Chapter 617 is approaching
"Hey, take your hands away." Esdeth said in a cold tone, "If it wasn't for the fact that you have been holding back with me for too long..."

"What, what's the relationship?" Meijiu weakly replied, retracting her white and tender palm that was stopped in mid-air.

Seeing Mijiu retracting her hand, Estes turned his head and asked Eric with a half-smile: "I'm not in China, did you have a good time?"

"How is that possible!" Eric immediately denied, "I'm always worried about your safety. After all, Beihai is the front line."

"Darling—" Miku was so moved that she tightly hugged Eric's arms.

"Heh..." Esdes didn't believe it, but she didn't delve into it. Rather than being a canary in a cage, she preferred the life of fighting around the North Sea.

Blood was splattered, wars were raging, swords were clashing, guns were firing, her bones were full of fighting genes.

"I found a newcomer who is quite strong." Esdes sat up halfway, and the thin blanket slipped from his chest.

"You're asking about the one with the pink hair, right? Her name is Krulu Tepesi." Eric said casually, resting his arms on his pillow, "It's really powerful. Apart from the need to strengthen its domineering, there are no shortcomings."

"She looks so cute! She looks so proud, I really want to hold her in my arms..." Miku also propped up her body, and Esdesh's eyelids twitched with the two dangling white objects.

"Uh... don't say that in front of her, be careful she bites you." Eric reminded: "She is a vampire who has lived for thousands of years, and she is the queen who rules a region."

"Oh!" Meijiu's eyes sparkled, and she asked, "If bitten by a vampire, will I become a vampire?"

"Of course not." Eric warned: "Don't go to Krulu, let her turn you into a vampire..."

"Darling, don't worry." Mei Jiu desperately shook her head, her soft silver-purple hair fluttering along with her.

Estes asked with some dissatisfaction: "Speaking of which, why did you impose restrictions on the conditions for participating in the Budokai?"

"Oh, this..." Eric said: "If you are allowed to participate in the top eight contestants, Zifang thinks that the number of contestants who will come to Shenzhou to register may decrease."

"The registration fee of 100 million Baileys is a large amount of financial income, and it also comes with a lot of hidden taxes: such as hotel accommodation, cruise tolls, booth rental, etc..."

"Okay, it's Ovary's proposal, right? I'll settle the score with him later." Esthers wrote it down in his small notebook.


Estes put on his shirt, and the soft cloth rubbed against his smooth skin, making a slight sound.

Eric was taken aback: "What are you doing?"

"Huh?" Estes turned his head, pursed his lips and said with a smile, "I'm going to try the rookie's skills."

Estes picked up the clothes that fell on the ground one by one, dressed neatly again, and returned to the heroic female general again.

"I'll go back as soon as I go!" The well-fed Estes waved his hand and closed the door.

"Miss Estes still has the strength..." Meijiu sighed, "I begged for mercy just now..."

"You're not bad either..." Eric put his arms around Miku's waist.

"Darling, you are so annoying~" Miku punched Eric shyly.

"Come again!"


"Eric..." Krulu gritted his teeth and said, "What's the matter with that woman? She attacked without saying a word."

"Oh..." Eric looked Crulu up and down: "It's just as if you're fine."

"It's not all right!" Krulu said indignantly, "My original clothes have become like this!"

"Oh..." Eric looked at the tattered clothes, and then said, "Your children's clothes look good too."

"You're looking for a beating...!" Krulu gritted his teeth.

Eric asked solemnly: "Have you realized the importance of armed domineering?"

"...That's right." Krulu replied unhappily. She always fights with bare hands, and the importance of armed domineering is self-evident.

"In the next few months, you will receive intensive training with Nangong that month."

"Wait a minute." Nangong stopped that month: "Who is training us?"

"Chiron, and—" Eric paused, then continued: "Esdece."

"I refuse!" Cruru protested loudly.

"Well, I'll tell her to be gentle."

"This way there is no point in special training." Estes walked into the training ground.

"You bastard—!" Krulu half-closed his eyes and glared fiercely at Esdeath.The gap in strength prevented her from rushing forward immediately.

"Great eyes." Estes smiled.

"..." Krulu fell silent. When she came to this world, she also collected some information and heard about Esdeath's hobbies.

Eric closed his eyes and said firmly, "You are not allowed to torture your companion."

"I know~" Estes spread his hands: "Domineering needs to be tempered by fighting, am I right, Chiron?"

