hey demon

Chapter 266

Chapter 266
In the bamboo garden, looking at the Death God Pill in his hand, Zhang Chunyi remained silent, while Bai Zhining stood silently aside.

"I want this elixir, and this is your compensation."

Putting away the elixir in his hand, Zhang Chunyi took out a jade box from the demon collection bag and handed it to Bai Zhining.

Bai Zhining's pupils suddenly constricted after seeing the baby's fist-sized, golden spirit jade in the jade box.

After forming a divine fetus, she also made a lot of preparations in order to break through the Yin God. Although she has never seen this spiritual object in real life, she will not admit it wrong.

"This is the God Splitting Jade."


The palm holding the Shenshenyu was unconsciously clenched, suddenly raised his head, looked at Zhang Chunyi, Bai Zhining's face was full of astonishment.

She knows her own affairs well. Since she practiced, she seems to have made great strides, but she relied on the sword to go the wrong way, and her own potential has long been exhausted. The reason why she chose to try to break through the Yin God is just because she is unwilling. She knows it very well. The chances of her breaking through are slim to none.

Although the Death God Pill is a gamble, her lifespan is on the verge of exhaustion, and the life extension effect of auspicious energy has no effect on her, so it is nothing to her.

If she gambled, she might still have a glimmer of life. If she didn't gamble, she would definitely die, and she would die of old age, which was unacceptable to her.

But the Death God Pill was exchanged by herself, and she used it after she used it, but the God Splitting Jade bestowed by Zhang Chunyi was different. This is especially true for such a new Yinshen sect.

Even from her own point of view, it would be a waste for her to use the God Splitting Jade. Apart from increasing the chance of breakthrough, the more important function of the Splitting God Jade is to protect the practitioner and give the practitioner a chance to come again , and she has already exhausted her lifespan, and her life is not long, and she has no capital to start over.

"This piece of God Cracking Jade was obtained by my adventure. It was originally intended to be used by the one of you who reached the breakthrough threshold first. Now that you are the first to break through, it will naturally be used by you."

Seeing the struggle in Bai Zhining's eyes clearly, before she could say anything, Zhang Chunyi spoke first.

He obtained this piece of God Cracking Jade from the Fire Crow Secret Realm. From an absolute rational point of view, it is a bit unwise to use it for a person like Bai Zhining who is dying and has exhausted his potential.

It would be a better choice to hand over to Zhuang Yuan or Zhang Chengfa, who are more talented, but Bai Zhining is also his disciple anyway, and he is willing to help if he is able, and he will become a middle-level Yin god. It is not impossible to obtain the God Splitting Jade.

In Bai Zhining's situation, using the Death God Pill to break through will definitely lead to death, while using the Splitting God Jade, there is still a chance of success. Although it is very weak, this chance does exist.

"If you really feel guilty, then strive for a successful breakthrough. This is the greatest reward to me and to the sect."

Seeing Bai Zhining whose expression of struggle had not faded, Zhang Chunyi added again.

Hearing these words, Bai Zhining's heart was touched, and Bai Zhining immediately fell to her knees.

"The disciple thanked the teacher for his great kindness."

"If it succeeds, the disciple will die for the sect. If it fails, the disciple will tie a grass ring to repay the teacher's kindness in the next life."

There was a warm spring flowing in his dead heart, and he knelt on the ground with his head, Bai Zhining covered the tears in his eyes.

Hearing this, seeing Bai Zhining like this, a smile appeared on Zhang Chunyi's face, but deep in his heart he let out a sigh.

A month later, after taking the elixir, adjusting her mentality, and adjusting her state to the best, Bai Zhining began to try to break through, and she had no time to delay.

The large formation is in motion, it is difficult for birds to enter, and the moonlight flows like water, making Feilai Peak look more and more ethereal.

On the top of the mountain, sitting cross-legged on the Suppressing Prison Minghu Stone, Bai Zhining's mind was completely silent.

The God Cracking Jade in the palm of the palm glowed with a faint golden light, absorbing the magic, and the god in his heart turned into a white snake, stained with a layer of light golden brilliance, Bai Zhining began to try to break the god's embryo.

"Break it for me!"

There was a cold light in the amber snake eyes, and Bai Zhining slammed into the barrier of the god's fetus, shaking the mountain for a while, but the strange thing was that the barrier of the god's fetus did not break through, on the contrary, she herself was hurt Backlash.

