Subconsciously, he wanted to get a set of normal clothes from the system warehouse and change into himself, so he paused.

This is not the real ancient times, but a virtual world developed by the game company. Will she dig things out of the system warehouse, will the program catch her and find her abnormality?

Furthermore, since it is a game setting, everyone is the same, everyone has sharp eyes.

She closed her eyes, resisted the urge to change out the initial equipment, and decided to find a place to stay first.

Fortunately, I turned around and found a tree hole. The smell was a bit smelly, but the space was quite large.

Xu Yin stooped into the tree hole, picked up a branch, pushed the smelly dead branches out of the hole, and picked up a bunch of clean dead leaves from outside the hole and came back.

By the way, I also picked up a bundle of relatively flexible vines, a few relatively strong branches, and a few wild fruits that were pecked off the ground by birds.

Tonight, I will make do with the night in the tree hole, wait for her to weave herself a body covering, and then make other plans.

"Hush hush huff..."

Just as the dead leaves were laid and the hole was about to be sealed with branches, a strange noise came from the woods.

Xu Yin poked her head out warily and looked out——

Whoa!What a big tiger!

To be precise, it was a Maverick, but unfortunately one wing was injured, and the tip of the wing was shot by a sharp wooden spear, bleeding all the way.

Even though the Maverick that had lost too much blood had already sensed a strange aura in the tree hole it usually inhabits, and it was obviously not of the same kind, it was just that the pain and excessive blood loss made it weak and weak, and it had no time to take care of it.

"Hush hush huff..."

Panting heavily, it dragged its injured wings to the haystack not far from the tree hole and lay down on its stomach. It tilted its head and struggled to lick the wound on the wingtips, trying to pull out the spear, but it couldn't get it right. The wound became more and more bloody.


It hurt so much that it screamed.


Two fluffy Maga cubs rolled out of the grass, competing to hug the injured adult Maga.

The adult pterosaur let out a mournful roar, no longer cared about the injured tiger wing, and lay down on the ground in a position that was convenient for feeding, allowing the two cubs that had not yet grown tiger wings to nest comfortably in its arms, and began to devour them in large mouthfuls.

Xu Yin didn't want to care about it at first.

In this environment, she herself is not sure how long she can survive.

But seeing two lactating cubs, she hesitated.

Unable to bear to watch the two little ones lose their mother before they were weaned, Xu Yin took a wooden stick and drilled out of the tree hole, and searched the surrounding area by tapping.

She really discovered the Godly Hemostatic Herb—Sanqi.

She spat a few mouthfuls into the palm of her hand, and while rubbing the Sanqi leaf, she walked to Yihu.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to help you."

She paid attention to the expression of the mother winged tiger, and once she showed a dangerous expression, she quickly climbed the tree.

Fortunately, apart from sadness and pain, there is no third emotion in its eyes.

Maybe it's because she didn't perceive any malice from her body, or maybe the body that lost too much blood has reached the end of its strength.

Xu Yin was well prepared, without being muddled, she pulled out the spear that pierced the wingtips neatly, and divided the rotten notoginseng leaves into two, covered the wound with one ball, and tentatively handed the other to the mother's wing Tiger's mouth, beckoning it to swallow.

Panax notoginseng can dissipate blood stasis to stop bleeding, reduce swelling and relieve pain. Eating it raw is better than applying it externally.If there is no Panax notoginseng powder, fresh Panax notoginseng leaves will do just fine.

Even though Yihu was so injured that he was weak and weak, he still looked at her with disdain.

Fortunately, it seemed to notice that after the human touched the tip of its wing a few times, the pain eased and the bleeding stopped.

Just when Xu Yin thought it wouldn't eat, she opened her tiger's mouth and licked the tip of her tongue, pulling the rotten notoginseng leaves in her hand into her mouth.

Seeing it eat, Xu Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

He rubbed the fingertips that were poked by the barbs on the tongue. Fortunately, he used the tip of his tongue. The thorns were short and few, but they didn't pierce the skin of his hands.

After a busy trip, the woods became darker than before, and Xu Yin suspected that it was already evening.

She retreated to the tree hole, sealed the hole with branches and thorns, and planned to dress herself in clothes with a higher concealment rate, how long could she hide?Always find a way to stock up on food and drink.

She clearly holds tens of thousands of supplies in her hand, but she dare not move rashly.

Guarding Jinshan to starve to death, is she the one talking about?
While making complaints, Xu Yin used twigs as needles and vines as threads to weave a very fashionable (super hot-eyed) hollowed-out shirt with holes in the world.

But it's much better than the combination of hip skin + two leaf chest stickers, at least after putting it on, it won't be so embarrassing.

The vines were sticking to the skin, and it was a little itchy, but it didn't matter that much, as long as it could cover the body.

A narrow piece of animal skin was not thrown away, it was tied around the waist as a small underwear.

She also has to weave a pair of straw sandals before dark, so that she will have enough time to go out after dawn.

Outside the tree hole, the two cubs had already tucked into their mother's arms and fell asleep after eating and drinking.

The mother pterosaur raised her head slightly, swiped her tail back and forth a few times, glanced towards the tree hole, and then lay down again.

For the sake of this human being saving it, let her have the tiger's lair.

In the early morning of the next day, Xu Yin was awakened by a low roar of a tiger.

She pushed aside the branches at the entrance of the cave and looked outside. The Maverick was licking the two cubs with its head down, and its spirit was much better than last night.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but the roar of the tiger just now seemed to be urging her to get up.



She was indeed hungry too.

Before going to bed last night, I only ate two wild fruits to satisfy my hunger.

By the way, the wild fruits she picked up looked like the wampee fruits she had eaten before, but they tasted like apricots.

Can't help rubbing his chin and cursing: everything in this game, could it be that the archaeologists of the interstellar age, according to the ancient books and documents left by the ancient blue star, refer to the animals and plants inside, and put them into this game according to the gourds? right?

If so, it would be cheaper for her.

Among other things, in those small worlds in the past, she has studied botany, studied Chinese herbal medicine, grown vegetables, grains, flowers and spices, and her understanding of the vegetation of the ancient blue star is no less than that of an archaeological expert in this era .

Thinking of this, she became more energetic, and put the remaining two apricot-flavored wampee fruits into her pocket——

That's right, she also sewed two large pockets to her empty clothes, which are convenient for storing things.

Then, I put on the straw sandals that fit my feet, and with a stick in my hand, I went out of the tree hole.

First, I went to check on Maverick's wound. The panax notoginseng applied on the wound had long since dried up. She went to pick up a large handful and came back. It was the same as yesterday. After crushing, it was divided into two balls, one ball was applied to the wound, and the other ball was fed. it eats.

This time, it didn't have any hesitation or pause, just as Xu Yin's hand was stretched out, it stretched out its tongue and rolled the notoginseng leaf into its mouth.

Xu Yin smiled.

The two cubs were very courageous. When she approached the mother tiger, they poked out their furry heads, sniffed her ankles, then raised their heads, opened their wet eyes, and looked at her curiously.

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