Chapter 1036
In the Chenghuang Temple of Chang'an Mansion, the city god Sun Yanling and others stood on the temple tremblingly. Fang Jian sat at the top and looked at them quietly.

Soon Sun Yanling and the others couldn't take it anymore. Being stared at by Fang Jian like that made them feel more scared than directly condemning them to death.

For a while, Sun Yanling and others knelt down on the ground, kowtowed to Fang Jian and confessed, but Fang Jian still didn't speak, just sat on the steps of the temple and looked at them.

This time, Sun Yanling and the others were even more frightened. Even if Fang Jian directly sentenced them to death, they would be more relaxed, because the unknown fate is more frightening than the known fate.

The time for a stick of incense passed, half an hour passed, and soon another hour passed.

Sun Yanling and the others were already on the verge of collapse. If they continued like this for another stick of incense, they would definitely collapse.

But Fang Jian seemed to know this, and the next moment he spoke, "Sun Yanling, City God of Chang'an Mansion."

Sun Yanling felt like hearing the sound of heaven in an instant, and his heart that was about to collapse was instantly pulled back at this moment, and he quickly responded: "The officer is here."

"Are you guilty?" Fang Jian asked.

"Your official is guilty, the true king of Hongqing, this official is responsible for the common people, and this official robe, this official, Sun Yanling is guilty." After speaking, Sun Yanling bowed down and knelt down on the ground.

Fang Jian said: "If you are guilty, you will be punished. This is the law of heaven, do you understand?"

"Your official understands." Sun Yanling said hastily, "Please punish Zhenjun Hongqing."

Fang Jiandao: "Article No. 13 of "Tian Tiao Xianguan Law": All the immortal officials in the heavenly court use their power to seek personal gain, or stop the affairs of the Yin and Yang gods of heaven and earth for their own self-interest, and shall be punished according to the seriousness of the circumstances. "

"Although you stopped the affairs of the Shenfu for three months, you repented halfway and did not cause any disasters. The circumstances are relatively minor. I sentenced you to a third-class demote, and Lei Ze served 300 years in prison. After you come out, go to the underworld to be a dark soldier. " Fang Jian said lightly.

Those who are not familiar with Fang Jian may be a little confused when they hear this verdict. Do you still call it 'light'?Lei Ze served 300 years in prison, and was directly demoted from the fifth-rank immortal official to the eighth-rank immortal official. He changed from a city god who dominated the affairs of the underworld to a small underworld soldier. Is this still called light?

But Sun Yanling, who is an immortal official, breathed a sigh of relief. For Fang Jian, this was the lightest punishment. After all, in the past, as long as Fang Jian caught people who violated the rules of heaven, he would basically start with the death penalty.

"The next official will receive the punishment, and thank the True Lord Hongqing." Sun Yanling hurriedly kowtowed.

With a wave of his hand, Fang Jian wrote a letter of approval and sent it to Lei Bing beside him, and then said to Sun Yanling: "As for your marriage, I am also a reasonable person. I went to Lei Ze to allow you husband and wife to continue the marriage." Have a wedding."

"." Sun Yanling's face twitched, and then he bowed again: "Xie Hongqing's kindness and virtue, I will never forget it."

Then Fang Jian ordered Lei Bing to bring Sun Yanling and Princess Quanyin back to the Ministry of Lei with his talisman approval, and sent them directly to Lei Ze Prison.

After Sun Yanling and Princess Quanyin were taken away, Fang Jian looked at the judges of the Chenghuang Temple of Chang'an Prefecture and the general of Yinsi in the hall.

"You guys clearly know that it's a violation of heaven to suspend the affairs of the Shenfu for your own self-interest, so why don't you report it to the Nantianfu?" Fang Jian asked the Wen, Judge Wu, and generals of the Yin Division standing next to the Chenghuang Temple.

When these people heard Fang Jian's accusation, they dared not quibble, and pleaded guilty one after another. Fang Jian then demoted them all as ghost soldiers and ghost messengers according to the law of heaven, and they still served in the Chenghuang Temple of Chang'an Prefecture.

