hey demon

Chapter 286 Nine Vulcan Dragons

Chapter 286 Nine Fire Dragons
Yuehook Island, a large spiritual island, is the residence of the sect of the Wanyue Palace. It is named for its shape like a crescent moon.

Chopping through the waves, smashing the wind and rain, a spirit boat came across the sea.

With real Ziyue fully urging the Moonlight Treasure Ship, it took ten days for the group to finally return to the Moonless Palace.

"Is this the Moonless Palace? The weather is really extraordinary."

Standing on the deck, looking at Yuehook Island in the distance, Zhang Chun's eyes stirred a little.

In addition to the main island of Yuehook Island, the Zongmen resident of the Crescent Moon Palace also has four guard islands. Demonstrates the extraordinary of this place.

It was at this time that the cold air filled the air. A female cultivator with silver hair, light silver eyes and a veil also came out from Yuehook Island, and a centipede with a cold metallic light was stepping on her feet. The monster, judging from the aura it reveals, its cultivation base has reached 3000 years.

At this time, Ziyue's real figure also appeared.

"Yinyue of Lacking Moon Palace has met fellow daoist Zhang and fellow daoist Mu."

"All the things that fellow daoist asked for before have been prepared, please invite two fellow daoists to enter the palace."

The cold eyes swept over, and after seeing Zhang Chunyi and Master Changchun, the silver-haired female cultivator spoke, her voice was cold, without the slightest warmth.

Hearing this, Master Zhang Chunyi and Master Changchun nodded. They had also heard about the temperament of Master Yinyue, so they were not surprised. If the coldness of Master Ziyue was only on the surface, then this The coldness of the position has penetrated deep into the bone marrow, with blood on his hands, and he has a good reputation in the entire South China Sea.

"Ziyue, can they really succeed?"

After arranging Zhang Chunyi and Mu You, looking at the undulating sea, Yinyue Daoist spoke.

Hearing this, Master Ziyue was silent. Although she had seen the miraculous methods of Master Zhang Chunyi and Master Changchun, she was not at all sure that they would be able to refine the sixth grade Taiyin Duerdan.

"How is the master?"

Without a direct answer, Master Ziyue changed the subject.

Hearing this, he glanced at Master Ziyue, and Master Yinyue spoke again.

"Master's consciousness has returned to silence. If he can't be awakened again, even if there is a cold jade bed to delay the master's life, as time goes by, the master's spirit will completely dissipate."

Speaking of this, there was a slight fluctuation in the cold eyes of Master Yinyue.

Hearing this, Master Ziyue spoke again.

"So, we have no other choice but to trust them. There is always a slight chance if we try it once. If we don't try, the master will definitely die."

Hearing this, Master Yinyue fell silent.

Standing side by side, watching the undulating sea, the two remained silent for a long time.

On the other side, Zhang Chunyi and Master Changchun had entered the alchemy place specially built for them by the Lacking Moon Palace.

"Quiet Moon Palace really has extraordinary background. In just a few days, nine fire veins were moved, creating this special place for alchemy."

Walking into the valley, the scorching breath rushed towards his face. Looking at the nine standing fire pillars, Mu You couldn't help but let out a sigh. Each of the fire pillars had a sealed fire vein.

Hearing this, Zhang Chunyi nodded in agreement.

The underground fire veins can give birth to earth fire, and it is the first choice for many forces to make alchemy and weapons. Although it is not so rare, it is not an easy task to find nine in a hurry, let alone restrain them Brought back to the sect, the underground fire veins are notoriously irritable, so it can be seen that there must be people who are good at the way of earth masters in the Wanyue Palace.

"With these nine fire veins, my previous idea may be successful, and my confidence in refining Taiyin Du'er Dan has increased by [-]%."

Feeling the breath of these nine fire veins, Zhang Chunyi spoke.

Hearing this, Master Changchun showed a look of anticipation on his face.

During this period of time, he and Zhang Chunyi not only studied the alchemy formula of Taiyin Duer Dan, but also exchanged ideas on alchemy and cultivation methods. Since both parties were willing to show the real product, both of them benefited a lot.

