I'm an immortal in heaven

Chapter 1038 Fighting among the Star Lords in the Palace of High Heaven

Chapter 1038 Fighting among the Star Lords in the Palace of High Heaven
"What did Zhou Tianxing say?" Fang Jian asked Chen Jiantang: "Zhou Tianxing patrolled the sky, didn't he find anything unusual?"

Chen Jiantang said: "Mr. Zhou Tianxing has a record of Xuji Chongying's travels and possessions, but there is no record of Xuji Chongying's encounter with demons. The Zhou Tianxing Lord Zhou Tianxing gave us only shows the last time of Xuji Chongying. Appeared in the territory of Nanzhao Kingdom."

"Nanzhao Kingdom?" Fang Jian looked slightly surprised, glanced at the patrol map in Chen Jiantang's hand, and immediately said: "Then you must pay attention to whether there are demon lairs in Nanzhao Kingdom, and don't be careless."

Chen Jiantang cupped his hands and replied: "Yes, I will keep this in mind."

Fang Jianchi gave a sword talisman to Chen Jiantang and said: "You take this sword talisman well, if you encounter a demon lair or are in danger, crush this sword talisman immediately, and I will rush to help you as soon as I receive the message. "

Seeing this, Chen Jiantang took the sword talisman, accepted it with great solemnity, and then bowed to Fang Jian: "Thank you, Zhenjun Hongqing."

Fang Jian waved his hands and smiled, and then said: "Go, since you have official duties, you can't stay here for a long time."

"Yes, True Monarch Hongqing, I will take my leave first." Chen Jiantang bowed and bowed, then turned around and flew back above the golden cloud, and headed straight for Nanzhao Kingdom with a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers.

And Fang Jian returned to the Luoyan Temple in Chang'an City of the Tang Dynasty, and while teaching in that small village, he inspected the entire Chang'an Mansion, and left with Hei Hai'er half a month later.

Two months later, at the end of summer in the world and the arrival of early autumn, Fang Jian finally inspected the entire Nanzhan Buzhou Datang Kingdom. To his relief, during the two-month inspection, there was no one who violated the rules of heaven in Datang. Immortal official.

And with Heavenly Court and its cheap supply of talisman materials, the demonic atmosphere in the four major continents has been suppressed a lot, but it is impossible to eradicate it, and its impact on sentient beings can only be minimized.

Before the coming of the Xiaochaohui this time, Fang Jianzheng took Heihaier to tour the Jiaozhi Kingdom, and then Fang Jian left Heihaier in the world, and went back to Da Luotian to attend the Xiaochaohui.

Before the Xiaochaohui started, the gods in the heavenly court and the Taoist masters were standing outside Lingxiao Palace and chatting.

The most talked about in the Taoist sect is the disappearance of Daoist Xuji Chongying, which has not yet been found. The monks and [-] heavenly soldiers sent by the Taoist sect have almost turned the entire Nanzhao Kingdom over, and they have not found the slightest trace of Xuji Chongying. trace.

Why did a golden fairy suddenly evaporate from the world and disappear without a trace?
"This is very strange." Wu De Xingjun Chao Fangjian, who is now the chief envoy of the Tianshu Capital Province, said: "Zhou Tianxing can only give the information of the last place where the real person Xuji Chongying appeared, but there is no other information. Record."

"This is normal." Yan Hui, the chief envoy of Taixuandu Province, said: "The foreign demons have their own power to cover up the secrets of the heavens, and now they are in the midst of a catastrophe. I'm afraid Zhou Tianxing Lord's observation of the human world is not so good. Are you clear?"

Fang Jian said: "What did Zhou Tianxing say? They always have an estimate of the inspection situation in the world, right?"

Wu De Xingjun smiled and said: "I think it's better not to ask this question, Zhou Tianxing Lords have been angry recently, and asking this question will undoubtedly touch people's eyebrows."

Fang Jian said, "Really?"

Wu De Xingjun and Yan Hui were slightly startled, then Yan Hui smiled and said: "If it is you, Hongqing Zhenjun, you can ask."

Hearing this, Wude Xingjun immediately raised his hand and shouted to the Xingjun who gathered not far away: "Everyone, there is a Taoist friend here who wants to ask about your recent patrols in the sky and the human world. "

'crash la la'

The Xingjun who heard this turned around in an instant, and stared at Wude Xingjun with emotional eyes.

"Who? Who wants to ask? Stand up and show us Lord Zhou Tianxing." Lord Doubo Xing, the demon star and evil star of Zhou Tian, ​​asked with his fists clenched, and the Lord Big Dipper behind him also looked at him covetously. .