Fang Jian didn’t make things difficult for the shady soldiers and ghost messengers in the original Town God’s Temple. After all, they are just the lowest-level immortal officials with the lowest rank and salary. They do all the hard work. You can’t force them to do it. It's not fair to take the risk to report the boss and punish them.

"Yes, the lower officials will be punished." Wen and Wu judges, generals of the Yin Division bowed their heads and kowtowed.

Immediately, Fang Jianchi issued a talisman and sent it directly to Taixuandu Province. In just a hundred breaths, a fairy light flashed on several people, and then the fairy official robes on them disappeared instantly, and together with the fairy official jade letter, they became Nine grades of ghosts are regulated.

Just after Fang Jian finished dealing with the people in the Chenghuang Temple in Chang'an Prefecture, a cloud of mist suddenly rose in the Chenghuang Temple, and then two figures appeared on the Yin Temple of the Chenghuang Temple.

Fang appraised his eyes, and saw that the leader among the visitors was dressed in the robe of a second-rank Yinsi fairy official, tall and tall, with eyes like lightning, upright and righteous, and he was one of the four judges of the underworld, the judge of the Chacha Division. Lu Zhidao'.

And following Lu Zhidao was Mangshan Ghost King, who was ordered by Fang Jianchi to be escorted to the underworld to be dealt with by King Qin Guang.

Seeing that Lu Zhidao led the Mangshan Ghost King to the Yin Temple, the surrounding Yin soldiers and ghost officers hurriedly bowed to see him, while Lu Zhidao went straight forward and said to Fang Jian: "I am the official of the Underworld Chacha Division Judge Lu Zhidao, and I pay my respects to Hongqing Zhenjun .”

Fang Jian asked with a smile: "Judge Lu, I just sent the Mangshan Ghost King to your underworld, why did you bring it back?"

Lu Zhidao hurriedly said: "I will report to Zhenjun Hongqing, and I will send the ghost king of Mang Mountain to take up his post according to the decree of His Royal Highness King Guang of Qin."

"Oh?" Fang Jian raised his brows and said, "Going to work?"

"Yes." Lu Zhidao said: "Duan Zaidao, the Ghost King of Mangshan Mountain, has been demoted by His Royal Highness Qin Guangwang to the City God of Chang'an Prefecture."

"That's it?" Fang Jian asked in surprise.

Lu Zhidao said: "The true emperor of Hongqing, His Royal Highness Qin Guang said, if Duan Zaidao can be the city god of Chang'an within 1000 years, and can pass the assessment every ten years in the prefecture, he will be able to become the city god in 1000 years. Continue to be a fairy official, if you can't, as long as you fail one assessment, you will be deprived of all fairy official ranks immediately."

"Oh." Fang Jian responded lightly, "Then please tell Fellow Daoist Qin Guangwang that I will pay attention to the assessment from time to time."

"Yes." Hearing this, Lu Zhidao immediately bowed and bowed in response.

Immediately, Duan Zaidao stepped forward quickly, bowed to Fang Jian and said: "Chang'an Mansion City God Duan Zaidao, pay homage to Hongqing Zhenjun."

Fang Jian stood up with a smile on his face, walked down the hall steps and came to Duan Zaidao with a smile: "This City God, are you doing well?"

When Duan Zaidao heard the words, he quickly bowed and said: "Hui Hongqing Zhenjun, if you are not good at being the city god of Chang'an Mansion, you will be willing to follow the law."

"Okay." Fang Jian nodded and said: "This gentleman also brought the ugly words to the front. If you can't do well in the future as the city god of Chang'an Mansion, you won't even have the chance to go to the eighteenth floor of hell. Don't talk about Qin Guangwang Daoist, Even if Emperor Dongyue comes, you will not be able to escape the death sentence."

Duan Zaidao's heart trembled, and he immediately bowed his head and said: "Yes, I must remember the teachings of Hongqing Zhenjun."

Then Fang Jian glanced at Lu Zhidao again, and said, "This matter is over, I will stay soon."

