Chapter 537

"Skaha, you are so ruthless..." Eric rubbed his aching head and body.

"Don't forget to practice marksmanship diligently." Skaha replied lightly.


"After the fourth—" Kurumi wanted to help Eric go back in time.

"No need." Eric shook his head, patted his chest, and said, "This little injury will heal soon."

"Are you still human?" Zhong Yuanzhong also walked around Eric curiously, and said, "You transformed into a dragon again, and you suddenly turned into a humanoid creature, and your whole body is still beeping. discharge..."

"This is the ability of the devil fruit, didn't you see it? When I turned into a human-beast form, my height became a lot taller?"

"If you eat the animal-type devil fruit, maybe it will help you get rid of the problems that have plagued you for many years."

Zhong Yuanzhong also opened his eyes and asked excitedly: "Really!?"

"Fake." Kuang San replied angrily: "You already have the ability of the gravity fruit. Ordinary people will die on the spot if they eat the second devil fruit."

"..." Zhong Yuan also lowered his head in disappointment.

Yoshina comforted in that strange tone: "Handsome Mr. Hat, don't be disappointed, the value of a man will not be reflected in his height."

"No, that's right, Mr. Nakahara." Yoshino also comforted in a low voice.

"Ah, I'm fine." Zhong Yuanzhong also waved his hand and said, "From today, I will officially join you."

"Does this organization have a famous name?"

"Dawn Pirates."

"The name is a bit awkward..."

"The name Port Mafia doesn't sound very nice..."

Eric said: "The name doesn't matter at all, the most important thing is the members inside?"

"That's right." Zhongyuan Zhong also nodded, stood up straight, and asked Eric with a correct attitude: "So, what is my job?"

"Don't worry, let's take you to meet our members first."


"I thought there was something important." Nangong unfolded his black lace fan that month: "So I met someone new..."

Nakahara also apologized: "I'm sorry to disturb you when you are busy."

"Oh? Quite polite, not at all like that outfit should have." Nangong Nayue said quite unexpectedly.


Eric pointed to Nangong Nayue, and introduced: "Nagong Nangong is currently serving as the sheriff in the city, responsible for arresting wanted criminals, and occasionally goes to school as a guest teacher."

Zhong Yuanzhong, who had never been to school, also said with emotion: "Teacher..."

"In addition, she is also a newcomer who has just joined the Dawn Pirates."

"That's my senior too." Zhong Yuan Zhong also said seriously: "Is Miss Nangong my immediate superior?"

"Of course..." Nangong Nayue raised her head, intending to admit it.

"No." Eric interrupted decisively.

"It doesn't matter if I bring a newcomer?" Nangong was a little dissatisfied that month, and wanted to give Eric a shot with his right hand holding the fan.

"What do you call taking a newcomer? I'm afraid that after you finish taking over, there will be another male attendant by your side!"

"Baby-5 is about to become your exclusive maid!" Eric patted the table, then turned to look at Baby-5 standing behind Nangong Nayue: "Don't listen to Nangong Nayue too much!"

Baby-5 replied: "Miss Nangong's request is not too much, just make tea for her."

"Look." Nangong Nayue lifted her chin triumphantly.

"However, if Captain Eric has an emergency call, I will definitely hurry back!"

"...As you like." Eric rubbed his temples.

Afterwards, Eric introduced all the members present one by one, and said: "There are still some members who are on duty in the field, and several other members are busy in the laboratory, and we cannot meet now."

Zhong Yuanzhong also nodded.

"Your current job is to learn about the Shenzhou Kingdom, surrounding enemies, and the situation of the Xihai Gang as soon as possible."

Zhong Yuanzhong also nodded and agreed: "Yes."

"Captain, are you going to attack Xihai now?" Chiron frowned and said, "A little too impatient."

Eric shook his head and said, "Beihai hasn't swallowed it yet, so how could I attack Xihai?"

"Moreover, the mainland of China must pass through a part of Totland to reach the West Sea."

"However, it's not too late to collect intelligence. Now, we have an extra member in our team who understands the Mafia, so we must make the best use of it."

