Chapter 387 70s Stirring House Spirit (18)

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, Xu Yin took a deep breath:

"Father, mother, I'll say it again, keep something good at home and don't talk about it! I can't control my mouth, I won't buy anything for you in the future, let's go back to the old days of eating bran and swallowing vegetables!"

Hearing that the braised pork and burning knives and filters were going to stay away from him, Xu Laosan hurriedly expressed his opinion:
"I must keep my mouth shut! Really! Why don't you just keep your mouth shut? It's not easy? Girl, don't worry, your father and I will only open your mouth if you want it to open your mouth. If you don't want it to open your mouth, use a saw to saw it Don't let go!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Chen Huilan also patted her chest and assured, "We will never tell anyone about it in the future. There are delicious foods, and we can eat them secretly at home. But girl, you promised me that you can't just wear the new clothes at home secretly, right?"

This is too embarrassing for her, new clothes can't be worn out, what's the difference with old clothes?People don't know that she has new clothes.

"..." Xu Yin rested her forehead and sighed, "You can still wear new clothes, but you have to wait until after the autumn harvest, when you get work points to make them for you! This way everyone will know that they are earned by work points, and whoever wants to be jealous, you can do it." Go back and let them earn full wages!"

"That's right! It's a reason!"

As soon as she heard that the new clothes were not lost, Chen Huilan regained her energy in an instant, and she could do whatever the girl said.

The villagers didn't see Xu and his wife come out to brag about the mountains after dinner for several days, and they couldn't help wondering:

"What has the third child been doing lately? He hides at home when he doesn't go to work. When did he like staying at home so much?"

"Isn't the third daughter-in-law the same? These two couples have been very mysterious recently. When I ask them, they don't say what they are doing. It's strange! It's so strange!"

"Didn't you see that the third brother has been working so hard recently, and the former one actually took the initiative to find the captain and asked him to assign him a job of digging the ground."

"Really? Did the third child really take the initiative to hoe the ground? Didn't he pull weeds with his wife?"

"I was right next to the captain at the time, and I heard it clearly. No, I was assigned to his second daughter's group yesterday. Anyway, I can't finish the job, and his second daughter is responsible for it. The father and daughter earn 20 work points a day. I'm so envious! "

"The third daughter-in-law also gets 7 work points every day during this period, and she is considered a diligent woman."

"What did the family of three eat? Suddenly they changed sex?"

What else can I eat?

Every now and then it's either fish or meat!
Since catching her parents to go to the farm to earn work points, Xu Yin has credited about twenty energy points every day. She is happy and generous. Sometimes she catches a fish, scoops a bowl of shrimp, and sometimes goes to the city to find the aunt who shared her meat tickets last time and ask her for help. Get some meat tickets, not a catty, half a catty, or two taels are fine, and occasionally stew a meat dish for the couple as a tooth sacrifice.

No, Xu's family is eating meat again today.

But this time it wasn't Xu Yin who bought it, but Xu Santi.

Xu Sang finished the matchbox, and asked her man to deliver it to the match factory this morning, and got back a dollar. She tried to exchange it with someone for a half-jin meat ticket, cut off a small piece of buttocks, and brought it back. natal family.

She came here specially to take advantage of the good weather, thinking that she would definitely help the house with cleaning.

The dirty clothes and bed sheets that parents changed must have piled up in several pots.

Also, the private land at home needs to be weeded, fertilized, and summer vegetables are planted, so I specially wear old clothes that are fully patched.

Stepping into the yard, Xu Sang was a little confused: Is this her natal home?Are you right?

He didn't dare to get off the ground with his hind feet.

He took two steps back with the meat in his hand, and confirmed that the gate and wall of the courtyard belonged to his mother's family, that's right!

"Sangsang is going back to her mother's house? I haven't been here for a while, what are you busy with?"

The old lady next door leaned over the wall to greet her.

Xu Sang was even more sure that he did not go wrong.

This is my mother's house!

But what changed?
After entering the door, she noticed the difference from before:
The yard was swept clean, and the laundry was hung on the drying rack built of bamboo poles;
The vegetable field along the courtyard wall is surrounded by stones. The green onions, garlic and peppers are growing very well, and two azaleas, which are in flowering period, are transplanted in the corner, which are bright red.

There are no messy piles of dirty clothes in the room, the chairs are arranged neatly against the wall, and the table on the ground is clean.

In the past, every time I came here, I could clean the wall surface with cobwebs, and now it is clean and refreshing.

Looking at the kitchen, the stove was polished brightly, the cupboards showed the color of logs, and the dishes and chopsticks were washed and placed in the bowl trough and chopstick cage.

Even the rice jars, water jars, and pickle jars in the corner are spotless.

Xu Sang couldn't believe his eyes.

When did Mom and Dad become so diligent?


At this time, Xu Yin finished her morning work as usual, and came back early to make lunch. She was not surprised to see Xu Sang.

Seeing the meat she brought up, I guessed it: "Have you handed over the matchbox?"

"Handed in!" Speaking of this, the smile on Xu Sang's face became brighter, "Your brother-in-law came back and said that the eldest sister who checked and accepted was very satisfied with my pasted matchboxes, and this time she gave me [-] matchboxes just like before. "

Xu Yin felt relieved: "That's good! From now on, this job will be yours. But you'd better not tell the outside world, brother-in-law should go and come back quietly when he goes to the city."

"I know! It's up to you to say that. We hope that no one will know that I am pasting matchboxes, otherwise people who come to inquire about it will not be able to be driven away."

The two sisters talked and started making lunch.

In addition to a small piece of meat, Xu Sang also brought some other things, including the wild vegetables she dug early in the morning, and the dried bamboo shoots that Grandma Zhou dried herself.

"Didn't you bring a bag of chicken cakes last time? I gave it to Grandpa Yongjun, and they knew you bought it, so they insisted that I bring a bag of dried bamboo shoots and vegetables. When it's hot, you can drink soup to quench your thirst and eat."

Xu Yin saw that the dried bamboo shoots and vegetables were well dried, so she said, "Then let's eat steamed and stewed pork today! Give parents a change of taste."

It is mainly half a catty of meat, and the stewed braised pork is too small for one person.It's better to cut it thinner and steam the meat.

It was only then that Xu Sang realized that the second sister did most of the housework, but it was their parents who washed their own clothes.This is also a big improvement.

Before putting it aside, I didn't even dare to think about it.

And now father and mother go to work every day to earn work points, father earns 10 work points for several days, and mother also earns 7 work points every day.

Xu Sang was pleasantly surprised by this.

When she went back to her natal home last month, her parents were still lazy in bed all day, even if they had to go to work, they would sneak back to sleep within half a day. How did the second sister persuade them to work full-time?

And the third and third Xu didn't know until they came back from work that the second girl handed over the work of the matchbox to the eldest girl.

"Sangsang, how is Yinyin treating you? I will miss your second sister more in the future." Youngest Xu took a sip of his wine contentedly, ate a peanut that his second daughter fried for him, and said, " Hurry up and meet a suitable partner, ask him if he wants to marry, and introduce him to your second sister."

Xu Sang's eyes widened in surprise: "What? The second sister wants to recruit a son-in-law?"

"What are you making such a fuss about! Your second sister nodded on her own."

Xu Yin nodded following her father's words: "That's right, big sister, but I have to choose the partner by myself. I don't have high requirements, as long as I have a good eye, but I don't want crooked melons and jujubes, delicious and lazy ones."

Mr. Xu and his wife: "..."

Feeling projected.

(End of this chapter)

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