hey demon

Chapter 706

Chapter 706

"What is it?"

Alerted by the mind, he quickly stopped his original movements, and Montenegro retreated crazily.

And at the next moment, a huge animal claw that seemed to be made of amethyst protruded from the depths of the black wasteland, crossed the bridge of Naihe, and ruthlessly grabbed the prison-suppressing sky monument.

Hum, the power of suppressing the prison manifests, the chains of prisoner souls tinkle, and the stele of suppressing the prison bursts with brilliant divine light. Its majesty is like a prison, and it wants to suppress everything, but all of this is useless.

Without the slightest hindrance, the beast's claws tore through the divine light, and grabbed heavily on the Prison-Suppressing Sky Monument, splitting the Prison-Suppressing Sky Monument in an instant.

Seeing such a scene, his pupils constricted suddenly, and Montenegro continued to retreat crazily.

It knew that the thing in the purple mist was not simple, but it didn't expect it to be so strong. According to its original estimate, after the power was raised to the peak, the prison-suppressing sky monument could withstand the attack of false immortals. In Mingtian, it can be recovered continuously. Unless it can be smashed with one blow, the Prison-Suppressing Sky Monument will not be broken. Now, the unknown existence hidden in the purple mist has completely destroyed the Prison-Suppressing Sky Monument with just one blow. Its power has vaguely surpassed the level of false immortals.

"I'm afraid the power of this thing can't even compare to the false fairy holding the perfect fairy weapon!"

Looking at the beast claw that was grabbed at it after smashing the Prison-Suppressing Sky Monument, Heishan's heart sank continuously.

Under the suppression of absolute power, even if it is carrying many Dao seeds, there is nothing it can do. Its only support now is the Nether Body. In this cloudy sky, as long as it is not wiped out by one blow, it can recover quickly.


The speed of the purple beast claw was so fast that the void twisted in front of it, and it quickly caught up with Black Mountain.

But just as the beast claw was about to fall, there was a high-pitched dragon chant sound from the sky, followed by black and white air intertwined, a pair of scissors pierced the void and aimed at the purple beast claw's wrist.

Hum, the unparalleled sharpness was displayed. When the yin and yang scissors landed on the beast's claws, there was a bright divine light burst out between the two, and the powerful blocking force made the movements of the yin and yang scissors stagnate.

Fortunately, after all, it was the yin and yang scissors that were more sharp, and as the yin and yang scissors closed, the huge animal claw fell from the sky and turned into a thick purple mist.

Coming on the moon, seeing such a scene, Zhang Chunyi's expression was slightly gloomy.

He knew very well that the moment the yin and yang scissors fell, the animal claw did not evade, nor did it use any protective powers. The reason why it was able to delay the movement of the yin and yang scissors was entirely because its own defense was strong enough. .

At the same time, a roar resounded in the depths of the black wasteland, sharp and violent, its sound waves turned into substance, and the entire sky was shattered.

In the next moment, the purple mist became more and more turbulent, flowing continuously from the black wasteland to the gray wasteland. Its momentum was unstoppable, and it really had the tendency to block out the sky. Before, what Black Mountain suppressed was only a part of the purple mist.

"Innate ghosts and gods?"

Feeling such power, Zhang Chunyi guessed a certain possibility when he saw a figure vaguely condensed in the increasingly mighty purple mist, but he couldn't believe it for a while.

According to the various information he collected before, all the innate ghosts and gods in Yinmingtian should be in a place called Nether, and they cannot be found. It seems that there is some kind of force blocking the ghosts outside and the ghosts inside. Can't get out.

In Zhang Chunyi's view, this should be Yin Mingtian's protection for these innate ghosts and gods. After all, the birth of innate ghosts and gods is not a temporary achievement. The pinnacle of acquired life.

"According to the current situation of Yin Mingtian, the innate ghosts and gods should not be born yet, but this kind of power..."

Looking at the surging purple mist, Zhang Chunyi frowned.