"Yes." Chiron nodded in affirmation.

"Chiron is against that month, and Estes is against Krulu." Eric instructed: "Chiron, Estes, don't go too far."

Chiron chuckled and said, "Don't worry, Captain."

Nangong sighed as if giving up that month, his eyes became sharp: "In this case, I can only go up."

"Tsk!" Krulu smacked his mouth and rushed towards Esdeath.


Three months later.


Two sailboats dragged by sea snakes sailed on the sea. On the hard red sails, there was a skull logo wrapped in nine snakes, and a palace-like building stood on the deck.

The flagship of the Nine Snake Pirates, one of the Seven Martial Seas, and the current car of Boa Hancock, the "Pirate Empress".

The second sister, Sandasonia, persuaded: "My lord, you should go back to your room and rest."

The third sister, Marigold, echoed, "That's right, my lord, it's very windy here."

"No, when I think of Master Eric, my heart beats faster, and I can't calm down." Hancock put his hands on his chest and said, "It's good to blow the sea breeze outside."

"..." Sandersonia and Marigold looked at each other and gave up on persuasion.

"Master Snake!" A member of the Nine Snake Pirates ran over and knelt on one knee: "We are about to arrive at the Chambord Islands, what instructions do you have?"

Hancock tightened his white fingers in an instant, held them in a stalemate for a few seconds, then relaxed his body, and said, "Understood, order to go down and stop at Island 13."

"Yes!" The female members of the Nine Snake Pirates left immediately.

"It's strange..." Hancock cupped his flushed face with both hands: "When I think of seeing Lord Eric, I don't have any disgust in my heart, I just want to see Lord Eric soon."

"That kid among you is very poisonous..." Gu Luoliosa came out from nowhere.

Seeing this little old woman, Hancock was furious: "When did you get involved!"

"Don't, don't..." Seeing Hancock roll up his sleeves and walk over, Guroliosa immediately waved his hands and explained, "I got on the boat to see Eric."

"Huh?" Hancock brushed up Guloriosa's hair, "If you don't tell me why, I'll—"

Hancock walked to the side of the ship, stretched out his arms, and Gulo Liosa's whole body was suspended in the air, with the blue water below: "Throw you into the sea and feed the sea kings!"

"My lord..." The two younger sisters wanted to dissuade Hancock from his behavior.

"Of course it's an alliance!" Gu Luoliosa's short legs kept thumping.

"The Navy has developed warships that can cross the calm zone. The calm zone is no longer an insurmountable defense line. New defensive measures are necessary!"

"The scientific research and development of the Dawn Pirates is second to none. I will ask Eric to buy some long-range and powerful long-range weapons!"

"Oh..." Hancock rolled his eyes up, as if recalling something: "Speaking of which, Master Eric seemed to want to give me some weapons before."

"Really!?" Gu Luoliosa was overjoyed. I didn't expect that Eric would take the initiative to deliver it to the door, and there is such a good son-in-law...

"However, I declined."

Guloriosa yelled, "Why!?"

"Huh?" Hancock's eyes turned cold, and he stared at her coldly: "How dare you speak to the current emperor in such a tone?"

"No..." Gu Luoliosa remembered that there was a vast ocean below her.

"Snake Princess, I have something to say..."

With a flick of his hand, Hancock threw Guloriosa onto the deck, and Guloriosa rolled around on the deck several times.

"What if Master Eric misunderstands me!"

"Huh..." Gu Luoliosa took a breath and said loudly: "No matter what, there are various preparations to ensure the safety of the country!"

"Hmph!" Hancock squinted at Guloriosa: "What do you have to say, wait until I finish meeting Mrs. Eric—"

"However, if you dare to interrupt my meeting with Sir Eric, don't blame me for being disregarded!"

As soon as Hancock turned around, the fluffy cape danced, and then she stepped into the ship building, and the huge canopy of the Alchiman mangrove gradually appeared on the sea level.


On the 13th, a group of women walked into the bar named "Knocking Bamboo Pole" in the Alqimanmangrove.

"Jingle" The bell hanging over the door rang.

"Welcome..." Xia Qi raised her head, just about to say hello, a surprised expression appeared on her face:

"Rare guest, I didn't expect you to come here."

Hancock nodded in response: "Xia Qi, hello."

The second and third younger sisters behind Hancock greeted, "Xia Qi, long time no see."

