hey demon

Chapter 678 Harvest

Chapter 678 Harvest
In the dark sky, somewhere in a hidden valley, the invisible force separates the inside and the outside, and all the winds are calm here.

Through soul searching, Zhang Chunyi has already learned that there is an eared ghost under the bull's head. It has a pair of windward ears and is good at listening. With the help of the wind, it can hear sounds from far away.

The fundamental reason why the underworld came to them was that the ear ghost discovered their hunting behavior, and it was precisely because of this that Zhang Chunyi made such an arrangement.

Although Zhang Chunyi already had plans to go to Samsara Lake, the information that should be confirmed before that still needs to be confirmed, and he also needs to increase his combat power to the highest level.

In the depths of the valley, Zhang Chunyi, with his eyes closed, sat cross-legged on the bluestone, with light shining between his brows, and he was using the Tianjun furnace to smelt the obscene things left by the long-tongued woman and the red dress.

Not long after, Zhang Chunyi opened his eyes again.

"Good harvest."

There was a hint of joy on his face, and with a wave of his hand, colorful pills appeared in front of Zhang Chunyi.

Among them, the most noticeable ones are the two Yao Cui Pills and the three Dao Seeds, which contain 1 years of cultivation.

These three Dao Seeds are all low-rank Dao Seeds, they are the foul language from the gossip woman, the tongue sword, and the lovesickness from the red dress.

"Foul language, no genus, low-grade Taoism, is a kind of mantra, hurting people with bad words, and can also use this to weaken the enemy's attack."

Stretching out his hand, Zhang Chunyi picked up a dao seed that was pitch black and shaped like a lotus seed.

At this moment, Zhang Chunyi couldn't help but think of the scene where he used the cold light of Taiyin's silence before, but didn't hurt the gossip woman at all.

However, although the Dao species of foul language is quite miraculous, it also has limitations. It can only exert a negative influence on things, but cannot exert a positive increase.

The most important thing is that it is extremely difficult to refine this Dao Seed, and only those who are good at eloquence can complete the refining.

After thinking about it, Zhang Chunyi didn't find a suitable candidate, so he put away the Dao Seed.

As for the Tongue Sword, it is much simpler. It absorbs the golden energy of the world to temper the tongue, making it as sharp as a sword, which is of great help in killing. The basic requirement for refining this Dao Seed is to have a It's not difficult to have a long tongue, for example, the snakes can basically meet this requirement.

"This Dao Seed can be bestowed."

Thinking about it, Zhang Chunyi picked up the Acacia Dao Seed.

This Dao Seed belongs to lust, and its miraculousness is higher than that of foul language and tongue sword. Whether it is the one-line escape method displayed by the red-clothed female ghost or the lovesickness knot life-saving supernatural power, it is very miraculous and cannot be dealt with by ordinary means.

"This magic seed is very compatible with the essence of the ghost mother."

After pondering for a while, Zhang Chunyi had an idea in his mind about how to deal with this Dao Seed.

The ghost mother has the Dao seed and the world of mortals in her body. If she refines the lovesickness Dao seed again, the two will promote each other, and there is a high probability that one plus one will be greater than two.

And at this moment, surrounded by red dust and mist, Heishan walked in from the outside.

"Aren't there any abnormalities for the time being? It seems that the underworld government hasn't confirmed the death of the red-clothed and gossiping woman."

After listening to Montenegro's report, Zhang Chunyi was thoughtful.

To be on the safe side, comparing the memories of the red-clothed woman and the long-tongued woman, Heishan controlled ghosts to investigate the movement of the underworld these days, but nothing unusual happened. Even the bull-headed ghost king still stayed in the reincarnation lake, without any sign of going out. .

In order to prevent being discovered, even if it is covered by red dust and fog, Heishan still does not get too close to the Samsara Lake, but what is certain is that the bull-headed ghost king has not yet summoned other members of the underworld.

For such a result, Zhang Chunyi was a little surprised, but he took it for granted, because in the memory of Hongyi and Gossip, the organization of Jifu was very mysterious, and they even doubted whether this organization really existed, because the members of Jifu they had really contacted There is only one bull head.

And Niutou also manages these peripheral members in a rough manner. Except for occasionally completing a few tasks, Niutou doesn't care what they do, and stays in the Samsara Lake all day long, not knowing what they are doing.

Under such circumstances, even if the red-clothed and long-tongued woman are afraid of dying, the bull head will probably not notice the abnormality in a short time. After all, the red-clothed and long-tongued woman are powerful, and under normal circumstances, even if they are really defeated As for the silent death, not even a single message could come out.

"That's fine, there are six outlying members of the Jifu in this area, among which the red-clothed woman and the gossip-talking woman are considered the strongest, but except for the ear-reporting ghost, the other three are not weak. Bringing them together is also troublesome for us."

Lowering his eyes, Zhang Chunyi speculated about various possibilities.

This era is worthy of being the era of ghosts. Immortal roots and bones, which are rarely seen in the outside world, have a presence here close to double digits, and this is just the gathering of the underworld. If you count those wandering outside, in this area There are definitely more than ten ghosts with fairy bones in the area.

Of course, some of the ghosts here may not have been born with fairy bones, but just refined the Tao seeds the day after tomorrow.

Regarding these ghosts, Zhang Chunyi does have the idea of ​​hunting, but the whereabouts of these ghosts are strange, and the red-clothed and gossiping women who are members of the underworld do not know. The most important thing is that the current priority is the reincarnation lake and the bull-headed ghost king. Others can be temporarily give up.

"When are you going to start?"

Understanding Zhang Chunyi's thoughts, Wumian asked.

Hearing this, Zhang Chunyi raised his brows slightly and looked in the direction of Samsara Lake, a sharp look flashed in Zhang Chunyi's eyes.

"Three days later, when Chi Yan completes the refinement of Cuiyao Pill, we will immediately set off to the Samsara Lake."

With a decision in mind, Zhang Chunyi said.

The power of the underworld is indeed somewhat mysterious, but it is not enough to make Zhang Chunyi shrink back. In addition to the attraction of the Samsara Lake, it is also because the two sides have stood on opposite sides from the beginning. Like Longhu Mountain, the underworld also regards this place as their own. There are almost irreconcilable contradictions between the two, unless one side can completely withdraw from here, but this is impossible.

Hearing this, Wumian nodded, and then disappeared quietly. He also needs to adjust his state. The strength of the bull-headed ghost king is much stronger than that of the red-clothed and long-tongued woman. rival.

Three days later, the yin and yang qi hovered in the valley like a dragon, like a huge millstone. With the help of Zhang Chunyi, and with the help of secret methods to refine the Yao Yao Pill, Chi Yan successfully pushed his cultivation to 12 years and reached the The limit of the Demon King Realm.

Under such circumstances, once he enters the demonized state, his combat power will increase a little bit, and Zhang Chunyi can really fight against the pseudo-immortal, except for a little bit of poor quality.

And once the secret method of flying immortals is used, the essence is elevated, even if the false immortal holds the immortal weapon Zhang Chunyi, he will not be afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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