"It seems that we have to retreat, but we still need to buy some time before that. At least we can't let those purple mist cross the river of death!"

A decision was made in his heart instantly, and a mighty bright moon rose behind him, aiming at the sweeping purple mist, Zhang Chun pointed out one by one, and in an instant, the cold light of the solitary yin swept across the world.

With a click, a severe chill burst out, and the surging purple mist was immediately frozen.

At the same time, feeling Zhang Chunyi's intentions, Heishan once again urged the supernatural powers to suppress the Prison Monument.

Boom, the suppression of the Tianbei, combined with the solitary cold light of the sun, immediately ended the mighty momentum that Ziwu had set off before, but at this moment, the purple beast claws that had been cut off by Zhang Chunyi appeared again, as if wanting to repeat the old trick, Break through the double blockade of the prison-suppressing Tianbei and the solitary cold light of the sun.

Seeing such a scene, a cold light flashed in his dark eyes, and Zhang Chunyi stretched out his palm again.

Phew, the yin and yang scissors reappeared, and the second came first. Before the beast claw destroyed the prison-suppressing sky monument, the yin and yang scissors landed on the beast claw.

Hum, the sharpness was on full display, after a brief stalemate, the old thing repeated itself, the beast claw protruding from the black wasteland was gently cut off by the yin and yang scissors.

In Youmingtian, seeing such a scene through the round light mirror, Zhiming's lavender eyes flashed with splendor.

"It's really rare for fellow practitioners to see the sun and the sun, and this supernatural power to kill is also unexpectedly sharp. If Dengxian further evolves in the future, he may be able to achieve a great supernatural power that opened up the world. Is this the leader of Longhu Mountain? Really? It's a genius."

Even if he was an enemy, Zhiming also made no secret of his admiration for Zhang Chunyi.

"However, even though he stepped into the realm of false immortals with the help of secret techniques and has extremely sharp supernatural powers, it is impossible to block the Heart-Droping Fox with this. It is just a part of its power."

"The ghost that swallowed the entire black wasteland, the power of this mind-trapping fox has already reached its true limit. Although it is not the real demon emperor, it is no different from the demon emperor to ordinary people."

His eyes fixed on Zhang Chunyi's jade-like face, and Zhiming's face showed a trace of regret, as if he wanted to keep Zhang Chunyi's face in his heart so as not to forget it in the future.

Netherworld is the center of Yinming Heaven, and it is also the birthplace of many innate ghosts and gods. The underworld took root here, and under the leadership of Yan Luo, several embryos were found that gave birth to innate ghosts and gods.

Most of these innate ghost embryos were refined by the members of the underworld and turned into food for their growth, but one of them failed to conceive and died. This kind of embryo cannot be refined, and it can be said to be highly poisonous.

However, Yan Luo has mastered a strange supernatural power, which can make this dead thing glow with a different kind of vitality, and finally became the current Duoxinhu.

"There are only six black wastelands in this world, which are not directly connected to each other. They are like floating islands floating in the sea. My underworld has only three of them now. This time, in order to give birth to the heart-hunting fox, this pasture can be regarded as ruined. gone."

"Fortunately, these ghosts are like leeks in the field. Once you cut them, there will be another one. This time, you just cut them a little harder, and what you get in exchange is an invincible combat weapon at this stage."

"With this Duoxin Fox, before the real change of the sky, many of my previous plans in the underworld can be advanced, and this time it will no longer be limited to the Yin Mingtian."

Thinking of the future plan, and looking at the scene in the round light mirror, a nice smile appeared on Zhiming's face.

Surrounded by the underworld beyond the netherworld, it is difficult for living beings to escape, but dead things are not included. This time, she used a secret method to send out the stillborn state of Duoxinhu. This opportunity will really give birth to the mind-trapping fox, and at this time, the scene in the round light mirror also changes.

 Happy National Day, everyone is on holiday, I almost want to ask for leave today.

(End of this chapter)

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