Chapter 32
There is a special connection between Li Shiming and Geng Jinzhen, which allows him to control the direction of Geng Jinzhen.

However, since he activated the Gengjin Jue for the first time, he borrowed the meaning of the bullet, which made the straight line speed of the Gengjin Needle too fast. When he wanted to control it, the Gengjin Needle had already gone deep into the ground and lost its forward momentum.

He was surprised to find that this time the spiritual power consumed in his body was only one-tenth, far less than when he used the 'Spring Wind Transforming Rain Art'.

You must know that he who is on the second level of Qi Refining uses up one-third of his total spiritual power once he casts the 'Spring Wind Transforming Rain Jue'.

Li Shiming was puzzled, since they were all the lowest-level spells, why did the "Spring Wind Transforming Rain Jue" use up one-third of his spiritual power, while the "Gengjin Jue" only used one-tenth of his spiritual power?

Although he has several guesses, he doesn't know which one is accurate. This is the disadvantage of not having a teacher.

Li Shiming is ready to make persistent efforts, and the spiritual power in his body is still enough to learn the next spell 'Earth Spirit Jue'.

The function of 'Earth Spirit Jue' is to adjust the aura in the spiritual field. In his opinion, this spell is the most useless.

However, the 'Earth Spirit Jue' is a basic spell that normal spirit planters must learn. If you want to plant a spiritual field, you must re-use the 'Earth Spirit Art' to adjust the aura in the spiritual field after each planting, so that it is convenient for the next time. Normal planting.

It didn't take long to learn the 'Earth Spirit Art'. Using the aerial video of the earth, he realized the meaning needed by the 'Earth Spirit Art'.

It's just that when he used the 'Earth Spirit Jue', he used up one-third of his spiritual power at once, which was the same as when he used the 'Spring Wind Transforming Rain Jue'.

Fortunately, he didn't need to use the 'Earth Spirit Art' for a short time after he learned it, otherwise he would have another big energy drain.

When he came out of the study, his aura was a little different. He was different from before he entered the study.

From this moment, he had the attack spells of a monk, and he really had the means of self-protection that he could usually use.

The 'Gengjin Jue' is not like a talisman. He can use his spiritual power ten times, and he can continue to use it after recovering his spiritual power ten times.

When Si Qin saw the smile on the young master's face, her mood improved a lot.

"Siqin, prepare a gift and ask Mo Yan to prepare a car. I'm going to visit my father's friends!" Li Shiming waved his hand and instructed.

Presumably after the assassination last night, the news of his coming to Zhongdu has already spread.

Regardless of whether his father's friends were reliable or not, he would visit them in order not to be rude.

When Si Qin was ordered to leave, his fingers drew complex spiritual power runes in the void, and then a Gengjin needle that was difficult to see with the naked eye appeared.

With the basis of the first performance, he manipulated the Gengjin Needle to shuttle through the air.

The control range of the 'Gengjin Jue' is not large, about five meters around the body, which is also the maximum sensing range of his Gengjin needle.

But this does not mean that the attack distance of the 'Gengjin Jue' is only five meters, but that the Gengjin needle can only fly in a straight line after five meters away.

The straight-line attack distance of the 'Gengjin Jue' can reach up to 30 meters.

As for the lethality of the 'Gengjin Jue', he has also tried it, no matter it is a tree or a rock, it can easily penetrate through it.

The small Seventh Golden Needle is as indestructible as a magic weapon, but it is a pity that the Seventh Golden Needle itself is too small, and it is difficult to cause serious damage to the monk if it does not hit the vital point.

The reason why it is said to be a monk here is because the "Gengjin Jue" is a spell, and the Gengjin Needle contains the spiritual power of a monk.

The Geng Jin Needle contains very little spiritual power, so it has limited influence on monks, but it is fatal to ordinary people.

When Li Shiming got into the carriage, he activated the Breath Containment Technique to hide the aura vortex. At this time, [-]% of the spiritual power remained in the aura vortex.

As a junior, it doesn't take long for him to visit these elders. It doesn't matter if he gives gifts, or even sees the elders in person, as long as he does his best.

Coming out of the last house, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Each of these friends of Li Wenyuan is an official in the central capital, from the fifth rank to the second rank.

The one who just walked out of this house was a second-rank senior member, and he didn't even meet him face-to-face, so he just gave him a gift.

Regarding this point, he didn't care at all, he had no interest in official career.

"Mo Yan, detour to the road of Wangfu Street!" Li Shiming ordered Mo Yan in a deep voice.

"Yes, young master!" Mo Yan responded aloud.

This time Li Shiming only brought the ink inkstone. Although it was the first time for the ink inkstone to come to Zhongdu, he did enough homework and did not go anywhere wrong in the carriage.

Mo Yan also knew that Wangfu Avenue was not on the way, but detoured a long way, but he would not object if the young master ordered him.

The carriage entered Wangfu Street, and Li Shiming opened the window to observe Wangfu Street.

Wangfu Street, you can tell who lives in this street just by listening to the name, and this is where the various palaces are located.

Although this street is extremely wide, it is not lively. There are no shops on both sides of the street, and all are mansions separated by high red walls.

"Prince Shun's Mansion!" When he saw a plaque, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly, with a trace of killing intent.

For him, his second uncle Li Wenfeng is the long history of Prince Shun's residence, so everything he does must have the will of Prince Shun.

Prince Shun's power is overwhelming, but he can't scare Li Shiming, a monk.

He came here this time to check Prince Shun's mansion and prepare for the next action.

"Master, someone is blocking the way!" He felt the carriage stop suddenly and heard Mo Yan's report.

Li Shiming couldn't help being taken aback. Although he was observing Prince Shun's mansion, with his five senses, he didn't perceive anyone in front of the carriage.

He opened the door of the carriage and saw the man standing in front of the carriage. The man was wearing a blue Taoist robe and looked about 50 or [-] years old, with a storage bag on his waist.

After seeing Li Shiming's appearance, the man showed a strange look on his face, and he fell on the shaft of the car with a wave of inkstone.

"Ink inkstone!" Li Shiming exclaimed in shock.

Although Mo Yan is a servant, he is also one of the few people he came into contact with the most in this world.

"Don't worry, little friend, he just fell asleep!" The man said with a light smile.

"I don't know why the boy who restrained me?" Li Shiming asked calmly.

He knew that the opposite was a monk, but as far as he knew, Daxia was within the scope of Tianhaizong, and Tianhaizong prohibited monks from doing things in Daxia.

Here is the central capital, and the imperial city is not far away. How could there be monks blocking the way?

"I'm Gu Jia, the resident monk of Tianhaizong. I need to check your identity!" Gu Jia revealed his identity.

His eyes swept across Li Shiming's whole body, making Li Shiming feel as if he was not wearing any clothes. The runes condensed in his body by the breath restraint technique spread away, and Li Shiming's spiritual power fluctuations on the second level of Qi Refining were revealed.

His inspection method is extremely domineering, no matter whether Li Shiming agrees or not, Li Shiming's details are completely exposed in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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