"Your Majesty's idea of ​​planning for rainy days is not wrong." Zhuge Liang wanted to shake the feather fan, but when he saw the black lace fan in Nangong Nayue's hand, he put down the feather fan without any trace, and said:
"Our goal is to occupy the entire world. One day we will attack Xihai. The more information we learn in advance, the better we can formulate an occupation strategy."

"The only thing we know about the West Sea is that there are many powerful countries and the general concept of gangsters running rampant. We know little about the complex relationships in it."

Seeing what Kong Ming said, Chiron no longer held objections.

Zhong Yuanzhong also asked in an uncertain tone: "...The goal of the Dawn Pirates is to occupy the whole world? Am I dreaming?"

"You heard me right." Nangong Nayue raised her eyebrows, showed a mocking smile, and said, "I was also surprised when I learned about their purpose."

"However, these guys seem to be serious."

"We will succeed." Chi Tong, who has been devoting himself to eating meat, said seriously: "You have to trust Eric."

"That's right, you have to trust brother-in-law." Hei Tong, who was eating snacks, continued.

"If you don't believe in yourself, who else will believe in me?" Eric smiled and said, "First set a small goal, for example: occupy the whole world."

"The big goal is to occupy the Milky Way?" Nangong curled his lips that month.

"If technology allows, it's not impossible..."

"Cut." Nangong smacked his mouth that month.

"Yamato, take Chuuya around first."

"Okay, leave it to me!" Yamato patted his chest and agreed happily.


"Okay, so tall..." When Yamato stood up, Nakahara Nakaya, who was 1.6 meters tall, looked up at the moment when Yamato stood up.

"My height is not considered tall." Yamato replied cheerfully: "I should have inherited my father's blood, so I appear to be a little taller than ordinary people."

"How tall is your father?" Zhong Yuanzhong also asked tentatively.

"Seven meters, right?" Yamato recalled.

"This is too high! Hey!" Zhong Yuanzhong also tried his best to complain: "This is a giant!"

"The giants are not that short." Yamato shook his head and said, "According to Eric, the shortest giant is 12 meters tall."

"It's so enviable..." Zhong Yuanzhong also murmured, and then shook his head again and again: "No, 12 meters is too high, I can do it at 1.7 meters..."

"Do you think you are short?" Yamato said with thick lines: "It doesn't matter, members of the Dawn Pirates will not make fun of their companions!"

Hearing Yamato's sincere tone, Nakahara Chuya lowered his shoulders and said, "Hearing your words, my heart hurts even more..."

"Hug, sorry."

"This is my own problem." Zhong Yuanzhong also waved his hand and asked, "Is your father okay?"

"Not anymore."

"...Sorry." This time it was Zhong Yuanzhong's turn to apologize in a low voice.

"It's okay." Yamato didn't care, and said, "Father didn't leave any regrets. Before he left, he felt a sense of relief from his fate."

"By the way, Father was defeated by Eric and everyone!"

Nakahara also saw Yamato with a happy face, and suspected that his ears or brain had been hit by Scathach, which caused his auditory center to analyze such nonsense.

"By the way!" Yamato tapped his palms and said, "Da Vinci and Gaji are very powerful and can transform the human body. Would you like to go to their laboratory to inquire?"

"Really?" Zhong Yuan asked excitedly.

"Yeah." Yamato nodded vigorously, waved in front, and said, "Go, I'll take you to their laboratory!"

Walking on the descending elevator, Zhongyuan Zhongya observed the technologically-sounding decoration and said with emotion: "It's like being in a sci-fi movie."

Yamato then asked, "What is a science fiction movie?"

"Uh..." Nakahara searched his entire brain, but couldn't find any words that accurately described sci-fi movies, so he hesitated to explain to Yamato what sci-fi movies are.

While he was searching, Yamato suddenly said, "We're here."

A metal circular gate stood in front of everyone.Thick and sturdy, these are the two most intuitive impressions given to Zhongyuan Zhongye.

Yamato put his hand on an LCD screen, and the display lit up, and he scanned the fingerprint on the top of the screen, and then a cheerful female voice sounded: "Yamato, allow to pass."

The heavy metal door opened with a sound, and bright lights came out from inside.

