Chapter 667 Dark Fruits
"If you are young, the big thing is not good!" Several remnants of the Eight Treasures Navy fled back to the Kingdom of Flowers in despair, found Cai Yi, the pillar of the thirteenth generation, and knelt on the ground with a "plop".

Lao Cai frowned, and asked dissatisfiedly: "How can you be so flustered! Are you still the elite of the Eight Treasures Navy!?"

A Bu beside Lao Cai asked, "Strange, didn't Grandpa come back with you?"

"The leader, the leader..."

"Death at the hands of the port mafia!"

The remnants of the Eight Treasures Navy wailed loudly.

"What did you say!?" Lao Cai's eyes turned red instantly, he grabbed the speaker by the collar and lifted him up: "Say it again!"

"The leader died at the hands of the port mafia!"

"You're lying!" Lao Cai raised his other arm, about to blow his head off with a punch.

"Brother! Calm down!" Abu quickly held Cai Yi's hand with both hands, preventing him from swinging his fist, and kept admonishing him, "Listen to what he has to say first!"


Lao Cai threw forward, and threw the person in his hand to the ground, and the eight-treasure sailor who reported the bad news immediately hit the ground on his buttocks.


Lao Cai's eyes were red, his nostrils were dilated, and he spewed out two jets of scorching air. His chest heaved for a moment, and he said viciously, "Say it!"

"Yes!" Babao Saijun didn't care about the pain in his butt, so he got up quickly and began to tell what happened.

After hearing what happened, Lao Cai's eyes were completely red, and he shouted hysterically: "The port mafia!"

The sound resounded through the sky, startling a bunch of birds.

"Brother, what should we do?" Abu, the thirteenth deputy pillar, asked.

"Of course it is to avenge the leader!" Lao Cai wanted revenge on the spot.

"Leader!" The Eight Treasures Navy who had escaped immediately persuaded: "The strength of the port mafia is too strong!"

"You boneless bastards!" Lao Cai raised his foot and was about to kick the speaker.

"Brother, calm down!" Abu supported Lao Cai from behind again, and other people nearby also helped to stop Cai Yi: "Even the leader is not their opponent, you are the master, and you..."

"Huchihuchi" Lao Cai panted heavily, like an enraged bull, his shoulders heaved and heaved, and he was trying his best to contain his anger.

"Brother, you are now the leader of the Eight Treasures Navy!" Abu argued, "You can easily defeat Grandpa... No, we are definitely not their opponents!"

"Even if we go to take revenge, we are simply going to die!"

"I know." Lao Cai's breathing became steady, but his eyes were still red and bloodshot. He gradually regained his senses and apologized: "I shouldn't have treated you like this just now."

Receiving the apology from the new leader, the eight-treasure sailor said with trepidation: "It's okay!"

"Brother, the most important thing for you now is to hold a ceremony to take over as the leader and stabilize the morale of the Eight Treasures Navy!"

"I know." Lao Cai nodded, and said solemnly: "Abu, once I become the leader of the Eight Treasures Navy, I will marry Helisa immediately!"

"Brother, have you really... thought it through?" Abu asked hesitantly, this is the marriage contract that Qingjiao made for Cai Yi.He has also seen Hollysa with his own eyes, she is not so much a woman as a man who looks like a woman!

Hollysa's face is rough, her limbs are powerful, her thighs and arms are even thicker than some men...

"Of course, if I marry Helisa, the Erbao Navy will also be used by me," Lao Cai is willing to sacrifice his personal interests to promote the development of the Eight Treasure Navy. He doesn't care who his marriage partner is, as long as political marriage is beneficial As long as the Eight Treasures Navy is beneficial.

Moreover, the news of the death of Qingjiao, the leader of the Eight Treasures Navy, will soon spread throughout the Kingdom of Flowers. This foundation.

"Abu, go and inform the king of the Kingdom of Flowers immediately, as well as the first treasure, the second treasure...the pillar of the Seven Treasures Navy, and I will take over the Eight Treasures Navy in two days!"

"Yes!" Abu jumped into action immediately.

The two of them didn't even ask carefully about the treasures accumulated by the Eight Treasures Navy for hundreds of years. If the port mafia is capable, they will naturally be able to take your treasures. If they don't have the strength, they can't open the treasure jade with their current strength. Ice bed, it's useless to ask.

The Kingdom of Flowers is a member country of the World Government, and the eight water armies belong to the official fleet of pirates. Wearing military uniforms is the national army, and taking off the military uniforms becomes pirates.

In fact, many franchise countries are like this, but the world government turns a blind eye to it. After all, there are too many pirates to manage.

