hey demon

Chapter 1154 Trap

Chapter 1154 Trap
Spring goes and autumn comes, a hundred years in a flash.

These 100 years have been turbulent 100 years. All kinds of powerful monsters and ghosts emerge in endlessly. There is a great momentum of you singing and I will take the stage, overwhelming all souls, and the relatively weak human race is even more affected. Their intrinsically pure souls are the tonics that many evil spirits covet.

But I don't know when, a force named Jifu appeared in the Taixuan Realm. It enshrined the Son of Heaven as the ruler of the palace, and governed the ghosts of the ten directions. He was in charge of life and death, suppressed evil spirits, and attracted the souls of the dead.

Whenever a living being dies, these underworld ghost messengers will appear, direct these dead souls into the underworld, determine their whereabouts according to their performance in life, and finally send them into reincarnation, ending the past life, Start a new life.

It is precisely because of the existence of these underworld ghosts that the frequency of ghosts being born has decreased in recent years. After all, many dead souls have been directly introduced into reincarnation, and there is no chance of becoming ghosts at all.

Of course, the underworld was not omnipotent when it was first established. After becoming the Son of Heaven, Heishan really touched the power of the book of the underworld with the help of the supernatural power of life and death, and derived a copy of the Book of Life and Death based on it. volume, but it is impossible to accurately monitor the life and death of all spirits with this supplementary volume. What it can see is only a rough idea. However, the book of life and death cannot make predictions in advance, and the higher the cultivation base, the less information can be reflected in the auxiliary book, and those above the true immortal will not appear at all.

Beihuang, Qiufengyuan, Yancheng, the rustling autumn wind is blowing, and the breath of death is permeating. Because of some kind of magical power, the creatures in the city are dying in pain, and only distorted faces emerge, wanting to melt away in unwillingness and resentment Make a ghost.

But at this time, there were waves in the void, and two hell ghosts came to the yang world from the underworld. One was black and the other was white. Impermanence is somewhat similar, but their aura is very different. They are the emissaries of the underworld. They belong to the Impermanence Hall among the three halls of rewarding good, punishing evil, and impermanence. Punish evil messengers and suppress evil spirits.

"Hee hee, with so many dead souls, it seems that there is no need to worry about this year's indicators. The luck is really good."

Looking at the ferocious dead souls all over the sky, the seductress in black let out a strange smile.

Hearing this, the emissary in white also gave a strange smile, and it was also very happy.

As a member of the underworld, the benefits of the seductive envoys are naturally good. Not only can they get complete cultivation methods and resources, they may even share Yin virtues. Confused by blood nature.

However, there are also a lot of restrictions on the corresponding envoys. Not only do they need to abide by the iron laws of the underworld, but they also need to complete the underworld indicators on time and according to the amount. Some ghost messengers can't accept it. Who wants to fall into the mud again after getting used to this clean life.

It may not be obvious in the yang world, but in the yin world, the underworld is already a big family, and any ghost living in the underworld needs to look at the face of the underworld. When you arrive, you need to pay more attention to it, because it represents the underworld.

"Go ahead!"

With a strange smile, the white-clothed soul seductress threw out the soul-binding chain in his hand, and saw that the soul-binding lotus continued to grow and turned into a big net, covering the dead souls in pieces.

Seeing this, the black-clothed soul seducer did not hesitate any longer, and activated the soul seduction technique. As the sound of soul seduction came out, countless souls looked dazed, and instinctively gathered towards the black-clothed soul seductress.

But at this time, a sudden change occurred, and there was a series of gloomy ghosts rising into the sky, turning into a large formation, trapping the two ghosts in it. Strong enemies can often retreat completely, and the opponent is obviously well prepared.


Realizing something was wrong, the expressions of the two underworld ghost messengers changed slightly, and their pale ghost faces were full of surprise. Hunting the underworld ghost messengers is really very daring.

"The answer is correct, but there is no reward. You have repeatedly opposed my ghost mother's palace. I want to see what your hell is capable of."

The figure was solid, and a series of figures appeared. They were all practitioners of the Ghost Mother Palace, and the leader was a Yang Shen Taoist, or a ghost king.

As he spoke, the yang god directly shot, crushing the two ghosts who were comparable to yin gods with absolute strength, and tore their ghost bodies apart.

In terms of cultivation background, these underworld ghost messengers are actually not inferior to those big disciples, whether it is martial arts, supernatural powers or body protection treasures, but there are still some shortcomings when facing the Yang Shen Taoist. They have no resistance at all.

Ah, the shrill screams sounded, and the two ghost messengers struggled desperately. After feeling the passing of their lives, they decisively urged the reincarnation order to ask for help from the underworld. A life can be saved at a critical moment.

Hum, the brilliance of reincarnation blooms, the illusory six realms of reincarnation take shape, and a big hand protrudes from it, intending to take away the remnant souls of the two ghosts. Although this power seems weak, its essence is extremely high. Yang Shen Taoists were powerless to stop it.

But at this moment, a cold snort sounded, stagnant in the void, and frozen in the six realms of reincarnation.

"Hide your head and show your tail."

The figure manifested, her jade face was full of coldness, and the mother of nine sons and ghosts stretched out a jade hand, trying to break the cycle of reincarnation, using this as a breakthrough point to penetrate yin and yang, and strike across the underworld.

What the hell has done these years has already made her feel dissatisfied. Of course, she has never coveted the hell in her heart. If she can control the hell, her future will definitely be very different.

More than 100 years have passed, and she has completed her own foundation, cultivated the great supernatural powers of the three realms and three heavens, and reached the limit of the world. There are few opponents in this profound world. You can definitely get out of your body.

It is precisely because of this that she still chooses to make a move when she knows that the underworld is not easy. If she loses, she will only suffer some injuries and lose some of her subordinates. The Lord of the Underworld may not necessarily be her opponent.

Kachacha, powerful power burst out, and the illusory six paths of reincarnation began to shatter. This is just a little brilliance projected by the hexagonal reincarnation disk, and its real power is not strong.

But just when reincarnation was about to be completely shattered, a pair of deep purple eyes quietly opened in the depths of the shadows, and time and space froze.

 After that, the time span will be relatively large, officially entering the era of fairy gods
(End of this chapter)

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