
Chapter 57

Chapter 57

On the other side, after Qin Ziling left "Shanye Suju", he first went to the blacksmith's shop to get the three-edged army thorn and Yanling sword that he ordered yesterday, and then went straight to the training cave in Xisheng Mountain.

After practicing in the cave for a whole day, it was natural that he would supplement himself with meat and medicinal materials.

In the middle of the night, Qin Ziling, accompanied by Yuan Da, walked through Xisheng Mountain like a ghost, and then came to a hidden place that he had stepped on a long time ago. He picked up the Three-Length Army Thorn and the Yanling Saber, and flew all the way high in the forest.

Whether it was the Three-Length Army Thorn or the Yanling Sword, Qin Ziling used a kind of non-toxic plant branches and leaves to paint it black, so it was difficult for the naked eye to detect it under the cover of night.

It is condescending and has a wide range of sight.

Not long after, Qin Ziling found a pheasant.

These are wild animals that are relatively easy to find in the mountains, and they are also the wild animals that Qin Ziling possessed the most in the past.

Qin Ziling first put down the triangular army thorn, then rolled up the Yanling saber and silently attacked the pheasant's head.

"Cluck!" Sensing the danger, the pheasant made an uneasy sound, and even instinctively fled in the opposite direction from where the Yanling knife was attacking.

However, the speed of the pheasant's escape was far inferior to that of the Yanling knife. When the sharp blade slashed, the chicken's head fell to the ground, and blood gushed out.

Seeing this, Qin Ziling rolled up the Yanling Saber and the pheasant with his spirit, and swept away the three edged army stabs along the way, returned to the hiding place, put the pheasant in the corpse ring, and set off again.

Not long after this time, Qin Ziling found an antelope, which is also a relatively common wild animal.

Qin Ziling used the triangular army to assassinate this time, but the antelope was more vigilant than the pheasant, and the speed of dodging and running was faster. Qin Ziling failed to stab it several times, and finally let the antelope run away.

Watching the antelope disappear into the dense forest, Qin Ziling, who was a little tired, was not disappointed in the slightest.

The escape of the antelope showed that the weapons controlled by the soul were not quiet enough to be stealthy and swift enough, and it needed to be greatly strengthened in training. From another aspect, it also showed that his decision to change the way of hunting was correct.

Only through this way of hunting and continuously strengthening the training of soul-controlling weapons, can he better attack and kill powerful enemies in the future.

After resting for a while, Qin Ziling continued to search in the air with the Mitsubishi army thorn and the Yanling knife rolled up.

During the period, a pheasant, a python, and a hare were found one after another.

It is easy to kill the pheasant and the boa constrictor with the Yanling Saber, but the hare is very vigilant and fast. Even with the lighter and more varied Yanling Saber, he finally let it escape.

"This is just facing wild animals that only have the ability to dodge but have no ability to counterattack. They have almost no IQ and can only react instinctively. Even if they are difficult to kill, it must be many times more difficult to face a warrior with advanced cultivation. It seems that I would rather Earn less money, and try to control weapons to hunt and kill as much as possible, otherwise, even if the spirit continues to grow stronger, it will not have much actual combat ability to control weapons to kill the enemy, and in the end it will be useless with all the strength!" Watching the hare "swish", it jumped into Leaving in the bushes quickly, Qin Ziling's mind turned, and his previous thoughts became more and more firm.

While his mind was spinning, Qin Ziling flew into the sky again.

"That's... the musk deer walking on the cloud!" Not long after flying into the sky, Qin Ziling saw an animal that looked like a deer but had cloud-like stripes on its four hooves. the back of the head.

Speaking of which, Qin Ziling has been hunting for four or five months, and he often goes to the "Mountain Plain Residence", so he has naturally learned about various prey.

He recognized at a glance that it was the musk deer walking on the cloud he saw in the wild animal catalog picture of "Shanye Suju".

According to legend, the musk deer is not only extremely vigilant, but also runs like a musk, unable to catch up with flying arrows. Although Qin Ziling is determined to practice repelling things more, he is not so stupid as to practice with musk deer.

The most important thing is that the male musk deer will produce musk.

Qin Ziling didn't know how much the musk was worth, but he knew that the musk of the musk stepping cloud was rare and very precious.

Today, because of Xiao Qing, he has saved 500 taels of silver and is no longer ashamed of his pocket, but compared to his huge expenditure, 500 taels will not last long, so it is rare for him to encounter valuable wild animals. Change tactics.

Qin Ziling simply put down the three-edged army thorn and the Yanling knife, and then his spirit quietly flew towards the musk deer stepping on the cloud with the mountain wind.

The musk deer stepping on the cloud was indeed extremely vigilant, Qin Ziling was already extremely careful, and even drifted away with the wind when the wind blew, the musk stepping on the cloud seemed to have sensed something, his ears stood up all of a sudden, his eyes looked around vigilantly in the dark night, The hooves exerted a slight force, obviously preparing to run away if something went wrong.

But the musk deer could not see the soul after all, and before it really realized the danger, the soul had already exerted its strength suddenly, and a shadow that could not be seen by the naked eye enveloped the musk deer, and soon the musk deer would be covered all over. He flicked, and then a strange look appeared in his eyes, and he walked towards the place where Qin Ziling placed the three-edged army thorn and wild goose-wing knife in the dark night, biting the handle with his mouth, and walked towards Qin Ziling's hiding place.


On the second day, when he lived alone in the mountains, shopkeeper Zhu saw Qin Ziling walking into the shop with a big bag on his back, and hurriedly greeted him.

"Mr. Qin, you are here, what wild animals have you harvested this time?"

Qin Ziling put the sack on the counter, smiled and said nothing.

The shopkeeper Zhu couldn't help being very curious when he saw this, and quickly untied the mouth of the bag.

"This, this is the musk deer!" Seeing this, shopkeeper Zhu's face changed drastically, and he blurted out in surprise. Then he impatiently put his hand into the bag, touched the musk deer's abdomen, and found an egg-sized lump under the skin. Dongxi shook his hands, and said excitedly, "Mr. Qin, you are really good at it. It is said that this cloud-treading male musk deer can run like a cloud-treading musk deer. It can't even catch up with flying arrows. I didn't expect you to be hunted down." To one end. The spice made from the musk of the stepping musk musk is very expensive, sometimes even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it, good stuff, good stuff!"

Seeing shopkeeper Zhu's excited look, Qin Ziling was also a little excited, but on the surface he acted calmly, and said lightly: "It's just luck, shopkeeper Zhu will give you a price!"

"This price, let me think about it, think about it." The shopkeeper Zhu pulled the beard on his chin, and after a while he said cautiously to Qin Ziling: "Mr. Qin, what do you think about 700 taels? If you think the price is not enough, I will I can ask the owner for you to ask her to put this cloud-walking musk musk musk musk on the auction house in Xingbao Auction House in the inner city, and then you can pay some commission."

"The nourishing effect of the musk musk deer is similar to that of ordinary musk deer. It is not worth a lot of money, but the spices made from its musk have always been a treasure that the lady of the noble lady flocks to. The most important thing is that the musk deer is rare and the speed It is extremely fast and extremely difficult to meet and capture, so it is very rare in the market and very valuable, and it is already qualified to be put up for auction in the auction house."

(End of this chapter)

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