Chapter 988

The factory manager took a bite of every dim sum made by Xu Yin, and the more he ate, the brighter his eyes became.

Donut biscuits that can be made into different flavors, milky steamed buns suitable for children, canned oatmeal eight-treasure porridge that can be used as munitions, as well as novel and unique flavors of spiked potatoes, cheese potato chips, and oatmeal crisps.

The gray-brown pupils are shining brightly: If my food factory has these main new products, will it still worry about the poor profitability of this year?Maybe there is still hope to catch up with those few established food companies.

"Ms. Xiao En, I agree to your request!"

After signing the contract, the factory manager also left Xu Yin for a light meal.

During the banquet, there were several main foods of the food factory in the past, which were basically wheat biscuits, oatmeal biscuits, cookies, and buns.The variety is relatively simple, and the taste is not as rich as the later generations.

No wonder the factory director made a decision on the spot after tasting the dim sum she made.

She is blessed by someone who came here.

It's a pity that the scale of this food company is a bit small, and the purchase volume is only about 1500 tons. Even if it is this amount, it is said that the factory manager overcame public opinion and expanded a production line to squeeze out the output.

But the farm in Cook Town, this year's grain output is at least 1800 tons. Her own farm alone has about 500 tons, and supplies food factories with 1500 tons. At least 300 tons are still unavailable.

But Xu Yin does not intend to use this method to try other food companies.

Running around with various food companies with the formula can certainly sell this year's grain, but at the same time it is easy to cause disputes.

She is a foreign student, and her goal of selling food everywhere to make money is too big. She has not forgotten that she is in a book, and she is a cannon fodder who will be caught by the dog if she is not careful.

low key!Low-key is king!
So it's better to cooperate with this company, the other party will make a fortune secretly, and she will sell the food secretly.After a win-win situation, I hope to have the next and next cooperation, and strive to become a long-term supplier of food companies.

If the remaining 300 tons cannot be sold, she will stockpile it herself.

The food factory has its own transportation department with several large covered trucks. In addition to transporting export goods to the docks and airports from time to time, they also regularly transport food to the south.

Xu Yin gave up a little bit on the price, and the food company was also willing to come and pick up the goods.

The two parties negotiate the delivery time.

It is impossible to pull away 1500 tons of grain in one batch, and the food company can't allocate so many trucks. Moreover, the raw material warehouse of the food company can't spare such a large space at once. It takes several trips, but it is guaranteed that it will be delivered before spring. Pull them all away.

Xu Yin estimated that the existing farm warehouses in Cook Town may not be enough. After all, there will be all kinds of fruits ripening soon. In previous years, when the grains matured, they would be taken away by the purchasers soon. The situation in the warehouse.However, you can rent a ranch warehouse.

Sheep wool warehouses are empty until spring.As for the smell... Anyway, wheat and oats are not shelled, so it shouldn't matter if they are temporarily stored for a few days.

Potatoes are thin-skinned and worried about smell, so they are placed in the farm warehouse.

I just don't know if the ranchers in Cook Town will cooperate.

With this concern in mind, Xu Yin didn't stay long in Beidao. She went to the local market for a while, bought some freshly landed seafood, and then returned to Cook Town in a busy way. Call the ranchers for a meeting? Need to ask them to lease a batch of warehouses."

The mayor's expectant eyes suddenly lost their brilliance: "I didn't find a market, did I?"

If you can't find a market, you really need to rent a warehouse, otherwise so much grain will rot in the field?

"So many farms in various places are making noise. According to newspapers, the grain and oil companies in the North Island have been squeezed out by farmers from all over the country. It is normal to find no market."

Xu Yin froze for a moment, and then remembered that she had been thinking about the warehouse all the way, and hadn't told the mayor the good news.

After she finished speaking, the mayor was dumbfounded: "Sean, what did you say? Did you find a market? Is it a food company? The contracts are all signed? Wheat, oats, and potatoes each sold 500 tons?"

"That's right." Xu Yin nodded with a smile, "But because the food company can't vacate enough warehouses for the time being, they have to pick up the goods in several batches, but they must be finished before spring. But I counted the warehouses of each farm. The storage capacity, I’m afraid I can’t pile up so many goods, so I’m thinking, can I find ranchers to rent their warehouses for a short-term... Oh yes! The first batch of goods will be pulled by a convoy tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, with 30 tons of each of the three kinds of grains .”


The mayor was overwhelmed with ecstasy: "Really?"

After receiving Xu Yin's affirmative answer, the big stone in his heart fell to the ground, and he patted Xu Yin's shoulder with a laugh: "You still have the ability, Sean! Leave the warehouse to me, and I will find Hunter, Old William and the others go!"

It's just renting until the beginning of spring. The warehouse of the ranch is empty and empty, so I'm sure I'd like to rent it out.

The mayor's wife came out with a bowl of mutton soup and sliced ​​salmon: "Sean, let Love contact you about the warehouse. You should sit down and have a rest and eat something."

Xu Yin couldn't refuse, so she sat down and ate something, and then went back to her own village.

In the next few days, except for communicating with the transportation team sent by the food company, she let the mayor arrange everything else.

In this way, the mayor is very busy. It is the busy season of the farm, but he is very busy. It is good to be busy, and he should be anxious when he is not busy.

A total of 1500 tons were sold, and the combined crop output of the four farms in the town was about 1800 tons. They should be distributed proportionally, which is fair to everyone and more promising.

None of the several farmers objected.

To be honest, when Sean didn't come back, they didn't have any hope. The good news Sean brought back, like the spring rain that nourished the earth, soothed their depressed hearts.

Not to mention the proportional distribution, even if Sean suggested that the crops of her family's farm should be given priority, and after selling her family's crops, they would consider other ones, they did not object.

"But I'm really scared. I heard that farmers in other areas have changed careers when they have no other way out. I plan to change careers next year."

A farmer came to thank Xu Yin with a basket of blueberries, and chatted about his future plans.

"What do you change careers for?" Xu Yin asked.

An agricultural country, what do you do if you don’t engage in agriculture?
The farmer grinned and showed his big white teeth: "Go to Hawke's Bay to farm mussels! My late grandmother's grandnephew raised green-lipped mussels in Hawke's Bay. He said that the benefits are getting better every year. I was called to cooperate last year. If there is no New Deal, I have no plan to change careers. I have lived in Cook Town for so many years, and I have feelings, but now the farm is in such a downturn, I can’t find another way out!”

Speaking of this, he asked Xu Yin: "Xiao En, although my farm is far away from the town, the soil is fertile. Are you interested in taking over?"

Xu Yin: "..."

She already owns 85 hectares of pastures, 50 hectares of farms, and a lake on the mountain. She has no plans to become a big landowner, so why do she need so much land?

Besides, there is no money to take over.

[Ding——be a farmer who roams all over the world!Don't panic if you have food in your hands, and be happy when herding horses and sheep!If the farm area reaches 100 hectares, random skills will be rewarded; if the pasture area reaches 200 hectares, the small world will be rewarded with a vacation]


(End of this chapter)

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