In the Dressrosa incident, because the Kingdom of Flowers lost the war, the king of the Kingdom of Flowers sent Qingjiao, Lao Cai, and Abu to Dressrosa to investigate the clown's underground arms dealer business.

Therefore, officials and thieves are really hard to define in this world.

"Green pepper died in battle..." The king of the Kingdom of Flowers sighed. He had just returned to the country from the Holy Land when he heard the bad news. Cai took over the ceremony of the Eight Treasures Navy,
He Lisha's grandfather also received the news of Qingjiao's tragic death at the station of the Erbao Navy.

"Qingjiao... Sigh!" If you can make a marriage contract with Qingjiao's grandson, the relationship between the two parties cannot be bad. He said with emotion: "Since the tip of Qingjiao was dented by Karp, his domineering is no longer what it used to be. Usually, death at the hands of others is something that has long been expected.”

"Grandfather!" He Lisa said: "Such a big change has happened to the Eight Treasures Navy, I'm going to visit Cai Yi."

"Go, go~" Helisa's grandfather waved and said, "You two are not too young, get married as soon as possible!"

"...Grandfather, aren't you plotting to establish the Eight Treasures Navy?" Hollysa asked suspiciously.

"You child, you speak for your husband's family before you get married!" Her grandfather couldn't help but smile bitterly, and said angrily, "You are the only seedling of our branch!"

"Even if Qingjiao's strength is weakened, he is still the leader of the Eight Treasures Navy, and the strength of our old fellows is about the same."

"But when one person dies suddenly, it's hard to guarantee that other people won't have any thoughts. If they want to do something to Cai Yi..."

"Looking at my old face, they shouldn't go too far, so I want you to get married as soon as possible."

"So that's the case." Hollysa nodded.

"You too, don't dance with sticks and guns all day long, read more books and learn about politics!"

"I got it!" Hollysa didn't wait for her grandfather to finish speaking, so she ran out of the room first, and shouted, "I'm going to see Lao Cai."

"Alas!" The honor of being my precious granddaughter has scared away many men. Before, she used the method of marrying into a man to choose a man. This condition was too harsh, so she made a marriage contract with the thirteenth generation pillar of the Eight Treasures Navy.

"Beihai, Xihai, New World..."

The Red Earth Continent divides the entire world into two halves. These three sea areas are in the same hemisphere. Today, when the North Sea is ruled by the Dawn Pirates, apart from the New World, the most tense countries are the West Sea countries.

The Dawn Pirates have been famous so far, but in [-], they have already occupied one of the four seas, and their power ranks alone among the Four Emperors. No one can say for sure that in the next [-] years, the Dawn Pirates will It will not occupy the new world, the west sea, and then compete with the world government chamber.

The countries in the West Sea are not united. There are frequent conflicts between the Kingdom of Flowers and its neighbors, and it is even more common for people to misfire. The only thing missing is a fuse that will cause the two countries to fight.

Holisa's grandfather walked out of the room worriedly, wondering how the World Conference was going and whether it could effectively solve the danger of the Dawn Pirates.

The whole world is being stirred up by the Dawn Pirates, and this huge wave set off by Kuilong will surely sweep the whole world!
Two days later, the gongs and drums of the Eight Treasures Water Army's garrison shook the sky, and the lion dance team cleared the way in front of each step. Cai Yi followed behind, climbed onto the high platform, and became the new leader of the Eight Treasures Water Army.

Then, Cai Yi immediately announced that he would marry Hollysa in a month.

As for the death of the elderly in the family, the rule that does not allow marriage does not exist at all.

The other chiefs who watched the ceremony had different expressions, and their idea of ​​finding out the reality of the Eight Treasures Navy was bankrupt.


The three of Zhongye from the Central Plains took away all the treasures accumulated by the Eight Treasures Navy, and handed over half to the Shenzhou Kingdom, and they disposed of the other half by themselves to recruit troops and build warships.

Naturally, it is impossible for them to buy steel battleships from the Shenzhou Kingdom. It is too obvious to do so, and they are putting the label of me as a member of the Dawn Pirates on my face.

But they didn't know that the attention of the Warring States had already been cast on them, which made Xihai's navy branch focus on them. Even the news of the death of the leader Qingjiao was only a little slower than the King of the Kingdom of Flowers.

In Xihai, there are not many forces that can put their hands and feet to solve a [-] million bounty criminal. Warring States is even more convinced that the Dawn Pirates are ambitious and are deploying in Xihai.

Even though the port mafia did not act as a pirate, nor was it named as a pirate, they were still actively attacked by various naval branches in the West Sea.