Duan Zaidao and Lu Zhidao hurriedly bowed: "Respectfully send off Zhenjun Hongqing."

After Fang Jian finished dealing with the matter of the City God of Chang'an Mansion, he rode on the Third Prince and headed for Nanyue Hengshan.

When they came outside Nanyue Mansion, they saw Mrs. Mingrui and her party retreating from the fairy gate of Nanyue Mansion.

Mrs. Mingrui, Princess Narcissus, Huo Ling, Huo Qing, and Huo Lin walked out of the fairy gate of Nanyue Mansion, and behind them was Yi Qian's family who came to see them off.

Yi Qian followed closely with his wife Jin Yuxian and daughter Yi Xiao, and when they walked outside the fairy gate of Nanyue Mansion, Mrs. Mingrui turned around and said, "Friends Daoist Yi and Fellow Daoist Jin, farewell today." I will keep it in my heart, and I will definitely repay you generously in the future."

Only after experiencing family ruin and death did they know what the world is like. In the past, when any one of their Huo family went out, they were surrounded by countless heavenly soldiers and fairies. But now, once they fall into the mundane world, even the dogs chasing demons in Nanyue Immortal Palace don’t pay attention. They are gone.

"Actually, it's good to be a Sanxian." Yi Qian's wife, Jin Yuxian, looked at Mrs. Mingrui's family and said, "At least the Sanxian is free and free from any constraints. This fairy official looks noble, but he has to be subject to that day everywhere." bondage."

Yi Qian glanced at his wife, and then said to Mrs. Mingrui: "If fellow Taoist has any difficulties in the future, just send letters and letters, and I will definitely help if I can help."

Mrs. Mingrui was very moved when she heard this, she brought Princess Narcissus, Huo Ling, and Huo Qing to bow respectfully to Yi Qian and said: "Thank you, Daoist Yi (General Yi)."

On the other hand, Yi Xiao and Huo Lin also stood holding hands and looking at each other, the eyes of the two little girls were filled with tears.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm leaving, we can't live together in the future." Huo Lin looked at Yi Xiao with tears in her eyes and said.

Yi Xiao nodded, tears kept rolling down from his eyes, "Little Linlin, remember to send me a letter when you arrive at your new home, and I will come to play with you when I grow up."

"Then you must come, don't lie to me, and don't forget me." Huo Lin cried.

Yi smiled and said, "Well, Xiao Linlin, don't worry, if I lie to you, I will be a puppy."

"It's a word."

"It's a deal, we pull the hook."

"If the hook is hung for 100 years, it must not be changed for 1 years."

As the two little best friends made childish vows to each other, the case of Huo Ping's usurping the imperial edict fell to the ground, and the remaining five women of the Huo family all became loose immortals.

Although Princess Narcissus has a blood relationship with Huo Lin and Xiyue Mansion, but the water splashed by the married daughter, after all, no matter how close Xiyue Mansion is, to Princess Narcissus, it is just her "natal family".

Mrs. Mingrui left Nanyue Mansion with the only remaining family members, and Yi Xiao cried and chased Huo Lin for a long, long way, and finally fell to the ground and was picked up by his mother Jin Yuxian, but still crying more than.

Yi Qian watched Mrs. Mingrui and others leave, and when he was about to take his wife and daughter back to the fairy gate of Nanyue Mansion, he suddenly heard the neighing of a heavenly horse above his head.

He immediately turned around and looked up at a piece of golden cloud in the sky, and then saw Fang Jian riding the third prince down from the golden cloud, and landed in front of the fairy gate of Nanyue Mansion.

"True Monarch Hongqing?!" Seeing Fang Jian riding on the Yuxiao Heavenly Horse in front of him, Yi Qian's expression froze, and he hurried up to meet him.

Hearing her husband's words, Jin Yuxian's face was also startled, and then her heart tightened, she quickly hugged Yi Xiao and walked up to meet her, at the same time thinking extremely anxiously: "Shen Jun Hongqing probably didn't listen to what I just said Are you there?"

(End of this chapter)

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