Wu De Xingjun hurriedly gave way, showed Fang Jian, and said, "It's Hongqing Zhenjun who wants to ask."

Lord Doubo Xing and Lord Big Dipper were taken aback when they saw this, and then put away the 'bad energy' on their bodies, "How is Zhenjun Hongqing? It's not that he asked us to tell us." Lord Doubo Xing said in a low voice. .

"He is the God of Justice." Tanlang Xingjun said.

Jumen Xingjun said: "If you offend him, you will be punished carefully to monitor the situation in the human toilet."

At this time, the surrounding heavenly courts and Taoist gods also looked over. Except for the two star kings of the sun and the sun, the rest of the star kings suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

At this time Lord Luo Huxing stood up and said: "Zhenjun Hongqing, there is actually nothing to ask about this. Now that the catastrophe is happening, it is very difficult for us Zhou Tianxing Lord to monitor the world of the Zhou Dynasty. You know that your eyes are covered Does it feel like fog?"

"Then why don't you go down to the realm to monitor?" At this time, a fairy asked.

All the Xingjun immediately began to scan around, looking for the person who asked this sentence, "Who asked that sentence just now?" Wu Qu Xingjun said: "Don't you know that there is a kind of demon called 'Blood Demon' among the true demons of heretics? "

"This great catastrophe is aimed at us Zhou Tianxing Lord." Ji Duxing Lord said: "So that their devil sons and grandsons can gain a foothold in the world smoothly!"

"Hahaha, you think highly of yourself too. This time, the Great Tribulation was caused by Chaos Primordial Demon. To deal with Zhou Tian Xingjun, do you need Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian to take action?" Wang Lingguan laughed when he heard Ji Du Xingjun's words road.

Zhou Tianxing-jun immediately looked at Wang Lingguan. After Wang Lingguan finished laughing, he felt something was wrong. He turned his head and found that Zhou Tianxing-jun was actually looking at him.

"Cough cough." Wang Lingguan coughed twice and said, "Actually, I didn't mean that. Don't get me wrong, Xingjun."

"Look down on us, beat him!" Huode Xingjun yelled, and then all the Xingjun rolled up their sleeves and directly surrounded Wang Lingguan.

Seeing this situation, Wang Lingguan also panicked, and hurriedly said loudly: "Don't, fellow Taoists have something to say, this is outside Lingxiao Palace"

"It's not yet the time to go to court, so what about outside Lingxiao Palace? Fellow Taoists, come on." Doubo Xingjun shouted, and then Wude Xingjun, Wudou Xingjun, Nine Obsidian Star Officials, 28 Constellations and so on counted. Hundreds of Xingjun swarmed up, grabbed Wang Lingguan and beat him violently. Beidou Qiyuan Xingjun lifted Wang Lingguan up and threw him into the sky, and let him fall freely, hitting the clear clouds below the Tiangong heavily.

"Help me." Wang Lingguan shouted loudly, "My fellow immortals, help me."

But how dare the surrounding gods go up to rescue him, unless they also want to be beaten by Lord Zhou Tianxing, but it is one thing not to save him, and another thing to watch the excitement.

The Zhou Tianxing Lords played happily, and the surrounding gods also watched happily, and even booed and shouted: "Good fight, good fight."

There were also those who offered advice to Wang Lingguan, "Wang Lingguan, that's not how you fight. First, there's a sweeper, then there's an inverted golden bell, and then there's a monkey to steal a peach."

"Wang Lingguan, as the number one spirit official in the Heavenly Court, you fought with the Monkey King for dozens of rounds back then, so you can't lose face today."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong, who was full of Buddha's spirit, also turned around and said loudly: "Wang Lingguan has some skills. Back then, my old grandson did fight him for dozens of rounds without winning or losing."

Sun Wukong's words directly gave great confidence to the besieged Wang Lingguan, only to hear a shout from the crowd, "Hey, you are too deceitful, let's see my martial arts!"

While speaking, Wang Lingguan really showed his supernatural power. With three punches and two kicks, he repelled the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper, and knocked back the Six Stars of the Southern Dipper with a volley flip. Jun, your feet are like the wind kicking back Wude Xingjun.

In just ten breaths, there was no other Xingjun within a zhang of Wang Lingguan's body, and they were all pushed back by him.

"This guy is amazing." Si Lu Xingjun Han Chen said in shock while touching the wound on his face with several bruises on his face.

