also successfully destroyed, but the magic whirlpool A golden body was found where the Maelstrom was destroyed."

The golden body mentioned here is not the flawless golden body, but the meritorious golden body obtained by the immortal after attaining fruition.

This kind of golden body does not have much practical effect, but it can guarantee that after an immortal falls, his bones will never decay, and all the magic power of Taoism will be preserved in the golden body.

And when the immortal returns from reincarnation, as long as he finds the golden body, he can directly obtain the magic power of the previous life.

Fang Jian was indifferent when he heard this, "Since it's a golden body, it's fine to send it to Beihai Shenfu or Beihai Dragon Palace for preservation, and get it back after the master of the golden body is reincarnated."

Feng Yu shook his head and said: "It's not that simple, the problem lies with the owner of this golden body."

"What's so special about the owner of this golden body?" Fang Jian asked Feng Yu.

Feng Yu said: "She is the younger sister of Ziqi Star Official Peng Jiuyuan, Peng Ziqing."

"Wait." Fang Jian suddenly stopped Feng Yu, "Sister of Ziqi Xingguan? Does Fellow Daoist Peng Jiuyuan have a younger sister?"

Feng Yu nodded and said, "Yes, but she married Lu Tao, the son of the North Sea Xuanmu Sea God 3000 years ago."

Hearing Feng Yu's words, Fang Jian immediately understood the reason, "You mean, the sister of the official Ziqi Xing who married Lu Tao, the son of Xuanming Sea God 3000 years ago, found her in the North Sea 3000 years later. the golden body?"

"Yes." Feng Yu sighed, then looked at Fang Jian and said, "Speaking of which, this is also an old unsolved case. In fact, this Peng Ziqing disappeared 100 years ago, but Beihai Shenfu didn't say anything at first. Disappeared, fellow Daoist Peng Jiuyuan asked Beihai Shenfu countless times why his sister did not return to Ziqi Star to see him for 300 consecutive years. At that time, Beihai Shenfu only said that Peng Ziqing was in retreat and could not return to Ziqi Star to visit him. Later, the time dragged on The longer it took, the Beihai Divine Mansion couldn't hold back fellow Daoist Peng Jiuyuan's urging questioning, and finally told the truth that Peng Ziqing disappeared."

Fang Jian asked, "Didn't you look for it at that time?"

Feng Yu said: "I have searched. At that time, Zhou Tianxing Lord, Beihai Shenfu, and Beihai Dragon Palace searched the entire Beiju Luzhou, and even Zhou Tianxing Lord expanded the scope of the search to the entire Yanfu Great World, but finally found nothing."

"You don't see people when you're born, and you don't see corpses when you die." Feng Yu shook his head and said.

Fang Jian said: "Then I see the corpse now, and it's still where the magic vortex appeared."

"Yes." Feng Yu nodded and said: "There is a guess here. Peng Ziqing may have been killed by a heretic true demon who invaded Yanfu's world. Because she was killed by a heretic true demon, her burial place has been long-term occupied by demons." The qi shrouded it, which made it impossible for Zhou Tianxing Lord to detect her qi mechanism and location, and where there is magic energy, it is easy to appear the channel "Magic Spiral" of the Eighteen Demon Heavens."

Fang Jian said: "Then if that's the case, what's the problem?"

Feng Yu said: "The difficulty lies with Ziqi Xingguan. He insisted that his sister died not at the hands of foreign demons, but because of other secrets. Let us Leibu go to the Beihai God's Mansion to interrogate and interrogate his sister's husband, Lu Tao. .”

"Sigh." Feng Yu sighed: "It's not his fault. After all, he has been looking for his sister for more than 1000 years, but this is the result. He should have resentment towards his sister's husband's family."

"However." Feng Yu said: "The Beihai God's Mansion is the God's Mansion of the North Sea Sea God Xuanming. First, there is no conclusive evidence. Second, this incident has passed for more than 1000 years. How can our Leibu enter a super-grade mansion without authorization?" What about the search and interrogation of the Immortal Official's Divine Mansion?"

Hearing this, Fang Jian asked again: "Is Ziqi Star Official insisting on doing this?"

"There is also Taiyin Xingjun." Feng Yu said: "Ziqi Xingguan is one of Zhoutian Xingjun, and Taiyin Xingjun and Taiyang Xingjun are the top stars in Zhoutian, so Taiyin Xingjun also gave us this matter. Pressed."

When Feng Yu said this, he said to Fang Jian with aggrieved face: "Zhenjun Hongqing, the first-level official crushes people to death."

