I, Scorpio Lone Star, like to make friends

第13章 恭喜宿主修为+1+1+1+1

第13章 恭喜宿主修为+1+1+1+1
late at night.

A crescent moon hangs above the sky.

The hazy moonlight fell, covering the earth with a layer of silver sand.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

Oil lamps and torches were lit in countless places in Shendu, illuminating the mansion like daylight.

Zhuquefang, Zheng Mansion.

This is a set of three-entry houses in the shape of a word.

Sanheyuan plus the gatehouse is a closed mouth shape, and Sanjin is such three houses.

In Zhuquefang, where rich and powerful people gather and every inch of land is expensive, being able to have a three-entry house is enough to show the financial strength and status of the Zheng family.

The chief catcher was sitting on the grand master's chair, covering his forehead with one hand, and was sighing. After a day of negotiations, all kinds of means were used, such as coercion and inducement.

The Ming notes that can be collected are only 6000 taels.

The speed of this kind of collection cannot be said to be slow, because there are still many people collecting.

The best targets to start with are already out of ghost notes, and the rest are easily impossible to obtain, and the most disturbing thing is that the 6000 taels of ghost notes collected by the Zheng family have already been targeted.

Today was the first night, and the danger was not high. After all, Ye Wumian was only alone, so he had some scruples about the Zheng family, so he didn't act immediately.

But after two days, it is not necessarily so.

There is a flame burning in the chief catcher's heart, his wife died early, and he only has this son.

He has always been regarded as a treasure, and his son is also smarter and very competitive. He is already a gold medal catcher in his 20s, and he can become a Xuanyu catcher in his 30s.

By the age of 50 or [-], there is hope to become the god catcher among the six doors.

In the northwest corner of the front hall, Zheng Shiming was fidgeting. Even though it was late at night, Zheng Shiming was still sleepless and was waiting for news.

The sound of heavy footsteps came out.

A man with a medium build and a strong build has already strode in from the outside. When he came to the front hall, he didn't wait for the chief arrester to ask, and he said directly: "The money is useless."

"Ye Wumian has a vicious heart. The first one specifically looked for the target who lost the money, and the second target found the person who did not have enough money. Like a cat catching a mouse, he teased and teased his enemy."

Holding a handful of money, Zheng Shiming, who was fidgeting, lost strength in his palm, and a handful of money scattered like a celestial maiden scattered flowers.

Ye Wumian did not intend to let anyone go.

"So cruel."

"This is to kill them all."

Zheng Shiming gritted his teeth, blue veins appeared on his face, his face was distorted like a ghost, the hatred leaking from his eyes was like a nine-day cold wind, enough to freeze all enemies.

"Yeah, just to kill them all."

The words of the answer came from the mouth of the burly man.

The short but powerful palm was already on the back of the Chief Catcher, watching the Chief Catcher spitting blood from his mouth, staining his front with blood stains, and rolling down from the chair to the ground.

The burly man sat upright on the chair, stepped on the chief catcher's head with one foot, so that the chief catcher touched the bluestone ground, and looked at Zheng Shiming peacefully.

Looking at Zheng Shiming's unbelievable gaze, he suddenly realized that the burly man had already taken out his handkerchief and began to wipe his face lightly. In a blink of an eye, the waxy white faceless appeared.

Holding the small bronze mirror in one hand, and holding a paintbrush in the other hand, he has already begun to paint slowly.

A pair of eyes, the bridge of the nose, the mouth, and facial features began to appear gradually, and they were already [-]% similar to Zheng Shiming, just like the facial features of an ink painting, the next moment they came alive, the nostrils squirmed, the mouth opened, and the eyes rolled.

Eight points have been turned into ten points, and the facial features are like carved out of a mold.

The reappearing Zheng Shiming, as if waking up from a dream, immediately jumped up from the grand master's chair, and hastily stretched out his hand to help the head catcher who was bleeding from his mouth on the ground.


"What's wrong with you."

"Who did it so hard?"

"If the child finds out, he will definitely not let him go, and he will be crushed to ashes."

The turbulent air wave rushed in, and the sudden explosion of air was like a gust of wind, sweeping everything crazily.

An angry roar came out: "Ye has no face to die."

Behind the billowing air waves was the python made of black gangster energy.

The boa constrictor is huge, and it makes a flying gesture, opens its huge mouth, and wants to choose someone to eat.

Supporting the chief catcher, the other hand stretched forward, looking at the attacking gangsha with a sneer, Ye Wumian sarcastically said:

"Small tricks, dare to use the axe."

"I can tell at a glance that you are impure."

On the arm, there emerged the evil spirit, like a winding black dragon. The black energy was like ink. As soon as Pu appeared, it began to infect all directions.

Within Jiuyou, there is a mountain called Youdu Mountain, from which black water flows out.

Hence the name: Black Water Gang Sha.

The surging black water gangsha turned into a lifelike black dragon.

The sound of dragon chant sounded, and the black dragon charged fiercely.

Lifelike, with both spirit and form, while walking, there seems to be a great deterrence permeating it.

The black dragon opened its mouth wide open, revealing sharp teeth like knives, spears and halberds.

There was a deafening sound.

The lifelike black python began to shatter inch by inch, like porcelain being crushed abruptly.

In the end, it was completely swallowed by the black dragon, and it was eaten alive, turning into the power of the black dragon.

The aftermath of the roaring black Gang Sha swept across the four directions, and the tables and chairs that blocked the advance were instantly shattered. Wood chips mixed with Gang Qi continued to roar and impact Zheng Shiming.

The dense black water qi emerged, boiled continuously, and turned into a three-foot wall of qi.

Standing horizontally between the sky and the earth, the front hall is cut off into two different areas, east and west.

The gangsha circulates in the three-foot air wall, flowing like a living thing.

The black dragon came roaring, and the world changed suddenly. The oil lamps and candles were all extinguished in an instant, and the overwhelming power had drowned the three-foot air wall.


A loud noise came out.

There is no other sound between heaven and earth.


The next moment, an undetectable cracking sound appeared above the air wall.

In the end, like a shattered glass mirror, cracks spread like spider webs, and they continued to expand rapidly.

The huge head of the black dragon was wiped out inch by inch, and dissipated along with the air wall. Half of the dragon's body had disappeared, but the last remaining dragon body bombarded Zheng Shiming's body.

Zheng Shiming seemed to be hit head-on by a heavy truck at a speed of over [-] mph.

A person is like a kite with a broken string, soaring into the sky, hitting the horizontal beams, cracks appear in the thick beams, Zheng Shiming has already fallen heavily to the ground, and the force of the collision bounces back and forth repeatedly.

Blood was spitting out of the mouth, and the light in the eyes had disappeared.

Put the Chief Catcher on the chair, took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the blood, and said softly, "He is a good father, unfortunately, I have no free time recently, so I can't be filial by my side."

"But wait until I'm done."

"Will be back."

"If you don't like your son by then."

"I can be a daughter too!"

(End of this chapter)

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