hey demon

Chapter 1396

In the gap in the sky, the sky is above and the shadow is below. A dark sun floats and sinks in it. It reaches down to the shadow and invades the sky. It is extremely extraordinary.

Hum, eternal silence, the power of the dark sun keeps eroding the sky, as if it wants to completely integrate itself into the sky, so far, it has achieved something, if given time, it may really be able to replace the sun and replace the sun star.

At that time, the real sun will disappear, replaced by an eternal dark sun, which will shine on Taixuan, engulf all living beings, and let all living beings perish together with it.

Coming from tearing apart the sky, Zhang Chunyi carefully looked at this round of dark sun with the reflection of Fayan.

It was at this time that he saw all kinds of principles in An Sun's body, and they together constituted a peerless fairy chapter. Get the supreme fruit.

Although what Zhang Chunyi saw was only part of it, the Tao and principles in it were incomparably mysterious, already surpassing the category of immortals, pointing directly to immortality, and even going one step further.

"The Uncrowned Heavenly Book, what a Uncrowned Heavenly Book, the Tao of this heavenly book not only points directly to immortality, but even vaguely points to immortality. With one step, it establishes a path, condenses the prototype of its own path and fruit, and achieves detachment with half a step.”

Immersed in the Dao rhyme of the Uncrowned Heavenly Book, the power in Zhang Chunyi's body began to operate spontaneously, and the dark sun radiated from his body, constantly approaching the dark sun.

With the help of this heavenly book, Zhang Chunyi also truly saw the realm of immortality, immortality and beyond immortality.

Human beings use demons to cultivate, in the early stage, they are actually just groping, and only when they reach the real fairyland and complete themselves, can the monks really embark on the road of practice. At this time, the monks begin to understand the world and explore the road.

The three realms of true immortals, earth immortals, and heavenly immortals are all a process of exploration, learning from heaven and earth, but in the heavenly fairyland, monks have comprehended the Dao to a very deep level, and their own dao rhyme is no longer like duckweed in the water. Begin to condense the root of the true avenue.

Once here, the cultivator's own Dao has turned into a tree of the Great Dao, which takes root in the world and grows continuously. When it moves, it connects with the Dao of the heaven and the earth. It needs to bow its head, so it is called the sky.

And when the tree of the avenue learns from the world, uses the heaven and the earth as food, truly grows up, and occupies a whole avenue, the monk has a further qualification. In the past years of the Taixuan Realm, all Taoist masters have become immortals. They united with the original immortals, controlled the Dao, condensed the immortal golden nature, and lived the same life as the heaven and the earth. They are immortal, so they are not powerful.

Era changes, thousands of years pass by, the sea changes, and everything changes. The only things in this world that are truly unchanged are those immortal Taoist masters who are in the sky and look down on the world.

Over the long years in the past, they were all the pinnacles of this world, the supreme ones. It was not until the Taoist ancestor established the way that this pattern changed. From the real immortals, they learned from the heaven and the earth, learned the principles, and through the continuous accumulation of the earth immortals and heavenly immortals , to return to perfection in the realm of immortality, and thus master the Tao, this is the ultimate of the world, and there is no way to advance, and it is precisely because of this that this realm will become the apex of the Taixuan Realm, that is, the last realm.

But after all, it is only the acme of the way of the world, but not the acme of practice. Since there is no way in the world, and we can no longer grope forward, then we should open up a way from scratch.

The original immortal way of Taixuan Realm is actually learning from heaven and earth. It is the process for practitioners to learn Taoism from heaven and earth. Taking heaven and earth as their teacher, they start to condense the Tao seeds from the time of true immortals, to the roots and sprouts of earth immortals, and then to the condensation of Tao roots by heavenly immortals. , to truly grow into a tree of avenues, and the limit of this avenue is to take root in the world, cover it together, fully grasp the power of a avenue of heaven and earth, and become a tree that can cover the sky and block out the sun.

After that, you need to use this Tao tree transformed from the Great Way of Heaven and Earth to bear a Tao fruit of your own. The Tao of heaven and earth has limits, but your own Tao has no limits. Although heaven and earth are magnificent, its existence itself is a miracle. , can give birth to creation, but looking at the endless void, it is just a grain of sand, not all of it. It is very big, but also very small. Its way is just the way of heaven, not the real avenue. The way of heaven has its limits, and the way of the avenue is There is no end. If a monk wants to go further, he needs to break out of the prison of heaven and earth. This step is to establish the Tao and is also the beginning of transcendence.

Zhang Chunyi's mind became more and more addicted to reading Wumiao Tianshu and understanding the secrets of cultivation, unwilling to wake up. There are billions of creatures in the world, and it is possible that the only one who really took the last step is Daozu. There will be one in Xiaodao, and it is really a surprise to meet here.

And looking at Zhang Chunyi like this, in that round of dark masters, a silent consciousness emerged with a hint of agility.

The essence of this dark sun is the remnant body of the demon ancestor. It is a divine fetus conceived on the remnant body of the demon ancestor. Congenitally holy, he is the Lord of the Dark Sun.

Because he was not born, most of the consciousness in the world is in a state of silence. Only when the Dark Sun Sect holds a large-scale sacrificial ceremony, his consciousness will be awakened for a short time, but even so, after Zhang Chunyi tore the sky and found At this gap in the sky, it was awakened for the first time. It was just sleeping, not dead. It would naturally respond when someone found its hometown.

The moment it noticed Zhang Chunyi's arrival, the dark master's first thought was doubt. It naturally attached great importance to the safety of its home lair. After all, it was in a special state and could not be moved easily. Otherwise, all the previous efforts would be in vain. , it itself will also be counterattacked by heaven and earth and suffer heavy losses, so at the beginning it used the great power of darkness to cover up the existence of this place. Coupled with the special nature of this place itself, it is impossible for outsiders to find this place.

It wasn't until it found traces of the dark sun imprint on Zhang Chunyi that it had a vague guess in its heart. The other party somehow took away the imprint of supernatural powers bestowed by it, traced the source, and found its real body. Many things are difficult to explain, but it can only be considered that Zhang Chunyi's means are extraordinary.

The lair was found by outsiders. At this sensitive moment, the dark master's first thought was naturally to kill Zhang Chunyi, but Zhang Chunyi's strength really made him a little worried, unless he used all his strength at all costs, otherwise he was not sure of the suppression Zhang Chunyi, once it does this, its own growth will be greatly affected, and the date of birth will be greatly delayed, which is unacceptable to it.

In the end, it chose to follow the trend, using the supernatural imprint captured by Zhang Chunyi as a lure, and using the supreme inheritance of the Uncrowned Heavenly Book as a bait, to lure Zhang Chunyi to go astray, to perish, and to merge with it.

From its point of view, although Zhang Chunyi is not as good as it is innately sacred, it is definitely a real alien to possess such strength at this stage. Such a Zhang Chunyi is barely qualified to integrate with it and share the Dao.

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