hey demon

Chapter 890 3 Questions

Chapter 890 Three Questions
High above the sky, riding on the clouds, Zhang Chunyi quietly left the small village without disturbing anyone after getting a general understanding of the situation in this area.

For a period of time to come, while looking for traces of You Qihe, he toured the customs of the Eastern Wilderness. It has to be said that this place is different from the Southern Wilderness and Middle Earth where he once stayed. Everyone advocates the way of immortality and takes pride in cultivation, and theoretically everyone has the possibility of cultivating immortality.

Even at the end of the Era, when the inspiration of heaven and earth faded, this trend has not changed. Now that the changes come today, the great immortal sects are opening their gates to recruit disciples, and this trend has become even hotter.

After several explorations, with the help of Liuertian Ting's supernatural power, Zhang Chunyi finally locked You Qihe's position.

"The southwestern border, the land of the Miao border, I didn't expect You Qihe to be reincarnated here."

Standing on the cloud, looking into the distance, Zhang Chunyi frowned slightly.

There are traces of demonic aura intertwined there, which is full of viciousness, which is incompatible with the ethereal environment of the Eastern Wasteland Qingling, as if there is a big demon entrenched there.

"Although the Eastern Wilderness is governed by Taoism, it is not that there are no demons and ghosts. Most of these demons and ghosts are entrenched in the Miao Border. There are so many poor mountains and rivers, and I don't know how many monsters are hidden there. It is the first-class dangerous place in the Eastern Wilderness."

Turning into divine light, Zhang Chunyi's figure disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds.

Now that You Qihe's location has been confirmed, he naturally has to rush there immediately. As for the so-called demons and ghosts, he doesn't care too much.

At the same time, in that frontier land, in an unnamed valley, an old man lived in a hut here. He used to be called Li Xuanji, but now he is called You Qihe.

"It's been 85 years. I don't know if you're okay. I'm going to die eventually."

Looking into the depths of Miaojiang, You Qihe let out a soft sigh.

He is over 120 years old and has reached the limit of a mortal. He is really going to die. In fact, under normal circumstances, he should have died a long time ago if he failed in martial arts and immortality. He can live until now because of a powerful force. God persisted.

"I have been unrestrained and unrestrained in my life. I have been happy and never lost. The only one I am sorry for is you and the teacher."

Looking back on his past life, standing under the acacia tree, You Qihe's old face was full of sorrow.

He was reincarnated and born in a wealthy ordinary family. He showed his talents at a young age, had a photographic memory, was able to write at the age of three, and could compose poetry at the age of five. His family, friends, and neighbors all called him a child prodigy. , really young and proud.

It even attracted the attention of some immortal cultivators. When he was six years old, an immortal came here with a sword. He was a true cultivator of Tianxin Sword Sect. He is unrivaled in swordsmanship.

Hearing the words of this true cultivator, everyone in the Li family was very excited. Immortals are valued by everyone in the world. If his Li family can produce a real immortal, it would be a great honor. question.

When he was asked if he would give up family affection if he was starting to practice, he nodded as a true cultivator. The Tianxin Sword Sect has a special inheritance, and to follow the way of forgetting love, you need to break the common karma, so that you can use the Tianxin to transform your heart and practice the supreme swordsmanship.

The second question is whether he can cut through the injustices in the world if he practices practice. Zhenxiu shakes his head, although the Tianxin sword is sharp, but the world is complicated, how can it be cut off with one sword?
Ask him three times if he can practice immortality, and then shake his head if he really cultivates, how precious is immortality, there are only a few in the world, although the Tianxin Sword Sect has an extraordinary inheritance and has been born into immortals, but there is no inheritance that directly points to immortality, Even if there is, he doesn't think You Qihe can achieve it. The sword soul's aptitude is good, but it's not bad. True immortals may be hopeful, but immortality is just vain.

After getting such an answer, You Qihe bowed to Tianxin Jianzong Zhenxiu, and refused the opportunity to go back to the mountain to practice with him, saying that he only wanted to be a chic and happy layman in his life.

Seeing You Qihe like this, he let out a sigh, left a token, Zhenxiu turned and left, saying that if he regrets it in the future, he can use this token to contact him.

When this news came out, countless people felt sorry for it, thinking that children were ignorant and missed a great opportunity, but You Qihe didn't care about it.

In the next 12 years, he was successful in his studies, became a high school Tanhua, and became the youngest Tanhua Lang in the history of the Song Dynasty. In that year, he was very energetic and really proud of himself.

Although Donghuang is governed by Taoism, there are also some dynasties, but they are different from the dynasties of Middle Earth. These dynasties are only mortal dynasties and cannot gather the fate of the country. It was specially supported.

After becoming Tanhualang, You Qihe won the love of countless girls in the Song Dynasty, but he was not tempted by it, and his official career was even smoother. In just a few years, he became Minister of the Ministry of Rites.

But at this moment, seeing through the darkness of the officialdom, You Qihe decided to resign. He was 25 years old that year, that is, in this year, he met her in a hurry, which he will never forget.

After several twists and turns, he and the girl came together and made a promise under the acacia tree that they would hold their hand and grow old together, a couple for life, his name was Li Xuanji, her name was Miao Qingyi, he was 26 and she was [-] that year.

After getting married, the two of them sang in harmony and lived an ordinary and happy life.

At the age of 30, the true cultivator of the Tianxin Sword Sect came again and asked him if he would go back to the mountain to practice with him. Although You Qihe at this time hadn't overcome the mystery of the broken fetus, he was not as naive as he was when he was a child. Knowing the importance of comprehension, he also vaguely knew the strength of Tianxin Sword Sect. The Great Song Kingdom he lived in was just an inconspicuous small country under the rule of Tianxin Sword Sect. Factors that Jianzong valued.

But even so, he still refused. Everyone in the world respected the gods, but he couldn't forget the happiness of this ordinary person. His relatives, wives, and friends were all things he couldn't give up.

This time the real cultivator shook his head, didn't say anything more, took back the token, and left with his sword. Since then, he has never come again, and You Qihe has already missed the best time to practice.

At the age of 35, an accident happened. The family of his wife Miao Qingyi came to him and wanted to bring Miao Qingyi back to the family. It was not until this time that You Qihe knew that his wife came from the Miao girl clan and was a real family of fairy gods. Fanchen married him just to overcome the tribulation of love.

It was only later that Miao Qingyi fell in love with him and gave up her practice for him. This was intolerable to the Miao girls. After discovering that Miao Qingyi showed signs of falling into love, they immediately took action and forcibly brought Miao Qingyi back to the Well, as for an ordinary man like him, they naturally look down on him.

If Miao Qingyi hadn't considered Miao Qingyi, I'm afraid he would have died on the spot immediately. After that, he was in a daze for a while, and then began to beg madly. It's a pity that it was already too late at this time, and no sect was willing to accept him. He had already missed it. Even if you have good aptitude, you won't achieve much if you practice at your best.

What made it worse was that because of his age, his parents also received bad news. They were suddenly seriously ill and couldn't get out of bed. It wasn't until this time that You Qihe woke up suddenly, woke up from his confusion, and went home to take good care of his parents.

Under his care, his parents' condition improved, but after all, their lifespan is approaching, and they will pass away five years later. Fortunately, they passed away peacefully and did not suffer any pain. , You Qihe was caught in the mystery of a broken fetus, and awakened the memory of his previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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