Wu De Xingjun said: "Of course, the number one spirit official in the Heavenly Court, the great general in front of the emperor, can you not be powerful?"

At this time, Taiyin Xingjun came riding on the clouds, and seeing the chaos, Zhou Tianxing, who was still trying to find a way to besiege Wang Lingguan, shouted: "Everyone stop."

When Zhou Tianxing saw Lord Taiyin coming, he all sorted out his descriptions, bowed and said: "See Lord Taiyin."

Taiyin Xingjun's face was frosty, he looked at the other Xingjuns and said, "How can you be so disrespectful in front of Lingxiao Palace?"

After finishing speaking, Taiyin Xingjun looked at Wang Lingguan and said, "Fellow Daoist, are you okay?"

Wang Lingguan laughed loudly, waved his hands and said, "It's okay, it's okay, I'll benefit a lot from exchanging ideas with you Star Lords, hahaha."

"Hmph, if he loses, he won't be so happy." Dou Bo Xingjun said in a low voice.

Suddenly, Taiyin Xingjun changed the subject and scolded all the Xingjuns: "Hundreds of people beat one of them and lost. Would you guys fight?"

"It's really embarrassing to our Zhou Tianxing Lord!" Taiyin Xingjun finished speaking and walked away.

Zhou Tianxing immediately lowered his head in embarrassment when he heard the words, Wang Lingguan was naturally incomparable, with a bruised face, he walked up to Monkey King and clapped his hands: "Thank you, Great Sage, for your compliment."

Sun Wukong clasped his hands together and said: "The poor monk never said anything, Wang Lingguan, please don't talk nonsense! My Buddhist sect values ​​peace, so why would the poor monk follow suit?"

"Eh?" Wang Lingguan raised his head suspiciously and looked at Monkey King.

And the gods around Sun Wukong also said: "Wang Lingguan, you heard it wrong, the Monkey King really didn't say anything just now."

In the end, Wang Lingguan stood back with a blank face. He clearly heard Monkey King's voice, didn't he?Did I really hear wrong?

Soon after, it was time to go to court, and the gods hurriedly arranged their clothes and appearances, stood in a queue outside the Lingxiao Palace, and then entered the Lingxiao Palace one by one to pay homage to the sound of Taibai Jinxing's singing.

When all the gods entered the temple to pay homage, Emperor Ziwei gave him the gift of waiver, and after the gods entered the immortal class, Fang Jian was the first to come out with the jade wat in his arms and said: "I report to Emperor Ziwei that I want to impeach Zhou Zhou. Lord Tianxing fought and fought in front of the Lingxiao Palace, which is a disgrace to the majesty of the heavenly officials."

"Wow! How insidious"

"How despicable."


"Chen Chen!"

When Mr. Zhou Tianxing heard Fang Jian impeaching them, they immediately cursed in their hearts.

Emperor Ziwei heard it and said: "This is the duty of your judicial god, and you should punish it according to the law."

"I obey the decree." Fang Jian bowed, then turned around and said, "Zhou Tian Xingjun was disrespectful in front of the palace, and he was punished to write a letter of repentance and recite it in public before the Xiaochao meeting next month. The letter of review must be strict. Write, sincerely repent, if you fail to pass, then write again and again, and recite month after month until you pass, like a law."

Zhou Tianxing was expressionless, and Qi Qi cupped his hands and said: "I will receive the punishment." But in his heart, he had already scolded Fang Jian's ancestors for eighteen generations.

When Fang Jian returned to the ranks of immortals, a snow-white hand suddenly appeared in the right front of the immortal class. Fang Jian was slightly startled, and found that the owner of this hand was Taiyin Xingjun.

And Taiyin Xingjun held a piece of jade slip between his two jade fingers, and delivered it directly to Fang Jian. Fang Jian took the jade slip curiously and looked at it, even if he was taken aback.

I saw a slightly 'cartoon' head drawn on the jade slip. The eyes of the head were turned up, the tongue was sticking out, and an arrow was drawn beside the head. At the end of the arrow was written a line of immortal seal characters full of resentment: " The traitorous minister Fang Jianzhi's dog head!"

"." Fang Jian stared speechlessly at the cold back of Taiyin Xingjun in front of him. He didn't expect that the most cold and elegant fairy in the heaven, the iceberg cold and cold fairy, also had the talent of "caricature".

 I'm sorry everyone, it's almost Chinese New Year recently, I go to sit and drink everywhere, and visit relatives' homes. The update time is very unstable. I will try to change it today and update it sooner!

No more tonight, rest early, and update earlier this evening!
(End of this chapter)

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