Fang Jian smiled faintly, and said, "Then you go and investigate. With the authority of the Ministry of Thunder, it is understandable to ask the Sea God of the North Sea to cooperate."

"No way." Feng Yu said: "North Sea Sea God rejected the review document proposed by our Ministry of Lei, and said that our Ministry of Lei used its power without authorization and went to the Lingxiao Palace to impeach us. To be honest, we have no evidence to prove Peng Ziqing's death. It has something to do with the Beihai God's Mansion, if we forcefully go in for review, the Beihai Sea God can impeach our Ministry of Thunder."

"So you found me?" Fang Jian asked.

Feng Yu nodded and said: "Yes, Zhenjun Hongqing, apart from you, no one else in this heaven has such qualifications and authority."

Fang Jian said: "Peng Jiuyuan, the Ziqi star official, helped me back then, so I owe him a favor. Since you have found him this time, I'll go see fellow Taoist Peng Jiuyuan first."

When Fang Jian dealt with the True Yang Dao of heretics and true demons, he asked Peng Jiuyuan to take the Yuanshen of the Sixteenth Emperor of Ming Dynasty. This was regarded as a favor from Peng Jiuyuan for him.

Hearing what Fang Jian said, Feng Yu was overjoyed immediately, and quickly got up and bowed to Fang Jian: "If that's the case, then there will be Lao Hong Qing Zhenjun."

Just as Fang Jian was about to reply, his face froze suddenly, but he soon returned to normal, and said with a faint smile: "Okay, then fellow daoist, please go back first, I will naturally call fellow daoist after I have met fellow daoist Peng Jiuyuan."

When Feng Yu heard the words, he immediately bowed and said: "Yes, I will take my leave."

After Feng Ying left, Fang Jian sat down immediately, and asked the editor with divine intent: "Xiaohong, what's wrong?"

The Hongmeng editor said: "Hurry up and take down the true spirit of the important person around you, hurry up, you only have two sticks of incense time."

"So serious?" Fang Jian's expression froze, and he said, "Okay, I'll do it now."

After speaking, Fang Jian immediately said to Hei Haier, "Hei Haier, come here."

Hei Haier walked over immediately, and Fang Jian said to him, "Give me a piece of your true spirit."

Hei Hai'er didn't hesitate when he heard the words, and immediately ingested a piece of his true spirit, and handed it to Fang Jian.

Without further ado, Fang Jian put Heihai'er's true spirit into the editor and stored it, and then said to him: "Go to Xitian Mansion immediately, find Heidan, and then take one of his true spirits back. "

"Yes, master." Without any question or hesitation, Hei Hai'er immediately sang "O" and led away.

Afterwards, Fang Jian directly displayed his supernatural powers and manifested himself in the Hongqing Temple in Lingxia Mountain. Fang Jian's manifestation soon alarmed Cen Biqing, and Cen Biqing immediately brought Mei Xianzhang to the Hongqing Temple.

"Fairy Qing, it's too late to explain, you immediately take a true spirit from everyone in Lingxia Mountain, including yourself and Xianzhang, seal it up and send it to me." Fang Jian said with a serious face.

Hearing Fang Jian's words, Cen Biqing nodded immediately, then turned and left Hongqing Temple.

After a stick of incense, Cen Biqing sent over the true spirits of everyone in Lingxia Mountain, including Hei Haier's mother Yumian Fairy, "There are still a few little guys who have gone out to deliver the fairy medicine, and they can't come back for a while, should we wait a little longer?" ?” Cen Biqing asked Fang Jian.

Fang Jian first put away this part of the true spirit, then nodded and said, "Waiting for a stick of incense."

After a stick of incense, Cen Biqing sent some real spirits, and after Fang Jian put them away, Cen Biqing asked curiously, "What happened?"

Fang Jian shook his head and said, "I don't know either, but I'll find out soon."

36 Above the sky, Empress Nuwa is dressed in a nine-colored dress, with phoenix eyebrows and clear eyes, and her jade face is like frost.

Standing in the profound light, she looked at the majestic phantom above the world, which was moving the way of heaven.

Soon, Empress Nuwa felt that the rules of heaven had changed. She counted with her fingers, and her complexion changed immediately.

"It's a good skill, but it actually broke the true spirit of the poor." Empress Nuwa said with a serious face.

The stalwart phantom slowly turned into a middle-aged man with a rich god and stalwart, it was the chaotic primordial demon, Yuanchen.

Yuanchen stands above the heavens of the Tribulation Domain, the top of the Three Realms, and faces Nuwa Empress across the heavens and ten thousand realms.