"No matter who gets on a warship, it will be very difficult." This is Shi Ping's evaluation of the navy's large warships.

Even if the navy's large warships are scarce at present, the firepower of other medium-sized warships is enough for the gangsters of the port mafia to drink a pot.

For a time, the port mafia lost a lot of manpower.

Arturia used her charisma to lead the fleet to counterattack the attack of the Navy Branch, making the situation in the West Sea even more chaotic.

The combined fleet of the Eight Treasures Navy and the Two Treasures Navy often ambushes the ships of the port mafia on the sea, but with Artoria's superb commander, the Erbao and Eight Treasures Fleet failed to get cheap, and instead often triggered large-scale conflicts among the three parties. Melee.

Just as the West Sea was in chaos, the New World returned to chaos after a period of calm.

"clang clang"

Sadie, who was armed with two knives, was forced to the vicinity of the main mast by the Dikalban brothers, and they surrounded Saqi one after the other.

The members of the fourth team of the Whitebeard Pirates shouted excitedly: "Here we come, it is the second team's reinforcements!"


A flaming ball of fire flew onto the deck.

Sach said excitedly: "Ace!"

"Sage, are you alright?"

"Ah...thanks a lot!" The two fought back to back and easily defeated the Dikalban brothers.

One evening, Sage showed Ace a strange fruit with a purple surface and irregular patterns: "Ace, I found something interesting."

Ace was taken aback, and asked, "Is that a devil fruit?"

Sach said casually, "I don't know what kind of fruit it is yet."

Behind Ace, Marshall D. Teach stared at the fruit dumbfounded.

Seeing the expression on Tiqi's face, Saqi asked, "Why, Tiqi, do you know this fruit?"

"Ah?" Tiqi was taken aback, and quickly doubted whether he had shown a bad expression, and immediately said: "Well... I can't tell, I may have seen it in a book before..."

"Really?" Everyone's eyes turned to Tiqi.

Tiki bit the bullet and suggested: "Well. Sachi, don't eat it yet. I'll go back to the room and help you find the book I saw before."

"Oh! It was a great help!" Saqi didn't realize what Tiqi was thinking in his heart, and thanked him: "I feel a little nervous about eating a devil fruit with unknown abilities."

"That's right." Tiki smiled dryly, and then walked into the cabin alone, showing a treacherous and sinister smile in a direction that no one else could see.

That night, it was windy and rainy, with lightning and thunder.

The roar of thunder and the falling sound of rain covered up many sounds, and Tiki knocked on Sage's door.

"I found this book." Tikki handed it over with one hand, hiding the other behind his back.

"Thank you very much." Saqi took the book, turned back to the room, held the book in both hands and quickly turned the pages, and asked, "Where to write..."

The moment Tichi's body stepped into the room, the tip of the knife hidden behind his back pierced Saki's body.

"Wh--" Sage couldn't utter a complete sentence, Titch's arms around him grabbed the book and covered Sage's mouth and nose.


The sharp blade was pulled out and stabbed again, with a total of sixteen cuts, the heart, lung lobes, kidneys, all vital organs were stabbed, and Saqi swallowed his last breath with a face full of reluctance.

"Huh...huh..." Tiqi was also panting heavily. He could scan the entire Moby Dick with his knowledge and arrogance. He was afraid that his actions would be noticed by Whitebeard. Once he was discovered by Whitebeard, he would die if he violated the rules on the ship. undoubtedly!

Fortunately, fate is on his side!An Anya chooses herself!
Tiqi raised his head and looked at the fruit on the table with his round eyes. It was the dark fruit that Saqi just got today.

Tiki stretched out his blood-stained palm and hugged the Dark Fruit into his arms. He really wanted to take a bite now, but no, he had to leave the Moby Dick. He had to be proficient in water, so he swallowed it and ate it immediately. Under the dark fruit idea.

He picked up a towel and wiped off the excess blood, which then clumped up, still on Thatch's body.

"I'm sorry, Sachi, this devil fruit chose me." Although Tiqi said sorry, there was no sign of regret.

He concealed the door, and walked out of the cabin quickly. There was no lifeboat on the Moby Dick, and he jumped into the sea against the wind and rain. The thunder outside covered the sound of Ticky's diving.

Early the next morning, the members of the fourth team who got up early to prepare breakfast for the whole crew pushed open the door of Sach's room.

"Captain Sage!"

Shouts of astonishment echoed throughout the ship, awakening the sleeping Moby Dick.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for a monthly ticket from Jie Mou; two monthly tickets for Amy Master; a monthly ticket for Xiaopan and Butterfly Tianxiayi; a monthly ticket for Leo; ;

(End of this chapter)

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