Raleigh, who was reading the newspaper in the corner, said hello: "Oh! Isn't this Hancock!"

"What wind brought you here?"

"My concubine is going to China, and I don't want to take a navy ship, so I can only go to Fishman Island, and I came to Lei Li for help with coating."

"Go to China?" Lei Li narrowed his eyes: "Hancock, you also want to participate in this year's World's No. [-] Martial Arts Association?"


"You don't want to board a naval ship, is it an order from the world government?" Xia Qi noticed Hancock's remarks.

"That's it."

Rayleigh rubbed his chin: "This is not like your character..."

"Ahaha..." Hancock's two younger sisters laughed awkwardly.

"Okay, I'll go and coat your boat." Raleigh picked up the tools.

"Rayleigh, how long will it take?" Hancock asked.

"Based on the size of your ship, it will take five days." Lei Li turned his head and asked with a smile, "Are you in such a hurry?"

"It's not..." Hancock blushed a little.

"Oh——" Xia Qi behind the bar looked at Hancock with interest as if she had discovered a new world.

"Hancock, how cute..."

"Xia Qi!" Hancock covered his flushed face embarrassingly.

"Little Eric is so happy..." Xia Qi knocked the ashes off the ashtray, "However, little Eric has a lot of confidante friends..."

Hancock clenched his fists: "A concubine will never lose!"

"I will support you." Xia Qi joked, "The emperor of Amazon Lily can't lose?"


When Hancock was heading to China, Crocodile and Bartholomew Xiong took the warship of the Navy Headquarters to the port below the Red Earth Continent, and then took the bubble cable car to the holy land of Marinjoa, passing through Marinjoa. Asia, and then arrived at Chigang in the New World, from Chigang to the Kingdom of China.

"Huh..." Crocodile, with dark eyes, exhaled a puff of smoke, glanced at Bartholomi Xiong who was reading a book, and said sarcastically, "You have become a running dog of the world government, and you will obey all orders."

"Aren't you the same?" Bartholomew Xiong asked back without raising his head. Under the cover of the rimless glasses, Crocodile couldn't read Bartholomew Xiong's expression.

"The sand crocodile, which has never obeyed the convening order of the world government, will obediently go to the new world that has been away for 20 years. What are you thinking?"

"..." Crocodile's cheeks twitched, but he didn't answer.

Bartholomew Xiong closed the book in his hand and met Crocodile's eyes.

Crocodile left behind, and a cold voice came from afar: "I hope to meet you at the martial arts meeting, tyrant."

"..." Bartholomi Xiong didn't respond. He raised his legs and opened the book to continue reading.


With the experience of holding the martial arts meeting last time, Shenzhou Kingdom started to hold the celebration one month in advance, and the streets were full of tourists and contestants from all over the world.

On both sides of the wide road, there are rows of stalls, including but not limited to snacks, clothing, and specialty products. Vendors use various tricks to attract tourists.

Eric took advantage of the opportunity to introduce his own country's traditional culture, such as zongzi and moon cakes. According to Eric's dictation, Xiangling carefully researched and made them, and they became the special snacks of China.

Once there are too many people, friction and riots will inevitably occur. These emergencies are all handed over to the magistrate in charge of order.

Also in order to prevent the contestants from making trouble, Eric also specially set out a few small deserted islands for the fresh-blooded contestants to train, so as not to destroy the completed urban area.

On this day, Blade Dance Port, which is responsible for receiving foreign tourists, ushered in a broad-headed sailing ship.

"That's the Nine Snake Pirates!" Someone recognized the pirate flag on the sail at a glance.

"Shichibukai, the 'Pirate Empress' is here!"

The exclamation in the port is endless, but these voices are from the mouths of tourists from other places, and the local aborigines don't think much about it. Even the king of Qiwuhai must abide by the rules when he comes to the territory of the Four Emperors!
 Thank you readers for your recommendation tickets; thank you big guys for your monthly tickets: Scholar Telling Stories, Shi Meng, Book Friends 151017211714883, Tianshu Miao of Cups, Datang Elf, Guangjie_Shanyuan, Book Friends 20220102004628662, Milk Coffee with Bread , Runaway Black Bear, Su Shi, Playing Bing Bing's Feelings, Dugu Shangyu, A Man with a Cup of Life, If Your Heart Is What You Want, Xu Zehong,

(End of this chapter)

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