When I was young, I saw Yuanchen Jishou saluting, and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoists have the 'Avenue of True Spirit', and poor Taoists also have a way to get rid of it, which just breaks the Dao of True Spirit."

Three thousand avenues, many avenues are very special, such as the true spirit avenue, only the queen who created the human race can prove this avenue. There is more than one avenue, but the avenue of true spirit is indeed only available to Empress Nuwa.

Therefore, Empress Nuwa sympathized with all living beings, and at the beginning of the Yuanhui, she defined the Dao of True Spirits within the rules of the Dao of Heaven and the present world.

This will involve the theory of "Yuanhui". In the present world, a Yuanhui lasts for 12 years. Whenever a new round of Yuanhui starts, the Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian in this world can put himself The three avenues you have mastered are included in the rules of the way of heaven, so that the rules of the way of heaven in the new round of Yuanhui will include the "three rules" you set.

However, since the heretical true demons entered the world, because they were outside the present world before, they did not participate in the establishment of the rules of the new round of Yuanhui. Therefore, after entering the WTO this time, the chaotic primordial demons have three opportunities to define the avenues they have mastered into the rules of heaven. .

Of course, if you can set it, you can break it. If a Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian is willing to give up the opportunity to set his own three avenue rules in the rules of heaven, he can choose one of the avenue rules set by others to break it.

So the Chaos Primordial Demon took this opportunity to break Nuwa Empress' "True Spirit Way" rules.

"In reality from now on, except for those who practice supernatural powers such as avatars and distractions, no one will be able to divide the soul into the body and the true spirit to protect their lives. Once the gods and forms are all destroyed, they will disappear from the three realms forever." Chaos Primordial Modan Said loudly.

Empress Nuwa snorted coldly, but she couldn't do anything about it, because the Chaos Primordial Demon did not rely on his Taoism and mana to break it, but broke the law of the true spirit under the rules of heaven.

She secretly counted, now this Yuanhui has only passed 4 years, and there are still more than 8 years left to reach the new round of Yuanhui, so in these [-] years, the present world is indeed as the chaos Yuanmo said , all living beings can no longer save their lives through the methods of avatar, distraction, and division of the true spirit. Once the gods and bodies are all destroyed, and the soul is scattered, they will truly disappear from the three worlds.

But the true spirit that has been obtained before will not be affected, but Empress Nuwa understands that in the next round of the Xinyuanhui, the chaotic primordial demon will continue to find ways to break the way of her true spirit.

Thinking of this, Empress Nuwa glanced at the Chaos Primordial Demon, and then returned to Wa Palace.

Not long after, a mysterious light that illuminated the heavens lit up in Wahuang Palace, and Caifeng, the maid beside Nuwa Empress, greeted her immediately.

After a while, Emperor Ziwei walked out of the mysterious light and entered Wa Palace, greeted by the colorful phoenix.

Seeing Emperor Ziwei coming, Empress Nuwa sat cross-legged on top of Qingyun, and said to Emperor Ziwei, "Fellow Daoist, please sit down."

Emperor Ziwei nodded slightly, and immediately two pieces of Qingyun rose from under his body. Afterwards, Emperor Ziwei sat on the Qingyun and began to discuss countermeasures with Empress Nuwa in the Wa Palace.

"Before I had the Dao of the True Spirit to keep my life alive, the Eighteen Demon Heavens of the Demon Cult also had the 'Dao of the Demon Yuan' imitating reincarnation. Now that the real demon has broken the way of my true spirit, fellow Taoists still need to start with the Dao of the Demon Yuan. "Nvwa Empress said slowly.

In fact, once Dao Xing reaches Daluo Jinxian, there will be very few battles with magic weapons and close combat.

Especially at the level of Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian, the fighting methods are based on a series of rules such as the three-day avenue, the rules of heaven, the rules of nature, etc. It is a real fighting method that turns the world around and changes the world.

Emperor Ziwei nodded and said, "The poor Taoist is also here for this."

Empress Nuwa looked at Emperor Ziwei and said: "Fellow Daoist, you want to ask me about the way of the True Spirit Dao, and then use it to understand how to break the way of the magic element?"

"Exactly." Emperor Ziwei nodded and said.

Empress Nuwa said: "This matter is not so easy, but since fellow Taoists have the heart, let the poor Taoist speak slowly."

Just as Empress Nuwa and Emperor Ziwei were studying how to break the law of the Demon Cult's magic element, Fang Jian, who had already saved everyone's true spirits into the editor, was already on his way to Ziqi Star.

 Let's take a look at the following plot, this one is for the time being tonight, don't wait, everyone, rest early!
(End of this chapter)

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