hey demon

Chapter 399 Growing Up

Chapter 399 Growing Up

On Heming Mountain, the Zongmen broke through the Shihou Ridge and once again cleared a spiritual mountain, and gained a lot. Everyone rejoiced, but the atmosphere on the top of the mountain was a bit dull.

Zhuang Yuan, Bai Zhining, and Zhang Chengfa all stood there silently, while the black bear demon who had just arrived seemed a little restless, and glanced at the figure sitting on the main seat from the corner of his eye from time to time, with a black tiger lying beside him.

The Hidden Bat had appeared in this area before. Although the two didn't really fight each other, they also formed a restraint on each other. Originally, this time Zhuang Yuan tried to kill the Green Lion Demon and wiped out the Lion Roaring Ridge, and let him breathe a sigh of relief, but It didn't expect that Zhang Chunyi, who had been practicing in seclusion in the sect, would suddenly come to the front line at this time. After three years of absence, this human being became even more terrifying.

"The results you have achieved in the past three years are very good."

Putting down the map with various detailed markings in his hand, Zhang Chunyi, who had been silent all the time, spoke.

In the past three years of developing the Southern Wilderness, Longhushan not only harvested a large amount of resources, but also trained a large number of outstanding disciples.

At the beginning of the Southern Wilderness development, Longhushan set up the Qingyun List, which was originally intended to record the achievements of the disciples, but later this list was regarded as a kind of strength certification for each disciple.

For this list, many disciples fought for it. It was very chaotic at first, with some people on the list and others off the list, but then it gradually stabilized, and the top eight were not moved anymore. Pass.

People with good deeds call them the Eight Heroes of Longhu Mountain, each of which has a cultivation level above the six soul locks, among which Zhang Chengfa is the first of the Eight Heroes, and You Qihe is the second, and now he has Gathering the divine fetus, although the remaining six people have a certain gap with them, they are also outstanding for a while.

Hearing Zhang Chunyi's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Although Zhang Chunyi didn't say anything just now, there was an invisible pressure on their hearts. But at this moment, Zhang Chunyi turned his attention to Zhuang Yuan. .

"Do you have any regrets after you calm down?"

Zhang Chunyi's words were very soft, without any waves.

Hearing this, Zhuang Yuan shook his head with lowered eyes, he knew what Zhang Chunyi was talking about.

"Returning to the teacher, although the previous incident was impulsive, the disciple does not regret it."

"My disciple entered the sect at the age of eight, and I am here today because of the protection of my master. Otherwise, I might have died somewhere in a corner. Now that my disciple has achieved something, I should always do something for the sect."

"The green lion monster gathered in Shihou Ridge and howled the group of monsters. It has already threatened the front line of the sect. It is the best way to deal with it as quickly as possible. This can minimize the loss of the sect. For this reason The disciples think it is worth paying some price."

With a low voice, Zhuang Yuan gave his own answer.

In fact, there is no other solution to the Shituoling matter, such as sending a letter back to Longhu Mountain to ask Zhang Chunyi for help, but doing so may interrupt Zhang Chunyi's practice, which is what Zhuang Yuan does not want to see. Because of Bai Zhining's appearance, he chose what he thought was the cleanest solution.

"Teacher, this matter is me..."

Hearing Zhuang Yuan's words, Bai Zhining's hoarse voice sounded, and she wanted to say something, but was stopped by Zhang Chunyi with a wave of her hand. After knowing that Zhuang Yuan had lost 60 years of life in order to kill the green lion demon, she really felt a little nervous. Regret, if she is allowed to face the Blue Lion King, although she can't win quickly, it will be fine if she delays for a while, there is absolutely no need to be so aggressive.

"As long as you don't regret it."

Understanding Zhuang Yuan's attitude, Zhang Chunyi let out a soft sigh. He really didn't expect that his always prudent apprentice would make such a radical choice this time. Some extreme Bai Zhining is also normal, but it is not unacceptable when you think about it carefully, after all, human beings are complex creatures.

Moreover, Zhuang Yuan did not do anything wrong. As a disciple, he shared the teacher's worries. As a senior brother, he sheltered his fellow sect, and quickly resolved the sect's losses to a minimum. The only thing he ignored was himself. Lost 60 years of life.

However, due to Zhang Chunyi's own reasons, there are actually quite a few life-extending spirits in Longhu Mountain. Before taking the two kinds of life-extending and life-extending elixir, Zhuang Yuan has made up for 30 years of life. If you add other kinds, It is absolutely possible to replenish all the lost lifespan.

"Next, suspend the pace of attack and digest the results that have already been obtained."

Looking away, Zhang Chun gave the order without saying anything.

Although he did not agree with Zhuang Yuan's choice this time, he would not blame Zhuang Yuan for it.

Sighing again, he handed a jade box to Zhuang Yuan, and when the breeze blew, Zhang Chunyi's figure disappeared.

"It seems to have really grown up."

Disappearing with the wind, Zhang Chunyi felt an inexplicable loss in his heart.

Among the three disciples, the one who is closest to him is not Zhang Chengfa who is related to him by blood, but Zhuang Yuan. By the side.

Although from the perspective of a cultivator, Zhang Chunyi, who is just in his forties, is still very young, but from the perspective of ordinary people, Zhang Chunyi should have started a family and a career long ago.

After decades of getting along, the two are master and apprentice, fellow Taoists, and father and son. If Zhuang Yuan asks him for help this time, he will not feel that there is anything wrong, and he will not doubt Zhuang Yuan's ability because of this.

After Zhang Chunyi left, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became more lively.

Booming, the earth roaring, and as Black Mountain waved its mountain whip, a spiritual mountain slowly rose from the ground. The reason why Zhang Chunyi came to the front line of the Southern Wilderness this time was because he was very quiet and wanted to move, and the second was to clean up the sect monks. Some of the spiritual mountains brought back to Longhu Mountain, these will become the food for the growth of Montenegro.

And when Longhu Mountain was busy digesting the results of the battle, many monsters gathered inside Shiwanda Mountain, led by Cicada King Valley and Wuba Mountain, launched their first counterattack against humans.

Back then when they invaded the Dali Dynasty, the monsters did suffer heavy losses, even the high-ranking monsters lost several of them, but they were not really powerless to resist.

The reason why the monsters were completely defeated before was because they were actually afraid of Zhao Qianyang, the Taoist patriarch, but after such a long time, Zhao Qianyang never showed up, and coupled with the deliberate guidance of Cicada King Valley, many monsters have already felt strange idea.

Coupled with the pressing of human beings step by step, many monsters who were originally unwilling to interfere were also forced to get involved, including the three high-ranking monsters, which further strengthened the power of the monsters.

Today, the monsters can't bear it anymore. On this night, a bloody disaster star rose from the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, diverted fire from the sky, and aimed directly at the human monks, blowing the horn of counterattacking humans.

(End of this chapter)

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