hey demon

Chapter 842

Chapter 842

Hum, the blade was shining brightly. In this instant, the world lost its color, and everything turned into a dazzling white. The extreme sharpness hurt everyone's mind.

Out of hatred, Yazi took the sword in his hand, and with the help of the right time and place, he made the strongest cut. Under this sword, the real immortal would also bleed.

Knowing who the knife was going to cut, everyone's hearts were raised.

"Let me see how many catties you weigh!"

The golden and blue pupils manifested, looking at Zhang Chunyi standing above the sky, Yingyi's face was a bit gloomy.

The reappearance of Zhang Chunyi, who thought he was dead, shook his mind. According to his original thought, he should retreat immediately, but the situation is different now after all.

The change of heaven came ahead of time, even if he himself couldn't ascend to immortality immediately, Long Zi didn't have so many scruples about the improvement of his strength. The people's luck accumulated in Yong Kingdom was enough for Long Zi to integrate more earth and heaven luck, and promote other The strength has reached the level of the demon emperor.

Yazi made the move because he held a grudge against Zhang Chunyi, but he also acquiesced in it. At this point in the matter, he was still a little bit unwilling not to fight Zhang Chunyi once. He wanted to personally test the first immortal of the era.

And at this moment, above the sky, Zhang Chunyi's figure has been submerged by the light of the saber, and he must be retaliated, and it is a must-hit to strike out with hatred.

"I didn't expect the sky change to come so quickly. Is this the impact of my early ascension to immortality? Or is there some unknown change?"

The sharp knife light was in front of his eyes, Zhang Chun didn't change his face, thinking about all kinds of possibilities, he couldn't dodge this knife, and there was no need to dodge it.

Hum, the body-protecting fairy light spontaneously circulates, like chaos. At this moment, Zhang Chunyi's figure seems to have entered another world. If the knife light wants to hit him, he must break through the chaotic fairy light lingering around him.

Hey, the sword light is bright, and when it collides with the chaotic fairy light, although it is full of sharpness, it has never been able to cut off the strands of chaotic fairy light that are like clouds and mist. It is already the top fairy light.

"Although he possesses the power comparable to the demon emperor, but without the corresponding supernatural attainments, it is still too rough after all!"

His thoughts were interrupted, and Zhang Chun flicked his sleeves to dissipate the remaining power of the sword light, and the world was cleared for a while.

Seeing Zhang Chunyi who was unscathed, everyone felt turbulent waves in their hearts. Although they had confidence in Zhang Chunyi, a true immortal, they never thought it would be so easy.

It was at this moment that Zhang Chunyi's gaze fell, and he saw Yazi holding a knife in his mouth. At this moment, Yazi's heart was inexplicably cold. Although Zhang Chunyi's gaze was very peaceful, it gave him unbearable pressure. It even regretted that it was too impulsive just now.

Fortunately, at this time, the shadow of Tyrant emerged, sharing the pressure for it.

"Did you create the most top-notch legal body? But this is just potential."

There is a faint color in the eyes. At this moment, Yingyi's consciousness has already matched with Baxia, and he has not yet ascended to the immortal. It is difficult for him to bear the power of Baxia now, let alone the other two dragons, but he can perfectly control Baxia. the power of.

Through the collision just now, he has confirmed that Zhang Chunyi has condensed the top human immortal body. Although his immortal light is immature, his tyrannical nature has been revealed, otherwise he would not easily block Yazi's knife with the help of the immortal weapon.

Hum, there is a bright spiritual light on the broad back of the turtle, outlining the scenery of the country and the country. This is the innate supernatural power of the underworld. On the lower body, this is also an imperial immortal weapon.

"Son of Heaven's Supernatural Powers Jiangshan Sheji Palm."

The power is boiling, and in the scene of Jiangshan Sheji, the phantom of the emperor manifests. His five fingers clenched his fist, as if holding hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers in his hands, and then turned his fist into a palm, aimed at Zhang Chunyi, and slowly pushed it out, trying to push the sun and the moon horizontally .

At the same time, the dragon groaned, as if they had been stimulated by something, the other dragons also attacked Zhang Chunyi one after another. Although they had been fighting each other before, they now showed signs of unanimity.

Hum, the void is trembling, at this moment, the coercion of the emperor's way is overwhelming, and countless people's faces change. This is almost equivalent to nine demon emperors attacking at the same time. To a certain extent, the original defect is no longer a defect.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Chunyi frowned slightly. This force is indeed quite powerful, especially the supernatural power of the Son of Heaven played by Ba Xia.

"Prince Yong?"

With a thought, the five-color fairy phoenix fan appeared in Zhang Chunyi's hands.

At the same time, the golden elixir in his dantian bloomed with immeasurable brilliance, and power like a deep sea surged out of it and poured into the five-color fairy phoenix fan.

After the phoenix blood imprint was burned, this fairy artifact was like a piece of white paper, clean as never before. Zhang Chunyi became a real fairy from the Dragon and Tiger Temple, and trained a Daoyuan golden pill, thus condensing his own magic body. Dragon and Tiger Dao Body or Chaos Body.

Its body is like chaos, seemingly nothing, but it has infinite possibilities. The mana derived from it is also of chaos attribute, and it can theoretically sacrifice any fairy weapon.