Zhongyuan Zhong also instinctively squinted his eyes and raised his hand to block the light to adapt to the sudden change of environment.

Then, a huge, futuristic spacious space appeared in front of Zhongyuan Zhongye.

"...!" Zhongyuan Zhong also looked at all this in surprise. Although he stayed in the laboratory when he was a child, it was completely incomparable with the laboratory in front of him.

A large number of culture tanks containing clone soldiers stood neatly in the corner.Zhong Yuanzhong also walked carefully to the culture tank and observed the clones soaked in the culture solution through the transparent glass.

Yamato greeted: "Chuya, come here."

"Oh!" Zhongyuan Zhongye trotted up and asked, "Are those clones?"

"Yes, Gage relied on [blood factor] to create clone soldiers. However, Eric has asked him to stop making clone soldiers."

"Then why are there so many here?"

"These were all made by Gage a long time ago. If they were all destroyed, those clone soldiers would be too pitiful. At Da Vinci's request, they would release a batch every once in a while to serve as excellent law enforcers."

"So it is."

Yamato learned the exact location of Da Vinci from a scientist in a white coat, and then led Nakahara Chuya through the laboratory.

When Yamato pushed open the laboratory door, Nakahara Chuya saw Da Vinci dismantling Genos through the gap between Yamato's waist and elbows.

"Yamato?" Da Vinci was taken aback, and asked with a smile, "Why are you here?"

"I'll show the newcomers the way." Yamato pushed Nakahara Nakaya, whose body was frozen, to the front.

"Did you recognize me here?" Da Vinci smiled, and then introduced himself: "I am Da Vinci, and I am in charge of the scientific research and development of Shenzhou Kingdom."

Pointing to a tall man in the laboratory, he introduced: "He is Vinsmoke Gage. But, there is no fun in the laboratory?"

Then, Da Vinci warned seriously: "Rookie, please remember, don't touch anything in the laboratory casually."

"..." Zhong Yuanzhong also nodded frequently, his eyes flicked to Genos on the experimental table from time to time.

Genos, who was lying flat on the experimental table, suddenly turned his head and said in an emotionless tone: "I am Genos, you are a newcomer, right? Excuse me, you have been peeking at me just now, is there something wrong?" ?”

Zhong Yuanzhong also took a step back, and asked in astonishment: "You, are you still alive!?"

Da Vinci laughed out loud, and said angrily, "What are you talking about, of course he is alive!"

"But..." Zhongyuan Zhong also raised his finger, pointing tremblingly at Genos, who only had his head and half of his body left on the experimental table, and the rest had become countless parts on the table.

"He is a modified person, only the brain is the original product. Generally speaking, he can be called a robot."

"..." Zhong Yuanzhong was also speechless.

"Dr. Da Vinci, with all due respect, I think I'm still a human being." Genos still said in that unemotional tone.

Da Vinci ignored Genos, turned his head and asked, "What's the matter you came to see me?"

"Oh!" Yamato put down Genos's arm and said, "Nakahara also wants to become taller, so I came here to ask Da Vinci, can I give him a plastic surgery?"

Da Vinci and Jiaji turned their heads to look at the 1.6-meter Nakahara Chuya at the same time.

Da Vinci rested his chin with his hands, and looked straight at Nakahara Chuya, who was about the same size as her.

"No, no need..." Nakahara Zhong also shook his head again and again, turning him into an emotionless robot, it would be better to maintain this height!
Da Vinci started to play tricks, and showed a malicious smile: "I have prepared a lot of mechanical bodies. If the newcomer wants to look like him, I can help you with the transformation operation..."

"No need—!" Zhongyuan Zhong also turned and ran.

"Chuya, wait for me!" Yamato immediately chased him out.

"Oh, is the newcomer so rude?" Da Vinci shook his head.

Holding the design drawings in both hands, Jiazhi walked up to Da Vinci and asked for advice: "Dr. Da Vinci, shall we start the installation now?"

"Okay." Da Vinci nodded, moving his hands continuously, and installed the newly designed mechanical arm, mechanical body, and mechanical legs on Genos' body one by one.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for a monthly ticket for Fengya Yan; a monthly ticket for Wandering De Wuzhi;
(End of this chapter)

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