And he knew that thanks to his enlightenment from the magical power of planting melons to harvest beans, these days Zhang Chunyi has also constructed a magical power that can assist in alchemy, and the key lies in these nine earth fire fire veins.

Time passed, and it was a month in a blink of an eye. Without any cost in Moon Moon Palace, all preparations for alchemy were quietly completed.

In the valley of earth fire, the red furnace hangs high, and the power of the top-grade dharma species, the fire hell, is revealed, which vaguely isolates this valley of fire from the outside world.

"The Lacking Moon Palace seems so urgent, it seems that the situation of the real Mingyue is really not very good."

Receiving the urging of the Moon Palace again, Zhang Chunyi's thoughts kept turning.

There are currently three Yinshen real people sitting in the Moon Palace, namely Ziyue real person, Yinyue real person and Mingyue real person, and Ziyue real person and Yinyue real person are both apprentices of Mingyue real person.

Although Qianyue Palace didn't say it clearly, Zhang Chunyi could also guess that the one who suffered serious damage to the soul in Qianyue Palace was the real Mingyue, so he could also understand the urgency of Qianyue Palace.

Mingyue Daoist is an old middle-ranked Yin god, rumored to be not far from the upper-ranked Yin god, with her around, the Lacking Moon Palace can be as stable as Mount Tai.

"Are you ready?"

On the side, feeling Zhang Chunyi's more active spiritual thoughts, Master Changchun spoke. During this time, Zhang Chunyi was refining nine fire veins to further improve his supernatural powers, while he was processing various elixir to prepare for the official alchemy.

Hearing this, Zhang Chun nodded.

Although he still wanted to procrastinate for a while to further perfect his technique, it was obvious that Moon Moon Palace couldn't wait any longer.

"Although it's still a bit short, it's enough."

As he spoke, Zhang Chun stepped forward one step at a time. In the next instant, the ground fire erupted, and the fiery light shot up into the sky, and the shadow of a real dragon appeared within the nine pillars of fire.

"Alchemy Nine Fire Dragon."

The figure coincided with the red fire furnace, and entered the state of demonization, arousing the power of the middle-rank Dharma-Earth Fire, the top-rank Dharma-Yanling, the top-rank Dharma-Fire Hell, the top-rank Dharma-Yu Jiuyan, Zhang Chunyi urged himself to do this A supernatural power that has been continuously deduced for a period of time.

Roar, the dragon sings to the heavens, causing the wind and clouds to turmoil, and the shadows of nine divine dragons emerge from the pillar of fire. Their scales are ferocious, and they possess divine power. They are connected with the atmosphere of the earth, and they are vaguely no different from real dragons.

"Is this alchemy?"

Standing on Han Centipede's back outside the Valley of Earth Fire, looking at the nine fire dragons soaring in the Valley of Earth Fire, Master Yinyue's expression couldn't be more calm.

She herself is already a Yinshen three-refinement cultivation base, and the monsters she cultivated are not bad, and their combat power is tyrannical, but she has a hunch that once she is trapped by this so-called alchemy technique, she will definitely be burned to ashes, and even escaped. There will be no chance, because it also involves the power of space, that side of the valley of fire is now covered by an invisible hood, and the inside and outside are blocked.

"Nine dragons take off, evolve into a hell of fire, and cover the whole area. This is not alchemy at all, but a real killing move."

Whispering softly, shaking his mind, Master Yinyue expressed his true inner thoughts.

Hearing this, looking at the nine fire dragons flying up and down in the Valley of Earth Fire, constantly spewing flames, Master Ziyue didn't know what to say for a while.

She is only a cultivator of the second level of yin and god, and she is far behind Yinyue in terms of combat power. If Yinyue thinks she is inferior, let alone her.

But she knew that this was indeed alchemy, because Zhang Chunyi had told her about it when he asked for nine fire veins, but she didn't expect that this alchemy would have such power after it was actually completed.

 Did you all rest today?As long as I am still coding, I want to be a little lazy.

(End of this chapter)

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