"Come again."

The brilliance of the God Cracking Jade in the palm of his hand became dimmer, and the golden light on the God of Heart became more brilliant. If the first attempt failed, Bai Zhining immediately launched a second attack.

Kachacha, even more terrifying power burst out. Under the impact of Bai Zhining, cracks like spider webs formed on the barrier of the divine fetus, but even so, the divine fetus was not really broken. Instead, the god in Bai Zhining's heart appeared There are many cracks, there is a feeling of being on the verge of breaking, and the golden light on the body is also dimmed to the extreme.

Flying outside the peak, he noticed such a change. Although he had expected it, Zhang Chunyi still couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. At this point, Bai Zhining's breakthrough could already be declared a failure.

But at this moment, Bai Zhining's spiritual aura, which had already fallen, suddenly rose again.

"I am unwilling, I am unwilling."

The obsession in the heart turned into strength, and a sharp unicorn grew from the head of the snake, absorbing the power of the cracking god jade completely, and wrapping a layer of brilliant brilliance on the broken god in the heart, bringing the inability to die With determination, Bai Zhining once again rushed to the barrier of the divine fetus.

Cracking, the horn is sharp, no matter how difficult it is to stop the already damaged barrier, with this force, Bai Zhining successfully cut through the embryo.

And when the god in her heart jumped out of the god's womb, she was fed back by the god's womb, and her spirit power began to rise steadily, transforming into the yin god.

Sensing such a change, Zhang Chunyi's eyes flashed a hint of surprise.

"Live to death? A normal monk will use the remaining power of the God Splitting Jade to protect himself after the second attempt fails, in order to plan for the future, but Bai Zhining has no future, so she chose to put all her eggs in one basket, even though she would lose everything if she failed. death, but it made no difference to her."

"But that's the first step."

Thoughts turned in his mind, Zhang Chunyi carefully observed the changes of Bai Zhining.

Breaking open the divine womb, cutting away the evil thoughts, when the god in Bai Zhining's heart broke the divine womb and began to transform into a yin god, her aura immediately connected with a certain world.

Like sharks that smelled blood, countless demon heads were ready to move and rushed towards them, but the moment they descended from nothingness, a deep tiger roar sounded, and its divine power was like hell, suppressing all demons.

Ah, there was a shrill scream, and at the moment when the tiger's roar spread, countless demon heads were wiped out. This is the effect of the supernatural magic of the prison-suppressing ghost tiger stone.

After successfully beating off the demons, Bai Zhining's spiritual aura further increased, and she got closer to the Yin God cultivator, but Zhang Chunyi let out a sigh when he noticed this change.

And in the next moment, like a snow mountain collapsing, Bai Zhining's high spiritual aura instantly fell to the bottom.

"I hate, I hate, I must kill you, I must kill you."

External demons can be killed, but inner demons are hard to stop. Even with the Bingxin Stone bestowed by Zhang Chunyi, Bai Zhining's mind is still lost in front of the inner demons.

Hatred entered her heart and turned back on her body. The seemingly powerful spirit instantly shattered, the seven souls were in disarray, and Bai Zhining's breath of life declined to the extreme, and she was about to fly away and die.

"Success is also hated, and failure is also hated. Those who take the edge of the sword will eventually have this calamity."

The figure manifested, and Zhang Chunyi's figure appeared in front of Bai Zhining. For those who are slanting their swords, the most difficult thing is the heart demon tribulation, and Bai Zhining's foundation is weak, and it is already very difficult to break through the divine embryo. The possibility of success is very small if the state is going to overcome the calamity of the mind demon.

"Set it for me."

Sensing Bai Zhining's soul that was about to be in disarray, Zhang Chunyi stretched out his palm, and the faint light flowed between his five fingers. Zhang Chunyi used the technique of penetrating darkness to forcefully stabilize her soul that was about to leave the body and die. However, this was only temporary and could not change Bai Zhining's imminent death. reality.

"It depends on how you choose."

Temporarily stopping the demise of Bai Zhining's soul, Zhang Chunyi drove a message into Bai Zhining's soul while her own consciousness was still clear and her mind was fluctuating.

"Is it unwilling after all?"

Sensing the change in Bai Zhining's spiritual aura, Zhang Chunyi understood her choice.

Phew, the wind blew up, and the figures of Zhang Chunyi and Bai Zhining disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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