At this moment, under the rush of majestic mana, Zhang Chunyi completed the sacrifice of the five-color fairy phoenix fan in an instant, and aroused the power of the five-color fairy phoenix fan, and the power belonging to the earth fairy began to manifest.

In the next instant, the five-color brilliance swept across the void, and all the magical powers that Jiulongzi burst out with all his strength were wiped out, making him vulnerable to a single blow.

Seeing such a scene, Ying Yi's expression suddenly changed.

"Earth Immortal Artifact? And he even completed the recovery by himself, how is this possible?"

As a former Earth Immortal, Yingyi is naturally very aware of the tyranny of the Earth Immortal Artifact, but it is also very difficult to use the Earth Immortal Artifact. Only by locking the Earth Soul and turning the Blessed Earth into a cave, you can use the power of the cave at will, as if you have Earth immortals with immeasurable mana can use them at will, and it is impossible for true immortals to do this.

Under normal circumstances, a true immortal can use up to [-]% of the power of the earth immortal weapon, which is likely to drain his mana. If he wants to really recover, he must use external assistance such as a large formation, but now Zhang Chunyi can easily wake him up. It is unbelievable that he has almost [-]% of the power of the Earth Immortal Artifact, and there is still room for it. One must know that Zhang Chunyi has just ascended to immortality, so his magic power must be shallow.

Realizing that something is wrong, the laws of yin and yang are circulating all over his body, and Yingyi already has the idea of ​​retreating for the time being. Although he also has an earth celestial weapon that he can use, he can't wake it up easily. It is impossible to exert Zhang Chunyi's power in a hurry. Moreover, such treasures are basically named, once used, his identity is likely to be exposed.

"Isn't it enough?"

Looking down at the world, looking at Jiulongzi who was about to strike again, Zhang Chunyi swung the five-color Phoenix Fan again. This time he used more power, directly awakening [-]% of the Phoenix Fan's power.

Hum, the sky turned into five colors, reflecting the heaven and the earth, and as Zhang Chunyi waved the five-color fairy phoenix fan, five-color mysterious qi swept out like a long river, each locked on a dragon.

All means of body protection are vain and unstoppable. At the moment when the five-color mysterious light falls, Long Zi, who was still baring his teeth and claws before, suddenly loses all his fierce power, and his body with power comparable to that of a demon emperor falls rapidly. Howling, like a defeated dog.

Seeing such a scene, looking up at the figure standing above the sky, all beings are speechless.

"Is this the real fairy? One light slap can make the Nine Dragons bow their heads. It's really terrifying!"

Looking at the surrendered Jiulongzi, some false immortals couldn't help sighing.

But in Zhengxi Road, Xie Xuan couldn't help falling into self-doubt when he looked at Zhang Chunyi, who seemed to be alive and holy. He always felt that Zhang Chunyi, a true immortal, was different from the one in the family records, and he didn't know if there was an error in the family records. , after all, it's a long time ago, and the world seems to have underestimated a fairy.

At the same time, ignoring the bound dragon sons, Zhang Chunyi pointed at the central road and pointed out that there was a figure who was also bound there, and it was King Yong Wu Jingtian or Yingyi.


Reversing yin and yang, winning different desires to break the shackles of the five elements' mysterious light energy, but at this time, Zhang Chunyi's Taiyin Extinction Divine Light has fallen, and Zhang Chunyi has obviously sensed his intention to escape.

Kachacha, a severe chill permeated the air, and Yingyi's figure was frozen. He looked directly at Zhang Chunyi, with a lot of puzzlement in his eyes.

"It's Yin-Yang supernatural powers again?"

Looking at Yingyi who was banned, Zhang Chun had a strange look in his eyes. He had come into contact with this kind of supernatural power before, and he didn't expect to encounter it again here, but before he could think about it, a sense of crisis suddenly broke out in his heart .

His expression changed slightly, and the celestial light of the body protection rose, Zhang Chunyi protected himself, at the same time, Baxia, Yazi, and Suanni who were originally restrained suddenly exploded, setting off a destructive force, and this is still the end, the three dragons The self-detonation seemed to have touched something. A terrifying spatial storm suddenly swept out of the Burial Sky Ruins located in the central area of ​​the Central Road, covering the entire Central Road in an instant, and tended to sweep the entire Middle Earth.

Seeing such a scene, avoiding the aftermath of the initial self-explosion, Zhang Chunyi frowned.

"If this space storm is allowed to sweep through, most of the Middle Earth will perish. If so, we have no choice but to follow the trend."

With an instant decision in his mind, Zhang Chunyi raised the five-color fairy phoenix fan again.

Hum, the golden core turned, as if endless mana poured out of Zhang Chunyi's body, until the brilliance of the golden core began to dim at a certain moment, Zhang Chunyi knew that this was a sign that he had drawn too much mana at one time, which had exceeded the recovery speed of Fudi.

At the same time, the real phoenix crowed, and the five-color fairy phoenix fan burst into unprecedented bright light, illuminating the entire middle-earth, and the shadows of the five fairy phoenixes manifested around it. At this moment, the five-color fairy phoenix fan has truly recovered signs, its awakened power has reached [-]%.

"I want to divide Middle Earth!"

With unprecedented exhaustion, Zhang Chunyi waved the fairy phoenix fan in his hand.

In the next moment, the five-color divine light shocked the world, falling from the sky into the world, splitting the entire middle earth like a divine sword.

 I wrote a little more, a little late.

(End of this chapter)

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